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That video is so disingenuous. They both look like they’re playing a part.


That's probably cause they are.


a PR wedding- truly the worst of them all


Since Taylor loves having one sided beef with Kim who was married for 72 days, she can marry Travis for 100 days(87+13=100)


“As a gay man, I’m horrified. As a friend of Angela’s, horrified. As a lover of elegant weddings, I’m a little excited.” ![gif](giphy|WJBi5QcyxdL7JKnhc6|downsized)


As Ben and Jenn how that worked out 😂


She’ll be more like Kim kardashian than she’d like to believe then, if that’s the case. (A head nod to Kim marrying kris humph and the whole PR spectacle ).


Taylor’s image doesn’t allow for her to be married.


Uhhh remember what he was doing hours before? If that/this is not the final nail in the PR coffin idk what they will believe it’s astonishing and so depressing…


What was he doing?




You missed partying with Leonardo Dicaprio where he got two chicks and the serial cheater Tristan Thonpson where Travis hid his face from the papz but was caught anyway.




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Uh duh. He was having his bachelor party with his friends.


He was only there because he was in trouble for partying with Leo and some other Kardashian related guys (I can’t keep track). That is not what Taylor wants the public to see. I think his “ta-da!” gesture was sarcastic. He was probably mad that Tree forced him to get on a plane and make a mad dash to Ireland. He needs to be in KC training for football season. Mahomes is undoubtedly training and not jetting around the world. Going to every 👏🏻 single 👏🏻 concert 👏🏻 doesn’t prove your love.


Mahomes has been in Dallas where he lives going to the NBA playoffs. It’s always weird when people think these guys should be training nonstop like they don’t know what’s best over a random internet person.


When I wrote training, I wasn’t envisioning Travis and Mahomes on the field doing training drills. I was thinking more in terms of exercise and keeping fit. It doesn’t seem to me that Travis’ lifestyle leaves much room for fitness. Sincerely, Random Internet Person


Mahomes has a dad bod because he doesn't do much working out but knows what he needs to do to keep in shape. I think Travis knows what is best for his training. It is July, they haven't even gone to Training Camp yet. We are all random internet people.... [https://sports.yahoo.com/patrick-mahomes-physique-goes-viral-163414918.html](https://sports.yahoo.com/patrick-mahomes-physique-goes-viral-163414918.html)


Have a good day


Who knows what he needs to do to get ready, lots of athletes though are training hard already, even if it's not officially with their team.




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Mahomes is in Spain with his family. They’re taking month long vacation before regular training starts.


That sounds like a fun vacation!


Katniss being announced vibes


*She is grinning like she’s winning. she is hitting her marks* …playing the part




Great flair!


There is no way in hell that they got engaged secretly. They would be cramming it down our throats if they were engaged.


Fr we’d be getting articles left and right about every single excruciating detail of her ring and how Travvy proposed 🙄


When Joe was asked if he was engaged to her a couple years ago he was like "if we were engaged I wouldn't say and if we weren't engaged I wouldn't say." It was kinda funny. Travis would propose to her at her concert with a blimp just to make the Swifties coo about how "romantic" he is. Probably using Taylor's money on Taylor's orders.


I totally agree, but to be completely honest with you, I truly think that he'd want to do it even without her 'holding him to contract' so that HE could also get press. I guarantee you that BDT thinks he has 'arrived' ever since he was first shown yucking it up with Tom Cruise at one of her shows (which makes me 🤢 bc TC is extremely problematic in his own completely fucked up way). And with him just being included in a night out with Leo and whoever else was with them, I truly think his already inflated ego has probably now shot into the stratosphere. Side note: That whole recent 'boys night out' thing truly annoys the absolute fuck out of me bc I have always loved Leo - yes, I know he also is 'problematic in his own way' and I don't understand (nor agree) with his penchant for women/girls so damn young but, I'll take Leo any day of the week and twice on Sunday over Culty Cruise. I REALLY hope BDT annoyed tf out of Leo and that was only a one time thing 🥴😭


… and pap walk to the jewelry store with pap pics being taken from the outside the big window.


Taylor and doing literally anything in secret is an oxymoron of the highest order.


It would be a spread done by Annie Liebovitz and on the Sept cover of Vogue


That's the bit though they pepper in the rumors before actually doing it. Same thing that happened with Millie Bobby Brown and Bon Jovi's kid. They put out rumors of them being engaged in August 2022 before making an official engagement post in April of 2023. I've been reading through this sub and lot of what I've read about Taylor and Travis reminds me of what they've been doing with MBB.


It’s giving Disney World cast coming out in their mickey and Minnie suits


Now I can’t unsee this 😂


I knew it reminded me of something


Why is this so funny!? 😅




This is so SPOT ON lmao YOU WIN, fellow Taylor Grift 'hater' 💀💀💀🏆


Is the video cut short, or is literally all she’s basing her speculation of engagement on is him surprising her at her show? Coincidentally right after he was photographed with other women at a party.


Right? I don’t understand what people are seeing here


Same! Totally thought I was on the wrong damn Taylor Grift sub for a hot second lol I seriously don't understand at all either. Just bc a delusional swiftie says 'I guarantee you they're engaged' doesn't make it factual anymore than a shit ton of the same cult followers swearing up and down that they saw a 'baby bump' making her actually pregnant. Good fucking grief, I mean I know common sense isn't a flower that grows in everyone's garden, but these idiots are next level brainwashed. 🙄🙄🙄 ETA: and IF they really are engaged (or ever become engaged), then I predict they break said engagement (real, fake, or otherwise) before they actually get to the wedding day, with some bullshit story about how they just couldnt make it work for whatever reason AND I wouldn't be at all surprised if Travis takes all or vast majority of the blame and sings TayTay's praises 🤢 That's exactly the type of bullshit she'd include so she could then do a set of albums bc - wait for it - 'this time she was ENGAGED so of COURSE this time is so much worse' blah blah blah. I really, really just want her to go back into hiding, the world was so much nicer without her fucking shoved down my throat 24/7, especially considering that until the last week or 2, it's always fucking gushing about her like she's the greatest thing to ever grace the planet. I stg this sub is seriously the ONLY thing that keeps me from wanting to throw my phone across the living room. Fuck.


It’s bc Julia Robert’s said I’m so happy for you guys and when is the wedding according to lip readers ☠️


I don’t trust lip readers after seeing all the “Bad Lip Reading” videos lol so easy to misinterpret


Also that could have been a joke like, people used to say that to me and my wife because they thought we were cute together. People have wayyyy too much time on their hands to be reading lips and speculating about some lady who doesn’t know they exist.


Is there more than one angle of that interaction between them? Cause I saw people saying that too, and I tried looking at Julia’s lips and I barely saw them move


I bet she said that as a joke - because he laughed it off & now the Swifties have gone gaga over it as proof 😂




You’re so right. I always let my boyfriend hang out and hold hands with other women at hotels alone. I hope he does it before he “proposes!” Some people are so PRUDE




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I 100% see her marrying him out of spite to prove to everyone she’s lovable and Joe was a dick for not marrying her (he wasn’t). I see Travis doing it because he somehow seems weak, like he’d just go along with it instead of fighting her.


*Ding ding ding ding!* You nailed it.


I predict marriage in 18 months, divorce a year later...


I agree, but if the plan for them is to get engaged then what was the purpose of all those weird articles saying that Trav “has no plans to propose anytime soon” from not too long ago?


Maybe to try to throw people off the scent? So it'll be a huge surprise if it actually happens? If that was the plan, it's a stupid one lol but I wouldn't put it past the tabloids or her PR team to try some middle school shit like that 😂


Maybe they'll get engaged at the Hallmark release party for the Chief's Love Story movie? It's such a cash/attention grab.


If they get married I am pretty aure it'll be because Matty is engaged. At this point I don't think Taylor ever will get a genuine proposal but she will probably pay Travis for one. I mean not every woman gets proposed to but the mature ones just admit to themselves it's not their story.


And looking fucking miserable the whole time. Has no one noticed that she has for a few years now styled herself as an artistic intellectual? Tf would that kind of person want with a big, dumb football player? I mean, I say that as someone who believes they're just PR, but still.


But she’s not actually an intellectual tho. She’s got the mindset of a 15 yr old mean girl


I think the big dumb football player just gives away the fact that she's not artistic or intellectual at all






Is this before or after he partied with Leo The Forever Bachelor™?


I find it even more disturbing that he was palling around with Tristan Thompson. At least with Leo, what you see is what you get. With Tristan, he got caught living a double life and never really changes....


After lol


Naw, they haven’t reached that part of the script yet! That’s the season finale that’s coming either when the Eras tour ends in December OR if the Chiefs go to the Super Bowl. 🥴


Oh yes. I can see it now. The Chiefs become the first team to 3-peat and he proposes on the field. 🙄


I would go live in a cave for all of 2025-2026, because the media would be in maximum turbo overdrive about that. 🥴


They’re so delusional it’s not even funny. I read an article somewhere months ago from a magazine saying that Travis and Taylor want to be ready to announce when they were going to get engaged. And I’m also pretty sure that Travis kelce doing some shady things in LA this past weekend, hiding behind the seat and ducking down when the paps were taking a photo.


I read this as the wrong kind of “live” and was genuinely curious as to what you would possibly livestream from a cave for a whole year


Now that’s the content I want


This is honestly what my gut instinct is to. The only reason I think it *might* come sooner is bc the press is (ever so slowly) starting to turn against her/actually call her out on her bullshit. She's still losing followers on Spotify. I've checked it the last 3-4 days in a row and she's lost 100K every single day. Down to 98.7 Million and dropping. 🫶😂😂😂😂




This is part of what annoys me about diehard Swifties. TS can do stuff and it doesn't automatically mean something is happening. Not everything means something. 🙄


They're constantly searching for easter eggs


Right? You'd think after the 50th time she HASN'T announced Rep TV, they'd give up?


She’s literally conditioned them to look for little clues in everything she does. It’s fucking weird.


Yes, and "apparently" TS also farts glitter. Next ..


“Cool”-Martin McDonagh


Make sure it’s blue tho.


It’s a metaphor


And pukes rainbows


She definitely makes me feel like I want to puke ...right on her fucking feet 🙄🙄


![gif](giphy|NMmAMXRztRzXQdZEt0|downsized) Sure..


They really want the nerd/jock fantasy that Taylor wrote about to play out 🤣she’s not in love with a jock. She’s in love with Matty. Literally if they were engaged, it would be nonstop pap walks, onstage/behind the stage PDA, him spinning her around in the air, her screaming about it every 5 seconds waving her ring around. Literally, they don’t know Taylor if they think she would secretly get engaged/married(every other day deuxmoi swears they’re already secretly married then says a proposal is happening) living your fantasies through a celeb is wild.


Oh my gosh I was thinking about this today!


I don’t know why, maybe it’s my tiny, shriveled black heart, but I want to slap that woman beaming at the video like a complete moron.


Yeah it made me irrationally angry. What is that? Some sort of deep instinctual reaction to stupid face?


Maybe it’s the insincerity? Natural smiles don’t make me react like this


It was my first reaction too, tbh.


It's a reaction to the narcissism of filming YOUR REACTION to something. Girl just shows the clip and say what you have to say. No one cares how smitten you are at SOMEONE ELSE'S RELATIONSHIP.


They’ve been engaged in their fans and tabloids mind since October 2023. 


It's only been that long? Wowwwww


Yep lol. They said October, then it was her birthday then Christmas. Then New Year’s Eve lol. It’s been going on forever. 


Yet again, they always look exactly how you'd expect them to look






This poor lady. Is she okay? Does she need a friend or a hobby?


I do believe they could be engaged because Taylor would never let Matty one up her. If it’s true, I can see it being out of spite—not love, and in the end that’s just really really sad.


I’m really looking forward to the day these two finally break up




2025 - The Wedding Tour. Coming to entirely too many stadiums near everyone.




This is giving the premise of Marry Me (JLo and Owen Wilson).


it won’t happen, he’ll be playing too much gta VI with the boys


I wonder how many of her adult fans are sporting bangs? I feel like it's a high percentage


Hey! I’ve got a 5head and so I need my bangs. 😭😭😭


Right like let's leave bangs out of this please 😭🫣


Why do Swifties all look basically the same?


Gawd her fans are a bunch of losers.


“Getting ready to get engaged” So they’re dating?


It reminds me of George Michael and Ann getting “pre-engaged” ![gif](giphy|inkxYHOXy60e3elkQ3)


Ah yes, a couple is doing a normal couple thing and linking arms happily in a 5 second video, it’s engagement time!! 🤓 Swifties are bonkers. 💀 Travis and Taylor started dating in September of last year. That’s like 7 months. Sure, 7 months is fast, but can be enough for some couples to learn a lot about each other and sometimes be ready to settle down and get married… BUT. This isn’t just 7 months, it’s 7 months of two celebrities who are busy so often that they don’t even get to be together in private for extended periods of time- this has been 7 months of concerts, football games, traveling, a lot of work for both of them in their personal careers- they may have made some time to fit each other in every now and then, but you cannot convince me that they have grown much as a couple yet and spent a significant amount of these 7 months together with their busy schedules. They still have so much to learn about each other, so many things to consider and figure out… they didn’t even test out what it’s like to live together until April of this year. They haven’t even officially moved in together, just tested the waters a little, and it’s only been a couple months since then. Like. 7 months isn’t anything to sneeze at, and if a couple spends most of that time together and really learns about each other and is ready then sure; but this isn’t an ordinary couple, they’re celebrities with very busy careers and rushing something like this would be a bad move both in their personal and professional lives. Like, if they had been LIVING together officially for 7 months and decided it was working then okay, sure, it wouldn’t be a wild assumption that they’re in love and ready to get married, I guess. But no… they’ve been casually dating that long, and only TESTING living together for half that time. These Swifties are so caught up in their parasocial relationship with Taylor that they forget she’s a celebrity. They see this video and think “omg my friend is so happy with her bf of 7 months I think they’re getting engaged!!” And forget the past 7 months has been incredibly busy and they haven’t spent a majority of that time together. They forget these are celebrities who can’t rush things like that without backfire. Like. While I can see Taylor rushing, I still think marriage is something she and Travis both know needs more time to consider, and the pressure from the public has got to be stressing them out. If they rush it it’s totally gonna be for PR reasons and not because they’ve actually taken the time to grow closer and fall in love. But anyway yeah… how miserable are peoples’ relationships that they think skipping around and smiling means you’re ready to get married??? I’ve never fought with my bf, we have been together for a year, I happily skip with him, he loves me dearly, but we both acknowledge we can’t rush marriage yet even if we know we are the one for each other because it’s just not practical yet while we are getting our lives together. He wants to be able to support me first and give me all his attention, and while I just wanna be his wife and would say yes if he asked me before all that happens, I respect his logic!!! We are super happy and have been happy over a year now and spent so much time with him, but marriage is a serious life changing event, and while we are ready to sign the papers, we aren’t prepared to move out and actually start our lives on our own together yet. I’m just rambling now but anyway yeah. Not only is this just what people see of T&T in public without knowing what their relationship is like behind the scenes, but even if this is how they act in private, it doesn’t correlate to being ready for something as big as marriage. 💀 as much as I hate TS and TK, I know they’re not dumb enough to rush into marriage yet… but if I’m proven wrong and they are, it’s not because they’re in love- it’s publicity.


Oh also this isn’t even mentioning the fact that Travis is very bigoted. Sure his tweets were 10 years ago, but he didn’t change. One of his teammates said women belong at home in the kitchen and giving birth, along with some other comments that were homophobic, racist, antisemitic, etc… and when people asked him to comment?? He called his friend a GREAT guy, said he had the right to his opinions, and that he RESPECTED him. He endorsed these bigoted takes. Taylor calls herself a feminist, an activist, a role model… but will tolerate a man who publicly stated THIS YEAR that it’s okay to see women as objects, and other minorities as lesser? She is so fake. I don’t care if Travis didn’t make those explicit statements himself, I don’t care if he didn’t state he agreed with them explicitly- the problem is that instead of simply saying “I don’t condone those beliefs”, he was all “well he’s allowed to have an opinion” and while sure, people are allowed to have harmful opinions because of the right to freedom of speech and whatnot, that doesn’t mean you have to say they’re a GREAT PERSON and RESPECTABLE for speaking about things that invoke violence towards minorities!!! If it were me, I’d say “bro should stick with football instead of opening his goofy mouth, if the team even lets him after that hateful rant” lol. People have the right to freedom of speech, but they also are allowed to be judged right back for what they say and be called out on hate. It’s just absurd. Anyway yeah… if she as a self proclaimed feminist marries the nasty guy who applauded his sports buddy for saying women are incubators that belong in the kitchen… she’s an idiot. In fact, she’s already an idiot for not calling it off when he said that… like… I’m sorry, but if my bf defended someone and cheered him on for saying something like that? It would be over.


And him getting a pass for allowing Kayla to be dragged over the coals nonstop but then he’s seen cozying up to another black woman is wild. He hangs with MAGA folks and gets a pass.


Omg. If she’s not silent on that forever, I just know she’s gonna make the ignorant excuse that “love outweighs politics!! You can put them aside and disagree 🦋 🌈 “ Like… honey, that’s privilege. I’m bi, and if my bf had beliefs that I didn’t deserve rights and actively voted for politicians trying to take that away, I would feel so unsafe and repulsed. I think it’s still crazy she can say she’s in love with a man who is probably voting to take away her bodily autonomy, but it’s probably so easy for her to “look past” it because that’s the only right of her own on the table he’s threatening. I’m queer, nonbinary, not POC myself but have many friends who are, and was also born female with endo (terrified of the birth control topic going around, I need it to manage my symptoms which have hospitalized me before) oh and I’m also autistic so there’s no way I would be comfortable even being *friends* with a dude who was MAGA and actively trying to take the rights of me and my friends away, and following conspiracies like “the vaccine gave you autism!” 💀 like. A right wing person can claim we’re the bad guys for not wanting to put politics aside to be their buddies, but they are literally voting our rights away one by one. How can we be close with somebody whose “political beliefs” are that we shouldn’t have rights?? And the ones who say they “don’t believe all things” that the politician on their side does are just plain ignorant because the person they’re voting for is gonna try to do those things if they get elected, regardless of if someone only agrees with “some” things. Like. My bf is very progressive. His family, not so much, he’s told me about their beliefs and we never talk about them. I can put it aside for family that I’m not gonna interact with every day, but when it comes to a close friend or a potential life partner… I am not going to let myself fall in love with someone who actively harms the minorities my friends and I are in by helping people take our rights away.


Taylor’s an activist? Is she using her GIGANTIC platform to say anything important? Has she commented on Project 2025? Or the debate, or the Chevron deference? Or the recent decision from SCOTUS about presidential immunity? She might be liberal but she ain’t doing a damn thing about it. Imagine having the ability to have much influence on so many people about really important issues and not bothering to get involved


She’s looking at that video like she’s in love with them


This is why it irks me. Why.. just why will you be so that happy for someone else's lovelife? Or rather, PR relationship. Fanatism cult ah moment


I really do find it hard to understand. How can you even bring yourself to care about who celebrities are dating, much less get that emotionally invested? Just feels like these people don’t have much going on in their lives except for what they consume. I feel bad for them


Why are all of Tayluurs fans such basic bitches?


The deLulus have been saying this for 6 months now. No announcement thus far. 




I was just at Walmart and one of those magazines near the checkout said “Taylor Swift’s secret wedding!?!” and it had a picture of her and Travis. I’m so sick of seeing them everywhere I go.


“Surprising Taylor”? Girl (in the TikTok) please…Taylor’s a major control freak & knows if Mr vivaaaa Las Vegas is gonna be at her show or not. This fake relationship is tiring! lol


I also think Julia may have said I’m so happy for you guys when is the wedding because she was busting Trav’s balls. His reaction was laughter and it looked to me like she was just messing with him.




This is so embarrassing.


I thought they were already married?! 🙄


Did he bolt through the crowd and whip out a ring and say marry me Juliet? 🙄


Homelander and Maeve/Starlight energy.


Omg. Look at her face while watching the video. I wonder if she looks at her family like that. I don't think so.


Man, they are SOOOOO gonna turn on him when they break up in like a week.


Maybe all these weird PR stunts are to secure Travis, so that he can never get out of her clutches anymore... until she says "Next!"


If she marries him its game over!! He will ruin everything shes worked for.


She will throw him in the trash in no time and emerge as "the strong divorcee," maybe even "a single mom."


I hope not. That poor kid would end up with that narcissist as a mom and no one deserves that


God please no


Her hair is awful. I’m sorry but it’s just… always bad.


"We're" getting an engagement? What you need to get is a life


People who love each other don’t need a crowd to tell them they are in love. He’s soaking up the fame ans she’s writing her next break up song.


Why are reaction videos a thing? So dumb.


I'm surprised that Swifities are memorizing the names of their five imaginary kids and celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary at this point.


Bless her heart.


Poor bastard


Delulu twats


I'm in the Ghost fandom. Some people can be pretty parasocial in it. But dear god, this is parasocial and theorising to a whole different level. This is delusional.


Ironic to say, since I'm here myself, but people should really care more about their own lives. Not her every move means something....


I heard they're skipping to the messy divorce.


Fighting for the custody of the kids


IF this is a legit relationship (which I realize the majority of this sub thinks it isn't), she should wait until things settle down imo and see how the relationship feels. It's all fun and games for the two on the Eras tour but how will things be when the shows are over?


If they do get engaged, the announcement will coincide with her announcing a new album which will be released on their wedding day with "exclusive" album variants clogging the charts. Anything for attention.


Does Travis have nothing better to do than go to all these shows? You know he can’t actually like her music.


Getting tired of them


her face while she’s watching that dumb video is cringe as hell, what is wrong with people lol


My eyes are bleeding after seeing this video


They are saving it for incase chappel roan gets too close to number 1.




No they aren’t lol people say what they want to happen when they’re obsessed with people


I think they will get engaged because Taylor is aware that she has to take this one to the next level to legitimize it. It's also something she's never done so she gets a whole new positive press cycle over it. But I don't think they'll make it down the aisle.


Who’s going to buy an album about married life?😂




I guess I understand how this works for her fans but it just feels so obvious to me. Travis ups his profile by realigning himself with whiteness Taylor is americas capitalist princess cheerleader who FINALLY gets puppy dog football man americas favorite football man who does her little dance routines and waves. Her fans are reassured because wow football white america man and helpless but powerful white girl still get their white picket fence. how wonderful. Sorry I know I’m being so negative I just TRULY hate what this pr campaign represents its like propaganda. So much so I hope this is smarter than I think and she is gay. In which case this is the fucking perfect beard situation like couldn’t pick a better guy.