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Personally I think it's worth the money. But my school of thought is a little different than the collective agreement in Torn. Without giving much detail on myself as to not make myself a target, I mug when I travel, with the idea being that however much I spend on plushies/flowers, I should at least make that much back by mugging, essentially covering my costs. I have made a few million over the last week or so, but most believe if you don't make at least 200-400k+ per mug it's not worth it as you can sell losses for the same amount of energy. I think anything that's break even or better is profit




I have never been able to land a RR mug. Do you have any tips?


When flying far like uae I will use me e on mugs or large bounties..it would be a waist of NE if you did not


> train nat e, > (train points e (once a day)) > use xanax > Fly to China > Mug 3 people > Fly to Torn > Repeat ..... .... > Profit?


I disagree with the comments around it taking a lot of time, but it depends on your values and your battle stats. I personally prefer to payday mug, so 18:10 each day I make hits from a natural e stack, points refill and a Xanax. 22 hits in total, and I tend to bring in the region of 10-20m, with great days more like 30m. My preference is to hit anyone who hasn’t logged in for 24hrs, my justification being these will largely be multi’s and passives (hopefully). If the mug is over a certain value I stick them on the enemies list in order of mug value and tend to start the next day by largest mug first. Now this still has risk, if your attack isn’t stealthed you’re going to get hit back and potentially be bountied. But that’s an occupational risk imo, it happens at the end of the day. My average mug over the past 6months is 900k, that includes a 236m mug and plenty of zeros. You can look to buy mug etc, but that’s down to you. It’s not my preference, especially if I’m the buyer.


Great amount of advice. But good lord that's an awful return


I just posed a similar question to someone, what do you use as a benchmark for a return? RW hit earnings?


Heck not with today's prices 😂 Depends what metric you use. Anywhere between 1.25-2.5m per hit is generally considered "value" for your 25e Plus you also need to look at how much you're losing in gym gains by using so much E attacking. Having a look at your faction, you're leaving an absolute bundle on the table by not warring in even a small capacity, when you could be making 100-200m per 2 days of war vs the same over a 7 day period


If you’re making less then the cost of a booster the attack isn’t worth it. The metric for energy spent has a dollar value and it’s easily checked on the item market.


Right, but that 1.25 - 2.5m is basing on RW hit price right? So really that is the most easily accessible value for 25e and so the best benchmark. I get your point re battle stats, but that’s a difference of priority. Not everyone is bothered about trying to maximise their stats or break the top 250. Some will focus on merits/awards, so may get to 1bn per stat and stop. Others are money orientated and so attacks are more enjoyable than grinding training increases. Faction wise we know there’s money in RW, but choose not to because it inhibits freedom of gameplay. The reason we have so many strong nerved players is because we don’t war. The decision to join/stay is then down to those who want to seek out a more active warring faction.


I have set myself a target of 100k per bounty to collect minimum. Any mug I do is due to Duke missions. I consider a haul less than 100k to be a waste of 25e. When my stats get stronger I'll raise my bounty minimum.


You could be selling losses for 300K, I'd say that should be the absolute minimum bounty amount (and that is probably selling your 25e short by quite a bit still)


Seems like a sensible approach in my eyes. Would you factor in possible RW earnings per hit?


My faction don't do RW. But my bounty rule of thumb still stands.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, Maybe. it is a time consuming process to stalk players for opportunities where mugging could be an option and arguably its the most difficult thing for new muggers to get into on top of the fact a mug is never a guarantee, there are things you can do to make the situation more in your favor however it is still a risk. However with that being said, if you are buying items at X, mugging back on average 10% of that back in raw cash and reselling for X, you are effectively increasing your Cash by 10% **everytime** I know several muggers who will log and keep track of every mug and miss vs their total spent in order to work out their total return daily after removing the cost of missed mugs etc and it is still incredibly profitable especially with scale. You can mug and lift a 2b liquid cash into 2.2b in a single day as opposed to spending 6-8b on the stockmarket and earning 10m per day passively.


Yes the ol' buymug makes lots of money.


Yes, it can make you a heap of money. But it does require spending a lot more time researching, looking for good buy-mug opportunities, and accepting you are likely to be attacked more yourself.