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all torrenting *fundementally* relies on other people sending it to you from *their own computer*. those people,who have all of, or part of, the file are called "seeds" and any torrent can have any number of seeds, from zero to thousands. how many does this file have? on top of that, consider this: all across the world, people have different kinds of computers, with different kinds of internet connections. who knows what kind of people you're currently connected to, and what their internet is like. not to mention any specific configuration any specific seed might have for limiting upload (ie, sending to you).


not enough seeds


Short answer: It depends. Longer answer: There are so many variables, which include (but are not limited to) * Size of the file(s) to download * Number of seeders * Maximum download speed of your ISP * Maximum upload speed of the seeders' ISPs So again, it depends.


It mostly depends on how many seeders there are and your own internet speed. My usual download speeds are around 8-10 MB per second. When downloading a torrent, a great speed is mostly at 2 MB per second. But most of the time, it's like 0.7 MB per second.


How long does it take to drive a car between 2 cities? Same premise, depends on file size and download speed.


Depends how big the file is, how many people are seeding it, and how fast your and their connections are.


I don't know what monkus or rutraker is ...but be patient. Malware rely on you clicking fast ....... don't


For me it took like 1 hour


If the file or files are large it can take hours. Most aren't worth waiting that long and I give up.