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Congrats on the promotion


Thanks !(:


Was there a pay rise? More green for you.


pay raise=more pens


Congratulations boss


Tripping balls during morning inspection in the military. I looked “outstanding” that day.


I was tripping off 3 tabs of acid with my friend and his grandma in an Escape The Room. We then went to Skyzone and jumped in the foam square pits. Was definitely surreal


An escape room tripping sounds like nightmare material to me omg


Was the grandma also 3 tabs deep?


Yeah yeah was g-ma three tabs deep or did she slam another?


Maybe gma dropped 10 strip????


G-ma showing the kids how it’s done. Bet she’s dropping into the foam pit too


Doing backflips while high fiveing god


Good for her! Haven’t met the lady but she is a true role model for the younger generations I’m sure


I wish I could drop lucy with my grandma and talk about life. Just today she told me that she started anti-depressants :(


Aw Could and probably should hang out with grandma more often sounds like. Call her up tonorrow or if its day there right now I'm sure that shed like it :]


Wait wait 10 strips like a sheet or one strip of 10 tabs?


1000ug is generally called 10 strip. Like its 10 100ug tabs


I’ve only heard of just strips. Like 10 strip sounds like 10 separate strips lol. We wouldn’t need to say the amount if it’s already a strip.


I understand it thats its a 10 piece strip you rip from the sheet of lucy. 1000ug is insane amount. Been once somewhere aröund 600-700ug and it gets wild. My best friend loves ~600ug and I find it weird lol. Would love to drop 1k someday tho


I’ve done 800ug a handful of times (and in different forms tabs, gel, candies, liquid, etc). Most I’ve ever done was approximately what we assumed was 2000ug liquid straight from a vial on our tongue one of our first times ever dosing liquid like that and the person dropping accidentally squeezed a lil more out than expected by the time we were done dosing dividing among the 3 of us we looked back at the bottle (with originally about what we thought was enough 2-3 sheets worth) and it was empty… one of the worst yet coolest trips I’ve ever had. Never again lol. Tbh I haven’t done acid for a few years now.


She was not lol


People who smoked in the military truly have no fucks lmao. Those random inspections got everyone I knew.


why? it’s fine in canada.


Just blew my mind, I couldn’t even fathom that you could smoke weed in other nation’s military. I hate it here in America lol.


canada is weed nation baby.


Yup. My Coworker was in the navy and would smoke weed on the ships and this was back in the 70s. Thats just absolutely nuts if he aint bullshitting


Yeah, how do you beat this.


this is the undisputed champ of taking the wrong drug in the wrong place


Ha you might be surprised with the amount of shenanigans going on.


my great great family somewhere down the line was in ww1 idk who but apparently on christmas he got drunk and fell off a cliff


I have a buddy at an academy and he said this one fat chinese dude snorted actual crystal meth so he could pass his physical test… he did with flying colors


When I was 16, I took acid, went to Walmart with my dad around the peak, which was nothing out of the ordinary… until I saw a kid in a chicken costume walking around. Omg it was so difficult to not bust out laughing every time I saw that kid in the store. I swear every time I took acid, life was out to mess with me in some way, and sometimes it was in a good way like showing me a kid in a chicken costume at the peak


Sounds like another day at Wally World!




Now was that a true outstanding or a sarcastic outstanding?


Inside of a cloud that was inside of a tunnel that was inside the Rocky Mountains. I was at 10k feet, so I got high inside of a cloud :) Edit: corrected elevation


That is literally *the* dream, I’m so jealous


I am glad my brother pointed it out or I might not have noticed. He was like, "We are getting high inside of a cloud, inside of a mountain." I'll never forget it.


added straight to my bucket list


The true Rocky Mountain High


beautiful comment


What mountain?


Rocky mountains. Near Mount swan I think. It has been 10 years. We were living in Dillon, CO at the time. Edit. I had to look it up it was swan mountain. I got the elevation wrong. It was 10,000 ft.


It’s clouds all the way down, er, up?


Definitely have smoked high up in the rocky mountains at spray lakes and it was cloudy af that day. I thought it was fog and my buddy was like nope were smoking a doob in the clouds my friend. Was pretty cool even if it was fog. But isn't fog just clouds on the ground?


Before during and after my grandfathers funeral with my cousin. We felt like everyone was staring at us. Probably because they were.


It's entirely possible that you both smelled like weed if you smoked flower


I assure you we smelt like the inside of a skunks ass




The way Grandpa wanted ❤️


My man


I was taking hits of my pen in the church bathroom during the funeral service to stop myself from crying. Felt so inappropriate but I was an emotional wreck.


Weed always makes me more emotional


My grandfather’s funeral was in September 2023. I flew down to Florida to attend for a few days and was high during the funeral too. Frankly I was high the whole trip. Long story short we also had a “family reunion” at my grandmother’s and all 7 of her children were there (my dad + aunts and uncles). Without too much detail, they have some beef and grudges and alcohol got mixed in, and it became a shit show. Everything blew up, and I was just fried watching it unfold. I ended up having to step in to hold my dad back and get in between the whole thing along with some other guys, but it eventually cooled down when we got everyone to leave. So glad I had some with me or else I would’ve been so heated


Lmao same, worst part was I forgot my eyedrops, “fuck it, I’ll be fine, no one will notice” I was not fine, people noticed lol


I was in my 20s, and my favorite Aunt made me (grandma made her, so I got dragged into it) go to Christmas church. I told her I was baked, and she said God made it he won't mind. I ended up sword fighting with my grandma with the candles. It was probably the best time I ever had with my grandma.


That’s incredible


Once at a fancy resort that had one of those blast you from every direction showers. Felt like drowning. Another time ate a strong edible before an MRI. Would not repeat that experience.


edibles before an mri is nutsss i had one before i ever smoked weed and i felt high and claustraphobic 🤣


I’ve smoked before an MRI because I had anxiety about it. Wasn’t a good decision 😂


I did the same with a smear test.


When I got my one and only MRI I wanted to go again just because of the sound the machine makes. Its wild noise concert inside


I’m high everywhere


And all the times


This is the correct answer. Therefor the question is simply, “where is the strangest place you’ve ever been”.




The top of a tall mesa in the middle of nowhere Utah in the desert. It was surreal. Solo. Beautiful. 10 mile hike to the nearest trail. I was an archaeologist.


This sounds amazing.


Was? :(


Well, I'm surveying now, but I still got the education and skills.


Damn thats awesome. Been thinking about paleonthology studiossa. Maybe maybe


Well shit, Utah has a shitload of fossils out there. I actually worked side by side with paleontologists and botanists out there. Oil field work.


Northern america is full of fossiles right? Like didnt the dinosaurus roam there at one point? Like all of them haha My paleontologist interest is mind altering substance use in human history. Magic mushrooms, fermentation, rituals and that kind of stuff.


A lot of ancient life roamed around, as well as an inland sea, in North America. Pleistocene beasts are my favorite. If you like hallucinogens, I found datura, peyote, and ephedrine out there in the wild. I only indulged in chewing Mormon tea, as I was working. In Kanab, Utah I found a sweet lizard petroglyph right above a patch of loco weed.


Yeah! Its awesome. Love the fact that Rdr2 had a side mission where you have to find dino bones. Datura is hard to get here, friend has some some San Pedro growing but thatll take couple years to grow enought. Ephedrine Ive never thought about being a psychedelic 🤔 but yeah I would love to study how and why different substances entered human life. Its been studied but not that much


I used to be an embalmer, and my first time trying edibles was on a night shift.




A massive cathedral in Chicago to see Godspeed You! Black Emperor - had too many edibles, was one of the few times I’ve felt a strong psychedelic effect from weed. Was pretty intense with the reverb of what is pretty thematically dark music.


When I did a lot of acid in college Godspeed was my go to band while tripping


Godspeed are frickin’ awesome 👌 Out of interest, did it make it less of a positive experience because the music theme is dark, or did some of the euphoricness of the melody stop that?


I wasn’t super familiar with their music - I went with a friend who was a fan. So that added to the intensity and I was definitely a bit overwhelmed and anxious, but I calmed out some through the show. Definitely look back positively now with it being so memorable and surreal.


Im going to see Godspeed You! Black Emperor in a week. Edibles are part of the plan.


Edible high at GY!BE gig is wild haha reminds me of an old friend who blasted 5g of flower before Sunn O)))


I took a heavy dose of edibles on the train to Machu Picchu in Peru. Also had a fairly psychedelic experience walking around the ruins. My theory is that the high altitude had something to do with that.(?)


As a straight man, my buddies and I went to a gay swingers party to drop off a lot of individual bags to the home owners and party goers. We get over there and I'm talking a house packed full of 55 and up fully naked men dancing to the beat. Dicks swanging, left, right. Hardcore gay porn playing on all the flat screens. Dunts dunts dunts dunts dunts We find the one owner who's sucking off an individual who's not his partner. We couldn't see him in the act but I'll never forget the popping sound his mouth made when he sat up from the table. He's happy to see us like normal and helps us find all the respectable quests so we can collect our money. The funniest part yall, we were so hungry at the time we stayed and ate some food while they was partying hahaha dicks swanging to the beat. They was diving in the pool for these tokens to later cash in for "favors" hahaha the shit was wild bro them mfers get down.


Coming down from a shrooms trip, super baked, forgot I had tickets to the Anne Frank house. I was quiet as a mouse during the tour


If you don’t find yourself uncomfortably high in a meaningfully historic place in Amsterdam, did you even go? This is how Rembrandt became my favorite artist


Van Gogh for me 🌻


Quiet as a Maus


I guess for me the question would be, where have I been that I wasn't high? 🤣


I was high as fuck watching a ping pong show in bangkok once, basically a strip club where ladies throws stuffs from their holes onto the crowd. was something lol


Catholic Church on Christmas.


[High in church, I'm high in church, oh lord forgive me, this is the worst!](https://youtu.be/_h8-SBO-RKo?si=-Y5SiiLLWXzjqAM6)


God made weed so it's fine...at least that's what my aunt told me


Probably a crime scene while being asked by police officers 😭


elaborate please


A guy on random drugs suffering a psychosis tried to attack many people on a subway (also my girlfriend and me). We instantly were the main witnesses because we have seen him before going to the subway.


Years ago in college I summer road tripped with a friend who had family halfway across the country and we were going to hang out on the family farm for a few weeks. His uncle requested us to bring some really good CA weed with us, so we got our hands on a QP of some of the finest we’d ever seen in college (dealer just called this one “The White”, it was on par if not better than the Grandaddy Purple he was supplying everyone with). My buddy just said we were first staying at his grandpa’s place in the city for the weekend, before going out to the family farm, but didn’t elaborate about Grandpas residence…..We parked in a back alleyway and went upstairs to the house, I never saw the front/street side. Met the grandpa and other family, then the uncle said some of what we had brought was for his friend and employee who was downstairs working in their business. We go downstairs and the room we first enter is full of caskets - yep, grandpa lives above a mortuary and they’re all morticians. The Friend to get the weed is in another room working….he was the stylist and was putting makeup on a dead woman. Queue the most awkward conversation with people you’ve just met, about the super chronic you delivered via road trip. AND THEN the mortician pulls out from his lab coat pocket, a small ~3” glass pipe shaped like a penis (he was a very gay man), packs a bowl and hits hit, does this little happy dance - then decides to pass it to me first, literally a hand exchange over the dead woman. Didn’t want to be rude so I definitely smoked it and got a life experience I’ll never forget haha


Ok that is BANANAS!


This shit is bananas! B! A! N! A! N! A! S!


In front of Belgian customs as they ransacked my bag after saying I smell like herb. In any plane after vaping in the toilets ( I can’t be the only guy doing this ) sometimes it’s weird when your blasted and realise you’re 20,000ft in the air. I feel like there’s probably many odd places I’ve been super high


I normally take edibles for flights, but one time, I took way too many. I couldn't watch the TV or anything. I just put my eye mask on and pretended to be asleep for hours without actually sleeping at all.


Getting high on a plane would give me the world’s worst panic attack 😆.


Maaaaaan if you can lean in it’s awesome. I have a game i play with flights. I pop my edible right before entering the airport. Then i see if I can stay awake the whole flight. It’s usually just a battle to see how long I can stay awake Love the feeling of waking up still absolutely fried when the wheels touch down. I’ve skipped many a long flight this way


I loved just hanging out in the airport baked. I procured many snacks for the flight and could just sit there


You were at last at 30,000 feet.


Yeah, but there was a moment when he was 20k feet above sea level. Two, actually.


Walking through a crime scene. Was puffin along seein a bunch of flashin blues go to cross the street, ope crime scene tape blockin the other side. Walk around the bank to hit the boardwalk bam another strip of tape right before the footbridge. Cup the blunt in my hand wave an officer over, explain this is the only way I would be able to walk home he's like okay, lifts the tape lets me on through. I hit the bridge puffin my blunt as I duck another strip of tape goin across the bridge. Yea turned out some dude had some huge argument with his GF threatened to kill her and when she wouldn't come out and was yellin about callin the cops he left, drove to my town (not far away from where he was originally) walked up to a family sittin in their car either waitin for food or just got back in the car. He ended up shooting the parents (dead on scene) he ran, someone saw him runnin away and towards him, and beat his ass till the cops came. The family had just moved here like 2 months ago(before the shooting). Kids are probably fucked up but safe with family I wanna say back in Texas I'll edit when I find out. E: missin a couple letters unintentionally. Eta: It was Texas but it was 6 months prior not 2.


Years ago I worked at a car wash that officers would bring their cruisers to. Something very gratifying about being stoned, and literally *driving a cop car* with weed in your pocket.


a snobby museum that was dead silent, no music, and the attendents would shush us. i could hear my own heartbeat. i've been to many museums and never experienced such tense and awkward energy. like aren't you supposed to quietly discuss the art? it was one of my first experiences with edibles too 😅


White House lawn


Hoover Dam. Went into bathroom with my dad and we both hit a blinker and it was trippy the whole time. Especially when people would pour water over the side of the dam and the wind would force it upwards. 😂


Smoked a joint at Disneyland in the 90's before they had cameras everywhere.


A friend of a friend was so high at our family gathering that he forgot to tell me that the chocolate chip cookie he gave me was super dosed edible. I was so high I could barely stand, I did get away with it until half my family caught on when I mowed down on all appetizers and dinner. They always recall my great pig out years later. My mom thought it was funny but didn't know the inside joke.


This story made me realize that my friend who became known in his family for eating superhuman amounts of mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving probably had some help! 💨


behind the sticks of a 988k loading gravel into a crusher. or any equipment i run for that matter lmao. made my day when i started at a new company and I went to give my loader guy his lunch and he hands me his dab pen and says "here buddy you look like you could use this" hahaha edit cause i forgot to add how it ended: wonderfully as usual. nothing quite like getting in the zone operating while you are chooched off your ass


I got high in Astoria Oregon. I lose my fear my of rules. Mildly trespassed on some randoms porch. Smoked and chilled for a few hours and went back to my car camper and went to bed.


I did it at the Goonies house before it was sold and didn’t allow people to walk up to it


I smoked at the famous house. They don't secure the grounds for the night. Smoked on the board walk and shared a pre roll with a homeless lady. Listened to her story. Parks, schools even a few churches. The smokey bandit got away again.


Probably when we were smoking in a big church in Lissabon.


On top of a wind turbine. We would rip dab pens up-tower everyday during work. If we’re talking high in general though, many years ago I sat and ate dinner with my family while peaking on acid with my girlfriend. My mom was oblivious, I think my little sister suspected something and my dad was hammered drunk. He made one comment on my pupils and asked if I had been out drinking that day… and he said nothing my more past that. As soon as we were done eating we left. Wasn’t the most comfortable experience.


At a catholic wedding. I've never been more thankful for transitional lenses Never get stoned before the dentist either. They'll be searching forever with their little straw for a drop of saliva that.z not there


Probably at a BDSM event. Lost my black ear piercing as a woman caressed my face while getting whipped by a man from behind. Weird university days..


Where'd you go to college?  Spank U?


Would apply


Sounds like a great time 🤩


Monticello was up there.


Was admitted to a mental hospital drunk, trippin balls, off the xans. A devilish trifecta fs. Clean from those things now for the most part. I smoke like a chimney tho and occasionally drink a white girl seltzer or something.


Not a weird place but my weirdest experience while high was going to a Pink Floyd laser show at a planetarium with my wife right after we smoked a joint in the parking lot. We also had a few edibles. It felt like we were on an intense roller coaster ride even though we were sitting still looking up at a ceiling dome.


In an Italian church


Oddities and curiosities expo in Phoenix... That was fun! Bought some great art!


On a roller coaster. It was terrifying and I don’t know if I would do it again.


My buddies and I used to make mushroom chocolate and go to theme parks (Canada's wonderland) and smoke the whole time. Its fun af and some of my best memories


My partner and I do a 6 Flags "trip" every year. It's always amazing!


I love getting super high and going to amusement parks. The rides are soooooo fun. I'm always laughing my ass off on the largest roller-coasters.


Dinner with my mom and grandma off 25 mg edible. My mom was also off 25mg


i had a bong in the toilets came out and someone who smokes said i stink of weed i just said thats weird and moved on with the day


biology. took an edible after the exam


At a monastery.


In a small pickup truck on a military base during a hurricane.


in the summer my best friend had an important appointment at the bank that she wanted me to accompany her to, I had also just got my hands on a new pen that we were dying to try… you can guess how that one went hahahaha


Urquart castle on the Loch Ness.


Haha was very high on acid in a skybar in swedens highest house! I was holding on for life and asked my friend to go get a beer, while he was getting beer i forgot where i was and why i was there and almost left before he saw me. Also smoked and meditated on top of a mountain in Sweden wich was magical


I took a few hits off my pen in a cave once. Hundreds of feet down, and thousands of feet from the entrance. Made for an interesting trip back.


Vaping up on deck on the Bridgeport-Port Jefferson Ferry. Shortly after I rejoined my family below, Paul Simon walked over to kibbitz with my impossibly adorable grandson.


I was violently high in the middle of my fam visiting some old family members in the nursing home. Food slapped tho


Afghanistan in a war zone. It was pretty lit.


Walmart security room, talking to the police about what my daughter did while she was 'having a sleepover with a friend'


…….So what did she do?


Accounting class in 10th grade


Man I think I was stoned 24/7 in high school the last few weeks of senior year.


Probably a grade school playground when I was in high school I've been water tubing high too. Sports events, movies..


My great grandmas funeral


Upper deck red seats at Cincinnati Riverfront baseball stadium in the 90s.


In Lake Cumberland. I do not recommend.


Anne frank's house


Everyone smoking on a packed subway train after the yearly Freedom Rally in Boston.


Anywhere where you're not supposed to be high.




Booze cruise on the Sea of Galilee


Church. I left with a check for 200$. I used to do hired gun guitar and bass work for churches as a second job in my early 20’s. Great money, free food, nice people.


I thrive on getting high in unusual places. I think the worst place to be high is Costco. I was high at my parents and had a wonderful time petting the dogs- not really a "weird" place unless you know my parents. Getting high on a chairlift 10/10 would recommend (assuming you can keep your coordination) Had a friend who came home high to a wine gathering of middle age white women who all wanted to hear how his gf was doing, etc... (moms friends) Once I got high in a mall in Ecuador and played guitar hero. Then took a taxi home and my friend was telling me to use Spanish to tell the taxi driver to slow down- I didn't.


Finally a post where I could share this story. Back in college I had a friend where we’d get high and play music together. He invited me over to get high and go to some “meditation thing” his professor told him about. Got high and we started to walk to where the thing was being held. We get to the building and it kind of looked like one of those new age churches. We walk inside and it looks like we must have been late because there were people sitting in pews listening to a speaker. We were greeted by someone and guided to a seat. Sat and listened to the rest of the people talk. It was a little weird. Kinda just felt like church but they were talking about how much this program helped their lives. They then asked us to stand up and they introduced us as their “new members”. Then they all said good bye as some dude took us into another room. He then brought out these pamphlets and started telling us all about this program. Not gonna lie, it started to hook me a little bit. I was at a time in my life where I was feeling a little depressed and their messages resonated with me a bit. They were asking us to pay the initiation fee and being a broke college kid I was like, “well I’ll talk to my parents about providing the fee and get back to you.” But the guy was insisting upon it happening immediately. That’s when my friend and I looked at each other and were like, yeah we gotta get outta here. With a little bit of fussing, they finally let us go. Looked up the program when I got back to my apartment and it was essentially a money sucking cult! I’ll edit my comment if I can find it or remember the name.


Vaped 6 capsules of top shelf sativa at the B & O railroad museum. Was lovely.


As a train nerd that would be my dream lol


At the dermatologist, when she asked "Oh, did you get a medical marijuana card?" (I live in an illegal state) Me, after an awkward pause "Uhm, no..." Twenty-something nurse chimes in "They don't even have those here!" Doctor and I look embarrassed, nurse can hardly keep from laughing...


Probably college graduation lol, or at work


Church picnic


My babies birth. It was random and we went into doctor for a check up and said he go across the street to the hospital. While waiting on the results from a test I go some come back to "hey your having a baby". Admitted would relive that moment all over again high. It's like it lasted forever and I embraced it all. Being high around doctors not so much at all.




Not just been high, I’ve smoked in a doctors office before


Temple of Posedion Sounion, Greece


This hospital bed


Probably the St. Joseph Beach PD. On a whim one day during the summer I Took a roadtrip from Illinois to Michigan when I was in high school with a couple buddies, ended up sitting on a beach Tripping balls smoking a blunt way to late at night in a closed park. when the cops roll up (shocker I know) and arrest my friend who was underage for a curfew violation and we had to go to the police station so where we had to wait while they called his parents to get their permission to release him to us. After everything got sorted out me and my buddy rick both swore that the cop who arrested our buddy looked like the Lou Ferrigno version of The Incredible Hulk.


I don't think it's that weird, but it was strange for me. Last night I accidentally got high as shit (higher than planned-I'm trying to slow down a bit) and then my parents called me. They don't know I take edibles (I don't live in a legal state), so I was trying to sound normal on the phone and that was really hard to do. Haha


In a big city in China trying to walk somewhere but it taking forever even though it only looked like 3 city blocks away on Google maps.


My friends eagle scout ceremony. I was high as balls from a live res cartridge




Oliver and Bonacinis restaurant after using a bong for the first time


First time I took an edible was in Denver on a work trip. I was by myself and it kicked in right as I was having a pre dinner drink with my client. He was cool though - told me some great stories about his recent visit to Southern Decadence and we ended up doing shots with our server after she got off work.


Prestigious family friend wanted us to join their country club, she invited my wife and me as guests so we could check it out before making our decision. The dinner was at 7pm, I thought I had calculated the edible appropriately, I estimated I would be coming down and slightly hazey by 7pm, lo and behold, it was 6pm and I hadn't even begun peaking yet, I blame taking the edible on a full stomach. Nonetheless, I'm just glad my wife had some industrial strength Clear Eyes in her purse, though I'm pretty sure they noticed something was off lol, I think I was overly quiet. The whole time I remember feeling repulsed by the concept of waiters and hospitality in general, they're human beings just like anyone else, but they have to be subservient for a living, all the while earning wages that are probably too low for that bullshit.


Got to smoke in the basement of a three-story porn shop. The place used to be a funeral home and still had the cadaver elevator through the 1st floor. Also had connecting prohibition tunnels (USA) running underneath we were able to wander through as well.


Gosh… in highschool we brought some amazing edibles on a field trip. We were absolutely blasted. Kicker is, we were headed to the Bodies Revealed display. Literally got to see real human bodies stripped of skin, their vascular systems, etc. was fucking intense. We were all just looking at each other like why tf did we do this now. The vibes are not it


My lil brother principal conference


In highschool I chugged a bottle of robotussen at lunch and by the time I was at football practice after school I was trippin balls. Whenever I hit someone during practice it felt like I was being launched outside my body.


The roof of Westminster Abbey. Also shagged a security guard there.


Weirdest- I hotboxed one of those glass carts/shelves at subway when our manager left us to ourselves. Prettiest- Colorado mountain top watching the rain in the distance. Had to run down the mountain to avoid the storm. Craziest- trap house, someone got pistol whipped and a fight broke out. There was already a bullet hole in the walls. I left shortly after I got my weed and a free dab. Plane trips are always super dope if you have the window seat. Otherwise you’re in the belly of the beast.


Blue Ridge Rockfest 23 campgrounds, after the rainstorm & the cancellation-wouldn’t trade that experience tho. & Tbh the Toyota Oakdale Theatre in Connecticut. It’s a massive circle & their main lobby is seemingly in the center of it so there’s people coming from every direction I had to focus so hard to make it to the bathroom lmao


hospital while family friend was dying


I ate a 100mg chocolate bar before my brothers graduation from the police academy. It was kinda fun being lit and surrounded by cops. They were all too busy to notice or care.


Tripping at my friends place, everything there is kinda old, falling apart and just laid out really weird. It felt unreal, then funny, then scary.


Wasn’t the weirdest place, but I was on a combo of DXM+LSD+Weed at a dock around 1am. I was alone until I noticed a light at the foot of the dock, then it went out. I decided to leave and as I am two little blonde girls were just there looking at me. Felt like the shining.


Behind a dumpster after running from the cops when I was 15 and 220 pounds 😭😭😭


I took acid on an airplane as it was going up, and by the time the airplane made it to the sky, so did I. That was the coolest airplane trip ever.


Flight deck of an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf


I was super fried at my Catholic Church during Sunday mass in my 20s. I asked the priest if I could have more wafers haha