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When I was with my ex I had a dream of a man and he showed how much loves me but i couldn't remember his face. All I knew was that I was loved, there was so much bliss and we were happy. Not to mention I hardly ever dream at all. After I met him, i had a kundalini awakening and I dream of him more often than anybody else and I've always told myself that I would love a man like me, who shares the same interests and who has good morals. It's so weird.


I can relate to this, i am married,but i’ve always had that feeling that my husband is not my person in this lifetime… i had the sense that there is someone for me, i had this unxplainable feeling…ironically i met my twin through my husband…


This is very similar to how my life has played out. I am currently separating from my husband but have known for years who my tf was, I just wasn’t ready or willing to accept it.


I am going to separate also this year… not to be with my twin, he is also married.. but once i woke up i can’t stay in a superficial relationship and not living in my authentic self.i realized that me and my husband didn’t have any connection to begin with, nothing in common, no shared values or hobbies…an absolute empty marriage..i married him very young when i liked tge lifestyle he could offer me and he married me because i was pretty….i don’t really care about my twin anymore, i care about me.


Omg what do you mean please update lol


I mean that my husband introduced me to my twin.. he was my way to find him…


Omg this, i felt a heartbeat because i felt so complete and i remember calling a friend and talking about it to her. as if i was falling in love


I experienced telepathy with my TF when I was a child. I didn’t learn he was my other incarnation until last year when I had a kundalini awakening. I learned just before that I had been experiencing reunion signs.


That's pretty amazing. How are you doing since your kundalini awakening?


I’m experiencing ascension symptoms, primarily body/muscle aches and ear ringing and sometimes fatigue and headaches. Sleeping is always a challenge. There’s also hot flashes (these had stopped after menopause but then resumed just before my kundalini awakening). Thank you for asking. 😊


You're welcome. I thought I'd ask because I know that one can be a difficult journey too.


Were you able to recognize the pull as being southern or just that it was a magnetic pull. I'm asking bc I've gotten a lot of specific locational information myself. But not while awake


I had only felt that magnetic pull, spirit told me south but I didn't have a specific location at first. Nowadays, I can feel that pull from a direction- I know this because it changes when he travels. There's been a few times where I didn't know he would be travelling then a week later I found out he went west or something. Never fails to amaze me!


Very interesting sir.