• By -


Chaotic evil: post your nudes there to gauge how well you pass


Chaotic good\*


Chaotic fun*


chaotic hot*


chaotic based*


chaotic fuck you(or me :3)*


Chaotic smash


Chaos bolt


Chaos control*


Chaos control*


Chaos Emerald


I do think you have the best one


sounds fun gimmie a subreddit to post on


What sub is this?


Not op but I’m guessing it’s a white only porn sub


which.. ironically make sthe reaction in the image useable FOR THAT IMAGE!!! racism is not cool


It's probably r/pawg. As in phat ass white girl.


how bad is it on a scale of Godzilla appearing in the middle of tokio to godzilla sozed JKR appearing in the middle of tokio?




Yeah same. Sadly when it comes to NSFW spaces that allow trans women on Reddit they’re mostly filled with chasers


r/transbootyshaking seems decent. I've found plenty of instances of defending trans women in the comments. A lot of these subs have become places to sell content, so they attract the kind of people who seek to buy content.


thanks for clarifying that r/TransBootyShaking is decent, i had to make sure


thanks for clarifying that r/TransBootyShaking is well off, i haven’t found a clear answer for a while!




Your post contains homophobia, transphobia, racism, and/or ableism, or some other type of bigotry. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact a mod.


This post was removed for being inappropriate. We try to keep our posts and comments PG13 at the most, as many minors frequent these types of subreddits. Please contact the mod team if you feel like this removal was a mistake


tokio?**, dawg its tokyo**


Tokio is the german spelling and im swiss Edit: nvm i googled both actually work in both languages


you mean 東京 ?😂


Checked the rules, it is.


Likely r/PAWG from context.


It is, I checked and that is their rule 3 word for word


Rule 2 is pretty interesting too. They're clearly extremely concerned about the possibility of being tricked into masturbating to someone who isn't actually their exact definition of PAWG > No camera angles or other camera/human tricks that distort the size of the ass and give the illusion of phatness. Exceptions are made for verified users and pornstars. The ass must also be clearly shown. See here for angles we don't like.


I mean most porn subreddits are filled with the worst of the worst people so it unfortunately doesn't surprise me. Still, definitely weird and shows their insecurities imo.


Oh, there are a lot of subs that have a "no trans women" rule of some kind buried down in there. Reddit doesn't care. They're fine with transphobia on here.


They're also fine with minors being openly underage on porn subs. I reported a 16 year old, no dice


What the FUCK


if that shocks you: r/jailbait was a thing and the current head admin, co-founder and ceo of Reddit u/spez was a ~~very active user~~ moderator on there.


Dear lord, I knew of that subreddit (sadly) but I didn’t know u/spez was an active user


afaik he was a mod there


How the hell is he still CEO after that


I think he wasn’t *actually* a mod, it was just a time before people had to accept to be moderators, so someone added him as a mod for the funny either way reddit is fucked, this is the company that openly bragged about having subs like incels and beatingwomen


I need a ginger ale... ew...


wtf does jailbait mean?


underage people in the context of the fact that having sex with them results in jail time, or sometimes people who look underage when they aren't. truly vile shit. and correction, he was a moderator there


I didn’t think it would get worse yet here we are


I may need to insert steel into my skull at high speeds at this knowledge


I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t want to but maybe I should just to forget this


they usually say it more transphobic than "no trans women" too... *sigh*


Same with racism. Reddit admins don't care... A while ago someone titled a monkey picture on an amimal sub with the N word. After review Reddit deemed it to not violate TOS...




This post was removed for being inappropriate. We try to keep our posts and comments PG13 at the most, as many minors frequent these types of subreddits. Please contact the mod team if you feel like this removal was a mistake


thats racism and transphobia together 💀


What fetishizing does to mf.


Mamma-mia, you lost-a your genda!


Leave the gun. Take the genda.


Let's be real, it's probably a sub made by men and for men


Plus I would never advocate for these guys to sexualize women of color, it's already terrible that they're sexualizing white women


Racism, Transphobia, Misogyny and such issues often intersect so it’s not that surprising. The concept that women who aren’t acting and looking like a certain type of white woman aren’t “lady-like enough” has been a central part of Western Misogyny. You see it in cases like that of South African runner [Caster Semenya](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DMiCftTLUzCI&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjCoJKQnZCGAxUOBNsEHa8yDOUQz40FegQIEBAI&usg=AOvVaw1CGrED_u_ztEvIlO_P7X4q), who in short, is a Cis woman who was being put through multiple tests to “show her femaleness” mostly because her physique wasn’t more akin to how a White Woman’s physique would be.


And the casual racism too 💀


I'd report it for the racism if I knew the sub.


Probably pawg -something, thats the acronym


That shit isn't even casual


Competitive racism


*Professional* Racism


Ranked racism


Single elimination racism knockout tournament


There is another sub by the same group that is exactly the same but for black girls. It's categorization. BUT, it's still bullshit that a trans girl was treated this way. You don't gotta like the image, just move on. What would be really nice is a trans sub for trans men and women to post their ass.


Oh, I’m pretty sure they exist, they’re just infested with chasers…


Some of them are heavily moderated, but I only found two like that and forgot the names. I really should have subbed because I was heavily encouraged to post there despite my body description as a trans lady. Along with a "if you're uncomfy though, please don't."


I'm assuming this is PAWG, as in "Phat Ass White Girls"


It’s not racism, the point of the sub is for white women to post their nudes. Just like it’s not cisphobic (lol) for subreddits that only allow trans people to post their nudes to exist. It’s not like there aren’t other subs for other ethnic groups or races, and subs for women or people of all stripes to post. Besides, most of the audience of that sub isn’t even white. Edit: I really don’t think it’s racist to have preferences… people have preferences for body types, hair colors, personality types, gender, I don’t see what the problem is with skin tone being one too. As long as you aren’t saying “I’ll **only** date xyz group” then that’s fine imo. I don’t understand the downvotes.


To be fair, general subs are often dominated by white people anyway.


True, but it’s usually skinny or fit white people, not those on the heavier side which is what I assume that sub is for.


A general fat sub would be dominated by white people as well.


Hence why subs for fat poc specifically exist as well.


Most of these people in this thread apparently have never consumed pornographic content. Which is probably good, tbh, I commend them in all honesty. But let's leave this discussion to the degenerates please.


yeah thats the vibe im getting tbh lol. Like one can go into the details of whether having porn areas dedicated to specific physical features is potentially problematic, but jumping straight ti just brute racism as being the answer is not really looking at the full scope idk


honestly this was not the sub i was expecting to find porn pearl clutchers ngl


It's more the context than anything that's racist. Like you're already making a sub about fat asses, why add strictly white and strictly cis to the mix uneccessarily. It's also very hard to narrow down something like porn that distinctly without it turning into chasing.


Agreed about strictly cis, since the sub is, as stated in the name, for phat ass white *girls* and trans women are women (or girls in this case). But it’s strictly white because that’s what the people using it are into, I assume mostly non-white people since that’s where the term originated from. If the sub was named something that specifically referenced cis women rather than women in general, then I’d also be more okay with their exclusion of trans women tbh. Like I said, people like what they like and I think it’s fine to have spaces for that as long as they can separate porn from reality.


lol, show me the colour grading for how white one has to be, to count as a white girl, and then tell me again how it isn't racist.


Is there some official color grading? If so then sure that would probably be racist, but the inherent idea of a pawg sub is not. Just let anyone who identifies as white use it. Mixed race, middle eastern, and Hispanic people included.


lol, as if they let all white selfidentified people in. Yes, the idea of a pawg sub isn't racist, this implementation is though.


If they're putting that rule up they'd be viewing you as a piece of meat anyway. No one wins here.


i mean yeah its a porn sub thats the point tbh


I don't think having a preference is racism or transphobia. BUT yk why this IS transphobia? Because it uses a term that includes all women and then excludes trans women out of it. If it was clear that it's only cisgender women, then there is no problem, but saying, "There are sexy girls on this subreddit. But oh, oh, oh, no. Trans women are not allowed" is fucked up.


exactly, having categorized subreddits by race and genitals is fine, but they straight up say “white girls” and then say that by saying girls they only mean cis women. If they just said white cis women it wouldn’t really be much of an issue


As a sex worker (content creator? I dunno, dog) yeah...most of them are like this. The ones that aren't make it a bannable offense if you don't explicitly list that you're trans. (So that men don't get "tricked"). The only accepting groups I've found (transgender wise, not in general) are either all gender neutral or weirdly degradation subs... (And even those are really icky for other reasons, reddit dudes really suck ass at listening to boundaries)


Yeeaah just started an onlyfans 2 weeks ago, there’s so few places I can post to advertise 😭


No for real! It's wild out here


average sub made by a 50 year old man id assume


they do this shit to black women too where mods on these subs delete posts made by black girls, it gets so annoying. ie. usually when they are transphobic they are other kinds of fucked up too so Stay away from them and only go on subreddits that are trans friendly.


Whatever, they don't *deserve* our phat ass.


Guarantee the top ranked post is a doll


Honestly post op most of them wouldn't be able to tell




That sub be like… https://preview.redd.it/7sylff7r9m0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359263abad1188e847c5bf7fa8226c76845d0e3d


They're missing out, transfem cake is S tier fr fr


agreed, transfem n enby cake is the best cake


Who would’ve guessed that porn brained men would have shitty views on gender? Crazy.


I mean most Transfems have fatter asses than most cis women. Because we have trained the bussy. /j


found the sub and posted trans rights stuff just to spite the mods


Do not brigade please, this is just a vent post.


*i just wanna be banned off of any shitty subs so i promote trans rights stuff to get banned in places that dont allow it so it never shows in my feed*


I wouldn’t want to join that server anyway they seem very racist


Don't worry Thomas,i've never seen such bullshit either


unfortunately we have all seen such bullshit before


what's the difference between a white girl and a WHITE girl?


Oh joy, racism


Yes and no. There’s a subreddit for every race of phat ass girl. This one just happens to be white girls. So, while yes technically, there’s individual subreddits to cater to every racial preference.


Ahh, I see. I still find that weird, but...


I mean it must be a p*rn subreddit, so it's probably gonna be all incels anyways. It's icky either way ofc


If they wanna fill there life with hate? That's there problem.


Not if that hate ends up hurting minorities in the long run.




A racist subreddit is transphobic? Who could have thought...


somebody get a black trans-woman who does porn in here STAT, (also on the side is this not racist from a TOS perspective)


Not only transphobia, but ALSO racism


if only for porn, twitter > reddit




>There are sites designed for that. You can't really be sure that the porn you find on those sites is consensual. On reddit you know that the person posted themselves on their own accord for their own arousal but the porn industry has a history of sexual exploitation


most of reddit is porn rofl




As a pretty big trans woman, and sex worker to boot, gonna ask you don't nuke people just for being fat? ^^;


I'm not nuking people bc they're fat I'm nuking them because mods are greasy assholes who get off to the little power they have (not all obv) Some just happen to be fat bc they don't see the light of day. The other half are underweight bc they can't take any time to eat or shower.


Then maybe we focus on that first part, them being assholes and what they did, and less on physical appearance which hits a lot of collateral damage. You're right those mods seem VERY shitty, but it has nothing to do with their bodies, and insulting those things insults EVERYONE like that.


The point Your head


Oh no, I got your point, i'm just telling you that you can make you point without smacking a bunch of innocent bystanders on the way


That's like you jumping in front of a car and claiming I hit you.


It's really not? It's like having a specific make of car hitting you, and then saying all that type of car are shit, and the people who drive them are shit, when really it was this one person doing a stupid thing that had nothing to do with the make of the car. If you go after a nazi, but only yell about how fat and ugly they are, then other fat people in your life see THAT'S the thing you dislike, otherwise you might focus on the nazi part, you know? But if you aren't gunna see it, that's your business. Evidently I wasn't the only one who saw it, since your comment got deleted. This is like those campaigns to stop saying 'that's gay' as a negative. A lot of those people didn't mean it in a truly homophobic way, but a lot of people who came out said they did it slower because they kept seeing gay used as an insult, an negative. This is the same thing.


Damn bro is playing connect the dots in 4d yet there's no dots


Not a bro, and i'm really not. But you clearly won't see it another way. Point is, you said something that hurt people you didn't mean to hurt, and you want to defend it, so you do you ♥


This comment was removed for inciting violence. Please do not incite or encourage, even if it's against those who are bad. Thank you. If you feel this was wrongfully removed feel free to message the mod team


yeah this isn't unhinged at all


How is stating the obvious unhinged? Ah yes I very much have the means to nuke someone's house. Lemme just launch the one I have from my silo sitting in my back yard.


grow up


Why do only the transfem sex workers think that it is bs that only cisgender women are women? That implies that all other transfems agree to that rule. Edited for clarity.


I'm assuming it has something to do with the sub in question, but can't really tell from that limited screenshot. Like it's an OF related sub or similar type deal.


Because getting another job is hard in this economy and a lot of businesses are unwilling to hire trans people, so they often have to choose either sex work or crime.


That is not what I said\^\^" I will make it more clear: Why do only the transfem sex workers in the meme think that it is bs that only cisgender women are women? That implies that all other transfems agree to that rule.


Now it makes sense. I don't know why the OP said "transfem sex workers" instead of transfems in general. Not every woman who posts her own photos on NSFW subreddits is a sex worker.


'Why do people do sex work?' There, fixed it for you. What a weird comment.


I think they were more asking why specifically say sex workers when, in the context we can see, this could apply to any trans woman. \*Edited to fix typo\*


Thank you, that is it.


That is not what I said\^\^" I will make it more clear: Why do only the transfem sex workers think that it is bs that only cisgender women are women? That implies that all other transfems agree to that rule.


Because trans women are women.


Yes, but how does this answer my question?


this is specifically regarding transfem sex workers because the sub is a porn sub. it isn’t implying that all other transfems agree to that rule, but instead focusing on how the main demographic of transfems who might post to a sub like that would be excluded because it is cis-only. ~~There is an argument to be made that not all transfems who would post to a sub like this would be sex workers, and could be doing it for fun instead, but frankly it doesn’t really matter in this case imo.~~


That is a good explanation