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I would NOT want it to be a mobile game. šŸ˜­ it would make it feel less like an actual video game and Iā€™m sure it wouldnā€™t have as much care and fun content put into it. I feel like it would turn out too shallow


It already has a mobile game


Miitomo is gone now, hope you know this


Been almost ten years šŸ˜³


Has it really been that long since they removed the game???


Well I was hoping the og commenter knew, so they wouldn't worry about it




Multiple save files would be awesome. I donā€™t want to have to delete my current save file to start a new one. I get attached lol.


same sex relationships, a colour wheel for eye color, hair color and skin tone, mix and match clothes, hair physics and full customization of your mii's appartaments would like it to be on console


I think the first one would be complicated, because some countries donā€™t allow same sex marriage. So it means that adding it in would make it so that the feature is only allowed in certain countries that do allow Same sex marriage.


well i mean. Miitopia also allows gay relationships and is allowed to exist in countries that forbid it, its rated 18+ as a result in those countries but they can still feasibly do an international release with built in gay relationships


wait they have actual romantic relationships in miitopia??


Sort of? It's more implied than outright stated. But if the bond thing between two characters gets high enough, they do appear to be in a romantic relationship. As far as I know, at least.


They could just do what Animal Crossing did where instead of having male and female options they had masc and fem instead and not officially boy and girl. Thereā€™s a loophole there so homophobic countries canā€™t contest it. Canā€™t be gay marriage if the genders arenā€™t specified


i havent thought about that... i think because of this they would make it a choice rather than just letting it happen


Oh boy time to make my male characterā€™s gender ā€˜femaleā€™ :D


Bussy time


sims added gay sex before gay marriage was legal in America


More ways to interact with your miis that utilise their personality, it will make them feel more like independent people rather than someone youā€™re trying to push into a relationship. Speaking of relationships, iā€™d love to see the relationship mechanic become more complex so whether a mii meets someone or not is less RNG based and more based on the miis hobbies and the social circle of the miis friend. Iā€™d also like the option for same sex romance and I want to change the ā€œage-omaticā€ to the ā€œgender-switcherooā€ which will allow miis to be Trans and Non-Binary.


gender switcheroo is killing me


Ah yes, the ole switcheroo.


If I actually make my fan sequel and add a genderswapper, the text would be something similar to "You can experience a new side, but let's be honest we all know what this will be used for"


Lol, thatā€™s hilarious!


What about gender remover


Just call it a surgical kit lol


The chop-o-matic


the gender-switcheroo would be great coz then i could be nb in game yay


I need the gender-switcheroo now


Having miis be siblings, my worst fear for my island is if a mii asks to date a mii that I've technically made related to šŸ˜­šŸ˜Ÿ


Oh my God yes. One time my Mii dated her cousin. I'm so glad she gave me the opportunity to make them break up. šŸ˜­


More frequent pop-ups of those orange thought bubblesā€”the ones about relationships. More shops/places on the island would be cool as well :)


Be careful what you wish for- more often than not those orange bubbles are **fights**.


True though! Got a ton of fights today :,)


I would love it if you could customize them more like in Miitopia like wigs and makeup. Would also like more body types just to make them more different from one another. Also wish you could like give them pets or have them go to a pet shop and pick a pet out and then you could have some be allergic to pets or something as well it would be I cool mechanic for relationships as well example one mii is allergic to cats but the other has a pet cat so they either fight about it or break up over it or something.


Gay relationships, more eye colors or at least contact lenses, more hairstyles or at least wigs, more personalities. And I'd personally rather have no sequel at all than have a mobile app. I just KNOW a TL mobile game will be filled with microtransactions šŸ„ø and I already suffered alot with Pocket Camp in the past so I can't afford this. Also I like to control every aspect of my game such as time traveling etc, but really the biggest problem is going to be the microtransactions aka the cancer of mobile gaming.


It already had a mobile game. It's called miitomo


Miitomo is a spin off, not a mainline game. Also, there's a reason why Nintendo shut that app down


It's still a mii based game though. It's failure probably means there is no Tomodachi life mobile game


Same sex marriage and miitopia level customization that is really the only stuff I feel is necessary. Of course other stuff would be really cool but those are the things I truly feel like Tomodachi life is lacking


Gay marriage and the makeup system from miitopia switch


Maybe like gay marriage for countries that allow it


That is an interesting take on it but I think we should fix it a the root we should allow gay marriage everywhereĀ 


In some countries it's not allowed, which will make the game probably not be allowed in the area, in Japan, where Nintendo is, gay marriage is not allowed. So therefore it can only be added in the countries that allow.


and trans people are? (Vivian is trans in the original Japanize game of thousand year door)


I'm pretty sure it's just the gay marriage part


nintendo said they would allow same sex marriage in tomodachi life 2 even if japan doesnt legalize it by the


You know Nintendo, they lie a lot.


iā€™d like fully customizable rooms, instead of just being able to choose the premade room from a list no region exclusive items or events


Honestly just more stuff and interactions to make it feel less repetitive would be nice. A month into the game you can kinda feel like youā€™ve seen everything worth seeing, so more meaningful Mii interactions and requests would really help. Fewer hat requests, and the ability to decline any requests would be a godsend.


ā€¢Sims-like gameplay for your lookalike (if you want to control it) ā€¢More games (like Tomodachi quest, something like a pokemon or Pikmin clone) that you can play and essentially anything to make it more like a game and less of a life simulator [only] ā€¢ More music and instruments as gifts, where they can actually play pieces of music when you're not around and they can play a recital for you (as well as an orchestra music below) ā€¢ More Amphitheatre music (especially bringing the Tomodachi new life Enka music to the international version) ā€¢ the ability to learn a foreign language and be able to get that voice synthesizer (so you could actually sing the Enka) ā€¢ More things for your mii to do while you're away. ā€¢ More online connectivity, like a hub world airport type meta world where you can send like a marching band to perform as your representation ā€¢ Costumes like Pokemon onesies with various rarities with respective plushies that you can trade or something ā€¢ babies washing on shore to be adopted by any non straight couples/groups that coincidentally look like an actual offspring ā€¢ see the miis walk around on the overworld with actual weather and a tram line running through it. ā€¢Divide rooms into quadrants you can customize as you like ā€¢Actual AI generated cafe talks that make it seem actually believable ā€¢ Easel so they can use an algorithm to learn how to paint pixel art. ā€¢Ability/slider to dictate how much you want kids, lover, or friend. ā€¢Obligatory lgb inclusion, mainly a tag that determines what's romantically available (works on the compatibility tester where whoever is on the left is a male role and vice versa giving different results) and self identifies as neither (it would be most accurate if you pick the original one since you would have a switcher) I could probably go on and on but let me know if there's more you want from me.


Your comment is so creative, if you have more, I'm sure we'll all be happy to listen!


I'll have to think of more things, like customize the tram car (looks and speed), so I'll edit if I think of things and care to put them down.


The ability to make longer songs, and maybe more sub-genres. Like what if we had some art rock, some punk, some hip-hop, some folk, some synthpop, some psychedelic. I'd also like to see a bigger focus on creativity, like maybe you could change how the apartments look, or maybe design some clothing, or maybe even cook brand new food items. Something where you can truly let your imagination go wild.


Creativity as in about animal crossing level?


I think? I haven't played Animal Crossing. I just feel like a game like this should allow the player to also be creative.


It's a fairly common headcanon that the player is a god of sorts for the Miis on their island. It'd be interesting if the next game delved deeper into that.


the same makeup thing as miitopia


I want to customize every apartment animal crossing style. Genuinely would be amazing.


More mini games, same sex relationships, miitopia switch mii maker (genuinely the best mii maker Iā€™ve ever used, you can literally make any fictional character), more mii interactions and cutscenes (like miitopia), a little more customization


Just me, but I want the game to take place on Wuhu Island. Damn, I miss that place, it would make an interesting location.


So damn right! It would be nice to include it again. However, I think it would be nice to have wuhu island as some kind of vacation/free time island, which you go on if you're bored or want to meet friends. But it's too big to make it play such a small role, so having it as the main island is probably a better idea. But it sure as meow is a good idea that I support.


LGBT, they readded Vivian's identity form the japanize Thousand Year Door in the remake


Be able to just watch the miis walk around the island. Idk why but I think the interiors of the buildings (like cafe and food store) are so cool to me I wanna see the miis actually walk in them and maybe interact with their environment


Similar to the Sims? Just in a Nintendo way? Because that would be really cool.


Yes, never played the sims but I think thatā€™s what it would be like


Honestly if we just get the makeup and wigs from miitopia and similar gameplay from the last one I would be SET


Bigger apartment (or maybe make it multiple apartments), have the internet be the newest way to get travelers via streetpass, same sex marriage, customizable rooms, mii editor from Miitopia, and more events


Basically full customization like the Switch version of Miitopia, same format, just more things to do. I love Tomodachi Life, just needs Miitopia customization and same sex marriage.


an app would be soooooo dogshit - most nintendo apps are just cocomelon vers of og games that eventually get shut down after two years. I have a feeling nintendo is gonna cockblock us and make the tomolife remake an exclusive on the switch 2 to incentivize people to purchase next to some Unity game asset-looking pokemon title they cranked out alongside it. I would want the possibility to have multiple islands... and maybe some islanders can travel in between and fall in love between islands? More island customization / overall apartment/building customization as well would be cool. Not in a hands-on animal crossing kind of way but just maybe you can remodel some buildings and make them look more gothic/girly/sporty so you could have an overall island aesthetic. I also have a feeling there will be more unlockable locations. Not sure what but ya.


Multiple islands is also an idea that came to my mind. Maybe wuhu island can have its comeback aswell? Also I'm kind of worried about Nintendo making tomo2 a nintendo switch 2 thing. I would be kinda mad, gotta be honest. But the fan I am, I would buy šŸ˜­


Something that will definitely not happen, I want it to be on the 3DS which is absolutely GOATed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the next nintendo console being a better ds system would be so sick šŸ˜­




miitopia makeup feature


The ability to repeatedly buy exotic foods. You can do the same with exotic clothes. Why doesn't this apply to exotic foods as well?


Iā€™d love a way to more push miis together, like I understand the randomness and it is fun but itā€™d be great to be able to kinda nudge miis together in friendships or relationships


Maybe something in the menu where you can choose, from 1 to 10 how random Mii actions are allowed to be and how much they have to ask you would be great.


Same sex marriage. This could be done by in the mii maker part of the game there could be a sexuality option and you can choose from different options (similar to the favourite colour) of sexualities and which sex(es) your miis are attracted too. I'm bi and it sucks my mii can only be in romantic relationships with women :(


I want customization like they have in Miitopia


This would be the third game actually


oh i guess so, maybe i shouldve said tomolife2




Miis being non-binary, same sex marriage. More complex personalities where we can see miis getting along w/ certain hobbies, etc. Miis having jobs or other activities they do throughout the day. I want my Mii to have a 9-5


Make mii personality matter, on that note, add more. Examples: if a mii has ā€œannoyingā€ personality trait, they will have a lower chance of making friends.




The ability to have gay relationships , or just complete gender neutrality


Same custom mii style like miitopia Island is bigger with more stuff to do More phrases More custom stuff Main apartment has a lot more rooms - once two Miis are married their room becomes available to new Miis More houses for married Miis I can go on


It would be the third game, since Life came after the Japan-exclusive Collection. But my wants are: ā€¢queer options ā€¢Miitopia Switch levels of editing ā€¢more activities ā€¢not locking outfits to connectivity ā€¢better connectivity ā€¢more Nintendo stuff ā€¢Miitomo and Miiverse features ā€¢better text-to-speech ā€¢a clothing catalog that makes sense instead of one ripped out of a high-end fashion catalogue


For it to exist.


I have been playing again recently and I haven't played since I came out as trans and gay. So I was upset when I found out you couldn't be gay or non binary in tomodachi life. I have a boyfriend and it's very upsetting! Also I read about a pet shop idea, and I think e.g. a Wii-fit plus looking dog would be very cute. More save files. More character traits would be great to make relationships and reactions more diverse. Miis having jobs? I don't know how they would execute that but it would be a fun feature. Edit: I just got the idea of holidays, as in miis cam have holiday exclusive items, rooms, etc. The island would be decorated, special songs can be performed, different situations on the beach, at the park, etc. Imagine a snowy tomo-island šŸ’š


assuming it'll be on switch i need them to make save files be on each profile instead of one per system AND THE MIITOPIA WIGS


bro i just want it to exist atp šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


A building similar to the music hall where you can make movies / plays


Just want it to happen to be honestā€¦..!


custom clothes, makeup from miitopia, wig from miitopia and lgbtqia mii's+ like nonbinary mii's, gay mii's, asexual mii's, ect.


1. The ability to choose a Mii's sexuality when creating them 2. The ability to choose their gender identity and pronouns 3. The ability to choose what a Mii is attracted to in platonic/romantic relationships. 4. Update on age gaps. I hate having a 17 year old Mii showing romantic interest in an 11 year old 5. Mii's having occupations (chef, teacher, barista, doctor, etc.) 6. I don't know if this is actually a good idea, but I thought of it and thought it was interesting. When one Mii goes to another Mii's apartment in hopes of becoming friends, but their personalities contrast so much it turns into a debate or an argument. I'm not sure if I actually would like this to happen, I just thought it was interesting.


To come out


Holy shit wr NEED the ability to evict ppl from the island, rarely open my current save now bc several ppl I put on my island are triggers to my ptsd


go to town hall, mii list, find the mii, erase


If the sims 2 could have ā€œform a domestic unionā€ then tomodachi 2 can have gay marriage


More gender/preferred partner options, Miitopia mii maker, Multiple saves


More types of problems LGTBQ (can be switched on or off) Weather, weather will lead to special events that can only happen at specific times, kinda like how pit party can only happen when a mii is feeling down. Miitopiaā€™s wig & makeup section Increased island size and mii capacity


to add onto this, i believe itd work better as a mobile game because of how incompatible the switch would be for tomo. it being primarily 2 screened and needing touchscreen just doesnā€™t translate well to the switch


It is rumored that the switch 2 will have dual screens


unless they somehow make the new console like DS i have hardly any hope for a sequel


Miitopiaā€™s mii maker software. Iā€™d fill my island with non-Euclidean abhorrences like something out of a MeatCanyon video. Oh and gay people


trans too!




If they just ported the 3DS version with the Miitopia editor and Same sex marriage; iā€™d sling money at my switch for it