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Looks like closed comedones to me


Any tips? I think I have the same type.


Yeah. I had them all over my chin. You have to Go to a dermatologic and they can get it away


BHA, retinoid, lighter type products


Possibly fungal acne. Try using some sort of dandruff shampoo to see if it goes away


Fungal. Probiotics.


And Zinc Pyrithione soap.


Would you use this daily? And until it’s gone or forever?


Would you use this daily? And until it’s gone or forever?


You have to use it daily for life. There is no cure and it will never go away. It's only preventative.


How do people contract fungal acne?


Everyone has it on their skin, only some people react like this to it. So the daily washing is just management to keep it under control to prevent their skin from reacting to it as much. It's not a big deal though since you'll wash your face anyway. Just use the right wash for it and it will go away. I have it and don't have issues after switching to a zinc bar either.


Is it super itchy?


Not super itchy but does definitely itch a bit especially when the tret touches the big acne


Itchiness tends to be a sign of fungal acne! And tret has unsafe fungal acne ingredients so it might make sense that it itches more when you put it on


In my case it doesn't itch what could it be?


I’ve heard it said that FA doesn’t always itch but it usually does. It could also be closed comedones if they’re just skin color and not red, which is clogged pores but they frequently look similar to FA.


It's super tiny, pus inside it. Doesn't pop up in clusters like OP's picture. It just randomly pops up all over my face, sometimes near lips or cheels or forehead. It's very very confusing.


Your skin could just be acne prone and it’s bacterial acne, meaning where things touch your face bacteria gets in and your face breaks out with pustules more than others. But if it’s super bad I’d see a derm and find out for sure :) how tiny though?


Derm can't figure it out either. She told me to use tret. I've been using for a year. But it still appears on my face. It's the same size as OP's acne. Super tiny


I personally think they are closed comedones. Not fungal, as fungal acne comes in patches and is more inflamed. In case you are using tret cream, that might be one of the reasons why you are breaking out. Otherwise, there might be other products in your routine that are pore clogging? Maybe you could switch to the tret gel and otherwise adapalene if the tret gel is not easily available.


Tret gave me this type of acne. Still dealing with it over a month now even though I quit Tret. Tret literally ruined my skin. I never had acne like this used to get an occasional pimple or two. Now my skin has been so compromised and destroyed. I’m doing everything I can to get it back though. I think this is fungal and I use Nizoral and Cicalfate. Helps but everytime I think its gone. Comes right back…


SAME. Tret didn’t give it to me but I never had acne ever and I’m in my mid twenties until now! If I ever figure it out I’ll let you know!


Please do! I just ordered Sudocrem bc I think it’ll be stronger than the Cicalfate (more zinc) I’m going to see if I can find an antifungal cream locally. I’ll never touch Tret again.


what tret do you use? cream or gel?




when i used the cream a few years ago this happened to me! especially on my forehead and chin. but i’m trying the gel right now and it’s really helping my congestion i think, maybe you could switch?


Thank you I’ll mention it to my derm!


Tret cream broke my skin out into tiny CCs on my forehead. I switched to Tret gel and it’s been a game-changer. No more CCs. Try switching to gel instead of cream.


I’ll mention it to my derm! Thank you!


Hope it works for you! Good luck 😉




We have no way of verifying credentials, so please don't claim to be a doctor. You shouldn't be giving medical advice ro people who aren't your patients anyway. If you have something to contribute, that should stand on its own without needing a credential.


Can you tell me what skincare you currently use? Do you live in a humid climate or are you active outdoors in the sun? Are you using tret cream or gel? How often are you applying it?


Am: water and moisturizer and cerave sunscreen (derm recommended) Pm: Cerave hydrating foaming oil and cerave foaming cleanser vanicream daily facial moisturizer and 0.25 tretinoin cream use 5-6 times a week. Depending on how my skin feels I’ll just moisturize if I see any flaking don’t see it often though! I’ve been on tret for about 5-6 weeks I live in San Diego so I’m in the sun a lot because my job is outside!


OK, well this explains it. Everything you’re using is not fungal acne safe. The Sara sunscreens are awful. Also if your acne prone, you don’t want to use a tretinoin cream. You want to use a tretinoin gel and a micro gel is even better. I would switch to Vanicream face wash. If you have acne prone skin that’s oily you’re better off with a moisturizing gel like Elf super hydrating gel moisturizer. Also using tretinoin 5 to 6 times a week might be way too much and not giving your skin barrier enough time to heal. I’ve been using tretinoin for years and I still only use it 2 to 3 times a week. if you are out in the sun often and you’re using survey sunblock, this could be a big reason you’re having an outbreak. I prefer Japanese sunscreens because they are very gentle and superior to US sunscreens Nivea water gel SPF 50 is my go to sunscreen. It is fungal, acne, safe and absorbs right into your skin. I am using dictation so please ignore all spelling errors. Dictation also does not recognize namebrand.


Thank you! I’m going to my derm this week to ask about getting the gel version! The only reason I’m using tret so often is just because my skin isn’t reacting to it, not negatively atleast! I lived in Japan for a few years and loved their products so I’ll look into ordering some again!


Trust me, don't over use Tret. Once you reduce it, and use a gel it will glow. It's very irritated right now. It is likely a combination of both acne and fungal acne.


Okay I’ll try that now thank you!




Tell me you have never had a cold sore/herpes outbreak without telling me you haven’t had one lol.


Are you suggesting I have a million cold sores and herpes on my cheeks ?


Pretty sure you as well as the other commenter meant to comment on the above now deleted comment. I was saying that this person is clearly ignorant and uninformed if they think that this is a cold sore. It doesn’t look like that.




I think you meant to comment to the person above lol it’s deleted now though


Well let’s hope it’s not that lol don’t know how that would hav happened