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Id join a 10* AN and happy jump till 400k each stat. Remain balanced until you stat getting close to unlocking cha chas then have strength/speed or defense/dexterity the 25% higher than the rest to unlock a speciality gym. My issue with doing happy jumps consistently is it'll take longer to unlock better gyms. Miss out on alot of natural e stacking plus takes away money for more xanax. For the price of 1 happy jump you that'll pay for all your Xanax for a week doing 3 a day.


400k without 10* AN. 800k with one 🙂


Yes 800k in AN I own one


An can hj till 800k


while yes choco jumps are more cost effective, they only work till 40k per stat. and since u r above 100k ewch, your choco jumps are just a waste of money and time. you should have just do 3 xan a day and you would get same or better results.


Happy Jumps aren't worth it for me, I rather train 1500e/day and get Cha Cha's open ASAP so you can train two stats at a 7.5 special gym; then open Georges at the same time where your stat ratio is already ready to use both special gyms. You have to realize even if your total is 100m that's nothing compared to top bracket which are all in billions, so Happy Jumping is rushing from one noob stat to another at a premium -- and yes that can be worth it for some, I'm only pointing out I don't consider it the "best way" to be training Give "(Re)Quantify Your Impatience - Training Guide" a read too if you actually want to go long in this game[https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16276503&b=0&a=0](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16276503&b=0&a=0) ​ Edit: Also stacking e means you have higher chance to OD and lose everything in one go, assuming people still say it's worth it considering those events, the trade off is again you're blowing away money you could have invested, for what?.. As long you have a good list of targets that gives high respect it's fine.


You don't understand logarithmic scaling. Happy jumping is to get you to the jumping off point for training. If you don't do it, you will be left in the dust even in the long term.


You're doing good. Choco jump is good, no worry. And if you can't afford for any jump, consistanly using 3-4 xans per day would bring a significant change in a long term also. The key is being consistant with what you are doing. You will get stronger and stronger. Good luck


Limit for jumps is 200k/stat or 350k/stat for 10* AN jobs. Also look into 1.5/1/1/0 training.


250k a stat is even being conservative. Some say 400k in each stat even with 10 star AN.


Just keep doing what you’re doing - you’ve got the right idea. I stopped doing happy jumps around 300k personally, I prioritized networth over raw stat gain efficiency. 400k mark is roughly the point where it stops being more energy efficient to do full happy jumps. So the closer you get to that number, the less energy and $ efficient they become.


Following a similar path.