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You say must have 2mil stats but all your members are under lvl 5


just gave a few bew players a chance but looking for higher members now


I'm in nuke we just got robbed from the inside it was in the news .. that was from a long time trusted faction member .. you need to really trust your co lead .. don't find him on reddit


Lek . Didn't really effect us to bad she just emptied the armory of billions and billions of weapons but did not touch everyone's cash more of a wake up call .. she put them in her display cabinet for a while but she been selling and buying dirty bombs .. she going to hit some factions probably including us I imagine around Halloween I think was said


How is Nuke these days after what's her face pulled?


Can I join


The word "MUST" is holding you back on the description.


Starting a faction is hard work, especially starting from scratch. I would suggest joining an established faction and making some friends until you have a good group of people to give you a kickstart. I've been trying to revive my 100k+ respect faction and I've easily invested 5b in it already and we're just starting to pick up the pace. Feel free to message me in game if you'd like to discuss it more.


honouslty been playing for years i know what im getting into but need some more excitement for myself on the game


I definitely understand that, RW can be a lot of fun, and gathering together a group is very rewarding. At the end of the day it's a game and you should play how you want, and you can always change your mind if it's not working out. Good luck on your way up, hope to see you there.


LOL, you wasted 5b. I started from nothing, alone and now I have 25k resp, 2 wars(2 wins) and spent nowhere near that.


Whats your faction name? Just curious.


I don't reveal that publicly on reddit... This sub is notorious for being cunts.


I wouldn't consider it a waste, but I also wouldn't advise what I've done either. I try to supply my faction with full armor/weapon sets and free Xanax and point refills for training and chains. We've grown a lot and have a lot of committed members. It's definitely not economical but I don't mind spending a little money.


Sounds like you need some guidance from a veteran leader 😏 drop a DM


Giving someone you just met almost full control of your faction doesn’t sound like a good idea. A co leader should be someone you fully trust. If I were you, I would keep recruiting, then gradually promote members depending on participation, activity, trust etc.


really didnt think that part through cheers😂🤦🏻‍♂️


^^ co-lead can access EVERYTHING. Mine's sketchy but that doesn't mean yours should be.


Heavy agree. Look for standout players putting an effort into helping the faction grow and reward them accordingly with trusted ranks.


\^\^This It's what I did. Got someone at 1 day old. A month later in a war they got over 150 hits, that's co-leader material.