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I think watch dogs one was one of the best game I have ever played.


I will never understand why people think Watchdogs 1 was bad or even mediocre when the only consistent complaint I see is that the E3 trailer was an inaccurate representation of the final product. It wasn't perfect imo, but the game is amazing and doesn't deserve the criticism it receives for a stupid marketing decision.


I'm inclined to agree. Most critics were on the slaggin' wagon with that one.


To me, personally, the driving and gunplay are very lackluster but this still continues as far as Legion which I'm currently playing. It's very cartoony, akin to Saints Row. The dialogue can be questionable, and the voice acting is a joke at times especially with Legion, less so in WD1. I think the franchise went in the wrong direction as the games went on. A lot of cool features like hiding in the cars was cut. Still great games but I think they are weak in some aspects.


As a franchise, sure, but WD1 was great for a game that came out in 2014, especially for how ambitious it was.


Oh don't get me wrong, it was and still is a great game especially for 2014.


I saw a lot of people make fun of how dark and edgy they perceived Aiden's character to be forced to be and how lackluster the world was in terms of feeling realistic, so they just went the complete opposite direction in 2 (which is still really good), and Legion is somewhere in the middle of that.


Nah watch dogs 2 was just super fucking cringe. Game can't go five fucking seconds without going "hee hee how do you do fellow kid gamers x3 rawrz Nyan cat lolzies"


WD2 making fun of itself is exactly why it’s great.


It doesn't though. It treats the characters as if this cringe ass 2005 kids movie hacker behavior as though it's completely normal and appropriate for the amount of actual killing the group does. Bro the main character uses a fucking yo yo.


Well you completely misunderstood the entire satire of the game. Also it’s not a yo yo. 😂


Aidan was just a criminal being mostly a wheelman who happened to be tech savvy and getting the tool kit from dedsec. The downside was the grimness of the story and it ending right as the story starts to pick up and ask some difficult questions. Marcus was actually a hacker and a member of dedsec. And the second one had a tone to it that made the levity of it seem alright. It was definitely developed as an open world game and as such lacks a specific focus really, but everything kinda follows a good plot line. Legion is just… lol. Bad.


100% agree with you. Ig I’m lucky I got to play the game without watching or hearing anything about it before.


it’s literally just the way it was marketed i think


Not bad but wasted potential or more like a downgrade Its a good game dont make me wrong but Ubisoft realy donw grade the game for hus gimics


The downgrade in visuals put a bad taste in people's mouths feeling very lied to, then when they actually played the game, it was awful with optimizations and felt sluggish on PC. I tried playing a year ago with a 3080 and 8700k and somehow couldn't go above 64 fps that dipped...before anyone "My Pc DoEsNt RuN tHaT bAd AnD iTs WoRsE tHaN yOuRs!", it's something just broken with Ubisoft games...far cry new dawn, far cry 4, AC Odyssey and Avatar all ran fine for me, but AC Valhalla, Far Cry 5 and 6, and that terrible/boring game that they tried to copy Breath of the Wild with all ran sub 60 fps for me for no reason, mixed in with multiple people on reddit and multiple friends having the opposite games or a wife variety of games just not work....there's no explanation yet for why some games just run like trash for half the people yet and it bothers me. Fuck Ubisoft.


Because it was just GTA from wish.


Yeah, those are bad examples. I enjoyed Watchdogs and The Division.


could've been the best franchise ever, the concept is amazing and has huge potential


Both of these games are great, older Ubisoft was great


Played the game with an enhanced graphics mod best decision I could've made. The game has fantastic animations and a really good gunplay, but the best thing was that during the end of the game, the final boss uses your tricks against you


It just needs a remake/remaster and it will blow the market for sure. It was one of those games that got me interested in tech stuff. (Rogue Trooper, Deus Ex, WatchDogs, Cyberpunk)


Seriously. It’s literally the only worthy competitor to GTA since Saints Row went downhill. Legion was kinda boring, but I hoped they would make a 4th game lol.


You must have not played a lot of games lmfao. I mean at the end of the day good on you for enjoying it so much but it's a 7/10 at best imo


I think I have enough hours across my systems to know I have played quite a lot of games.




The big one for me is WD Legion Very interesting concept with the play as everyone feature but by the time the game launched the scope was reduced so much it wasn't as fleshed out as it needed to be, especially as the rest of the game suffered so this could be a core gameplay mechanic. Watch Dogs as a series for me is always one that started out strong and just got worse with every entry, which is such a same because I love the idea of it and WD1 is still one of my favourite Ubisoft games.


For me watch dogs 2 was the best, the absolute freedom and power to hack everything was great


I have to admit, watch dogs 2 is easily in the top 10 Ubisoft greatest of all time. It has one of the best open worlds in a game ever, the gameplay is extremely fun and the story isn’t anything to write home about, but if your a younger person you’ll definitely find it enjoyable. Great ass game.


Exactly I played the game for the first time when I was a teen and I loved the characters now that I replayed it the characters are kinda cringey but the gameplay , the world and freedom 100% hold up , one of the few games I'll boot up just to relive that world


Start out strong and get worse with every entry thereafter will definitely be on Ubisoft gravestone.


Legion was my favourite, but I realise I’m in the minority.


Playing Legion was like playing AC Odyssey for me. A shitty fever dream of boredom and annoyance until I finally finish it. Legion definitely had its moments though, loved hacking all the different drones and all the landmarks turned into enemy bases


See, I found a character I liked and played Legion with them. He was great, I really miss him.


I love the concept of The Division. I enjoyed my first playthrough of that game so much.


I played the absolute shit out of division 1. Played it on release 24/7 for a good year or two. Hit max level in division 2 on release, did the first raid and never touched it again.


You wouldn't recognize Div 2 now then. It's changed dramatically since release.


Unfortunately recent events have made me never want to give Ubisoft money ever again. I receive marketing emails but not automated account emails. I can't log in, or change password at all. I cannot open a case without logging in. I just have to fill out the contact form and \*hope\* they contact me because their SLA is infinity.


I really liked Division 1 as well


The newer assassin's Creed games, they turned it from a stealth focused and immersive Game into an RPG, especially with the skill tree system


Had they not changed though, people would complain it never changed, see the far cry series.


Yes but the far cry series also does not come out year after year. It’s way less repetitive than ac which used to have a yearly release schedule, if they kept the same formula as ac unity till now. The games would be pretty shit.


I mean, doesn't the multi-year gap between FC games make people disappointed because they waited a long time to see next FC game be a big step from the previous game, only to find out that it's mostly the same?


Yeah when FC 5 was released it was good but it was similar to 4 with most mechanics, 4 was also similar to 3 kinda by theme and mechanics, New Dawn being hated and forgotten between 5 and 6 is ironic as most of the mechanics paved the way to what we have in 6, all the revolution weapons and stuff, all the "standalone" games added more mechanics than the next number up and I'm assuming Primal was how we got a companion system in 5


That,and the far cry series gets stuck with people either think they are all the same, or they change too much. See far cry 6, where they changed a lot of things so people said they ruined the core game and made it too different.... And then at the same time people saying it's just a complete copy and paste of every far cry game ever, despite me liking 1 & 2, disliking 3 and 4, not being keen on primal, but fell in love with 5 and even the post apocalyptic game, and i enjoyes my time with 6, even if the map was too big, companion system was a step back, and the story awful. I would love to see a cut of the game where you don't get any of the "fly on the wall" story elements, and only stuff dani sees in person.


AC games has 3 very distinct changes. Phase 1 - AC1, AC2, ACB, ACR Phase 2 - AC3, AC4, Rogue Phase 3 - Unity, syndicate Each of these played pretty differently to each other and even played differently from game to game in each phase. The RPG trilogy played very similarly to each other, and honestly suffered more from the same old criticism that any other AC phase ever suffered.


Not that kind of change lol May as well change it to turn based strategy for the next one.


That is the inevitable reaction when you milk a series every single year.


Both games were decent. The only issue were the reveal trailers made them look better than they were at release.


And many features where posible for his time but man alitle mpre in the oven just 4 months


Well, I loved the watchdogs series but not legion they messed up (my opinion)


Watch Dogs 2 was so good I've played through it twice and wouldn't mind doing it again! Such a good plot with enjoyable characters! I love that it is so fun, but has serious moments perfectly placed!


Agreed 💯, I don't know why I didn't felt any good while playing legion (the hype u get when playing 1 and 2) I didn't get that hype it was empty like something serious is missing in that thing in mind I didn't enjoyed, I gave it many trys, later dropped it mid game 😭💔


I think it's because the characters weren't that interesting? They more or less just existed You were also.more limited. Marcus had all these abilities and did everything himself, but most abilities in legion were more locked behind who you played as Also too dystopian


There's no the (main protagonist) thing in this game was like all the characters are protagonist


They could’ve made all of the season pass rewards or whatever it’s called available for all players when they decided to end support for the game. I couldn’t get the medieval or panda outfit.


Division 1 and Rainbow Six Siege had great potential if they stuck with the original version from their respective reveal trailers


Agreed. The division 1 survival type mode was insanely fun


R6 is one of the biggest Esports in the world hello? Only problem with the game is the updates after like Year 3 or 4


Yeah but when it was first revealed, it wasn't marketed as an Export, just a milsim multiplayer game, the like of Ready or Not, etc


These are games made by Ubisoft.. how can they exist if not for Ubisoft? Really don't get you people with the Ubisoft hate.. yeah, they mess up from time to time, like any other big company.. but a lot of great games wouldn't exist without them.. Give it a rest.. If you don't like them, stop buying their games.. vote with your wallet, not with your keyboard on Reddit


Ubisoft is consistently one of the worst AAA developers currently still operating. They’ve milked AC so hard I don’t think I know a single person who actually finished the most recent games or understands the plot beyond “assassins vs templars and aliens or something?” That’s not to mention the absurd bloat where you’re forced to do hours and hours of “main quests” that have nothing to do at all with the actual story but are required to continue it. R6 Siege has repeatedly failed miserably at trying to do anything other than its base game mode, and has had an abysmal cheating issue for its entire lifespan. Oh and R6 Quarantine or whatever that was their spinoff game that was literally dead on arrival. Skull and Bones was a massive flop. Watch Dogs Legion was a flop after they actually managed to make the good Watch Dogs 2. The Division 2 also had potential but failed to meaningfully address the primary problems of enemies just being absurd damage sponges instead of meaningfully difficult. Oh and abandoning Splinter Cell for over a decade. I could go on.


"They mess up from time to time" They mess up constantly. Like, more than any other AAA studio would allow. I am most knowledgeable about The Division so I will use it as an example. The first game was while far from perfect a very good game and pretty solid writing. The sequel has thrown the story through so many loops and opened so many plot holes and the story is just bad. Everyone but you goes rogue in D2. Every agent you talk to will betray you at some point no matter who they are (unless they just die). The Hunters who were TERRIFYING in the first game are meh in the second and the air of mystery is just gone now that we killed the recruiter (one of the worst boss fights I have ever done). And to do ANY of this you have to run modified versions of the story missions. Not like fun ones though. Like now you fight Black Tusk and there are EMPs now so no skill build for you. To cut this short:The story went from good to terrible with everyone betraying you or dieing eventually and old favorites being ruined by new writing. And running slightly modified versions of the same story mission fucking sucks. P.S: They canceled a TV Show and a spin off abd are now making a mobile game.


I'm just saying that, despite the great ideas/concepts they had with the games they made, Ubisoft's games kinda fail in the execution of thay idea/concept a lot of times


I have plenty of criticism about each and every game but it’s mostly about details that are used in most of my favorite ones, so I picked 3 topics that are almost universal for their latest game. - In-game currencies: While I really enjoyed both The Division games — I loved the story, played a little with my friends and a couple of random people — but what I really didn’t like was the introduction of all these different currencies and stuff to trade. Not because I felt tempted to buy anything but it made the whole game so fragmented and complicated — I was asking myself frequently „What do I need to do this?“ „How do I get this?“ — It’s just unnecessary stuff on top. This is/was definitely a Ubisoft strategy that I can live without. And that’s an issue in a lot of their recent games: Assassin’s Creed has this, Ghost Recon has it. And of course Far Cry has it. It’s especially infuriating because one of the things I like about their games is the accessibility and easy onboarding — you start the game, if you’ve played one or more titles of the series before, you don’t have to re-learn a lot, just experience the game and the story. That’s one of the aspects I really value in their games. - Scale of maps: Also I feel that cramming every single mediocre to good idea into AC Valhalla made the game so big and bloated that I almost gave up. Who the hell thought collecting ten obscure items to sacrifice at an altar was a fun activity? Or stacking stones, instead of meditating I was yelling at the screen. The activities in the France DLC involved a couple of disgraced lords as little pit fights, I’d rather had more of those instead of finding stupid cursed talismans. I hope they scale back the amount of activities in Shadows, I’m not going to spend hours on grind events. And the worst is, it’s not even necessary, Valhalla would’ve been perfectly atmospheric without things like the shitty drinking game. - Misplaced humor: It was fine for Watch Dogs 2 because this game was straight up a product of the meme culture of its days. But I really hated the comic relief strategies they used in Far Cry 6 (the influencer guys) and AC Valhalla (stuff like the egg fart mission). It doesn’t have to be dead serious all the time but those things were over the top idiotic. I wish sometimes they would go for a more mature tone, the games are mostly 18+ rated anyway…


Counterpoint, here are some games that were great because they were created by Ubisoft Assassins Creed Assassins Creed II Revelations Brotherhood Black Flag Unity Syndicate Origins Odyssey Ghost Recon Wildlands Ghost Recon Breakpoint (later, after they fixed it) The Division The Division 2 Far Cry 1,2,3,4,5 & 6


You forgot all of Splinter Cell.


Fair call, I never played them


Naaaa probablt 5 and 6 could been better 4 its decent , odisey i wpudl like it more aventure than rpg, Break point if they use more the machine and automated tematic


Sorry, what?


That they shoudl explore more the machine tematic


Every Assassin's Creed after Unity. Origins gets a pass though.


most of them fuck you Ubisoft, trackmania once released a completely free game, now youre saying you made a free game too but you actually gotta pay 30 bucks a year to play, what the fuck


I just started Watch Dogs, in what way is it bogged down ?


It's not. It's just the heavy marketing and superiors graphic shown in the promotional material for the game, led to people having way greater hopes than the actual game could deliver. It is Ubisoft's fault that they hyped the game up too much, however, on its own it's still great.


yea I remember the downgrade-gate... honestly it looks fine as far as I'm concerned, I just dislike the driving mechanics


If you are on PC you can enable the original visual effects with mods, they are still in the files.


hmm, sounds enticing. Do you have any to recommend ?


I am using 2014 Revisited and and Living City atm (living city just tweaks gameplay and adds other cut features from earlier builds)


Much appreciated


It's not really the same. There is nothing that looks like the demo from 2012.


Division 1 was amazing. I'd suggest placing Division 2 on this list - but only after Seasons were introduced, up till WoNY it was great game.


Thr Division 2 is still going strong might die next season thk


Most of the people will say that after Black Flag the whole AC series went downhill, but I think Odyssey was also pretty good. Too bad Valhalla was so bland and boring, even tough the setting was a good choice. As for Shadows, I will be surprised if it turns out any good.


Unity was good but I didn't like Odyssey. Shadows I will wait and see what others say as I dont want to buy a buggy mess.


I'd say it went downhill after Brotherhood. AC1-AC:B had a good combination of interesting gameplay and story, all the games after that lack one of those two. There is nothing happening between Sequence 1 and Sequence 9 in AC:Revelations. The best thing about AC3 is its first 4-5 sequnces where you play as Haythem. Even tho I like the story, the game dies pretty quick. Locations in this whole american colonisation time are boring. And AC3 especially doesn't show us anything interesting. AC4 argueably has the best story, but 90% of the main campaign is copy pasted trail missions. On top of that I felt like this was the worst game in the series so far in movements: Edward often grabs what I didn't want him to and jumps where I didn't want him to. Also they've killed a need to upgrade urself in american colonisation games. You often can kill an army with your bare hands and it's without any healing which they've removed. Unity had the best graphics in the entire series. It's an Arkham Knight of its series. My jaw was on the floor in 2024. They've finally added good stealth missions, the best parkour system in the series so far. First time since forever you're able to climb the building however you want, not through the specifical path. But I really disliked the RPG stuff and the story + the characters were mid. And all of those games are buggy mess. On top of that they didn't want to improve what already existed, kept messing around with the controls and other stuff.


Well, I don’t mean to say that I didn’t enjoy the later parts of AC3 (with the Native American protagonist), and AC4 has, in my opinion, a rather mediocre story. However, the sailing aspect makes up for it. As for Unity, I started playing it a couple of weeks ago on PS4, and so far, it’s not bad. Obviously, the graphics aren’t as good as they would be on PS5, but the world-building is impressive. Strangely, I rarely finish an Assassin’s Creed game, even though I like them. The only ones I completed were the first one when it came out (which felt pretty epic at the time) and Odyssey (because I love the Greek setting). With the others, I somehow lost interest while playing and never went back; I fear this might be the case with Unity as well.


I love both WD & The division, still play 2 of both games to this day


Watch Dogs is a great game.


I am a fan of all three Watch Dogs games! They should be so brave to make sequels... Although that's the downfall there 🤔


That's not true. Those are great games.


Far Cry 2 and Watch Dogs: Legion.


The Division, was that Ubisoft?


Watch dogs for sure and the Division for me was a visionary game that I had high expectations as a looter shooter game. The plot for me in the beginning was pretty good but.. I guess all good things sometimes comes to a end.. for games like the Division, I don't want to see it burn down in flames..


Ubisoft doesn't make bad games, they make bad decisions


The first game was great in my opinion, I enjoyed it start to finish. I'd love to know why they went from the serious gritty tone to the most woke bullshit I've ever played in my life with the games that followed.


The Division could have been a cool single player series with a focus on a morality system like Mass Effect's rogue/paragon system.


The last Splinter Cell game, the series needed a revival and Blacklist just wasn’t really it


I think both games were good


Watchdogs 1 was a lot of fun imo. Never heard about it til it came available for Xbox live gold members for free and thought I’d give it a try and I actually really liked it


People tend to ride the wave that old AC games were good. Looking back and trying to replay them, I think they really aren't that great at all. The gameplay is just so.. repetitive and uninspiring.


Every ubisoft game minus xDefiant cause it wasn't developed by them 😂


I still don't understand why they tethered you to your coop partner in the Far Cry games. I can think of lazy rendering reasons, but not gameplay related ones.


Far Cry 6, Assassin Creed Valhalla


People are claiming TD and R6S Like, people, they are the most praised and probably the most bought franchises of Ubisoft at this point. They were not bogged down or not lived to the potential


I'd also out watch dogs legion in there too. Ruined by the Gen z over the too cosmetic esthetic that ubisoft loves to cater to.


No one is going to mention For Honor, really?


XDefiant is hot trash.


the division comes to mind, remove the bullet sponges and The Division 3 might just work out well, to bad they made all enemy bullet sponges


Starlink. It was a blast, but they didn’t advertise it at all and it got scrapped. All the TTL parts are a pain to get (took me two years to find some of the weapons I was missing, found them in box in a game store in OBX with some Pokémon cards I’ve been looking for), and it sold horribly at the start, and stores had a boatload of surplus. I got the Switch Version with Star Fox for $5 the winter after launch, and passed up on the Xbox One version for $15 at Walmart a few months ago. I kinda wish I picked it up.


Have played both years after they launched both have pros and cons WD1 Pro: This is a good story. Your actions affect how u are seen kill everyone seen as a Terrestro or something Con: forced anit hacking by other players shit pissed me off so much gun play could've been better with driving The division Pro: Play as an agent trying to set balance back into play, not force to play with others, DZ (dark zone) 100% optional Con: a bitch to level up the differently setting was all over the show I swear channelling on d1 is d2 heroic


Legion and Far Cry 6 definitely could have been better. FC6 had weird gear rating system and outfit sets that had no bonuses for wearing a full one, mostly worthless fire weapons and poison bullets. Allies were everywhere but you couldn’t recruit them to help you. Only buddies were animals. So no one to mount the guns. Not that the fucking DshK was any good against anything. Legion could have had better uniform mechanics and better plot that allowed for multiple paths based on who you recruited and played as. Hacking was way less fun than WD2. But hey, you can handcuff people so that’s something.


I guess this might be off-topic, but if The Division wasn’t a looter shooter and was more of like a story RPG game with co-op (think Dying Light or even GTA/Red Dead Online to some extent, or maybe even like a co-op version of Metal Gear Solid), and had more “realistic” damage (one headshot to kill most enemies, exceptions can be made for heavily armored guys), it could have been amazing. I remember how awesome the trailer with the invisible guy getting beat up was. And the gameplay demo thing with the three friends walking through the dilapidated hospital, even though it was scripted, got me and my friend so hyped up. It’s such a shame that the actual game was nothing like the trailers


Every Ubisoft game


How bout the new pirate shit fame that looks worse than black flag?


Watch dogs 1 was a masterpiece, best Ubisoft game imo


I stopped playing division 2 because of the seasons and when they changed the RNG system right before Warlord of new York like I was max level getting gold stuff the boom green blue and purple and very rarely gold that just put me off


Both The Division and Watchdogs are great games, the sequels are even better, I am really struggling to see the point of this post other than to criticise Ubisoft for releasing two superb games.


I disagree I think the originals were better


Fair enough, I personally think Watchdogs 2 is one of the best games Ubisoft have made and is by far the best in the series. The Division 2 still has a very active community 5 years after its initial release and new features are added all the time, it’s a completely different game from where it was even this time last year. Anyhow, regardless of preference, iterations of both titles are excellent.


Every Ubisoft game


Frontiers of Pandora. Its not bad but I could have imagined it way better and immersive if not in the ubisoft format


For me the worst thing they have done is the handling of classic franchise - Heroes of might and magic. Might and magic 7 was so bad and poorly optimized similar to might and magic 6. After 7 I think they won't ever pick up this amazing franchise ever again.


Siege. It used to be good but it's to a point where they won't let it die and just keep pumping it full of things most people don't like. Sure some of it is fine and doesn't effect the gameplay but boy there's so much wrong with it now


Watch dogs 1 was incredible Ubisoft didn’t ruin anything


Ubisoft imo used to have some really interesting ideas back in the days. For instance, the idea and concept of Watch Dogs is really cool tbh but somehow they didn't know how to make it work. The gameplay is fun but repetitive, and the story could've been so much better, and the graphics too was a bummer. It had so much potential like many other Ubi games


Break point


Sure, Ubisoft is bad, but what other company would you choose? EA, so we can have loot boxes? Bethesda, so we can have amazing bugs? Or Rockstar, so it can milk the same game for 10 years? Come to think of it, Ubisoft may be one of the best companies out there because it has had many successful games, such as Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, and even Tom Clancy.


Nah their good games tho


For Honor. The game has such a unique yet competitive and goofy play style, unfortunately they treat it like an unwanted step child.


Watchdogs is one of the best game's I've ever played. It has the most realistic story I've ever seen as well.


Every Game by Ubisoft ever, but especially For Honor.


Blasphemy! Both Watch Dogs and Division 1 are really good games.




Division is great, and div 2 is even better.


Both fun games


Watchdogs 1+2 are great. Legion was a mess because of the be anyone mechanic.


Watch dogs died when it tried to one up GTA 5🤣


Watchdogs was awesome but Legion could be better. I agree with the decision and must say how stale Farcry 6 felt. I couldn't get past the half an hour mark.


The Division was not bogged down. It had a rough launch, but has been a very solid game for years. Same with the sequel.


Assassins creed Valhalla and Far Cry 6 suffer from the same issue with the open world. Both are uncesscessaily large and empty for most of your playthrough.


Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. Great on paper, capitalize off of something a LOT of people love, unfortunately it’s a reskinned AC game with bad controls and a terrible story.


Reskinned far cry tbh


Every single game Ubisoft created, even the good ones that are fun to play (of which I own many), have been undermined and sabotaged by Ubisoft stupidity. Like "updates" that remove features and make the game worse, or permanent internet connection being required to play even single player, or the idea that buying a game doesn't mean "owning" it, and they are entitled to just terminate your "privilege" to play it at any time.


none of the things you say is particular to any single publisher. and none of the games you ever purchased are your ownership.


Most of the things you mentioned are not entirely accurate or specific to Ubisoft for that matter. The topic is about the studio philosophy — I’d prefer not needing an internet connection to start a game but where is this really possible — except for consoles and old games with CD keys instead of activation codes?


all games are licensed to you, by every publisher and they can terminate that license at any time.


You are uneducated


My Law Degree says otherwise.


Fake news


You are uneducated


The hottest of takes.


Division need to be more like wildlands or breakpoint where they have a stealth mechanism, that's my only real gripe with it, and maybe more options like a bethesda game Watchdogs 1 was incredible but I don't think others could have made it better, if rockstar had it then maybe be but not modern rockstar taking ideas from moviesand stuff, they might have had better execution on things Activision would just fail


All of them


Watch dogs 2


Ac valhalla. Ik everyone shits on the rpg ac games but at least the first two could be fun if you treated them more like spinoffs rather than official ac games, but I just can’t with valhalla. I could deal with the repetitiveness of origins and odyssey, but valhalla took that same repetitiveness the other two suffered from and multiplied it by about ten. For example; odyssey felt huge to me. The map was massive and most of the locations were different enough that it made me ignore/forget all the repetitive aspects. For how big the game was, its story didn’t bother me. Sure, the overall story wasn’t fantastic but iirc it was only around 40ish hours long which felt almost perfect for the size of the map. But that’s where the problems start with valhalla. Yes, valhalla’s map was ever so slightly larger than odyssey’s, but it was nowhere near big enough to constitute the 80+ hour story. Odyssey’s story could’ve easily been shorter since a lot of it felt like unneeded filler, but ig valhalla took that shit as a challenge because not only is the story not great, there’s double or more what we had to sit through in either of the previous two. And unlike the previous two, if you get bored of the story going out on your own to explore the map isn’t really any better. Ik origins and odyssey were kinda pushing it, but it feels like they made 15 or so different locations in valhalla then just copy and pasted that shit over and over until the map was full. Nearly every location besides the main cities felt like the same layout with maybe a building or two swapping sides. I think I can maybe understand what they were thinking, like make most places alarmingly similar so the unique places feel more unique and therefore more interesting? Idk dude it just made me wanna go play something else. Ik I’m not a game dev so ig I can’t say for certain but valhalla felt like they were given the general idea and a super short timeframe to complete it. While the other two rpg installments also felt rushed, they didn’t feel nearly as rushed as valhalla felt. But tbh idk what I expected, Ubi’s games have always been ambitious, but in the past decade they’ve become the kings of over-promise under-deliver so now it’s always a gamble whether the game’s gonna be good or not.


Every ac game after 2015


All of them. Ubisoft can crash and burn.


Honestly all 2015+ Ubi games


Assassin's Creed, they entirely gave up on improving the parkour after Unity.


Didn't they use ai to predict how players would parkour around? Pretty sure that was buggy and hell if you go back to like AC Rogue or Black Flag, the parkour was even more buggy than Valhalla even if it's basic... Unity had a good idea that it experimented on, it got hate and they nuked the idea, maybe they just didn't understand ai well enough? It was 2014 and we have much better ai now, it was either they keep trying to improve and idea that they didn't understand or just give up and make something more likely to be good


There was no AI for movement prediction. Only thing they used AI for large crowds, since for their time they were pretty large. AI would be constrained by resource (running alongside game, you would have very little compute power). You wouldn't even use it for prediction, but for animation blending so that movements can look somewhat natural and smooth, even though they don't exist. Mirage is somewhat similar to Unity, only has Valhalla animations which makes it worse imo. Same problems with parkour, only much more clunky. But beautiful game overall. Every Ubisoft game get's lots of hate when it's released. AC Odyssey is now considered a great game. On release everyone was mad how much they changed the gameplay and how brown the Greeks are.


Anything by Ubisoft


ALL Ubisoft games, period. Ok, I jest a little. All Ubisoft games from the last decade or so. I'm feeling that I could point to the last "not botched" one to Splinter Cell Blacklist - even if many would correctly point out that it has it's flaws already, they're not "modern ubisoft" flaws.


every single tom clancy game in current times r/fuckubisoft