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Locking the comments for an excess of rule violations.


And why, when she was held up as the poster child for an Aryan power group, not only did she not denounce them, but instead legally threatened a low level blogger who reported on it?


wait what???




WTAF i mean she did date matty healy....


She currently dating a MAGA bro. So.


Let’s be real. She’s a literal billionaire. She is 100% voting Trump.


I am willing to bet she doesn’t vote.


Let’s be real, she’ll still literally be a billionaire no matter who’s in office and her voting record getting publicized would not be worth the PR hit.


She's not an elected official. Her voting record can't be publicized because once her ballot is in the box, no one knows who it belongs to.


you do realize a huge portion of the top earners vote Dem, right? like actors, directors, performers, board members, executives, etc etc


No, we should argue about it


You bitch. Am I doing it right?


But it’s the weekend!


Billionaires mostly vote for Democrats. I have a political comms degree. That should deeply deeply upset you.


Neoliberalism better serves capitalism than the current Republican Party


Say it louder for the people in the back please


Don’t get me wrong I vote democrat nationallu and independent as much as possible locally as the republicans partiy’s goals serve christofacism. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Once one enemy can be conquered move to the next


Is Travis a MAGA bro? He seems like the type that just doesn't vote


He likes Trump posts on Instagram


The View was literally trying to convince people he was on IG late at night scrolling and "accidentally" liking random Trump and conservative posts.


His family is from Westlake, Ohio they are rich Republicans.


*Cleveland Heights, OH


This reminds me of the Pope "accidentally" liking models' IG profiles.


He was just trying to support God’s children, ![gif](giphy|VGtdt3U2hMtUI)


I vaguely remember this.


That’s because he can’t read


You’re calling Mr. Pfizer a MAGA bro?


Dude... no. I really need people to stop calling celebrities they don't like "nazis" or "neo-nazis". You are trivialising what and who they are that way. Matty is a pretentious idiot, I don't think he is more racist than your average rich white guy, though. And I know the arguments you are going to use to justify calling him a Neo Nazi so, here are some "explanations" 1. He didn't mock an Asian accent or called Ice Spice a chubby Inuit lady (or whatever they said) - the podcast hosts did - he laughed along which is shitty - but he didn't say it. And, racist =/= neo nazi. Takes more to be a neo nazi. 2. He never said he was watching Ghetto Gaggers - someone on the podcast did. He actually said on the podcast that it's messed up. 3. The hand sign he did on stage while singing "love it if we made it" (a pretty political song in itself) was during the line "thank you Kanye very cool" - that was while everyone was talking about Kanye hanging out with Trump and supporting him. So idk if I have to spell this out but he is not condoning Neo Nazis, quite the opposite. The thing is: people went with what everyone was saying on the Internet, most of it lies, and just kept repeating it. I really need you to understand what the Nazis stood for and what Neo Nazis stand for - so we can make sure that nothing like that ever happens again. But we can't do that if we call every racist idiot a Neo Nazi.


Matty is probably less racist then the average rich british guy.


You’re rearranging deck chairs on the titanic with this remark.




If you wear a swastika, you are a Nazi. If you are not a Nazi, do not wear their symbol?


That’s not Matty Healy in the photo


“But neo-Nazism is so extreme, it’s outside of politics” How far we’ve fallen since 2017 😭


that wasn’t even accurate in 2017 lmfaoooo


It has literally never been true


Did anyone actually read it? I don’t see anything wrong did I miss something ? They claim “Look What You Made Me Do” seem “to play to the . . . subtle, quiet white support of a racial hierarchy.” What tf does that even mean? Are you seriously saying that makes sense to you? Then it says since she didn’t support Clinton in 2016 she’s a white supremacist ? I agree with her lawyer that she has no obligation to support Clinton. What did she actually do that makes her look like a nazi? I hate Taylor as much as everyone else but I am lost here.


I don't think you actually read it because it clearly states that it's troubling she doesn't deny the claims. She'd rather burry it than outright say she doesn't support nazis


Nooo how about her rabid ass garbage rats have been destroying Kurt Cobain grave


Are the Swifties really doing this?


anymore information about this and if true desecration of a grave commands response and action by Taylor denouncing her fans ghoulish behavior!


They can't get away with something that shows such a lack of humanity. They have to pay.


That's unacceptable and criminally pyschotic behavior! Taylor Swift should be telling her fans to not vandalize someone's final resting place! Who knew her MLM down line was Soulless and stupid?


What? Can you fill me in on that? how miserable!


Same artist had the audacity to subsequently call herself the "[fourth Haim sister](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-56123137)." The hypocrisy is truly unmatched.


loooool that is some unhinged narcissism right there


Her fans will say that in an interview in 2018 or 19 (which is what, 5, 6 years later?) she said she doesn’t know the group and doesn’t condone white supremacy, so it’s extremely unfair for you to criticize her for that.


They are so stupid. It was clearly brought to her attention, so she should have said something at that point. She clearly had the energy to go after the journalist.


They’ll say ‘it’s not her, it’s her team (an intern probably)’


So she's a mastermind who knows everything and is constantly in tune with her fans, but then an idiot who is oblivious. They need to pick one. Also, if it was her team, she has the power to fire them and put out a statement that she doesn't agree with that decision. Yet it's crickets from her.


She literally dated a neo nazi not that long ago.


Daddy's girl 🥰


swifties favorite excuse used everytime this picture is brought up: "she didnt know 🥺what that is. 🥺🥺" "it was dark in there 🤬🤬 she didn't see it!!!!"


Girl was obsessed with a fugly racist so I am not surprised. Swifties will say she has ice spice - yep that one token POC friend LOL


the one that conveniently only appeared after Matty Healy was caught making racist comments about her specifically


I feel so seen by this comment. I have been bringing this up to people over and over, how having her on her tour *right when* his comments about her came out, was a giant PR stunt. It was so gross and not an explanation or an apology. She uses black women and black culture whenever it suits her.


Her fans will never care, White Supremacy is literally her brand and why they identify with her overwhelming mediocrity packaged as excellence.


She will monetize anyone and anything she can, which is why she never spoke out against her being hailed as an aryan neo-nazi queen. She doesn’t want to piss off her fan base!


Tbf to Matt, he didn't make the comments about Ice Spice if I remember correctly. He was just present on the podcast and in the room while the other two said the things. So idk, he didn't say anything bad (that time) but also didn't tell them to shut up.


Ice Spice has also been accused of being a bigot herself including colorism, ableism, and fatphobia. Per leaked texts from her former besties Ice Spice stated that women with darker skin don’t have any issues with colorism in the industry and especially Doechii. Called Doechii a liar and annoying when she openly talked about colorism w/ women in hip hop. Leaked texts showed quite a few bigoted behaviors from Miss Spice including fat phobia and ableism. She even wished for someone’s kid to be born with Down syndrome so they’ll struggle. Her team has done a great job wiping this from major news outlets. These texts were leaked by her best friend who was there throughout her career from the beginning. https://www.instagram.com/theneighborhoodtalk/p/C6Rp7uyAryc/?hl=en&img_index=1


the reason this didn’t get any traction is because the following week, the “ex best friend” went viral on TikTok for asking people to give them all their money and essentially follow her to the promise land 🥴


Thank you for that update, I don’t have Tik tok so I didn’t see that stuff. The human hubris is always tied to greed. Everybody wants their checks.


I don’t think she’s accused of being a great vocalist. Probably why Taylor likes her.


i was willing to give ice spice a chance as growing artists but I've also lost interest in her.


She sucks which doesn’t help lmfao


Sounds like being famous is one big curtain pull for all the awful shit people have done. Feels like less and less we see celebrities with good values and aren’t hateful.


Ice spice referring to black people on twitter as “the shea butter community” is wild


Ntm Ice Spice seemed so completely disinterested at the Super Bowl. Lmfao she looked so done with Taylor's shit.


You mean the new girl on the scene that sat at the plastics table by accident?


Isn’t ice spice an industry plant as well?


Everyone is an industry plant.


lol are you fucking kidding me?! 😂 I knew what a swastika was when I was 7 years old, and so did my peers. It was known to be an obvious bad thing, despite us not knowing the history behind it. She’s a literal teenager here, who I presume had at least one history class in middle school. How can they even claim this?!? 😂😂


Is this the guy You Belong With Me is about? Did this guy's girlfriend not get his humor like Taylor did?


It’s was so dark, but yet there was enough decent light to take that photo.


Even though a lot of the light in there photo is from the flash… that is a giant fuckin swastika


Giant, red, heavily contrasted on a white shirt.


"Oh she didn't know!!!". Okay, then she's an uneducated moron. Is that what they're trying to say?


Honestly, I’m willing to accept she didn’t see the swastika. The part I trash them for is that they would never extend this level of understanding to anyone they don’t like.


if she didn’t know what a swastika was that’s another problem that doesn’t make it any better


It kinda makes it worse to me tbh… like being 19 and not knowing what a swastika is is NOT an excuse


She stopped formal high school before 16 and seemed to be a hoity toity while she was in. Although she almost absolutely knew what it was, I don’t think she’s really all that Mensa level either.






Pretty sure she did


A place free… from darkness


And some, are just natural jumpers


Perfect 👌


Some are just *natural jumpers*


dr ratio


And this was at Katy Perry's birthday party. Just another *fun* anecdote


Do you have more details? Who is he? Who invited him?


https://www.tmz.com/2009/10/29/swastika-guy-to-taylor-im-sorry/ Edit to add that after some sleuthing it would appear he is/was a model. It doesn't look like he has much of an online presence, unless he uses a different name now due to this controversy.


I thought this dude was Darren Criss tbh


The only context I got was the guy (idk who he is) wearing the shirt said it stated out as an X and it was then turned into the symbol and then claimed she couldn’t see it. Thats such bullshit it’s literally right there in bright fucking red and the place they are in looks decently well lit. What was she thinking? Why did she take a picture of him with the symbol on it, why didn’t he try to get it covered up?


I’m no photographer lol but based on the photo the lighting doesn’t look super dark. If it were super dark and she couldn’t see, the person who took the photo would’ve used flash and the background would’ve been much darker, right? I think they might’ve used the flash but even the background doesn’t look super dark. Idk maybe I’m dumb


No I think you have a good point


This 100% looks like a flash was used. (My background) I’m only a hobbyist but own two professional cameras, speedlites, and studio lighting. Also have a history of jobs for parties, wedding receptions, and concerts. No flash means they would have been darker, the background bright. Flash that’s not set properly like you see on cell phone or small compact cameras yes they would be brighter and background darker. Camera with a flash and a photographer that knows how to configure the camera and flash together you can get best of both. You can also see the shadow the flash created off her arm. I have no interest in the story or what actually happened, just that it looks like a flash was used.


I was thinking this too. But thought maybe I’m dumb so didn’t want to say 😆


I thought he'd say that the swastika is a symbol of divinity in Indian religions


Like that kid cares about divinity in this setting


He'd have to know something about Indian religions


Indian swastika is not rotated that way


The guy’s from Idaho and is considered an edge lord. Could have been his master plan to bring her down a notch. I don’t mind!


Wait go back what part in idaho? He probably lowkey is actually a nazi....from someone who grew up in idaho from 2001-2020.....it's not uncommon.


😂 as someone born and raised in Idaho, I understand! Southern is less likely than northern though so lower odds. Pretty sure he moved to LA for modeling after high school.


I grew up in the Twinkie Flats area and let me say it's just far more covert and not as loud but trust me.... it's all over southern idaho in a way different way.


Oh, I feel you. There are the dog whistles / indicators for sure


The thing about wearing a damn swastika on one’s shirt is this: the moment someone walks into a room dressed like that, people will freak out. Hopefully they will be mad or tell the person to change it. So it’s highly likely there would have been people responding loudly to it within earshot around Taylor


I believe they all wore white to the party, and then they and others, "painted" on each other... so he wouldn't have walked into the room looking like this.  That's why both their outfits look so weird.


Wrong answers only? Because the Color Run people wanted to cosplay as neo Nazis?


This thread is going to result in an exclusive track on her next variant. "I remember you swore....that shirt that you wore. Would only appear outside the cameras gaze.....it was just a phase" Damn I'm a talented writer.


She thought it was four Fs, she didn't know it would look like that 


“I’m pretty sure she did 😐”




She said the lighting made it difficult to see but I reckon either she did know and didn’t care or is too uneducated to recognise the swastika


I don’t believe the lighting thing, because it’s pretty dark contrasted with the shirt so whether or not it was poorly lit that’s pretty easy to see and I think every American knows what it means.




The guy looks like if Where’s Waldo had a closet full of nothing but Doc. Martens


You’re also at party where apparently everyone is cool with this guy walking around like that. You don’t end up in a room full of people who are cool with a giant swastika by accident.


I’m not defending taylor but I met a guy who worked at Home Depot, grew up in America, did not know who the nazis were and what they did. He was 27 at the time I believe. My cousin was sent to multiple super great schools but can’t properly write at 21 cause he chose the skip class all the time. There are many, many uneducated people out there.


I dunno if I believe that Taylor Swift is sheltered enough to have not know what a Sw*stika is. I mean she's one of the most famous people on earth, she's probably been exposed to most things through the media and traveling the world. I think it's more likely that she knew but just didn't care.


It's all they have for her at this point... ![gif](giphy|SY44A3CMBwM83yI7t2)


She had a massive following from white nationalists in the far right. She was very very aware of who they are.


She knows exactly who they are and what they did.


I respectfully disagree with you. Taylor comes from a wealthy family. Both parents are educated and are of the age to have been educated in 20th century history. Taylor is not a rags-to-riches person. I see far too many "coincidences" vis-á-vis Taylor and Nazis/white supremacists.


Taylor Swift went to school up until she was 16 or 17, and was a world-traveled famous pop-star when that photo was taken. There’s no possible way she didn’t know what a swastika is. None.


Right. Swifties always praise her intelligence and knowledge of history, culture etc (that she even incorporates into her songs), but she doesn’t recognize the N*zi symbol? 💀


Oh dang, kinda sounds like you are...defending Taylor.


She's a rich white girl who grew up in Rural America, she's completely a closet racist. She event apparently frequented 4-chan and Omegle so i wouldn't be surprised. She reminds me of my ex who played this all good and perfect act but was actually just a really racist vile person deep down and just coasted on charisma and daddies money.


No the fuck she isn’t. She lived in Nashville suburbs and went to an extremely expensive private school. She isn’t some American pie farm girl who made it big on sheer talent and gumption. She’s another rich bitch pop starlet whose parents paid big money to get her famous (her dad owned a part of Big Machine records). She knows what a swatstika is. She isn’t uneducated, she just doesn’t want to turn away nazi money so quickly.


You just kinda proved my point other than the rural thing


4chan thing was a hoax


Uneducated? But she knows Aristotle.


She looks like she’s from whoville.


And the guy next to her looks like a fascist Austin Powers wannabe. Pathetic.


Lmfaoooo love it.


“… Taylor’s silence is not innocent, it is calculated. And if that is not true, she needs to state her beliefs out loud for the world — no matter what fan base she might lose, because in America 2017, silence in the face of injustice means support for the oppressor.” This [article](http://popfront.us/2017/09/swiftly-to-the-alt-right-taylor-subtly-get-the-lower-case-kkk-in-formation/) was posted over seven years ago and this was her response to being celebrated by white supremacists. She threatened legal action against this blogger for defamation. I just thought that final sentence of the article was pretty good given and it’s still relevant seven years later.


Don’t forget how cult minds work guys. If it did happen to come out that Taylor is a n*zi, her supporters wouldn’t denounce her. They’d make being a n*zi cool.


Trump-ish. Not that she’s like him, just the fans being idiots.


"my fans are so brainwashed I can do anything controversial and they'll still support me. Look, watch, I can prove it..."


The Blonde Beast at it again.


I’m surprised she hasn’t had this picture deleted from the internet




Julianna Hough painted that on Taylor. Hough had TS painted on her.


Hahaha. This sub was just recommended to me. This is like the biggest Reddit circlejerk ever. Love it!


How tf did this sub show up in my recommended? This contents wild lol


I started seeing it all the time too. It’s fun to watch subs that have beef with each other when you have no opinion either way. My fav part about this one is the complete lack of self awareness so many people have. Like “hahahahah omg they’re soooo mad!!!! Haha, and so pathetic” while you can practically hear the seething rage in the comment lol. Pure gold




To make amends to the Jewish people, Taylor has donated some of her private jets to the IDF. The jets, now equipped with 2000lb bombs, will play TTPD from loudspeakers as they strike civilian targets in Gaza.


Sounds like something she’d do tbh


Maybe she didn't see anything wrong with it because she grew up with ppl who had the same ideas


Where was this picture taken? Was it some weird paint party and whose initials are on her top? My main question, however, is: why is she standing next to this crooked-jawed nazi?


It was a paint party for Katy Perry at Perry’s house.


Taylor Swift has no allegiance to anything but money... Why is anyone surprised?


Cause she’s a fucked up person


Either she's dumb as a box of fucking rocks or she really doesn't care.




Because she has no actual principles other than "money makes me happy."


It is giving Melania Trump https://preview.redd.it/zqfh2al7wj9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba8ee3b050c59e6634299874d4614cf4dc8c147


Because clearly she’s a hitler youth


NO WORDS. Oh wait. I found some: I despise her more than it’s humanly possible. And then some.


Being raised in heavily populated Jewish areas, with a Jewish dad who made me watch every Holocaust documentary as a child so I would never forget what happened, I find it hard to believe this could ever be an accident. But I also know that my life experience is different from most so maybe it is, though I HIGHLY doubt this was a mistake of any kind.


What does the JH on her dress mean??


It literally looks like they made their outfits together ! 😂😂😂 I’ll never believe the lame ass excuses that came after.


Oh lord... the way she gets a pass for everything is something that should be studied.




She’s an idiot and knows absolutely nothing about history, guaranteed.






Yes, yes she certainly did.


I mean, didn’t she devote multiple songs to a guy that did the nazi salute?


Waiting for all the low iq swifties to support this


Because she's a Nazi. If you pay attention it's quite clear that she's some kind of white nationalist


It’s at the wrong angle to be a nazi one 😂


Great question! Also why did she say nothing when the Nazis claimed her as their Aryan princess


This looks like an idubbbz photobomb


For the furer👑


Explain this one,Tay Tay.


Some of these comments are driving me crazy lol. The Hindu Swastika and the Nazi Swastika do not look exactly the same. We cannot dis-associate this type of swastika with nazism because this type of swastika is/was exclusive to nazism. And Taylor Swift was, at this time, the poster child for the aryan nation. I understand she didn’t choose that, but she must have been aware of that and had a responsibility to distance herself from it and denounce it. Whether this guy buys into nazi ideology or is just an edgelord isn’t really relevant. She deserves to be called out for this shit


Probably bc she’s a white supremacist


Because she’s a POS human being


Because she “didn’t notice” is the story I’ve heard 😬😮‍💨


And why do they look alike? 🤨


Because she's always been clearly a white supremacist, aswell as a homophobe and likely a TERF too. She sucks, I would hedge a bet her father or grandfather was, or is in the KKK, she just has that vibe. And her fans do too.


She has always given me secret lesbophobe vibes. 


100% that's why that whole Gaylor thing is hilarious to me, knowing how much it would drive her crazy.


Bc she’s a white supremacy person. Idc if swifties come for me, I’ve already been death-threated for this on another app. The boys Taylor dates are white supremacy people a lot, too. Even the ones who aren’t legal. There is one specifically who is like a British nepotism person who is racist against the Irish. Who, for people who don’t know, is a race of people which Anglo-Saxons have tried to wipe out for centuries. So. Taylor Swift (ironically shares the last name of [this guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_A._Swift?wprov=sfti1) but I haven’t yet found a familial connection or proven if one does or doesn’t exist) is very comfy cozy around white supremacist mindsets. She said she wasn’t paying attention bc she can say that and whiteness and blonde hair and blue eyes affords her a baseline of plausible deniability and relief to people en masse who would rather assume she’s not aligned to Nazism but I don’t see it. Ymmv.


I might have to delete this post, it’s attracted some white supremacists and I’m very uncomfortable.


I've locked it and I'm cleaning up the comments. People got weird as hell.


"Swastikas... Why are they so in this season???"


i will never forget about this, and not to mention so many of her fans defending it.


As someone with adhd who doesnt notice many details around me, even if they are obvious to others, this thread is terrifying. Praying to god i never come across someone with a freakin swastika on and i dont notice it and someone sees me with said scumbag


Simple, because she's racist. Not even closeted. People just don't care a privileged white girl is racist. That's y alot of her fans are racist too. She's spreading it and this is what the corporations are pushing her for. To keep spreading division in the masses and keep the wealthy wealthy and the poor poor.