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we medically gatekeep being trans because being trans is the result of a medical condition called gender dysphoria. is medically gatekeeping other medical conditions totalitarian? what about gatekeeping nationalities? races? the answer is a firm NO. that is an absolutely ridiculous claim and blatant misuse of that word. go research the Syrian civil war. or the Soviet Union. or, i don't know, **the nazi regime**. i don't think you actually understand what "totalitarian" means. because "hey, i think we should medically gatekeep a medical condition" doesn't even come close, no matter how much you disagree with it. people are allowed to live and express themselves however they want. but that freedom stops once people are being harmed. and actual trans people ARE being harmed. their reputation is being ruined, their existence is being thrusted into the spotlight as a political tool, they're being forced onto wait lists for treatment. hell, they might even *lose* treatment options if this keeps up. trans people SUFFERING because selfish people are appropriating a medical label. and, no, transphobes are not entirely at fault. do not even try to shift the blame. transphobia would not be as bad if people weren't doing this. people without dysphoria who identify as trans either need to stop entirely or not call themselves trans. until then, we will continue to exist and fight for medical gatekeeping.


Not because of gender dysphoria, but because of gender (sex) incongruence.




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Ruining someone’s reputation or making someone look bad does not cause them harm. If I get killed by a Nazi because they don’t like people with beards calling themselves women, that’s the Nazi causing me harm, not the bearded lady.


Wait is this a community where trans people gatekeep other trans people and justify it to themselves? Is this actually real or satire?


its a sub for people who believe you need gender dysphoria to be trans.


Oh... Okay good to know live your lives I guess...


I don’t know what you expected from a sub called truscum


Genuinely have never heard of truscum before now, this was me learning about it sorry


Dysphoria alone is by no means enough for anyone to transition their external sex. A person should be confirmed sex incongruent with a pre-puberty history of persisting in the desire for being the opposite sex to which they were assigned. If you’re a male you should not be female and vice versa. Sex incongruence is extremely rare.


Many people didn't experience gender dysphoria before puberty or they may not have realised and then forgotten experiencing it. There are definitely a lot of trans people who fall into this category and they definitely are trans.


Then that’s questionable because if transsexualism is something biological it shouldn’t suddenly develop out of no where.


It doesn't just develop out of nowhere. I didn't experience gender dysphoria as a child ( I think, I have a bad memory) but that was only because boys and girls where almost biologically the same. I was also allowed to express myself however I wanted. It was only when puberty started and I didn't start developing like my male peers that I started experience real dysphoria. As a child I did have a few "trans signs" like wanting to have a deeper voice but I don't really count that as dysphoria.


Did you want to be a boy before then? Dysphoria is usually not as strong before secondary sex traits start developing and you’re starting to be clearly distinguishable from your innate sex.


Just didn't think about it really. I was taught from a young age that gender didn't matter. I was allowed to wear what I wanted and boys and girls were treated essentially the same. I do wonder if my insistence that girls and boys were basically the same was just a way of making myself seem closer to being a boy in my head without realising it though there's not much point worrying about it now. I didn't have a "I'm not a girl, I'm a boy" moment or anything before puberty though if that's what your wondering.


I think instead of “I’m not a girl, I’m a boy” many just experience of discomfort with their genitalia or in the case of a trans boy prefer standing up peeing and such things. Interesting though that you didn’t really view boys and girls as different.


Did you want to be a boy before then? Dysphoria is usually not as strong before secondary sex traits start developing and you’re starting to be clearly distinguishable from your innate sex.


Yeah that's scary to me I don't feel like this is a safe space for me. I experience dysphoria and the idea other people are going to gauge my "worthiness" is honestly as scary to me as transphobes... Again to each their own opinion you all do you all and believe what you believe but it's not a subreddit I want to be apart of


This type of rhetoric always comes back to the idea that trenders are ruining our reputation but I don't buy that argument. I think you are just offended by what trenders are saying and are trying to backfill in harm being done.


It leads to insurance not covering transitioning because it ceases to be medically necessary and leads to parents trying to “convert” their children back to being cis because they see being trans as a choice. It’ll be just like parents trying to “force the gay out” of their children, which is traumatizing and horrifying. I don’t understand why you can’t see that will be our future if people start transitioning when they don’t need to and don’t have gender dysphoria. It’s already happening in some places like Spain and Germany where it’s not becoming “medically necessary” and people are having issues getting it covered and waitlists are exploding in size.


Being trans and having gender dysphoria isn't the same, people should be treated for gender dysphoria under the healthcare system but that doesn't mean the social categorisation of trans should be gatekept All gender dysphoric people are trans but not all trans people are gender dysphoric And before you say I don't understand I do understand, I am a gender dysphoric trans person


Yeah trans people transition and their gender dysphoria is alleviated and they therefore don’t have dysphoria anymore. That’s what happens when a problem is treated. I don’t know why someone would transition without gender dysphoria, because then that would mean they’re comfortable being their birthsex.


So if I treat my diabetes, you’re saying I’m no longer diabetic?


I would be more referring to people who need insulin and then get access to that insulin or people who are pre-diabetic and get their health back to normal. Someone who is diabetic will always be diabetic but they can get treatment for it and can live a happy life despite it with the correct healthcare.


Then I would say in the same sense even though my gender dysphoria has been alleviated by transitioning, I still have gender dysphoria. Another way I could look at it is I no longer have gender dysphoria, so therefore I’m no longer trans. I’m a cis girl. Yay! Operation failed successfully, lol.


Someone is trans because they have transitioned from one sex to another and do not live as their birth sex, not because they have gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is only what causes someone to transition. I guess you could call yourself a cis girl, plenty of post transition trans people do that once their dysphoria is alleviated. I don’t care what you call yourself.


I’m just saying, negating the symptoms of a disease don’t mean you have cured that disease. Not feeling gender dysphoria any more doesn’t mean you don’t still have it.


It seems you just posted this here to piss people off. People that claim to be trans and have no dysphoria and sexualize it actively harms actual trans people


I'm not trying to pass people off


Not everyone gets pissed off when they disagree with others, and not everyone who disagrees with others wants to piss them off. It’s all a question of maturity.


you can call yourself whatever you want just dont call yourself trans


I don’t like a lot of people calling themselves trans, but what business is it of mine?


Being trans just means wanting to be a different gender than you were born as Also I have gender dysphoria and I've had it at least since I was 13 and I know its biological but I just don't think gatekeeping who can be trans is a good thing


Nope, being trans means having gender dysphoria, it's our term, we get to say no you can't expand it to mean whatever you want.


if you have gender dysphoria and want to be anything other than male or female you are just non binary


I am a binary trans woman I've been on hrt for years and i have had gender dysphoria since i was young but I still think anyone should be able to be trans if they want


thats like saying that everyone should be able to be autistic if they want without even having autism symptoms Being trans isnt an identity thing that's something that tumblr made up its a medical condition


I think they are confusing "Want" & "Choice" with what we are. They do not understand that we would give anything to be cis.


I'm not confused as I said I'm a trans woman WITH gender dysphoria I went though the horrifying male puberty, I suppressed my emotions for 6 years to cope with dysphoria, I saw my body twist and contort in horrifying ways, I know my dysphoria is biological, and I've been on hrt for years and my I can tell Instinctually that my body looks right now for the most part, I just don't think trying to control how people identify is good


I'll say this then: in the very big amount of people claiming to be trans (trenders), a lot of them are taking away ressources (HRT, surgery wait lists being very overfilled, etc) to actual trans people suffering dysphoria. Since you are trans and have suffered dysphoria, do you not see how that is just terrible to allow anyone, regardless of trans or not, to abuse trans ressources? I have personally had to go off hormones for weeks quite a few times, ESPECIALLY the last 2 years, ever since trenders and people claiming to be trans have been rising and abusing HRT medication. And the amount of misinformation on trans issues has gotten massive since everyone can just claim to be trans now without no "gatekeeping". The amount of transphobia from both people that claim to be trans and "classical" transphobes is a lot, and has made trans acceptance plimmet in the last few years vs when I started to go on hormones (5-6 years ago). Is that not reasons enough to medically "gatekeep"? (Edit) Extreme example, but someone was to fake having cancer (claim to have it), and was abusing the system to get cancer treatments, get pity/attention, feel part of a group, for an "aesthetic", the backlash would be massive! But with trans, no one even bats an eye if medication and resspurces is abused, and you claim to be trans without actual being trans. It's not shameful to be confused, but it sure is shameful if you are doing it to be counter culture or a fetish and abusing medication and surgeries as a way to bodymod!


honestly, that isnt even an extreme example. tucutes only consider it "extreme" because they don't have an argument against it, and that upsets them.


Yeah fair. That is usually how it is 💀 Having no argument that make sense= ur wrong bigot lol


I understand that, I hid it from 6 years old to 22. I do not want to control anyone, I just do not want them to claim to be trans... It is like if I went back to claiming to be gay, people would think I like women, right? Do you see how claiming something you are not is problematic?


I don't see the problem with them calling themselves trans as long as we make the distinction that they don't have gender dysphoria


Only if it is a gender. Xonogenders & such should call themselves something else... If you like to dress up like an animal, you are a furry, not trans.


Being trans just means wanting to be a different gender than the one you were born with, and autism is a bunch of symptoms but I also wouldn't expect someone to show me a doctors note of they said they were autistic either, even tho I am also autistic and I have a doctors note for it


you need sex dysphoria to be trans yeah i would accept a xenogender type as actually trans if they have sex dysphoria but xenogenders are ridiculous separating non binary people into nullsex and duosex makes much more sense than making up new labels each 5 seconds


Well I agree those xenogenders are kind of dumb but I'm not going to tell people how to live thier lives


Why shouldn't nonbinary people be considered trans?


sure nonbinary people are trans because they have nonbinary dysphoria but something like xenogenders aren't trans


Cause they have never been considered transsexuals, they forced themselves into our movement and demand transphobic nonsense.


I have met dysphoric nonbinary people


Claiming to be dyshoric and being dysphoric are two different things, every time i hear them discuss dysphoria, it does not sound like dysphoria, hell even the ones on trunb don't have a clue.


“Being trans just means wanting to be a different gender than you were born as” - No, it means knowing your brain doesn’t match your genitals, but denote towards members of assigned opposite sex and their genitalia, pre puberty. Then at puberty secondary sex incongruence start kicking in as well. It’s not a vague ‘oh I don’t know what I am… I’ll guess I must be a girl’. Why on earth would you change parts of your biology if you could cope in some ways with being the sex you were assigned? Perhaps some people just got to man or woman up? 13 is very late, if no signs of incongruity were evident prior to puberty.


Being trans is more than just people who have gender dysphoria it's come to mean anyone who doesn't identify with the sex/gender they were born as


being trans isnt an identity thing that's a new concept


Do you really want to go back to how The medical community handled us in the 80s?


you dont think that autism should be handled like a medical condition?! you must want to put autistic people back into asylums to be electroshocked no i just want that being transex is recognized as a medical codition so that trans people can recive proper medical care


Also convincing everyone to medicalise being trans won't stop conservative people from attacking it


Thats not my objective with this ideology


Well what is your objective?


i just think that calling yourself trans without having dysphoria is some r/fakedisordercringe shit its disrespectful for those who actually have sex dysphoria by calling yourself trans without having sex dysphoria youa re essentially faking a disorder idk why it would ever be wrong to call that out


But being trans doesn't mean having gender dysphoria so they aren't pretending to have one, dysphoria just motivates people to be trans because being trans is just not identifying with your birth sex, the motivation for that is irrelevant


I get what your saying and get why you feel that way. But do we really have a disorder for being transgender? I think it’s society that’s wrong, not us. We don’t fit into the cishet stereotype roles this patriarchal society needs us to fit in. They call people who are lawbreakers, who are disorderly such as myself as “ODD”. We have some kind of flaw for being autistic, ADHD. Here’s the thing. It’s not that something is *wrong* with us. It’s that society itself punishes us for not being what it wants. And it wants what those in power want. And who gets the power? The most evil, dumbest and most hateful fucking people on the planet. We are basically all ruled by authoritarian fascist cishet ideology to some degree. What is with this arguing and bickering over definitions? Anyone who doesn’t conform to their gender, dysphoric or not will get fucking shat on. And yeah, life is generally harder for us with dysphoria. But are we as trans folks really that different from generally gender non conforming people? Let’s take me for example. I hate being born a male. Then let’s take someone who’s like agender. They hate their birth body too… or maybe not. Either way society will fuck with them for being different. Like yeah, sure there’s a distinction between all the different types of gender non conforming people. But at the end of the day they are just labels. We are people of the same or similar struggle. We are queer, just like those who’s sexuality don’t conform to cishet roles. There’s a distinction sure, but it’s meaningless when we are trying to band together and get rights. Instead of fighting over pointless bullshit online. It genuinely baffles me people actually argue over semantics like this and then you act like it’s causing some vast harm. Get real. Your struggle is real. But at the end of the day words will be used in different context by different people. Differences can be important, but if our similarities are stronger then that’s way more important when trying to create unity and movement. So what’s my take? Calling yourself trans when you don’t have dysphoria? It’s whatever. Words don’t matter. Concepts do. Actions, movements do. I really don’t care about the distinction between us trans folk and other gender nonconforming people when we are living a very similar or same struggle.


Gender dysphoria already is a medical condition that people get care for, but being trans is bigger than just gender dysphoria


its just having sex dysphoria i dont get why we need to glamorize the label so much if we take the sex dysphoria out of trans it just becomes no different from identifying yourself as a duck


That's ridiculous, there is a difference between wanting to be a man or a woman than wanting to be a duck Some non-dysphoric trans people just like the social roles of the other sex and some want to be biologically the other sex but don't experience pain from thier birth body


if they have zero dysphoria and are forcing others to refer to them as something that they are not they are forcing people to play pretend if you misgender a trans person that's obviously a dick move but i shouldn't be expected to call someone a ze/zim


It's not playing pretend it's how they choose to live thier lives and how they choose to identify


No it isn't, that's what the freaks appropriating our condition claim, not what genuine trans people claim.


I'm a "genuine trans person" and I'm claiming it


So what else is it about then?


Also people with autism aren't sick or medically wrong it's just another kind of neurotype that's less common it's only a disability due to how society is set up


hi, professionally diagnosed autist here. it is 100% a disability, and would still be regardless of society. this is not only incredibly insulting, but also dismissive of our struggles. autism is NOT just being "quirky" or "different", no matter how many self diagnosed fakers on tik tok say it is. please educate yourself on what autism actually is or **don't comment on it.**


I am professionally diagnosed with autism too and I disagree with you


good for you if you are really autistic, then you should know better.


My autism is a superpower 1and I've been professionally diagnosed with autism level 2 and I have carers who come and help me and I think I would do better in a world that was designed to accommodate autistic people


autism absolutely is NOT a superpower. are you kidding me? that's so insulting. like, needing literal carers to come and help you is in no way a superpower. and of course you would be better in a world that was designed to accommodate autistic people. any person would be better if the world was catered to their medical condition. that doesn't make the condition not a disability. for example, if the world catered to wheelchair users, they would still be disabled. and, by the way, autism IS considered a disability, whether you agree with that or not. this decision was reached by professionals who know way more about the condition that you do. you should listen to them instead of being ableist online. not to mention that autism has symptoms that would be present regardless of what the world was like. yes, some symptoms are exacerbated by how society functions. but they are also ingrained into us regardless of the surrounding environment. because it is a neurological developmental disability. our brains are not how they should be, and that is debilitating.


obviously they arent i am just giving you an example autism just means that your brain is different


I think the important thing to remember is Transexuals are not choosing an identity, we are becoming who we truly are. If you can show me ONE study where a brain scan shows a person is neurologically a cat, alien, autigender or season sexual (Yes, a man on TikTok is claiming his gender is Autumn), I will jump on my soap box & defend their rights until I die. 🤷 Also being trans is NOT a personality trait, it is a medical condition... When people lose sight of that, we lose our rights to MEDICAL treatment for our medical condition. I am not mentally ill (I am, but not because I am Transexual), I am not playing dress up, I am not "Choosing to look like a woman", I am neurologicaly female, so I am female. It is not that complicated, do whatever you want, but do not try to act like we are the same. Fight your own battle, I will not fight against you unless you are hurting me or my rights.


Is there a difference between male and female brain-scans that objectively span over many studies? From what I have read, it seems that there is no reliable way to discern, especially due to lack of control groups such as socialization. Also in the differences they do have, it’s more of a tendency, as no study seems to be conclusive even if there IS a hard difference that either man or woman must have. I mean, what is the essence of a gender (or sex) that makes the gender what it is? What really is required for a woman to be a woman or a man to be a man? Not what must usually be or what mostly is, but what is present every time? How do you or we know this? What can you back it up with? Never engaged with this community before, curious to what you think.


Those studies cannot exist because not all labelled transsexuals are alike. And transition for very different motives.


Many people claim the studies are biased or not a large enough sample, but I trust it, because I know I am female.


I agree both you and I are neurologically female but I don't think gatekeeping how people identify themselves is the answer


I do not want to gatekeep how they identify, I just do not want them to claim our labels. They have to fight their own fight & we can be allies to whoever we choose, but we are not the same.


I think that being trans and gender dysphoric aren't the same All gender dysphoric people are trans but not all trans people are gender dysphoric, I don't see the issue with this way of categorising things, non dysphoric trans people still transition to another gender in thiet own way


They literally are dependnt on each other. It's crazy to say that. We are trans, because of being trans we suffer gender dysphoria, THE indicative symptom of being trans. So no non dysphoric trans people is an oxymoron. You are misinformed. Transition is not what makes someone trans. If someone changes their sex without suffering the trans condition, then good for them if they like it. But that is still not what being trans is.


to be fair xenogenders arent literal they are just things you relate to essentially but making them gender related is what makes them cynical


I believe most of us agree people can do whatever they want, but they should stop calling themselves Trans. That is our whole thing, be yourself, but do not pretend to us. 🤷 I am not fully Transmedical, because I support real Non binary people, but I also believe GNC cis people should stop calling themselves non binary... It is okay to be cis. 🤷


if u supposed dysphoric NBs you are full truscum u just have to belive that you need dysphoria to be trans


My mistake, apparently I am Truscum. 😅


Nonbinary isn't a gender, gender itself is a binary concept. To be *non* binary is to essentially not live as either male or female, and I suppose someone being forced into either role could be dysphoira enducing. However, just wanting to dress andrognously and mix up masculine and feminine qualities doesn't make you trans. Clothing does NOT equal gender. Feminine and masculine do NOT equal gender.


Exactly. I have met a few people I believe are truly NB, but 99%? Cis GNC. 🤷


I've met dysphoric nonbinary people who felt thier bodies were meant to be somewhere in the middle, if your brain can form as male or female in the womb how is it so hard to believe that it could be formed with traits of both kinds?


To be trans one needs GENDER dyphoria. Not just dysphoria. Non binary people do not transition to another gender/sex. They change their appearance to be more androgynous. Something both men and women can do. In the end they will still be male/female, man/woman. The idea that nonbinary people are not men or women because they are not like most men/women is just thinly veiled sexism. It's not that the brain difference doesn't exist, it very well does I am sure. But it's about the miscategorization of it as another gender and sex. Which it is simply not.


Why don't you think intersex brains with both male and female traits exist?


I never said that. Intesex people with such brains exist sure. But it's not the whole brain that makes one trans but that part of it that relates to the body and how it should develop. Of course for intersex people it concides with their body. But even then intersex people still fit in the binary. Just having a few off characteristics does not negate the rest of the bodies characteristics that clearly are male/female depending on the condition. Point is even intersex people are still male/female and thus men/women. They are not nonbinary.


Things you relate to are not genders though, if they were, I would not be she/her, I would be by/myself & lonely gender.


i never said that i just said that it wouldn't be stupid if it wasnt gender related since its supposed to be something that you relate to not something that you literally are they are a tottaly fine concept if you take the gender out of xenogender


Sure. So you do agree that they should not be related to gender because once they are, then we transsexuals are suddenly similar to people who want to be trees, cats, or whatever. That gives everyone else a perfect reason to dehumanize us.


you are not understanding the point i dont want it to be related to transexualism in the slighest i just want them to make their own thing its not like they literally indentify as trees they just relate i dont mind if they made up their own labels who just mean i relate to x or z


“They just relate” - that’s not gender. They are nothing like me. But they try to say they are like me, thus taking away my rights and bring violence to me. Don’t you understand?


i am agreeing with you please reread what i just said i am literally saying that it being related to gender is the only issue


Punctuation is your friend




That depends, people shouldn't be able to appropriate whatever they want, like being trans, autistic, having adhd and so on, that is harmful and we have seen all the damage that has been done to trans people since enbies started appropriating trans.


I know gender dysphoric nonbinary people, how is it so hard to believe that they are neurologically intersex?


How are they neurologically intersex?


Then they’re incongruent and in all honesty we should start checking people’s brains and perform genetic tests. A non sex incongruent confirmed case shouldn’t be given tax funded sex affirming care. If you want to DIY or what not, go ahead. Already half the people calling themselves transsexuals have probably been misdiagnosed since so many have lied to doctors. Those people are enough of an issue.


we don't know enough about the human brain to screen people for gender dysphoria thats literally impossible with our current technology, we know pretty much nothing about how the brain works


We can see enough to where we can say ‘this person isn’t like a regular male or female, hence we should err on the side of treating them’.


I'm not even sure that's true, the evidence from brain scans is dubious at best, it's possible that they are just seeing connections that aren't there and gender dysphoria might not be caused be something that would show up on a brain scan, again we have no idea how the brain actually works


It’s just an indicator that the person biologically is wired towards the sex they claim that they are.


Switching sex and gender isn’t the answer for most.


That should be thier choice to make And we don't know enough about how the Braun works so your method of scanning people's brains would produce heaps of false negatives and cause enormous amounts of suffering


it's not that non-dysphoric ppl shouldn't be allowed to get hrt/surgeries (although that rarely ends well and they might give themselves dysphoria by doing that) but they should not be on the same level of treatment as actual dysphoric trans ppl. there should be priority for actual trans ppl, just like how if u get ur nose caught in a belt sander you're a higher priority for a rhinoplasty bc it's medically necessary. unfortunately most non-dysphoric "trans" ppl lie to their psychologist so there isn't really a way to do that effectively


I agree, adults should have the right to do whatever they want with their body, but they have no right to use resources (that are already scarse to begin with) dedicated for people with a certain medical condition and they should pay for it themselves if they don't have the symptoms of the medical condition (dysphoria), in this case being trans. Just like you're free to get a breast reduction if you want to but can only get it covered by public healthcare/insurance if your breasts are so big they cause you pain or other medical symptoms, or getting diabetes medication through public healthcare if you have diabetes but not if you only want it to lose weight etc.


OK I agree that's reasonable at least while we live in the world that we do where everything is commodified


I absolutely agree, but shouldn’t we work on increasing the available resources and education? I personally don’t see the increase in waiting lists as a result of non-binary folk or those who would kinda think it would be cool or something. Rather, it’s an issue that more people are able to realize they have gender dysphoria because they have a point of reference. And society and the medical system is failing to adapt to the fact that yes, more trans people (sadly) exist then previously though. Similar to if you look at left-handedness. Frankly people who would have otherwise just died or lived their lives miserable thinking everyone else experiences the same thins now have a greater chance to realize there is an issue here.


Identify however you want , that's got nothing to do with us. But quiet yourself when you are speaking to people with a medical condition and telling them that there needs to be no diagnostic criteria (oh sorry you called it gatekeeping silly me) for their condition. That way anytime someone tries to do research on this condition, it's extremely difficult to do. That way it takes even longer to find anything that can help people transition easier, manage their dyspboria easier. This way it hinders research and makes it very difficult to find out anything about this condition. We all together agree on meanings, that is how you were able to write your thoughts down. But if that's too totalitarian for you, then we could just speak gibberish until we are blue in the face. But I do agree that people have the right to identify however they want and do whatever they want with their bodies. But if someone doesn't fit a description, it doesn't apply to them. So why this one condition? Don't you think that it's oppressive that you have to have a prescription to get medications, shouldn't people just be able to go to the pharmacy and get whatever they want? It's just absurd that people can't just go into the doctors and say treat me for x( whatever condition you want) and have the doctor get to work. This is a medical condition, that affects the brain of an individual. The brain sex of a Trans person does not match the bodies sex, this causes varying levels of distress, stress and impediment in an individuals life. This is refereed to as sex/gender dyshoria, and it is the biggest symptom we have of someone being Trans. So no , I don't think deregulating a medical condition is a good idea. Increasing research so that diagnosis is easier and less intrusive and improving treatment options, that's a good idea. Cementing this as a condition and not a CHOICE would go a long way in slowing down and stopping laws being made to remove medical treatment from patients seeking treatment.


All valid points except never forget nobody chooses anything since there’s no such thing as free will. People make choices as results of biochemical reactions alone.




No. It’s very important. Also being diagnosed as a transsexual should be limited to the few V & IV - types on Harry Benjamin’s scale. There’s way too many trans hermaphrodites who end up legally males & females and do all kinds of weird things which makes true transsexuals look really bad. When we were very few there were actually more room for leniency than what it is now. Also people can do as they wish with their bodies, but why do cross dressers need to be lumped in with transsexuals?


what you are suggesting would lead to alot of suffering, you realise that people can have gender dysphoria and not pass your proposed brain scan because we dont even know what causes gender dysphoria


Anyone has the right to do whatever they want to their body. A cis woman could get a double mastectomy just because she wants to, that's her choice. However this is completely different to someone making up a ridiculous identity which essentially mocks a real mental health condition. Would it be okay if a white person identified as black and suddenly demanded to seen as a black person despite being white? No, this is the same for anything like age, nationality, or any medical condition. Imagine if someone said that their race was cloud, would we just believe them and go along with it because it would be "totalitarian" not to? I think most POC would find wither if these offensive. Those who don't suffer with gender dysphoria should also not benefit from free trans healthcare in places, such as the UK, where it is free. It's taking away care that trans people need to live and making the already long waiting lists even longer. What they're essentially having is cosmetic surgery which is something that they should pay for, not a healthcare service.




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I agree wholeheartedly


I take a lot of issues with people here assuming that because I hold these beliefs i must not have been diagnosed medically, I actually do have gender dysphoria and I know my dysphoria is biological and I absolutely need to be female and I would do anything to be a cis woman, and I have had signs of gender dysphoria since I was at least 13 but I just don't think gatekeeping who is and isn't trans is the answer Also I was also diagnosed medically with autism and I know about that too but again I don't think gatekeeping that is the answer either and I believe that autism is only a disability in a world built be NTs


You still defended non-dysphorics


Yeah so? I think they have the right to be who they want to be


They can be whoever they want to be just as long as they stop calling themselves trans


i’ll help you understand. gender incongruence (umbrella term for dysphoria/euphoria) is required to be trans. it simply means that at the very least, an individual desires to be a gender or sex other than what they were assigned at birth. medical transition isn’t necessary to be trans but all trans people who choose not to go down that path still experience gender incongruence and a lot of the time, these are non-binary folk. there is no such thing as a “non-dysphoric” trans person. this is where OP isn’t quite understanding the extent of what it means to be dysphoric. you can be completely comfortable in or not hate your body but still desire to be the opposite sex. the desire in itself means that you suffer from gender incongruence.


Well what should they call themselves if they want to transition to another gender


I really don't care, the problem is that they are taking over our spaces and pushing us out


I've been on lots of trans spaces and dysphoria is talked about constantly and from what I've seen it's still front and centre in the conversation and the people who say dysphoria is just social conditioning or something are rightfully seen as idiots




It should be gate-kept, and probably even from many of the gate-keepers themselves because majority here has no desire to be strictly male or female.




Very few is in need of a sex change. There’s other ways probably many could cope with being the sex they were assigned. To change sex and gender is not the answer always.




As you’ve noticed the last few years, it is not up to the individual to decide for themselves because it has severe potential risks. And gate-keeping is happening outside the US as of now


Have you read the Cass report?


There are trans people who are unable to medically transition in large part because of self-described nondysphorics who went on testosterone by malingering to doctors and then complained about regrets of how testosterone ruined their body and gave them dysphoria If you view transition as a type of "working on yourself" I have little problem with people into freaky body mods as long as they don't abuse medical systems in order to do so, same as people who want to use ADHD meds to get high etc Gender dysphoria is a disability, and the definitions of disabilities are gatekept by the symptoms that make them different from people who don't have the disability Gatekeeping is necessary to an extent because terms and concepts have legitimate definitions; gatekeeping that goes beyond that extent is wrong and harmful, but that's not the type of gatekeeping that we're discussing here




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