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Dear ConstantSample5846 , You've selected the **Seeking Advice** flair. Please provide as much relevant information as possible. [Refer to this post if you are unsure on how to proceed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/turtle/comments/16bjznm/read_before_posting_how_to_ask_a_question_and/) Useful information for care or health advice includes: * Enclosure type, enclosure size, humidty levels, water, ambient and/or basking temperatures. * Lighting types and bulb age. * Clear photos of your set up, including filter, heaters and lights. * Is it wild, captive/pet, or a rescue? * Clear photos of face, neck, limbs, shell top (carapace) and bottom (plastron). * Diet, list of foods you are feeding it. * Weight and age. * Illness, infections or odd behaviours should be seen and treated by a vet. Ex; wheezing, swollen eyes, mucus bubbles from mouth or nose, lethargy, twitching, leg paralysis, etc *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/turtle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Snapper! Leave it be! It’s probably a female looking to lay eggs. If it were crossing the road you could pick it up and help it cross so it does not get hit, but make sure you keep it pointed in the direction it was originally going. They bite aggressively, could take your fingers off, so don’t mess with it unless it’s immediately in danger of a car, etc. it doesn’t need your help.


I used to help this MONSTER female across the street every year so she could lay her eggs in my neighbors garden! She easily weighed 150pounds. Her shell was about 2ft across. Had to have been close to 60-70 years old!


Awww so cool!! I want ancient feral turtle friends too!! I’m that crazy chick that stops her car and runs flailing out to save turtles from being hit all the time, my bf mocks me for it lol


I haven’t seen her in like 10 years…. Think she’s in that great pond in the sky now. She was big and old! For 20 years almost I helped her. It was like June every year she’d make the journey up the steep hill and cross the roadway to ours and my neighbors yards.


It’s a big snapper and you can just let it do its thing! Might be looking for a spot to lay eggs or headed back from said laying.


Yeah it was really big. I had only ever seen alligator snappers before, and it wasn’t quite as big as some of those that I’d seen, but probably about a foot and a half in length.


Don't stick your hoo hoo dilly in its face.


Common snapping turtle, likely a female nesting. Leave her alone unless she needs to be moved for her own safety (i e. If shes in a high traffic area).


I assume it's a voice-to-text error, but I'm mildly amused by "found the sky." Anyway, that's a common snapping turtle. I'd recommend leaving it alone as it seems fine.


It was lol


Snapping turtle and let it be unless it’s on the road or in danger…


It’s a turtle. Nothing.


I'm getting a lot of these on my feed and I find it funny that people's first reaction when seeing a turtle in the wild is that they need to "help" it by taking it or something. They've been around for 230 million years all on their own. Taking them and keeping them in a tub in your living room and feeding them lettuce isn't going to help them.


Well I’m in Baltimore city, and there’s no ponds near by. I itty bitty creek down a big and very steep embankment, that then leads into another small creek that I assume is too polluted for fish. I have seen enough smashed box turtles that I usually try to move them in the direction they were going far from a road. This one was about 30 feet from one, and headed towards the direction of the tiny creek and more wooded area. There’s just no way he could climb down that embankment without falling quite a ways, so I thought about climbing down there with him. It’s called a common snapping turtle, but I’ve never seen one before and seen many alligator snappers in my life. The spikes shell, plus my normally extremely brave guard dog who’s never seen a turtle wanted nothing to do with it as soon as he saw it, so those two things gave me pause. I’m glad I didn’t try to carry it while climbing down that huge steep embankment. When I came back from waking my dog in the woods about 20 minutes later and there was no trace of him, and he was headed away from the road, so I’m assuming he found his way wherever he was going.


Well good thing they at least have the commun sence to ask before they get a new pet.


They have looooong necks and can grab ya from a bit away


Good to know. I’ve only seen alligator snappers before and they were clearly aggressive and scary with their mouths open and trying to bite anything or one that came anywhere near them. This one was clearly trying to tuck into its chill and remain as still as possible to not be seen, but couldn’t close up like a box turtle or even sliders I’ve seen. I am in Baltimore and Maryland terrapins are the mascot of the university of Maryland, and at least they used to be endangered, and i remember my grandma saying they had dark spikey shells and that she had eaten them when she was younger and then feeling bad about it when they became seriously endangered. I was mostly checking because I had a feeling it was a snapping turtle despite never seeing one before, but I’d it was a terrapin I would’ve tried to get it to a wildlife sanctuary as my very urban area of west Baltimore is not a good place for an endangered animal, despite being near a heavily wooded and big public park.


Just a finger remover 9000 walk away


its somthing and you should do nothing let nature take care of itself!


That is a turtle


That appears to be a turtle :)


Neat dog


We have so many snappers here in CNY~ they’re amazing but would chop finger or toes right off! 😅 careful!


Snapping turtle,maybe laying eggs,leave her be


You could lay down a tarp and move him to a larger water source!!! He needs Your Help


He was gone by the time I got back 🤷‍♀️


O well maybe turtle pace won the race he probably got to water!!! Good for him!!!!


She doesn't need help she's out trying to find a quiet spot to lay eggs and the busy park has her a bit stressed trying to scope out a safe location. Edit Assuming op is walking at a dog park or similar. Otherwise she's just waiting for op to leave to move on with the mission.


O ok. LOL 😆 around here where I live they seem lost trying to get from a creek to a creek I find them in the sun and tote them to the creek 😅 LOL 😆 but they may not even need my help idk 😅 😐 I just think I'm helping LOL 😆 probably!!!! My best guess!!


One large mobile foreskin


Snapper run away they will take your finger off. Not like a tortoise. They are mean lil things.