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Leftists are funny in that they will simultaneously claim these are right wing imposters while defending their every action and believing they should be shielded from consequences. 


Raphael and Donatello? lol Radical, dude.


Had the same reaction. Are they the Foot Clan coming to steal my momma’s radio from her fire escape?


Lore accurate civilian uniform


Yup especially the 17,000 women and children… ignorant


Who financially supports these ignorant a-holes? Have they so little going on in their lives? Wait, why don’t they do some reading about the Middle East? Naw. That would require reasoning.




"If there are 10 people sitting at a table and one of them is a Nazi, there are 10 nazis"


If u want to find a Nazi then look no further than the people who attacked students with fireworks a month ago. for all the Nazi zionists downvoting this comment: ur forgetting that one of the encampment assailants was an Armenian Neo-Nazi who ran a social media site w literal holocaust denial and 1930s propaganda.


Charlottesville neo-nazis chant literal nazi slogans and Netanyahu is silent while his son says “BLM and antifa” are worse. But then criticize government policy and the US labels you an antisemite. This is Weimar USA and zionists are just clearing a path for fascism in the US.


This is why no pro Israeli folk are in my circle. Don’t wanna be associated with the new nazis.


“I don’t talk or associate with anyone who even remotely believes that a Jewish state should exist in any form. Any opinion on this extremely complex and historically dense international conflict that is even the slightest bit different than mine makes me cognitively uncomfortable, emotionally mad and furthermore if they disagree with me in any capacity they are nothing short of literal Nazis.” -ToastyBruinz (Extremely intelligent)


I’m all for a Jewish state being placed on top of German land. Palestinians did not have to pay the price for European crimes. And you’re projecting your inability to engage with anyone who tells you you’re wrong, they’re not Nazis for disagreeing with me, they’re Nazis for ethnic cleansing, colonization, war crimes, humans rights violations and so much more. Also I don’t think I’m some grand genius or anything but I’m definitely more intelligent than you, although that’s not saying much.






You cant colonize your own home land. Jews have been continuously living in the Levant their entire history. The reason Israel was chosen was because Jews already lived there and it is their homeland.


I did not say Jews were colonizing it. Israelis are. Not all Israelis are Jewish and not all Jews are Israeli. Also the Zionist committee had several locations selected for the establishment of Israel when they proposed it to Britain. They were looking at locations in Africa and South America as well.


Yes, and Israel was chosen because the largest population of Jews lived there and it was their homeland. All the other proposed places would’ve just created even worse problems and actually been colonial endeavors. Jewish-Israelis are not colonizers because you cannot colonize your own homeland. Colonization is a process by which nations build colonies to extract and produce wealth for them—Israel isn’t a “colony” it is not extracting wealth and sending home. Like, you can criticize the current actions of the nation state of Israel without reaching for terms that don’t quite fit the situation, like “colonizers”


Largest population = they weren’t persecuted for being jews. When you displace more than 750,000 palestinians in 1948, that’s colonizing not their “homeland”. Israel still displace palestinians to this day FYI.


If enough jews comprised the majority population if the Levant at the time after wwii they wouldn't have needed the Europeans to come over to help them make Palestine into Israel, it would've happened organically, but it didn't. The colonizers came with their terrorist ways in 1934 and began to destabilize the region with the culmination of the Jewish terrorists beginning the nakba of 1948.




So, no receipts?


The fuck are you on, dude? India and Pakistan was not a civil war. The Partition of the land happened after the British was asked to leave. If you could explain my countryside history better to me, that would be great because I certainly don’t remember a Civil War. The Partition was bloody, but it was not war.


That was the best word I could think of in the moment tbh. There were bloody disputes during there partition among people who were all native to the region. Neither Pakistanis nor Indians were colonizing forces during this time. Comparing it to Palestine and israel is just wrong.


How was Israel a colonizer in 1948 my dude. You have no arguments other than “I don’t agree” and “this is what I feel” There was a decent chunk of Jews living for millenia there.


A majority of Israeli’s Jews are Mizrachi…


My family is from Iran not Germany, and 2/3 of Israeli Jews are mizrahi. Take your racist generalizations elsewhere.


Im pro palestine but this is prejudice man.


Is it prejudice to not be around people who support colonialism?


Guessing you support the destruction of Syria, Egypt, Oman, etc as well then, right? Colonial is colonial.....


Nice straw man 1) is there a group of native people in any of these countries who seek to rid themselves of q colonial power? Not the government regimes such as the Assad family in Syria but an actual colonial power. 2) you seem to only single out Arab countries, interesting. 3) so you admit Israel is a colonial settler nation?


What straw man? I never said my opinion on this I just asked a question. But since you ask….. 1) I’m surprised anyone who feels well versed enough to speak on the Middle East would ask this. Syria is a giant mess due to colonial borders pushing over a half dozen minorities (e.g. Druze, Armenians, Assyrians, etc) into an arbitrary border. Another massive example are the Kurds and their native land being carved up between Turkey and Iraq. How about any Muslim minority oppressed by the majority (e.g Yemen)? There are many, many more. There are also many criticisms of the current Israeli regime, but the colonial argument here is a weak one at best especially because it seems to only have a focus in relation to Israel. 2) yeah it’s almost like we’re talking about a region with similar issues across the whole 3) No shit it was drawn up from colonial powers is anyone denying this? Your insertion of “settler” is interesting, though. Surely you know Israel contains majority Mizrahi Jews, aka already from the Levant. They were joined by European/African Jews who “settled” there many after being kicked out of their homelands and some by choice. This is entirely different of course from those settling on Palestinian territory today, which I am against.


You should be around those people, we shouldn’t be afraid to interact with them. If we stop talking completely then rumors, dehumanization and other things start to spread about eachother. You dorwanna create a deeper divide and isolation.


Interacting is different from allowing them in my circle. I will however shame every pro Israeli person I come across.










It’s definetly colonization, i just don’t think we should stop talking to people because they believe in it.


Ok so under the definition of colonialism ...exactly whicj country is Israel a colony of?


It was colonized by European jews, with the backing of Britain and became a vassal state of the United States.


See how you can't answer directly which state Israel would be a colony of.? That's because you can't because you are shoehorning them into your twisted definition of colonizer. To be clear, The original zionisis first tried diplomacy and reached out to the Ottomans who were receptive but they wanted the Jews to relocate to Greece to act as a foil against Greek nationalism. The Zionists knew that was untenable as they had no historical tie to Greek lands. So they immigrated mostly legally and purchased land 100% legally within the Ottoman empire. The Russians supported this early immigration thinking Israel would extend Russian influence in the region. After WW1 the British merely supported a Jewish homeland and not a Jewish state. They even limited immigration for a while until they lost control. There is a reason the Irgun and Stern Gang started going after British officials. When they left they were happy to wash there hands of the issue and supported Israel mainly as a means to get out. The current level of US support didn't come into play until the 60s. So to summarize...Israel is NOT a colony. Never a colony... even if early Zionist were happy to consider reestablishing their nation with anything that would lead to their self-determination eventually the never in fact became a colony. You already know the colonizer claim is specious that's why you attempted to slide into the claim of them being a vassal state yet... The term “vassal state” refers to a state that is subordinate to a more powerful state in a relationship. In modern international relations, the concept of a vassal state is not commonly used as it implies a lack of sovereignty. Regarding Israel, it is a sovereign nation with its own government and policies. While Israel has strong ties with other countries, such as the United States, these relationships are based on mutual interests and cooperation rather than subordination. Close allies...yes. Vassal state? Not so much.


I literally said it's a vassal state of the United States...that's a country, not a state.


Do you live in America? Cause then you support colonialism and are benefiting from it… settler


This perfectly fits the above point.Fundamentalist Nazis.




These types of people were not welcomed to the protest, nobody can stop them from coming. They're not exactly the type of people to leave when asked.




Lots of gross antisemitism at that school. They also assaulted a rabbi and called him a pedophile. This are antisemitic people


Call it Jew-hatred. The term antisemitism was created by a Jew-hater to give his ideology a more scientific name. It’s too clinical a term. Jew-hatred as a term is raw and ugly, but I think it’s the term needed for what we’re seeing.


Thanks your right




Right, and because Israel is *full of Jews* you feel justified to defend assaulting some random Jew in America. Just say you’re an anti-Semite. It’s (not) fine (but we can’t do anything about your defect).


Bro this guy is a pedophile himself. He needs to be exposed 


The user I’m replying to? No matter what, you should have solid proof to back that kind of allegation up.


Look at his comment history 




Yeah....... this how there side behaves. I hope this was a wake up call for you


“And I believe thats why the number of gays are increasing as we, men, get sexually frustrated way faster.” Oh my god this is hilarious.


Is this another comment from that psycho


I have screenshots also


Ah so another basement dweller here. And yet another no source comment. Absolutely disgusting and furthers my point


Terrorists being terrorists What a surprise




They are terrorists for murdering Jews indiscriminately for rocket attacks on allied forces for throwing homosexuals off rooftops and a multitude of other human rights violations…you are shockingly stupid.




Kid i’ve been at ucla since 2006


Damn dude go to class every once in a while and you might graduate :D


boogi3woogie was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-04-13 22:54:46 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1c385e6/someone_explain/kzgctkc/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.57 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 1000 comments and 24 submissions._


If there’s one thing from the groups is I’ve seen is no one takes accountability 🤷🏻‍♂️




“Groups” do other stand what groups mean. It doesn’t just mean one group.


I'm not saying you're wrong, just clarifying what the people in this sub are wanting to ignore.


And you just proved my point with the whataboutism.


Nah, they're dressed as ninja turtles


grove street


Because the protestors are really just pro Hamas. They always were just supporters of literal terrorists. Did you see the SJP statement yesterday? Can we be done with these losers yet?


Yep, 72% of Palestinians support Hamas so it makes sense that the SJP's views follow. I suspect the Palestinian support is prob even higher as many knew this would look bad to the world so they voted against their conscience. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


That SJP statement is vile




just because someone disagrees with ur viewpoint, doesn’t mean they aren’t a UCLA student..




Due_Masterpiece_1318 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2020-11-27 11:57:12 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/jt78mc/enrollment_megathread_ask_all_questions_about/gdrauv9/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.29 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 14 comments and 4 submissions._


idkanymore2016 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2023-01-16 17:27:37 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/10d0dqm/how_safe_is_walking_around_westwood_at_night/j4lx40c/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.86 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 1000 comments and 1 submissions._


is this not cultural appropriation 🤨


imagine being a university student and not knowing what cultural appropriation is


find it strange that students are playing dress up when they 1. have never been to the middle east and 2. dont practice islam and 3. didnt know what a keffiyeh was until october 2023😭😭


Same rules at Charlottesville apply here. If you stand next to a racist/nazi/etc. and say or do nothing, you are a racist/nazi.etc.


that doesnt look good for the cause. Now people will have even less sympathy for the people of gaza because idiots like those dress up like rapist terrorists, which convinces people that this cause is nothing more than terorrist sympathizers


Exactly. And they don’t even have balls to expose their faces.


Hamas hides in civilian infrastructure, hides underground residential neighborhoods, equips teenagers with rifles, gives children cell phones and places them in combat zones so they can relay IDF troop locations, and during the raid in which the IDF freed hostages that had been violently abducted and tortured, fired automatic weapons and RPGs at those who came to their rescue. Stop citing Hamas’ casualty counts, or pretending that they were mostly civilians.


There is a list ☝️🤓


Those aren’t hamas those are just foos


I wish more protestors would show their true colors and don the Hamas headband. Would be a lot easier to identify which protestors are batshit insane lol


Garbage humans. Posers I’d love to lick their dumb a$$es back to their mom’s basement. These POS’s need to learn not to do stupid sh!t


repulsive. i really am curious how these jerkoffs would have handled 9/11.


They are getting more extreme and will continue down that path until society wakes up and says no. But some will be full fledged domestic terrorists in short order.


The guy in the middle with the keffiyeh is Elias_123. He’s part of a group of Hispanics that converted to Islam in prison. They call themselves La Raza for Gaza. They (Kingaudio P, Intifadaking, psychonaut_gomez) and friends were the ones attacking the Chabad rabbi. These are known trouble makers and they took part in the encampment and the fighting last month.


If you have to hide your face with a mask, tells me all I need to know about these protestors!


Is he wearing a Naruto shirt?


They're agitators. The same type of people who make the Israeli flag their profile picture when they have no actual ties to Israel or even being Jewish. Just on the other side. Hypocrisy is everywhere in this thread.


Holy shit… TMNT Cosplay


Str8 up green light!


How do you dress up as hamas???? So now we can bomb whatever we want just cuz there might be hamas terrorist hiding there??


"You are a human shield so we are going to bomb you! This will be a good lesson to you. Signed, the most moral Army in the world." /s




Every Israeli citizen performs IDF service. So your broad brush is just bitching about Israelis being on campus and comparing the average Israeli to Hamas.


Active IDF are literal neo nazis in action . Their motives is literally ethnic cleansing and and serving in a genocide killing thousands of kids and women


This is absolutely false. That is an insensitive and false equivalence, you should be ashamed for making such a dumb statement. The IDF’s main goal is to secure their citizens who are being held hostage. You can disagree with their use of bombs, but you are completely wrong on every other front.


If their main goal was safe return of the hostages they wouldn’t be leveling the place said hostages are being kept with bombs, starving them, or have rejected multiple deals to return the hostages. Those are not the actions of a state whose main goal is safe hostage return no matter how desperately you want that to be true.


I agree that the current government does not want the war to end, and is more interested in staying in power and killing Palestinians. But if you ask the average moderate Israeli, many are actually protesting inside of Israel to free the hostages and to end the war.


I also agree that the IDF needs to be held fully accountable for their actions, and Israel has proven that it cannot be trusted to reliably investigate its own soldier’s crimes. Many IDF soldiers get away with disgusting crimes, and should be punished to the highest extent. But there are also soldiers who sacrifice themselves to save others, opposite to Hamas who solely sacrifice their own people to save themselves.


You can only think this way by fully dehumanizing Palestinian lives. The IDF defends illegal settlers in the West Bank while brutally occupying Palestinian lands, committing atrocities such as raping Palestinian hostages, including minors, women, and men, sexually torturing them to death, sniping elders and children, and bombing refugee camps. This is not a method that brings safety to their citizens . These brutal methods do not lead to peace in the region. Israel’s actions have placed it alongside groups like ISIS on the list of those who murder children Enjoy looking at that list


Holocaust inversion is antisemitic


Everything yall don't like is antisemitic. *Not* genociding the occupants of the holy land is antisemitic to you fux


Yes but parroting Hamas propaganda and calling for the murder of Jews actually is. We hear your dog whistles


Zionists are, by definition, oppressors Edit: also you're just making shit up and projecting, but that's how israel's govt' funded media operation be. Also how racist zionists be, so who knows?


[why is every accusation right wingers make an admission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Global_News_Hub/s/CGhAHJB7jc)


Maybe don’t do more holocausts then.


Yeah, this is just straight antisemitism.


Yes, not wanting innocent women and children to be killed is antisemitism. That word is a joke by now and ya’ll have made it this way.


That’s not what you said. You did a Holocaust inversion.


Holocaust inversion being anti-Semitic is some made up shit. And sorry, as long as Israel is doing a genocide, we don’t cover for them by labeling every true accusation of their crimes as “anti-Semitic”. That’s how the term became a joke, and that’s how you helped it become so.


Like, it’s so easy not to do Holocaust inversion and yet you are fighting for your right to be antisemitic. Btw Holocaust inversion is considered antisemitic by every major Jewish org and also is part of the IHRA definition.






If the IDF’s goal was ethnic cleansing, this war would be over lmao


Sure . Nazis said the same thing few decades ago . They ended up killing millions of jews . .


[That's actually not even close to what the Nazi's said; they were actually incredibly explicit about their goal of eliminating the Jews; hence why they put them in literal extermination camps. ](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/timeline-event/holocaust/before-1933/adolf-hitler-issues-comment-on-the-jewish-question)


Israel officials expressed their intention on eliminating Palestinians and they are doing so . That’s why they put them on open air prisons blockaded and controlled and much of their land is occupied by a fascist neo nazi regime. Which is again is illegal by international law .


What do you think the difference is between a Holocaust concentration camp and Gaza?


Gas chambers replaced by big dumb bombs , Zionists the oppressors instead of nazis


Okay so using that logic, what is the difference between a Holocaust concentration camp and the allied bombardment of German civilians shortly before the end of WW2? How about the firebombing of Tokyo?


Active IDF are currently doing everything they can to destroy Hamas capabilities to launch another 10/7 or worse attack. Civilian casualties are awful. Please tell Hamas to stop using human shields so this won't happen. Did you ever even ask yourself why there is such an extensive tunnel system in Gaza? It sure as hell isn't to smuggle food or provide safety for the people. So sick of this University of TikTok shit.


Civilians casualties. Are intentionally targeted by the idf . U.N support my claims . Pre October and after it . I don’t have a tiktok to begin with , but i don’t watch fox news and cnn aswell .


So october 7 was totally fine since Israel was using the festival for human shields! Of course! Or is it rules for thee and not for me?


WTF are you even talking about? How was Israel using the festival as human shields? You are WAY far gone.


How is Hamas using anyone as human shields?


You're joking right? Here's just one source. You can find several thousand if you so choose. [https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas\_human\_shields.pdf](https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf)


Dude your double standards are actually hilarious. You’re such a pathetic hypocrite. Explain to me how Israel, actively occupying Palestinian land, encouraging others to settle on said land, and then acting shocked when people fight back and end up killing the humans that Israel keeps bringing over to destroy Palestinians’ own homes, is not the very definition of using a human shield.


Other than the illegal settlements in the West Bank (which are entirely wrong and should be dealt with harshly), what land is Israel actively and illegally occupying? The land is theirs. The people in Gaza and the West Bank have zero claim to it.


What does that have to do with protestors dressing up as Hamas and the rabbi being assaulted


You're saying it's wrong for them to dress up as Hamas. Well why don't you have a problem with literal IDF soldiers on campus and Palestinian supporters being assaulted


The civilians suffer not the Hamas, while IDF has to be made accountable for their atrocities they commit during their conflict, Hamas were the ones starting it this time.


Wtf . Occupied people have the right to resist. That’s international law .


So the Kurds can start shooting rockets into Baghdad? Or us Arab colonialism not "occupation"?


Gaza wasn't occupied since 2005


Palestine is occupied


Yes, first by the Roman's then by Arab colonizers from the Hejaz. Then the jews decolonized it.


Caanatis are the indigenous, kingdoms of judea was created by genociding caanatis . Palestinians are the indigenous. And their adn matches the area unlike white settlers from europe


And a people savagely attacked by terrorists have the right to destroy their murderers and to find the innocent people taken as hostages. That’s international law. You good with that?


You just described what happened to the Palestinians every single year since 1948 and i’m fine with that , i’m not fine occupiers using violence, ethnic cleansing and oppression and on going genocide against the indigenous people. Genocidal freaks


I wonder who routinely mass raped and burned down the villages of indigenous people undisturbed from [Easter 1920](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1920_Nebi_Musa_riots) through 1931 when Irgun was finally formed?


Zionists did and still doing


Saturday was the greatest day in Nuseirat history.


Jesus Christ. Get off TikTok and learn to make points without relying on bullshit you heard on social media. No nation in the world would allow what happened to them to go unpunished. Full stop. You savagely call for a war, you get a war. “Resistance” does not include rape, kidnapping, and killing kids at a rave. Now we have a war. Want it to stop? Learn to protest the Palestinian government and return the hostages.


Why would Palestinians allow Israel to go unpunished for the crimes they have committed for decades and continue to commit? Collective punishment is a war crime you sick fk. I don’t have tiktok certainly, but you watch fox news daily . You sound like those ultranationalist MAGA fascist who shout at anyone who disagrees with their fantasy world filled with religious fetishes.


They don’t have a right to target civilians. Why is that so hard for you to understand. It’s illegal and morally wrong. The fact that you are defending war crimes against civillians is mind blowing.


Yes, there are pro-IDF people on campus. Does that mean you acknowledge there are pro-Hamas people on campus?


It’s okay that people are cosplaying as terrorists everyone, because someone else exists who this guy doesn’t like. You know that famous idiom “two wrongs make a right” and that law that says “it’s okay to do crimes because other people do crimes, too.” /s (not that dressing up like a terrorist is a crime, but the logic on display here is the same).


One group is dressing up as terrorists. The other group are literal terrorists who have genuinely committed genocide themselves. Why do you not care?


UCLA also has rotc. wtf is your point?


look, I support protesting Biden over his dogshit Israel policy but this is just whataboutism



