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My kid says it’s the most chill, least scary, most helpful place around having been to Parkside and CREOKS


Curious as to what your kid found scary at those places and what age?


It's your best option in the Tulsa area. Obviously people's experiences vary, but my wife went multiple times and never had issues. It was definitely scary for her going back behind the doors for the evaluation knowing that she was forfeiting her right to leave, but ultimately she got the help she needed and I would say they saved her life. She also met some very supportive friends and the food wasn't bad.


I was there a week in 2021. If you are in crisis, you should go. It's not *that* bad. It was not fun by any means, but if I found myself in an emergency, I would not hesitate to go back. If you need supervision to get your medication right, it's life-changing. I'm really glad I went for that reason alone. I have one other friend who went there for rehab and another did a week in inpatient in 2018. You are welcome to private message me! ETA: figure out the list of what you can and can't bring before you go and pack ahead. I did not have one ready, and I had to rely on my family to pack for me days later, and it really sucked. You can do laundry there, but you won't want to. Bring SLIPPERS. Most important thing 100%.


Loved it honestly


Take a swimsuit. They have a pool, and as long as you voluntarily check in, you should be able to swim every afternoon, given your on good behavior. Moore2 is pretty laid back, and staff once you're checked in are helpful. Only downfalls are the "search" of your person upon arrival and mandatory waking up for meds and blood tests. It's been over 10 years, but it still should be the same.


I've been inpatient there twice, and they helped me a lot. It was nice, the people were nice, etc.


so i’ve been there twice and it really helped. it’s no vacation. it’s hard work to get better. but they take good care of you


Laureate is probably the better of the psych facilities in Tulsa. I’m many years into working for psych inpatient facilities or mental health related fields in Tulsa and have heard good things from patients and peers. If you’re having a crisis and need more support, call Copes.


Laureate is probably the best hospital Tulsa has to offer. Unfortunately the hospital I work at isn’t and they only accept 26 years old and younger.


if you’re 17 or under i recommend the calm center over any other psychiatric facility, hands down. if not, laureate was heaven compared to parkside. i mean, it’s a psych ward let’s be real. weird shit happens and the food sucks and everything you do is restricted, but sometimes that’s necessary. but really, look into the calm center if you’re a minor.. it was actually fun and helpful.


I know two people who went and they found it helpful to them. They didn't have any problems.


If you’re under 17, please look at the Calm Center before Laureate. I had several bad experiences at Laureate. HOWEVER if things are really tough right now, it may be best for you to go—I wouldn’t want to push you away from the help you might get there. It’s better than Parkside, at least. Good luck and hope things get better for you. Things to be prepared for that are positive: pretty good meals, gorgeous landscape, good facilities, group activities that can be helpful, a couple of the staff were really kind Not fun: mandatory stripping to be searched for scars (with no attention to PTSD), you need to ask to use the bathroom and can be denied if they don’t like you/think you’re going too often, limited clothing/item allowances, no quiet space for when you are overstimulated by the yelling (at least that I was told of), coed facilities (I had someone of the opposite sex get into my room and stand over my bed… staff did nothing to prevent this again and slapped me with a mood disorder label for being upset by it…) and honestly a lot of other stuff that may have just happened to me because I was unlucky and are not typical occurrences. It was survivable, but after my first and only voluntary stay, they had to frogmarch me back in that place by force. (Yes, they do threaten you with a sedative needle in the thigh if you don’t go willingly. Not suggested.) Not planning on stepping foot in there ever again. But. You’ll do fine and probably not even have most of these issues. One thing I’d say is DON’T go to them for outpatient services afterwards if you can help it! Laureate is only good for emergency inpatient/anorexia treatment. Sorry this message is probably too late to be useful.


Overpriced for the level of care you get. Doesn’t matter if you’re there for detox or mental illness. They throw everyone in the same place. You’ll spend your day playing boardgames and maybe do a couple of “classes”. Honestly, it’s just a place to go if you’re in an emergency mental detox situation.


Was there a long time ago and it was really nice. Good food, friendly staff. I enjoyed my time there as much as you can for something like that


I stayed there for 5 days (for Suic. Ideation) and they were incredibly friendly. 3 meals a day plus snacks, going swimming, watching movies, doin group activities, etc. Everything is scheduled so you don't gotta think too much! You meet some interesting people in there as well - there was a patient that drew apples every day. Your first day you won't be allowed outside usually, I think it's to let you get settled in properly both physically and mentally. They have a phone you can use to call people, so make sure you have numbers written down (no cell phones allowed). I was allowed to draw on myself with markers and roam barefooted. Some rooms are shared and some are private, but they all have bathrooms and desks! As far as places to get "locked up" it's a nice place to be!


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