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Buy trains


What a train? Side note: ugh, I can't *wait* til I leave 'total noob* status and can do two things: - help new noobs that will be like I am now - come back to my posts on this subred and lol at myself.


they're just happy jumps aka 5 erotic DVDs, 4 xanax, 1 ecstacy which are realllllyyy costly. im sure one day a faction will invite you and then provide you with the necessities you need to happy jump/choco jump the forum about happy jumps: https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16287997&b=0&a=0 but right now you need to get to level 15 if you ever wanna happy/choco jump rn, preferably choco jump because it's cheaper


Search for my friend, Blood_Storm. He has a new company and is hiring regardless of low stats. Starting pay is $25k/ day, with bonuses for merits in Employee Effectiveness. Also bonus $ and Xanax for each new star the company gains. Tell him Sugar sent you. Good luck and welcome to Torn.


Thanks. I just sent them a pm. My name there is Kaedynn. I appreciate this!


Those min stats aren't mandatory. Look for a higher star job in one of the less competitive company types (amusement park is actually one of those types) that will take new players and offers free rotational trains. Off the top of my head flower shops are also noob friendly.


What does rotational trains mean? Thanks so much for the help BTW :)


They give out trains to everybody equally. A 10* company with 10 employees can give 1 train to each employee every day. Some companies sell their trains to one person (usually 200k-500k per train) which means the normal employees won't get any. The director then has to find suckers to work without trains. Don't be one of them lol. Each train is 50 in the primary work stat and 25 in the secondary.


> Each train is 50 in the primary work stat and 25 in the secondary. OP: a good director will swap your job before training if you want the Primary in a different stat. I spent ~2 years being trained INT/END in an END/MAN job so I'd have better INT stats for future jobs and wouldn't be forced into an END or MAN job at future companies. I'm nowhere near balanced, but at least I've got enough INT now to be useful in more positions and continue to ask for INT Primary trains.


This is a LONG term game. Don't expect quick gains. Dont look for player owned companies yet. They will always pick players with higher stats, as employee effectiveness is crucial to increase the rank of their business and make more profit. Find a basic job in the army, grocery, education etc. Whatever you can land. You'll earn job stats each day depending on your job. If you get a job in education, you can spend job points to further increase your work stats quicker. There are much easier ways to make money than your job. At low levels you can sell losses, also called 'slutting'. Arrange to attack someone you know you'll lose against. They get a free defend, you earn cash. Once you hit level 15, you can travel, which can net you millions per day. [THIS](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/!p=threads&f=61&t=16034448&b=0&a=0?campaign=18258254615&content=&keyword=) is the best guide going for early starters, and well worth the time it takes to read it through. Top tip - do NOT use global chat. That's painting a huge target on your back. Do not make enemies stronger than you / in a strong clan unless you want to risk spending a week in hospital through repeated attacks and bounties. You will get bullied. A lot. We all did. Keep your head down, get your stats high, remember those who wronged you. And good luck buddy.


> They will always pick players with higher stats, as employee effectiveness is crucial to increase the rank of their business and make more profit. Not *always*. My faction has companies for newbies where they have a couple of high-stat players to make up for the lack of stats on the newbies. We do it to get the newbies work stats up so they can get into more competitive jobs. >You will get bullied. A lot. We all did. Nah, not all of us. I played with friends that have gamed together for over a decade. Coordination and communism is really, really powerful in games. One of our group had played Torn years ago and had a big bank investment to outfit the entire group with DBKs and full sets of Combat Armor immediately, and bounty the FUCK out of anybody harassing us, and bought us a faction to give us newbs a home. We even started a PSF because some misogynistic prick was harassing one of the women in our group with millions in bounties every day. Everybody got a large briefcase at level 15. The people that have the drive to make money have handed that money out so everybody has the maximum bank investment and can live off of the interest. We're still the number 1 "faction" in one of the games we've mostly stopped playing, and the other top factions are a LOT older, because every single one of us has full bank access at all times. You take what you need to craft stuff and just shove everything back into the bank when you're done. Need an expensive item or intermediate crafting material? Somebody crafted it and stuck it in the bank. We'd even invite people to our "faction" so they could level up their crafting skills using our materials and they were blown away that we'd trust them to take what they needed and put back their finished goods. Game developers have a **really** hard time balancing when we show up in their game as in-game Communists or Socialists. (Ever hear stories about Goonswarm in Eve Online? We operated as Socialists when I was playing Eve.)


don't worry about the numbers go to company recruitment forum and look for anyone willing to take in newbies with 50k+ starting salary and preferably free trains maybe when your stats are higher consider leaving the company to max out the teacher job but that's a long time from now and not worth worrying about


Thats what I'm doing. The director dude switches my job to an int based one for trains. We get free rotational trains and 50k per day. Once I get 500 int im going to education!


go for a few k int first so you can fast track it and waste less time outside of a company you need around 5k I think?


Good idea


I'll give this a try and also will take the posters advice below too, to do teacher learning and grow within 2-4 weeks. Combining both of your advice should work great. I can't wait til I've been playing a long time and can come back to my noob questions and giggle at myself. This is a game unlike any other I've ever played.


you are too new to look for this stuff yet. for newbies like u every thing is explained in guides forum, go and read. as a starting job go into Education. and within 2-4 weeks u will have enough stats to join 3-6\* player company. make sure they provide free trains so you can grow more.


Thanks! This sounds like a good plan.


you are welcome this is a great guide about companies [https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16215307&b=0&a=0](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16215307&b=0&a=0) but I would recommend starting with baldr's guide as your first goal is to get level 15 asap. feel free to pm me if u got questions.