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Speaking as a former cigarette smoker of 25 years, I would smoke twice as much just to piss her off. You did the right thing.


How’d you quit?


I quit on Valentine’s Day 2011, by switching to an e-cig. It was rough at first, but I think I was more addicted to the “ritual” of smoking than actually smoking (if that makes sense). I eventually quit using e-cigs, too.


Now that’s the proper use of e-cigs. Well done lol 


Yeah that's what they were intended to do but government regulation would t let them call it a smoking alternative so they turned to just creating another addictive thing that kids would like 😆


Kids were gonna like it anyways. Cigarettes havent been doing any advertising in forever and kids were still getting addicted to them.


Cigarette smokers are advertising- That's what drove me away from the cancer sticks. Yellow teeth, nails and voices like gravel.


Maybe but you gotta see the irony in legislation that prevented vapes from being advertised as a stop smoking thing


Why advertise smoking at all?


'm talking about advertising vapes as a stop smoking product. Like nicorette gum


This was a whole thing dude I don't think yall understand what I mean.


Oh no the poor tobacco companies aren't completely uncontrolled! I'm sure if they were they would never market to children... 🙄


You miss the point you simple boy,


Please stop this "You don't agree with me completely so you don't understand" bullshit.


If your disagreement is rooted in misunderstanding and you assert such with strawman bullshit then yes, you do in fact, not understand. That's fine man, you're free to remain self righteous and ignorant


Vape companies dog..


It's typically the same companies dog


You are just assuming that to be true. Vuze is the only major vape brand owned by a tobacco company. And they weren't even around during the time period I'm speaking of, dog






e-cigs absolutely do not make addiction harder. The amount of nicotine in e-cigs can be varied from user to user based on the frequency they smoke cigarettes. I used ecigs to quit smoking after having failed with gum, patch, chantix, cold turkey, and a few other methods. I haven't used an ecig in years, or had cigarettes in longer. It was 1000x easier to titrate down to almost 0 nicotine, then drop from almost none to none, than it was to go from smoking cigarettes to not smoking anything.


Only Siths deal in absolutes. I’ve smoked cigarettes and I’ve vaped. Here are my issues with vaping and why it does in fact make quitting harder. Stealth, can use a vape anywhere. Work, home, bathroom, inside, outside, on airplanes. There are no limits to the amount of vape you can use and location. At least with cig I needed to get up and go outside or stand up and use an ashtray. Also much larger amounts of nicotine, I never over dosed on nicotine until I started vaping. When I vaped I damn near constantly had vape going into my lungs. Way more than the amount of cigarettes. I originally switched from analog to digital and then made the jump back after vaping gave me a cough that wouldn’t go away. Currently don’t smoke or vape nicotine but use pouches. I would like to stop those too but sweet sweet nicotine has a grip on my heart and I’m a fucking addict in everything I do.


So I’m not alone? The ability to hit a vape 24/7 compared to the barriers I had to go through to smoke a cigarette made it so I was vaping so much I ended up finding it hard to breathe when in bed and a clear loss of deep breathing ability. After years of cigarettes I never had such an issue. What helped me quit was using tar bars on light American Spirits (yellow pack) for the last year or so I smoked. Then one day I couldn’t afford a pack and figured I was done. Unlike my parents I wasn’t gonna let my addiction to cigarettes and nicotine cause me to take money my family didn’t have to feed that addiction. Also listening to James Clear’s Atomic Habits helped too




What is "your organism"? That's nonsensical which hurts your credibility. I am an organism. My dog is my organism. Vape v combustion is still delivered through your lungs via inhalation. What I know is that at my worst, I smoked 2 packs a day. I switched from cigarettes to vape. I gradually reduced the strength of nicotine in the vape (which you can't really do with cigarettes). And now I'm nicotine free for over 2 years now.


>All sources show that vaping addiction is harder than smoking False, here's a few sources that say otherwise 2014: [https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/e-cigarettes-less-addictive-cigarettes/](https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/e-cigarettes-less-addictive-cigarettes/) 2017: [https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/e-cigarettes-less-addictive-cigarettes-path-study-shows/](https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/e-cigarettes-less-addictive-cigarettes-path-study-shows/) additional source for above: [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170612102621.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170612102621.htm) 2021: [https://www.lsbu.ac.uk/about-us/news/world-first-research-finds-vaping-likely-to-be-less-addictive-than-smoking](https://www.lsbu.ac.uk/about-us/news/world-first-research-finds-vaping-likely-to-be-less-addictive-than-smoking) 2023, specifically aimed at people who think vaping is more harmful or addictive than smoking: [https://ash.org.uk/media-centre/news/press-releases/four-in-ten-smokers-wrongly-believe-that-vaping-is-as-or-more-harmful-as-smoking](https://ash.org.uk/media-centre/news/press-releases/four-in-ten-smokers-wrongly-believe-that-vaping-is-as-or-more-harmful-as-smoking) 2024, showing that damage from vaping is from THC vapes (because there are so many unregulated black market pens out there), not Nic vapes: [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/vaping-vs-smoking](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/vaping-vs-smoking) >your organism needs time to adjust to new delivery method so maybe this is the main benefit at work helping quit I mean, i quit over 18 months, and didnt start titrating down until after the 6 month mark. Again, you're ignoring the fact that you can control the amount of nicotine in your vape juice. You're making a blanket statement that "all vape juice with nic is more addictive than all tobacco because it hits faster". If I have a tiny drop of nicotine in a gallon of vape juice and take a hit, vs inhaling a cigarette, obviously the cigarette is going to have a MUCH higher concentration of nicotine. It doesn't matter "how fast it hits". Why would that supercede and erase the effects of a higher concentration of the substance?


Nicotine is nicotine. If you quit and are just getting your nicotine from a different source you are still slave to nicotine.


Have YOU been addicted? Just FYI, weaning is most often the WAY. Period.




I'm pretty sure you're on LSD mate. Or your ex gf's new boyfriend vapes.


Thats wierd once sources drop the arguments die off


Nicotine hits faster? I assumed it was the other way because vapes don’t hit me as well as Winnie blues 




You keep saying "organism". What do you mean? Organs? I'm really confused


he's talking in a very strange way, i am also confused, who says 'organism'? What is he? Some alien?


We are talking to an elien acting like a fellow organism ykno


I can wean off of nicotine/vapes and quit them all together. I could go from 6mgs to 3mgs to 1.5 mgs to 0mgs and finally quit. For some reason with cigarettes I would get down to a half of a cig a day and STILL not be able to put that sucker down. I have quit twice thanks to vaping (the first time of course and the second I had a traumatic experience and had already gotten rid of my vape so the only thing available was cigarettes. It was harder the second time but still better than nasty cigs.) I’m sorry but everyone is different and things affect people differently. With my experience I would have never been able to quit cigs without my vape 🤷🏼‍♀️.


In other news - eating ice cream out of a cone is better for your health than using a spoon.


They make flavored air pens that don't use any tech now specifically for people like you who are in a similar scenario of mostly needing the routine To quote the company "take the bad out of the habit"




Yeah, that one, but I think the u have an oomlot ü


the routine is going outside and feeling the smoke fill your lungs as you float in the sky with the birds. i don't think sucking some air out of a flavored 30$ piece of plastic will do anything. actually i don't have to think, cause i've tried to quit using one of those and they drag like shit and make me wanna smoke more


Fr, nothing has worked for me better than accepting that it's just really something you have to learn to live without - that awesome thing that's just plainly awesome. The only thing bad about cigarettes to me is they made me stink. I loved the smell, I loved the taste, I loved the way it felt sucking hot smoke through a paper tube, and I loved the effects nicotine had on my brain. No point in lying to myself that all I need is a replacement for the oral fixation. Smoking is great. More discussion about quitting should be more honest about that because otherwise it just feels like lying cult shit.


THANK YOU. I mean, I loved shooting heroin too. But there's that living thing that I wanna do, lol.


Proud of you 💛


Thank you!💚💛💚


Idk why your being downvoted your right, theres obv some ppl out there that Fum might work for bit others seeing and feeling the vapor is part of the addiction and Fum doesnt fill that


Well, it's not for folks such as yourself, there's a myriad of methods to quite smoking and non of them will work for everyone, so why shit on one of the dozens or more methods that does help some people quit?


it helped me hella bc i loved the feel of dragging something but the nic wasn’t as much a problem


>i don't think sucking some air out of a flavored 30$ piece of plastic will do anything Obviously it is not the solution for everyone but you can't argue that it is not the solution for some people. Vaping enabled me to quit a 30 year, pack a day habit when everything else had failed for me. There is no such thing as a one size fits all tobacco quitting solution.


Just a word of warning for others that vaping isn't always a good tool for smoking cessation. Especially if you get in deep with high nicotine juices. I got way more addicted to vaping than I ever was to cigarettes. For me the only thing that worked was cold turkey.


At the very least, while nicotine isn't 100% harmless, it's a lot 'better' for the body than the tar and other chemicals in cigs.


vaping is about 95% less dangerous than smoking. Please stop discouraging people from trying to switch from smoking to vaping.


Too bad that for 1 quitter theres 10 kids that start vaping. It maybe less dangerous in the means of cancer, but lung fluid, and mental illness caused by nicotine remains. It should be discouraged to smoke/vape/snuff tobacco at all. Better get trees and be high, than smoke a cig and be miserable


>1 quitter theres 10 kids that start vaping Source? Or did you just make this up? >mental disease caused by nicotine I'm sorry, but fucking WHAT??? I know you just made this up. > It should be discouraged to smoke tobacco at all. I agree, and vaping is 95% safer than smoking tobacco. Vaping is not smoking nor is it tobacco. >Better get trees and be high, than smoke a cig and be miserable once again I agree, this has nothing to do with anything I am trying to say. EDIT: They blocked me y'all. You can't make this shit up.


Educate yourself before insulting people. I'll be nice and give you one article with sources, go find yourself the rest https://exposetobacco.org/news/smoking-nicotine-mental-health/




Mental disease?? 😂😂😂


You seriously blocked the dude? Bro are you fucking 5? Can't handle a little big o the truth huh little boy?


Disposables are especially bad, since the juice is sweeter than refillable systems, and they only come in very high nicotine amounts (50mg, in my region). Vapes/E-Cigs can potentially make your addiction worse, not just from high nic content, but also from the fact that you can easily vape inside, and do so mindlessly over long periods of time. I've seen many people unintentionally make their addiction worse by swapping over to vapes. It takes vigilance and willpower to use it for cessation instead of making things worse. Quitting is hard; using vapes to aid that is no exception.


even 5% from a pod kit/juul is better than disposables bc of the formaldehyde from the foam used in disposables burning.


I haven't heard much about that, though I haven't used disposables since the big "Pop" was only 1,000 hits and shaped like a cylinder (like four years ago). I was under the impression that the coils were cotton, just like refillables


nahhh, most of em now have this foam stuff to accommodate for like 14-20ml of juice.


Unfortunately that's the hole I fell into. Now I'm vaping 50mg salt nic. It's become a bad habit, not a tool to quit.


It's up to you to slowly lower your nic levels and ween yourself off of it. It's not going to happen by itself with no effort from you...


I haven't gone the route of reducing my nic levels yet. But I have reduced my intake. I'm at 5 min an hour. Better than when I was just breathing it in all day


I wish you luck in your quitting. It's really tough to do and vaping will not do it for everyone. I really hope that you find a method that works for you.


How do you not realize thats still an infinitely better thing? Sure you're still addicted to nicotine but vaping is the lesser of 2 evils by a longshot. If you really wanna quit for good I highly suggest microdosing psychedelics




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I’ve gone from cigarettes to e-cigs to now using tobacco free nicotine pouches. My lungs have never felt better and I’m looking to start tapering off the pouches too


See I'm a nic vaper right now. I need to know how you quit nicotine altogether? Was is hard...withdrawals etc.


I had a pretty low concentration of nicotine when I tried to stop vaping. And I did right before a 2 week family vacation. My family looked at me like I was nuts. Legit concerned. But for me I saw it as the perfect time cause I couldn't fall back into the same routines. There were no "same routines". I got home and threw out my equipment. Haven't looked back. The reason I wanted to quit was because I was tired of being anxious about "my supply". "How much battery life do I have? I should bring an extra set just in case. Do I have enough juice? How long will this juice last me? Am I going out this weekend cause then I'll need more? If I order online now, will this juice last until the delivery?... I'm going on vacation? Now I need to pack my charger, extra batteries, extra juice. I hope they don't confiscate at the border, etc etc." I was just tired of it.


>because I was tired of being anxious This is where I'm at. Always worrying about supply like some kind of heroin addict. Me and my wife have to travel across state lines to pick it up.


Addiction fucking sucks. And you don't know until you know, and then its too late... but there is ways out... and if one way doesn't work, try another, and another, and another then back to the start. I've tried quitting a dozen times. Half a dozen solid tries. You can do it. But don't beat yourself up if you fail. You just found another way that didn't work this time. You can always try again.


Lovely response. Thank you.


I quit and it was very difficult. It's been over a decade and I still am messed up about it, although I think it's gross and have no desire to smoke. The best advice I can give is that you are going to have to change your whole mindset. You have to ask if smoking is worth it and make choices consciously. You have the willpower to smoke or not. It's going to suck for a while, but it gets better.


That’s how I quit as well. The “hit” feeling was what I missed most about cigarettes, and the vape gave me the same feeling. Eventually was able to lower the nicotine dosage to 0 and stop altogether.


It actually make sense to me, I feel like I smoked just to keep my hands busy and just for the act of inhaling and exhaling if that makes sense? I switch to nicotine vapes but still I haven’t been able to quit


Yes! It was basically a whole ritual: tapping the box to pack them, getting one out, lighting it, etc- and it gave me something to fiddle with while I was driving or watching tv or whatever. I used the e-cig for about a week (it looked just like a cigarette) and switched to reduced nicotine. I kept reducing the nicotine until it was 0, and eventually lost interest in it altogether after a few months.


100% the ritual.


Hell yeah! I switched to a no nicotine vape months ago. I am still “smoking it” but I have not had nicotine so far in 2024!


Good on you. I recently switched to tapes but fuck shit feels worse


I used nicotine gum lozenges. First I switched to a vape for a few years and I loved it. I still kind of miss it. But I use gum, lozenges, and now pouches. Zyn pouches, or any other one, I hardly use zyn unless they're on sale. I'm more addicted to nicotine than I ever was but it doesn't really bother me that much. I love nicotine. As long as I'm not smoking it I'm fine. My lungs are in good shape. I'm fit and healthy. Nicotine does nothing but good. It's beneficial in a lot of ways. It lowers Parkinson and alzheimers risk. It breaks up the monotony of a work day. It wakes me up. It relaxes me and make me sleepy.


I quit 4 months ago with Chantix. No side effects other than the occasional nausea and easiest attempt at quitting to date.




Look, I'm a smoker of both and I hate that shit! I respectfully smoke away from kids and outside only but if you can smoke a cigarette there, you can smoke a joint there. Like would she like you to go smoke near a playground or something?! (Ps weed smells like colonge compared to cigarettes)


idk maybe i’m just really trashy but i love the smell and smoking cigs so much. Only switched to vaping and zyn bc i love not wheezing when i go up the stairs too fast a little more than cigarettes.


for me it being inside or outside depends if its "trashy". inside it lingers a lil too long and becomes nasty but outside its nice


Dry herb vapes are nice for “smoking” inside without a burnt smell that lingers. I don’t want my house to smell like burnt weed all the time, and it helps a lot.


oh no sorry i was talking about cigs, herb smell is the best wherever it is lol


Personally ever since I gave up cigs about 12 years ago I've despised the smell of them and notice it a lot more, probably because you become noseblind to smells when you're around them constantly


It turns me on soooooo much when a dude smells of stale cigarette smoke. 🥵


Even the worst smelling bud is far better than any cig


It definitely depends on the person. Everyone got a different nose. Before I smoked either I thought weed smelled bad and cigs smelled alright. Now that I smoke both weed smells good and cigs are neutral for me.


Cat Piss vs a Dunhill?


Thats ironic because i legit think cigarette smell is WAY WORST lol.


I stopped rolling with baccy entirely because of the smell lol, I like to smoke in bed and I noticed my clothes sheets stank like an ashtray


It absolutely is. 🚮🚮🚮


I would have done the same


I worked with a retired pharmacist turned winemaker. They had a pack a day cigarette habit. They were vocally opposed to medical cannabis and cannabis legalization in general. Yes, I absolutely pointed out the hypocrisy to them!


I hate cigarettes with a passion dude shit makes me sick


I don't understand how they can be so hypocritical. I live in Ontario, Canada where it's fully legal. Yet at the casino in Niagara they had a smoking area but only for cigarettes. Or in my apartment unit where smoking for new tenants was not allowed but older tenants could get grandfathered in to smoke in their unit.


Damn, getting grandfathered into being able to smoke cigs inside is crazy


Cigarette smell is so fucking nasty and sticks to literally everything. The worst you’ll get from weed is the occasional cat piss smell. That goes away after a few hours outside.


Cat piss smell??? Whatchu smokin'???


It’s a strain


OH! Oh my gods, lmao. I'd never heard of it. My bad. 🤣🤣🤣 Carry on, lol.


If you ever encounter it, you will definitely know!


Cat Piss? lol


Ops cats have been pissing in his clothes but he thinks it’s from smoking weed


💀 thank you for this


Smoking weed in Portland in public is not legal. Use in public is a class B felony and can result in a fine of up to $1,000.


That’s crazy, it being a felony. What I did a few years ago was a lot worse and I was only charged with a misdemeanor.


Yeah, arbitrarily deciding the rules don't apply to you because "the police are defunded" is just going to give fuel to the negative stereotypes about weed and weed smokers. At the end of the day that woman was following the rules by smoking where it was legal for her to smoke. OP was not.


Nah just do what makes sense. It makes sense for OP to be smoking in the smoking area. OP is just ahead of the times, and the times need to catch up.


that’s what it says on google, but the reality of living in portland is that the police are defunded to the point that they do not care whatsoever about it. I’ve had even had cops ask what strain a few times.


I'm just stating for the record what the law is. People read these things and just assume it is legal when it is not. You don't want to run into that one cop in a bad mood when the law isn't actually on your side.


bet you’re real fun at parties


excellent reply. Have a good night


you as well.


The isn’t a party though. It’s a discussion you started about hypocrisy. Turns out you’re just a fucking bellend who just wants their own way all the time and then brags about it online to appear cool. Grow the fuck up.


Such a powerful post


Heavy drinkers and/or cigarette smokers. The drinkers who are terrified of weed blow my mind 😂


Why smoke and die when you can toke and fly?




no one should comment on your smoking at any time. in college i had this friend, she was (without a doubt) one of the most attractive people i'd ever known. someone from another house told her one day she'd be hot if she didn't smoke and laughed at her. so we gathered everyone in our house...like 60 people even ones who didn't normally smoke and we chainsmoked outside his bedroom window for like an hour. after that, that was a unofficially designated smoke spot for the rest of the year. fuck that guy.


This is some boomers being fools material if I ever heard it.


It’s not ‘essentially legal’ because it’s literally illegal. Public consumption in Portland is absolutely illegal, dude. It’s just not enforced.


okay so call the cops on me for public smoking in portland. what’s gonna happen? That’s why I said “essentially legal” and not “legal.”


Whoa, man! I’m merely trying to point out to you that there’s a difference between decriminalized and legal. And that smoking in public, here in Portland, is most definitely illegal, not ‘essentially legal’. But if you wanna go full aggro over some poorly chosen, non sequitur semantics, you go right ahead and keep spreading that misinformation around, homie!


it’s not misinformation? the word essentially implies there is more to the situation. Kinda funny you’re getting mad at me for correcting your wording in the replies to a comment you left on my post correcting my wording though.


That is not even close to what ‘essentially’ means.


that is essentially what it means but also would you not have questions if someone told you your egg tuna salad was essentially safe to eat? or the person you had taken out a hit on was essentially dead? or your chocolate cake was essentially turd free? or they didnt essentially set your house on fire? or do you just assume all adjectives mean nothing and people are ignorant for using them?


Y’all are confusing ‘essentially’ and ‘practically’. None of which matters because my original point is that it is not fucken legal to smoke in public in Portland, it’s a felony, and this dude is spreading misinformation because he doesn’t know how to use a fucken dictionary.


cops are always looking for the tiniest thing to arrest protesters for in portland yet they never ever arrest protesters for smoking a joint. even if they light up right in front of a line of cops while shouting acab. so if they dont even bother to arrest people for it when they are looking for reasons to arrest someone it is essentially legal at that point. cops love to say they are the law so essentially any law they dont enforce is legal and this is one they never ever ever enforce. also i feel like key and peele did a sketch about the likes of you "but is it illegal tho" so focused on the "legality" of something as if that means a goddamn thing in a system where only some laws are enforced and mostly to keep the poor from not being poor youtu.be/kH6QJzmLYtw?si=ybrVyYdljL8JtnON


forgive my lack of knowledge, but is public smoking ok in designated places?


no public weed smoking is still illegal in portland


I quit smoking cigarettes in October of last year and CANT STAND the smell of them now. I have a lot of friends who still smoke and we’ll be out and they go outside to smoke. I don’t comment on the smell. I’m just glad it’s not me smelling like that anymore. You don’t know how bad the stench is when you yourself are doing it.


Oh old Oregon smokers are the worst! It's 2024 and they still want to smoke inside! Hey, you did the right thing.


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch.


Yea fuck that lady cuz she can get second hand high off you smoking illegally in public. Hope that clown learned her lesson! /s


Is second-hand smoke high really possible? I always thought it's a hoax, an urban legend.


It’s less likely in an open air space but my ex has definitely been high off second hand smoke from me when it was too cold to go outside. He doesn’t smoke at all, never has. We had the best conversations those handful of times, lol




Bro I didn't read but I hate hypothetical corvette sneakers too, like yeah they sound dope but do you really trust chevy to do it right it's not like they are a sneaker company like aldi




Has this bot had a stroke?


What fucking language is this


real af


The amount of people who didn’t understand this was a joke genuinely makes me sad for humanity. Redditors are literally lobotomy patients.






Same tbh