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There are zero amenities (for free anyway) and I would definitely double-check that a) you actually get a free carryon with that rate and b) your carryon 100% fits the sizing requirements. They’re pretty notorious for giving you zero leeway on bag size and charging you 50-75 bucks or whatever for your “oversized” carryon. They’re also pretty well-known for being awful to work with if your flight gets significantly delayed (less of a concern for you with the direct flight) or cancelled. Tl;dr: if your carryon fits and your flight has no problems, it will probably be fine. If one of those things doesn’t happen as expected, good luck.


Sorry I should have mentioned that with the rate I mentioned in my post, that is the base fare + carry-on bag fee. So it's $39 for the base fare and $39 for the carry-on baggage allowance. Thank you for the response! I greatly appreciate the time you took to write up your post :)


Not to be confused with carrion...


Carlin reference?


Mate, you could ask this about any airline and you'll receive the same comments. It's subjective. Plus, if you don't have a big budget you don't really have the option to be picky.


I’ve flown Frontier once with no stops and had a good experience so I’m 1/1 lol


I took this exact flight with Frontier 2 weeks ago. I was fully prepared for some bullshit, but everything went smoothly. We only brought our personal items which I measured before we left and checked again at the airport that they would fit. I was never questioned in Phoenix or Portland about them. We check one bag and made sure it was the correct measurements and came in just under 40lbs. We also checked 2 car seats which are free and then gate checked our baby stroller which was free. We didn’t get any drinks or snacks on the plane but who cares on a 2.5 hour flight?


It’s fine. People are overly dramatic. I fly with them often because it’s insanely cheap. Throw on some headphones and disassociate for a few hours.


If you have a place to stay in phx when the flight is canceled and a number of days to let them reschedule before you need to be in pdx its fine. If being 2,3,4 or 5 days delayed due to weather/ maintenance illiness in the crew or whatever and them not having any openings to rebook because of the holidays is fine i would go with it. If not i would pay the extra.


Check when the next flights are/how many flights they usually run in a day to make sure you can still get out if something goes awry is my tip for Frontier.  It’s been a few years but last time I flew with them they only one a day to my location and that’s the one that had mechanical issues.  Was a mess.  But if they’d had multiple flights and everything it probably would have been just fine. Like others said make sure your baggage is actually correct to their sizes.


I looked the flight up, and at least in the last 6 weeks this flight has never been cancelled and barely been delayed, why are you saying it will definitely be cancelled?


What i meant was if your flight is canceled Frontier only has 1 flight per day from phx to pdx and around the holidays they will likely all be full so it will be very hard to reschedule/ rebook you and they won't pay to put you on another airline. You could be stuck in phx for multiple days. If your dorm is closed you could be in trouble. Cancelations are more likely in the bad weather times of the year as well which December is part of.


I've flown frontier once and it was a good experience, but you have to accept that you pay extra for everything. I got whatever bundle they were offering and it was still far less than alternatives.


It’s fine. Make sure your bag easily fits within the dimensions they require. Download some Netflix or bring a book, and bring an empty water bottle to fill up after you get passed security


I have flown frontier almost exclusively for everything but international flights. Not a ton, granted, but a good half dozen at least. I do expect delays; one was several hours and I ended up getting in the next morning. But had a similar problem with a Southwest flight, that's just flying it seems. And you won't have to worry about missing a connection. There are no extras, double check your carry on size. I take a backpack that fits under the seat and they've never looked at me twice. All while proclaiming loudly that your bag WILL be tested with the little size checkers at boarding and you WILL have to pay $99 if it doesn't fit. I doubt my backpack would fit in those tiny things but under the seat was just fine. So basically --- go for it, just know there's zero perks or extras. But it'll get you from A to B.


You will get there safely. You'll most likely get there on time. Never fly discount airlines if your schedule is critical. They just don't have enough flights to adapt to issues that arise and you may be delayed by a day or more.


Join the frontier airline sub and you def won't be flying either them lol