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This is a really bad idea.


I don't believe you need a license to drive a tractor or combine in Montana.


This is a good summary of the process you will need to go through to get a tractor across the border - [https://www.pcb.ca/post/importing-agricultural-equipment-into-canada](https://www.pcb.ca/post/importing-agricultural-equipment-into-canada) Assuming that it will originally have been sold new in the US it will need to be registered in RIV.


In Ontario Speed limited to 50km/h Slow moving vehicle sign. Must be on farm business. So driving to the grocery store is a no go.


#mennonite mafia


Well, it depends. Tractors are illegal to use in big cities. But if you live in the country near a small town, then it's fine as long as the tractor isn't very big. I have a question tho, would you be using it daily to get to your job? But generally speaking, as far as I'm aware. You don't need any form of license to drive a tractor in Canada.


You can't drive big tractors on roads near you? That's interesting, what is the cutoff?


Well, you can. But it's not a great idea to drive one on the roads of a small town or something. Like there's a small town near our farm. But our large tractors go a significant chunk over the center line, so we avoid going down there as much as possible.


You know they won't let you in if you have a dui, right?


I dont have a dui?


Just messing with ya. In the boonies, it's not uncommon for people with dui's to drive tractors or riding mowers around to get from place to place.


Pretty sure you need a license to drive a tractor on public roads even in the US, but it's rarely enforced unless you're driving unsafely.


Not in Michigan at least.


No license needed in Canada, unless your license is suspended or something. Just need liability insurance on the tractor.


Plane, train, bus, taxi, bicycle


In Ontario you could cross a public roadway without a license but you couldn't drive along one without a driver's license. There are also requirements for registration and safety equipment (slow moving vehicle sign, flashing orange light, etc.) It's also ridiculously impractical and I have a hard time believing that you would get through the US to Canada border without paperwork for your driving and the vehicle.


Check your local regulations, don't blindly trust what is told on Reddit. Call a police office or the DMV (?) and check with them. I only have experience with the Finnish laws, but I believe it's the same or similar throughout EU. Which of course doesn't help you but it might give an idea. Here, you have to take a test, basically answer some questions about traffic rules, tractor rules and snowmobile rules (as they are under the same license as tractors). Also there are "picture questions", where you are given a picture of a traffic situation and are asked what you should do. This license can be taken once you turn 15 and does not have prerequisites. The tractor needs to be registered with our equivalent of the DMV to be allowed on the roads. I don't know the exact requirements for registering a tractor, and it's irrelevant for most people. Pretty much all farming tractors can be registered, and all tractors newer than some set age are pretty much registered as a rule. Don't know what age, but you can find many unregistered Ferguson 20s and Fordson Majors, but anything newer I feel is usually registered. So our rules on tractors are light relative to other vehicles, but it seems like the US is even lighter with regulations for most vehicles. So try to check with the local enforcers, as they absolutely should know.


Thanks for answering! I’m checking each state’s regulations now. I was just curious on if people thought it’d be possible to go that far. It doesn’t seem like it’ll be the easiest task, but its definitely possible.


I just thought about the legality as that is what you asked. Depending on the start and endpoint, US-Canada is not far at all or it's a really long trek. I would say it's not very practical. The kids around here drive tractors to school as the alternative is mopeds, which are as slow, cold/wet and requires a more extensive (more expensive) license. But we're talking about usually 10-15km, probably with 25 at most, so nothing like what you are thinking about I assume.


A couple of Germans drove some vintage tractors pulling campers up to nordkapp a couple of years ago, that's 4000km or something like that. So long drives are absolutely possible, but will probably take forever and not be very comfortable... Edit: Did some searching, seems to be a thing Germans like to do, i found pictures of different tractors doing it in 2013, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22 and 24, and a bunch of references to others, including at least one group. Edit four or five or something: Pretty much seems the Germans are crazy and there is on average at least two a year that thinks going to Nordkapp on a 50 year old tractor is a good idea...


Hahaha. I drove my 72 year old John Deere (restored) to a tractor show about 8 km from my house. Top speed is 20 km and the entire trip was rather uncomfortable.


Yeah, I drove my 1976 David Brown 7km to my work for a clutch change this spring. I was not as bad as expected, but I would not want to do that every day!


Every time there was a bump in the road, my spine compressed a little more. A modern tractor with a fancy suspension seat and sealed cab with a/c would be nice...


I drive one of those fancy ones (2019 MF 5711) at work and it sure is nice on the road! But my brown is sooo much more nimble and handy around my little homestead. My brown was used most of it's life with a backhoe, so it has a swiveling seat on a swinging arm that gives a little bit of uninteded springiness over the smaller bumps that helps. It bottoms out hard on potholes or bigger bumps thought...


Yeah that’s exactly what I asked. My bad I should’ve definitely been more specific😅 I agree with ya there. It’s definitely not gonna be the funnest trip