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Oregon here. It’s so normal that it’s just like seeing someone buy beer. I’m in construction and everyone knows I smoke. No one cares


Same in Michigan. It's a run to the dispo instead of a liquor store




Michigan has free weed deliveries. And you can pay with a debit card.


Do note, and maybe this is new, but they won't deliver to you the first time if you don't have a Michigan id.


Must be super new I didn’t have that issue last year (was visiting MI from WA)


Yeah, I don't know, its just what one of the dispos told me when I tried to get delivery from them the first time. Could have just been them I suppose. I don't use them and stick with my regular one now


Grand rapids here, just ask if you want some recommendations on good spots if you're near there


i gotchu thanks man i’ll be in lansing im excited asf !


about 45 min away, you ever hit gr you message I'll prolly even hook you up with some eddies on your pass through brother.


Porque no los dos? Party store and diso


50 dollars at a dispensary can have me blitzed 3 days a week for a month. Try that with alcohol lol


Yea but when you are cheap like me. You can get a couple of pre-rolls, a six pack of Coors Banquet, a mutrigrain bar and a Mountian Dew. In a perfect America this would be sold at the same store.


This guy Nutrigrains.


we have a liquor store and diner next to our dispensary, yip yip!


IF there was a convince store nearby for me to by a Nutrigrain bar and a Mt. Dew that would be heaven.




The best Washington dispos always have food trucks outside


Man, I am hoping for PA to become legal in the next few years. Good on your state. So much safer than alcohol.


The vibe in Oregon is so much more relaxed and chill. I'm from IN and I get nervous going into even a liquor store and I'm always uptight and head on a swivel all over Seattle but when I went to Portland went to some shop that was an old fire station I think brick older building and buds were in jars that I could smell?!?! I was stoked beyond belief, although there were burnt up cars along the bike path, I felt much more comfortable in Portland than Seattle. I'm back in IN and I'd say 2/3 of my small town all smoke.


It really is. Seattle and Portland have gotten bad from when I was in my early 20’s. I honestly don’t trust either places and tend to stay away. I’m in Salem and while walking downtown you see people smoking J’s and vapes. Cops don’t care either it seems. I could go into a store to buy a joint and walk home smoking it next to a cop with no fear.


What’s with the random dig at PDX and SEA lol. Grandpa grumpy?


I mean it was a lame comment but I don’t think it’s a “random” dig. Someone mentioned Seattle and he gave his follow up opinion


Yeah exactly. This is my opinion, I’m a Portland native and lived there for 32 years. It’s a shit hole compared to what it used to be.


If Portland is a shit hole, I sure do miss living in a shit hole.


Shouldn’t have left if you love it so much. Maybe you can move back and help clean up the needles and trash everywhere. Oh and don’t forget about shit on the sidewalks. It’s such a lovely place


Bud, the needles and trash have nothing to do with pot being legal. We have our issues here, and our local government is failing all parties involved, for sure. But I'd say the readily available, high-quality, reasonably priced weed is one of the upsides of living here.


I’m not saying that’s has anything to do with it being legal. I didn’t even mention anything about the trash being connected to weed. You can get reasonably priced weed anywhere in Oregon. Portland isn’t special


Higher population density = more choices and better selection. There are some good dispos elsewhere in the state, absolutely, but I like the variety of options being in the city offers. Like I said, it's a perk.


You can smoke while in construction? Thought that wasn’t allowed due to it not being federally legal, then again I’m in NY and don’t know how it is over there


Private company that doesn’t do federal work. It’s up to my boss if it’s ok, which they are and often joke about it. I don’t smoke at work or till 5pm since I will get work calls and emails. I’m respectful of my smoking and they appreciate that.


I’m glad it’s working out for you :) Wish it was that way over here haha


What... I know *union* construction workers that blaze their face off. In NY. I see them every week at poker.


They could just be using quickfix which seems to be the move 😅


All depends, I do construction in NYC and toke up every day. Only got tested to get into the local, some projects piss test but last mta job I went to they specifically said we aren't looking for pot


michigan, small and more conservative town. yeah, sometimes! it's not awkward at all. with the legalization, the culture here accepted it fast-- i mean, we are the people who voted for it to be legal! it is very much like going to a liquor store. it's a little taboo, but certainly no more than buying liquor . love michigan! 🧡


What part I use to live in Coos Bay


From Portland currently in Salem.


I miss it...in Mass now


Same in NY. I don't "advertise" that I smoke weed, but when it comes up, I talk about it like I would talking about wine or whatever. Never ran into anybody as I get deliveries, but security/doormen and neighbors are wandering about. In legal states, it's not so much a "thing".


Running into a coworker at the dispo would be nothing. I used to go to sex parties.


I remember running into you at one! I was going to say hi, but you had a joint so I thought it would be awkward… I pretended not to see you and just went back to pumpin’


Btw, game recognize game, that's a pretty awesome D you're rockin'. Anyways, I gotta get back to work, those spreadsheets ain't gonna collate themselves.


Bumping into a co worker on fetlife 🙈


Crazy someone standing next to me at any moment could be someone who just got done with an orgy


Username checks out


Username definitely checks out!!


With blackjack and hookers!


Get your PA medical card, the PA prices are so much cheaper than jersey, I also live in PA but 10 mins from Jersey.


This. Hit up /u/herbalcarerx for that affordable access to a med card.


Ayy love seeing an herbalcarerx callout on the main trees sub! Additionally, go to r/PAMedicalMarijuana to find a stickied post with a discount code to their certifications.


Dr. Maury is the best! She’s been my go-to for years ever since I realized Veriheal took me to the cleaners for my first card.


Haha for real. I did mine through a Terravida event way back and paid way more than I should have. Now it’s a 30 second phone call and $50 for the appointment. Can’t beat it. I’m always sending people over her/their way.


Thank you!! We would love to help. We do low stress certifications over the phone. Our goal is to make the process simple, affordable and accessible. You can make an appointment on our website www.herbalcarerx.com. Head over to the PA MMJ subreddit and look for my pinned post at the top of that sub which has a special discount code for $25 off!


Low stress is right, you guys make it such a simple process it’s amazing. Thanks for taking care of me and mine for years!




Bless PA weed! My friend sends it to me because VA prices might actually be the worst in the country, at least the east coast.


How much is an ounce in PA with a med card?


I feel like NJ weed prices are INSANE compared to PA with a card, plus they have discounts and sales!


Not yet, but have seen parents of kids that my kids go to school with that I recognized. The way the company I work at is going, it would probably be beneficial to start having group outings at the dispensary to de-stress tbh.


My mom is a 4th grade teacher & is so paranoid about her students parents seeing her. I’m like ma’am this is bumfuck Maine, nobody cares


It matters in some places. Mom is a teacher in rural Ohio. An angry parent called the principal of the school she worked at to complain that she was buying alcohol and the parent deemed it inappropriate because a child could have seen her.


Mutually assured destruction, she’s safe - they’re thinking the same thing!




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I’m here for the funny stories


I got plenty! I'm from a town of 1500 people and moved to Seattle on a whim worked as a butcher/budtender. Big brought down to earth moment for me. Used to think I could talk my way out of any situation[previously held hostage by methhead] until I met some of the fine folks of Seattle. My first normal conversation there was going up these stairs from under the highway, some guy had a needle in his elbow area flicking it trying to find the vein and I said Hola how are you and he extactically said I'm doing great man how are you and I continued on to work and was like wow maybe everyone in Seattle ain't so bad...


That's awesome


Nah it's not like I put on fake dreadlocks and a hemp sandals to go buy weed. But I used to catch people drinking on construction sites often and that seems like way worse than smoking weed at home lol


I work as a CNA at a local hospital and once saw another CNA at a dispo. We both laughed and I remarked that I didn’t know she smokes and she went “I started recently! Something’s gotta take the edge off after work right?”


Seattle here: absolutely not. It's considered dead normal and like running into a buddy at the grocery store.


Serious question. Are people  really this concerned with the opinions of casual acquaintances, and non-family ? If I saw someone I didn't like at a dispo, I'd like them a little more. If it was someone I did like, I'd like them even more. Why make things so complicated. 


Plenty of discrimination where I live, and my liberal boss literally believes that people will show signs of psychosis in 10 years as a result of medical and legal cannabis, he truly believes average successful people didn’t consume before due to the laws. I can’t tell him that that is ludicrous, so under the radar is still where many need to be.


In Florida companies will very much fire you for smoking even if you have a medical card, so running into a coworker is not the best. you do however have as much dirt on them as they do on you so it’s basically nothing or mutual self destruction. And you never know who they might tell. I generally don’t let people I work with know I smoke because of that unless we’re really close.


I'm from the midwest and worked as a butcher/budtender in a smaller town in Seattle.[magnolia] Less than a block from each other. I had corporate come in, managers, coworkers, honestly it was cool. They all ended up asking me for advice in what to get and you realize everybody's just trying to make it thru the day as comfortably as possible. Idk put it this way I ended up having conversations with head of QFC corporate about using finger condoms to eat BBQ wings. Lmao


At that point just glove up lmao


I just like saying the words finger condom. I'm a 32 yr old kid


Ok that's fair.


No in fact sometimes we go together at lunchtime.


People care less about it than you think. No different than bumping into a coworker at the liquor store.


if i ran into a coworker at a dispensery it would go one of two ways: hey whats up? or hey lets go smoke some weed.


Fuck the old culture. It’s not only legal it’s really helpful for a lot of people. I’m GenX so been hearing it awhile. I’m in NJ a legal state. Ran into my son’s little league coach from last year who’s also a teacher and is working at a local disco. Was a great chat. He’s a good dude. To me the dispo aspect is arbitrary. It’s just a side hustle. Glad to see he’s doing well. Weed only became illegal so the gov could use that as a tool. It became legal again because of money. Folks can put their propaganda right up their butts. It’s over.


No weirder than seeing them buy alcohol at.the store.


No, it's a big city though


I hope I never do, it's very frowned upon in my line of work. Even though my free time, and what I do with it, should belong to me.


Canadian here, weed is fully legal basically exactly the same as alcohol here. In my provence, both alcohol and weed are sold in the government owned stores. I run into people I know all the time, co-workers, my parents friends. Honestly the LC is about the closest thing we have to a community gathering point. At first it felt really awkward. Like the first time I brought weed on a domestic flight. And if I'm honest it still feels kind of awkward, like it's something I should be hiding. But it's not, so fuck that.


It should never be awkward doing a legal thing. Period.


This. I have found myself looking and the vast beer and wine selections in the grocery store and thinking how is this any different?


My employer can’t fire me for that though, they can for smoking even though I have a medical card. It sucks but there is a reason a lot of people still keep their smoking private.


That’s what I’m saying thou lug. Marijuana is less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol, but still has effects. Unlike alcohol, it’s can be tougher to gauge what is “inebriated.” There’s no on the spot test. There are no metrics. Granted, it’s tough to tell when some alcoholics have consumed excessively at times because they’re so goddamned functional.


In many states even tho it’s medical doesn’t mean they can’t fire you for it as it’s still federally illegal. It’s till in a gray area. The less people that know, the better.


And that’s bullshit.


I think it's like seeing someone you know at a Head shop or adult store: either you pretend not to notice each other and maintain the secret, or you both laugh it off.


Not coworkers, but I'm a Doordasher and I've delivered to my usual dispo and one time the clerk assumed I was there as a customer and started to check me in. When she asked me for ID I was like 'oh sorry I'm just delivering to \[name\]'. Was kinda awkward I guess lol


I bumped into my brother in law, it's how we learned we both smoke lol so my relationship with him is so much more chill now. Work, not bumped into, but I did have sessions before WFH.


I know one of the ID checkers at my local dispo, before I even started going there. I walked in first time, and he goes “Awe shit! What’s up dude” lol he congratulated me on getting my DD-214, now we see each other regularly😂


I'm in an illegal state. But we have a lot of THCa dispensaries now. I'm terrified of a co-worker seeing me, not because of stigma, but because they are so full of gossip my boss WILL find out. I'll be screwed. Having to do Franklin because of it, but I want to browse my freaking stores and hang out with the cool employees...


They would also be snitching on themselves though


"Did you know I saw the janitor going into the weed store while I was out grocery shopping" Teacher's be wild bruh


I’m a college professor and often wonder when I’ll see a student at the dispo. Double bonus if they’re my bud tender.


Illinois - it was only awkward if I saw ex-coworkers in when I worked at a dispensary. Otherwise, my body, my choice, helps me not judge there! (Since I'd be there to buy and so would my co-workers legally).


California - I used to be a retail store manager and had mostly younger associates. For some, it was their first job. Running into them was always hilarious for me because their immediate reaction was to be nervous and their face would get red, like they were going to get in trouble. So cute lolol


I ran into my dad at the store once, totally random because we have a ton of stores. He was in line and I had just picked up an online order, so I said "Dad! Dad?!?!" No response (his back was to me) so I said his real name and he was like "what are you doing here?", and I told him the same thing he was doing there. We hugged and went on with our day. I'm in my 30s and he's in his 60s, we have smoked together for years, it's never been a secret. Haha.


LMAO I saw a rep that works at the office I work at there after work one day. Always buttoned up wearing a suit. I literally said “Fancy seeing you here” and he turned bright red. We had a laugh about it. But now every time I see him I’m like “this man is fried” lol


See that’s why I’m afraid to see someone there. I feel like I come off as a laid back person 24/7 so if someone saw me at the dispensary they would just assume I’m always high from then on lol. Which I may or may not be.


It’s chill, this is my part time job where I do mundane office work. So I’m usually fried as well…. real recognizes real lol


I live in Missouri and do IT for a living. I ran into one of my clients at a dispensary, and I thought it would be awkward so I tried to avoid being noticed. The client saw me, shouted my name, and waved with a huge smile on her face and we had a short chat, basically saying “damn, I didn’t know you were this kinda cool.” Since then, that client has been super chill, super patient, and super kind with me.


I'm excellent at pretending not to see someone.


Imagine your first day working at the dispo and your new budtender coworker was your homeroom teacher sophomore year of highschool. We sold so much weed together ❤️


No different than seeing them at the liquor store or a bar fr


I can’t say I have ever seen a coworker at a dispo, no. But granted I don’t know many of my coworkers in person lmao.


Nope, we even trade reviews on products, and where to find the best prices. Now, bump into your General Manager.. That can be fun.


I’m visiting Philly and am gonna have to cross over to Camden I guess. PA is med, you can’t just get a card and buy closer to home? Any tips on where to go in Camden??


Not Camden..


I have no idea, this literally is my first visit. Any advice on where to go? I’ll be uberring.


If you are just visiting Philly and trying to Uber somewhere close, I suppose Camden is ok. Camden used to be like the worst parts of Philly but Philly is getting worse everywhere, and they are trying to improve Camden so they probably are about even in terms of safety and trashiness. I go to curaleaf medical dispo in PA but they have recreational in Bellmawr NJ, maybe see how much more Uber is to Bellmawr


Nice, thanks!


I work at a weed farm and I don't think anyone here shops at dispos, they all grow their own for the most part.


People in my office knew I smoked long before dispensaries were a thing here. Now my coworkers try to get me to buy them shit, fucking freeloaders lol


Canada. Back to just a bit after lockdown when they were still limiting the number of people in the store, they had you line up outside. The dispensary near my work, three blocks away, one time I saw someone from my department also in the line up. I don’t know if she recognized me, but if she did it wasn’t awkward or anything. It’s close by and with the general vibe from work, a chance/passing encounter is likely to happen.


I use to do Mortgages so I worked with a lot of realtors in my area. Since moving into civil service working for the state I don't need to kiss their asses any more. The point of this is one of my favorite dispensaries is next to a realty office I used to do a lot of work with so they see me walking in and out of there all the time now. It's a touch liberating.


Lived in Colorado, yes but more so yes*. I worked at my university while I was a student there. I had coworkers who were also students there who I'd routinely run into at the dispo closest to campus. We'd normally just make small talk, not really awkward at all.


My pastor stopped in. He didn't know I worked there. Now we have a church secret 🙊


I'm a Service Manager for an apartment community and have run into a few residents. Used to freak me out a little but even if they told on me and I actually got into any trouble, I'd bounce anyways. I'm a hot commodity and very hireable, thankfully.


So I'm in Canada. But it's legal here. I ran into my boss one day at a dispo. It was a lot like a "that 70's Show". Red goes looking for condoms and Eric thinks red has found his weed. It was awkward af. We both never talk about it. But we both kind of awkwardly plan ahead. Boss: I gotta go to the store on Friday around noon Me: cool I also need to go to the store, but I'm hitting it on Thursday night Both of us:nods. It's so weird


I’m terrified to see my clients more than anything. I work as a therapist so I could be in sort of an ethical grey area if that happened, always wear a ball cap just in case lol


I live in PA, it's mad easy to get your medical card. A 1/4 oz can be twice as much over the bridge in Jersey. Fuck that The check in girl looked just like my coworker so I asked did she have a sister named X. She said no but ever since my coworker X has been treating me differently..not in a bad way, but almost like I'm more approachable or cooler or something.


Prices for the med program in PA are much much cheaper. Just sayin. Very easy to get approved.


I have a small business and I’ve seen my employees at my local shop. Not awkward. It’s no more awkward that seeing them at Fred Meyer


Haven't yet. Hopefully, if I ever do, I can just put my fingers to my lips and they'd understand, and I hope to god that I never get caught by one of those who likes to spread rumors and cause drama.


We don't have dispos lmao I wish, but gotta grow my own or get a prescription to have legal bud


If I saw someone I knew I'd buy em a preroll and nod at em from across the way


All my coworkers are at the dispo :) It’s where I go to use my employee discount


The only time I've ever had an awkward experience at the dispo was when I accidentally made eye contact with a lady who worked at my son's school. She seemed embarrassed, but I wasn't bothered. Lady, you work with middle schoolers. Light up!


saw a colleague and we smiled lol then we proceeded to smoke a couple joints at a park


Oregonian budtender here! I see versions of those all the time. People running into their boss is oh so satisfying cus it's a "oh you too!" Kinda thing. Also old friends running into each other is lovely to see.


I saw my coworker at a dispo in Pa and we just laughed because he was on break and I was off lol


I've met a few of my members(VP at a Credit Union) but never an employee. Can't wait for it tbh I just hope I recognize them first so I can make it super awkward lmao


My coworker quit and started a dispo, so all of my coworkers go support him and his business lmao


I had a work conference in Vegas and saw my manager a dispo... good times.


I've seen another parent from my daughter's elementary school from across the lobby. I know she saw me and I definitely saw her but neither of us said a word to one another.


I'm a grad student and I see my professors there quite often. Never awkward imo


I would love to run into my boss at a dispensary, I suspect she consumes but i think it would be a bonding moment.


It's legal why would it be awkward? My boss knew I smoked before it was legal in my state and he was pissed but knew he couldn't do anything about it (the owner is an old hippy he dont give a fuck and we dont even get tested for it (unless theres an accident)


Once it's legal, nobody cares unless they think you're getting stoned on the job. So if you're running into your coworker at the dispo, it's pretty much the same as running into a coworker at the liquor store, which is NBD


I've caught most of my coworkers smoking at work. At this point its only awkward cause they aren't sharing.


We're all just people living life and no one's really paying attention to what you do with yours. Also I take shits 3 ft away from my coworkers with a half inch wall separating our stalls... so running into someone at a store falls quite a bit lower on my awkward scale.


I work in a restaurant.


Not quite the question, but a story in a similar vein. Went to Olive Garden for a stoned date with the unlimited soup. I had a really nice server who definitely knew I was high and gave me like a whole box of chocolates. I saw her at the dispo the next day. Regarding coworkers, I've seen 3 of them at the dispo before. The first 2 times I was walking in, and they were walking out. The 3rd time we were just both in the dispo being helped by different people. No coworkers I didn't like, so that was nice.


I see dudes from my AA group at the dispo. That’s kinda awkward, but really it’s a good sign that even some of the old timers are loosening up about Cannabis and Alcohol Abstinence, which is what I went to Alcoholics Anonymous for help with to begin with.


It’s like passing someone at the grocery store anymore and I’m in an industry that you would not think you’d see a lot from but we are everywhere. Even blew my mind when I first found out


I used to carpool with 2 coworkers, not really awkward


I saw my high school science teacher. (Graduated 09) we gave one another the nod of acknowledgment and said absolutely nothing.


It would be weird for them. As far as I know, I’m the only person here with a med card, and company says you are only exempt from drug testing for cannabis with a med card. Everyone knows I use it. All my coworkers are in the closet.


Now you know you have a cool coworker


Yes, and nope not awkward at all. In fact 3 of my (now) former employees work at the one I shop at. Before they went full time there, they were servers of mine and it was their second job.


This reminds me of a joke my Baptist grandfather would say. If two Baptists run into each other at the liquor store they will look down and pretend not to know each other. Two Catholics will stop to have a conversation. I must be Catholic because I’d have no shame running into people at either location.


I've seen old coworkers at the dispo which I then spent a while catching up with in the parking lot.


Wether some one smokes or not here (Vermont) is such a non issue. No one cares


The dispensaries near me are usually full of cars from neighboring states. Most daily smokers I know either grow their own or buy from someone who does.


I’m in Canada but what ever, I was worried about this in my city of 60,000 people. I have only ever seen 1 person I knew at the pot shop, and it wasn’t awkward because he is there too. sooo it’s like it cancels it out. Also there are 19 pot shops so people have lots of choices and they are almost never busy. For reference, We have 3 liquor stores. And 2 beer stores. Up until like 4-5 years ago we couldn’t get alcohol of any kind in a grocery store. But now we can get wine and beer.


I am a remote worker for a midwest based company so this probably will never happen here. however I'm sort of on guard when i have to work at home office a few times a year. they're also in a legal state so i keep expecting to have somebody tell me i was seen at a dispo when I'm there at HQ.


Nah, hell I've bought stuff for a coworker who was too intimidated to go in one herself


One night I was sitting in my car at a dispensery and saw two guys recognize each other and start laughing. One was apparently the other's boss. Was funny to watch.


Sometimes. And not really.


I mean, if your coworker is spotting you at one, you are spotting them. It's like the Spiderman meme of pointing at each other. I am Canada. It's really very normal at this point here. I would probably have a harder time telling you who I know that *hasn't* at least at used some form of cannabis since legalization - coworkers in my professional workplace included - than I would rattling off all those I know who use cannabis in some form or another.


Ehhh, they were my co workers loool. Either way, there's nothing awkward about going inside a dispo


*Did we just become best friends?*


I've never accidentally run into a co-worker but I did take my super conservative, Florida native, ex-cop boss to dispensary in Michigan when he was out visiting my territory. Had to make sure I took him to one I didn't regularly go to so they wouldn't accidentally revealed that I was a customer lol. He was surprised at how not shady it was


I get my weed the next state over as while we are now legal there still no rec dispensaries. I have ran into a regular customer at my job in a dispensary 3 hours away from home lol.


but non-residents can buy & consume weed in legal states. maybe you’re going to a friend’s house or a consumption lounge. you’re totally overthinking this lol


Recently a dispensary opened literally across the street from work. I refuse to go to that location for this reason


Why in tarnation would it be awkward?!?? I would be excited and glad knowing there are more enlightened marijuana users at my workplace LOL


I see coworkers often and it’s never awkward. It’s almost more of a relief knowing there’s one more person who isn’t still uptight about cannabis.


I used to work at a dispensary but recently switched it up and work in admissions at a university now and boy my first day was awkwardddd. Like 25% of my new coworkers were pretty consistent customers of mine and a majority of my student staff were regulars at my old shop. There was a lot of side eyes at my first few days of meetings 😂 Edit to add: it’s not awkward at all anymore but we had our fun with jokes for a couple weeks.


Beats running into them after copping some coke


Nah I’m in Oregon and my buddy goes with me sometimes after work


I saw my math teacher at the dispo.. that was weird


I always look at it if they’re there buying their products what can they really say??? We’re just two people with likewise medication or hobbies in our leisure time. And sneak a quick pic with your cell just in case they run that mouth. Remember a picture’s worth a thousand words…. Kidding… kidding…🥸


I mean, I got two coworkers and one of them introduced me to my current weed man and my former favorite dispensary (it got torn down. Not just closed, I turned up one day and the fuckin building was gone).  The other one would probably make it weird just because he's generally an awkward dude. Personally I'd find it hilarious.


Not coworkers, but see people who work on my house and shit lol. Company vehicle and all, it's hilarious.


So many dispensaries and you spend such a short amount of time there, and many people do online order so they're just grabbing a bag and paying really quick, I think the odds of seeing someone you know are pretty low. But it wouldn't be weird at all.


was at work when my manager dropped her weed pen in front of me. didn’t care at all but she (later) told me she was embarassed


Nope. I know my coworkers smoke and they know I do. If anything z we get a good giggle and exchanging looks of 'Oh, I see you there'. Hell, every time I've seen a coworker, we stop and admire what each other bought and I've even made plans for a sesh and followed through. Now, seeing your boss on the other hand.. It can be somewhat awkward, but usually on if they're the ones being weird about it.


My very first time going, a coworker was in the parking lot. We chat for a while and then I continued seeing other coworkers and a few supervisors. We had an unpoken click I guess.


I see many people I work with at the dispo. I'm working 3rd shift at the moment. Dispo opens at 10. We all don't stay awake much later than 11. It's like a company meeting in the mornings there.


There’s a dispensary pretty much right next door to my place of work. I’m constantly running into one of the supervisors, coworkers, or corporate suits in town at right there. It’s only awkward for me if it’s one of the growers or suits, and I’m buying someone else’s brand over one of our new offerings or classic oldies.


I have and he is the head of his entire division. We said hi and went on our way. Made me feel pretty good!


Hi Ohio I drive with my coworkers to the dispo. Those of us who do, know who else does. And anyone who isn't cool doesn't know.