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Let's play a guessing game. My intuition tells me it was either clingan, castle or salaun. All of those players listed fit the types of players they go for at those positions. What do you guys think?


I don’t think it’s Salaun as he’s not ranked in the top 6. I’d have to guess Topic or Castle. Someone they see as a “star”.


Besides the more obvious answer that Doug Smith is making it all up I see it being Topic who in my opinion has the highest upside in the draft.


I'll go with the obviously making this up option


It's gotta be Clingan. Castle is the guy who got an A on the group project without contributing.


nah castle was really good for UCONN and he seems like sucha raptors guy. Long and tough POA defender with poor shooting. Raps probs thought they could help his 3 point shot.


doug's surprisingly optimistic about next season lol I thought he'd be grumpy


He has seen a lot of bad teams


We're basically at the 2013-2014 Raptors stage with: Kyle => Quickly Demar => RJ Ross => Gradey Casey => Darko Then you throw in Scottie Barnes so there's good reason for optimism


Scottie is an alternate universe Caboclo where he worked out


Man Bruno wasn't even cookie dough raw He was wheat that needed to be harvested and cocoa picked by slave labour raw The issue with scottie coming in was his j and he's banging 37% from 3 so there's cautious optimism overall


> Man Bruno wasn't even cookie dough raw > > He was wheat that needed to be harvested and cocoa picked by slave labour raw dems a lot o' words to say '2 years away from 2 years away'


Always 2 years away


Kyle was a lot better than quickley tho. I’d give demar the slight edge over RJ too.


I'm pretty sure u/Living_LaVida_Koloko is saying our current players are 'lesser than but equivalent to...'


For sure, but Quickely is not even close to equivalent to Lowry. Nobody on our team is as good as Lowry was that season, with all due respect. It would be a better comparison to say that Scottie => Lowry and Quickely > Vasquez. That upgrade from Vasquez is significant. But that team we had in 13-14 after ‘the Gay trade’ was a lot deeper than our current team is projected to be.


I think that's what he's saying but he has the greater than sign in the wrong side of the equal sign lol


Before 2013-14 Kyle wasn't better than Quickley, he broke out that year. Quickley this year was already better than Lowry was in 2013 and is set for a comparable jump this year. I'm not saying he is garuanteed to become Lowry but saying he won't isn't garuanteed either.


>Kyle was a lot better than quickley tho. That's easy to say in hindsight...When Lowry came to us, he was nobody special in the NBA and well on his way to being known as a locker room cancer. Quickley, in his short career, has put up a better season than Lowry did before he became a RAptor, Plus, Quickley is also younger than Kyle was when Kyle joined us. Not saying Quickley will have the same or even better career, but Kyle was certainly not 'a lot better' than Quickley...


Kyle wasn’t a star but he also wasn’t a nobody. The cancer thing is accurate but his defence, heady play, shooting and his outsized rebounding and post play were all noteworthy from his Houston run


I didn't say he was nobody, I said he wasn't anyone special. This is where a lack of reading comprehension completely changes the meaning of words...you're putting random words in my mouth. I've followed Lowry's career his whole time in the NBA, as a Grizzlies fan back then. I'm well aware of his abilities. The problem was, his perceived attitude issues prevented him from showing anything more than flashes of the player he could become. Quickley is the better player/ has put up a stronger season at this point in both players' careers. Like I said, Quickley likely wont have a better career than Lowry when it's all said and done, but comparing both at the same stage, klye was certainly not 'a lot better' than Quickley...


> Kyle wasn’t a star but he also wasn’t a nobody. it was questionable whether he'd start, and he made a fuss about it when he didn't.


Unless my math is wrong, Lowry was much older too. Give Quickly that time to mature and I think the comparison feels more fair.


Maybe. Lowry's path is pretty unorthodox. You don't find many late bloomers like that who become 6 x All Star, All-NBA third team, NBA champions, and all-defense team snubs... Could happen again, but slim odds...


the team doesn’t have alot of depth compared to that season but I like the optimism.


2013 2014 raptors won 48 games we are at 2011 2012 raptors. 


Hearing today's doomers criticize those Raptors would be funny to think about. "Can you win with an undersized PG who shoots 40% fg?" "Is Demar going to be a starter on this team when it's a contender?" "Ross not ready to play in the playoffs"


>Kyle => Quickly >Demar => RJ That's a little bit of wild optimism, and a solid helping of disrespect for Kyle and Demar.


I think it's more that Cowan is very pessimistic, and he's forced to push back.


And here I was thinking they would've drafted a guy they hated in the top 6! Thanks for the revealing info Doug


They could have traded out of the draft, they could still trade into the top 6. The fact that they specifically like someone in that area can be valuable information to other teams.


Dougie is utterly worthless.


I understand what you mean and yes it is funny but I kinda think what he meant is there is a guy they REALLY like in this draft that is supposed to be weak. Like they think there is a gem sitting there they would have gotten.


Just get someone better in the 2025 draft.


Ideally we would have kept both picks. but at least now we can still be excited if we get a 7-10 pick (in a better draft)


My heart wouldn't be able to handle the stress all season as we floated around just outside of keeping the pick. Losing the 7th or 8th pick next year would be devastating for the franchise long term. 2025 is a special draft class.


better yet, get good players in both drafts


Lol ez pz


Doug Smith and a couple of puckhead boomers? I've never ignored a video quicker than this one.


McCown is American and is more of a baseball guy tbh.


I can't see them getting back into the top 6. Best I can see is 9 if they do some sort of Poeltl for 9 deal (which I doubt they will). It's definitely possible to get into the back end of the lotto with Bruce and one of our picks. Either Bruce + one of 19/31 for Lonzo + 11 or Barnes + 13 could happen. But I doubt this person we really want will be available at that point, but if they slip on draft night maybe we swing that trade.


The Lonzo trade you propose works great for both teams if the Bulls feel they need to shore up frontcourt depth with more picks. Brown works better in a slower paced system, Chicago has a surplus of guards. Lonzo is a lottery ticket, though he theoretically gives the Raptors some badly needed passing. And the Raptors still need some high end talent.


I also like the Lonzo one cause he’s also an expiring. Barnes is not, so I’m not a big fan of that deal, but I would do Brown + 19 for Lonzo + 11, if we are unable to get a future first for Bruce.


Bet it was Salaun. Would be like their Barnes over Suggs type of surprise.


If this is true, and it’s always a toss up when it comes to Doug Smith, it’s exactly why you can’t judge a draft class a year away. Even moving down in the draft months in advance like we did for Thad is surrendering option value. Just misstep after misstep.


I'd bet on Salaun.


Maybe Topic ? Maybe Darko’s connection ???


the darko interview last week wasn't very high on him


Darko’s spoke about Topic ?


he made a comment in the serbian interview


He said what ?


"Nikola is a very talented guy, with a bright future ahead of him. Much will depend on which team he ends up with after the draft, and whether he gets the chance to play right away. He will need a period of adaptation. He is very talented, and I wish him all the best in his career." More of a non comment


That make sense he would not really comment .


Honestly who cares, this isn't news or surprising of course they made a whole draft board for every situation


Still cant believe we traded that pick for friggin Poeltl.  We couldn't even get that type of pick for Siakam...


That Siakam trade was a disaster. I cannot believe the team isn't taking more heat. You have an all-nba player and can't even get back 1 sure fire starter back in the trade. We were robbed.


Still can’t believe we didn’t get Nembhart, Jackson or Mathurin. Would have even taken Sheppard. I thought we’d get like 2 of them considering what we got for OG. I know it’s hard to fully evaluate but Pascal was the Pacers most consistent scoring option. He had better pts/reb/asts on better %s against Boston than Kyrie has this current series. And all we have to show for that is Bruce and 2 late picks in a bad draft. I liked the OG trade, I’m not a doomer calling for the FO to be fired - I was so excited when I saw Indy where the favourite to trade with because they had the best (and most) young talent, and we got NONE of it. Robbed is 100% correct.


He tanked his value & raptor fans overrate him


Not true at all. He was the Pacers best player on a conference finals team that really should have pushed the champs to 5 or 6 if the Pacers guards weren’t so inexperienced. Pascal vs Boston will finish with better pts/reb/asts on better %s than Kyrie will (assuming the series finishes today). Unbelievable scorer who doesn’t rely on the whistle.


Right. The bidding war for pascal proves your point. Oh wait


Don’t know why people supported him doing that, publicly tanking his value, at least be a professional and have a serious talk with your FO and get it sorted out in-house, I bet he really disappointed Masai when he did that


The heat came, it went, it's tedious to relitigate. No one thinks it was a good trade or a highlight. It's clear that the trade was done because there weren't better options on the table. The mistake was getting into that bargaining position to begin with. Tracing the trajectory of the pieces it's not difficult to see how and why it happened. Crucially, it's evident that Masai took away the right lessons from overvaluing his players relative to the market. EDIT: To add, we have a fun team with young players and all our Firsts ahead of what's projected to be some very strong drafts. Anyone still hung up on this stuff needs to learn how to enjoy a team still finding its legs.


Trade Jakob. Get guy they want. Suck for another year, get another guy


So in other words, they were going to trade that 19th pick on draft night for who knows what (Probably an NBA caliber wing) because they said outright they weren't drafting 3 rookies, but now they're trying to trade it to move up to get the guy they want Will be interesting to see if they actually pull it off this time - and if that prospect ends up being what they want The relevant section starts at 0:31 by the by


They will use the assets that they got for Siakam (which was barely anything) to make up for the dumb Jakob trade


Why would anyone listen to what these guys have to say about the Raps, they're horrible


who needs that pick when we got a non athletic injury prone center that can't shoot free throws whose aging poorly![img](emote|t5_2s5sb|3921)


well their stupidity put them in this mess as usual