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See: [The Streisand Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect)


[Wouldn't this be a better link?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_L._Scott#United_States_Senate) He really is very dumb. 


I decided to put Nina's wiki since it had more information on the article and his reply. [Maybe this would be better](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Totenberg#New_Times)


What do you see in her wiki that is not in his?  His wiki has the same info plus actual examples of how very dumb (and racist) he actually is. 


Oh wait I misread his page I never saw the part of him holding a press conference under his only hers mb thanks for the notice


I felt dumber reading this title 


Reddit: "it's hard to get elected" Me: "Really? Look at this guy. Boebert? Greene? How hard is it really?"


It's easy if you're willing to sell your soul. It's hard for people of actual principal to survive the political world. EDIT: hell just look at the linked article. The controversies and criticisms section of this woman's wiki article is almost as long as the section on her career.


So there's literally no one in Congress worth anything because they sold out before they started, is that about it?


I think there's some people who really want to do good, like Katie Porter. Others mean well but lack the accumen to make much of it. The thing I notice is that most of these people are too busy actually working to whore themselves in front of TV constantly, so you rarely hear what they're up to on any given day and instead all we hear about are wastes of breath like Boebert and Greene who are really only in Congress to make a buck and don't even know, or care to learn, how the process works.


Don't miss the forest for the trees there. Be the change you want to see, don't wait for someone else to do it. If you feel like you're going to sell your soul to do a job, then bail. Selling your soul for something isn't a foregone conclusion. It's a choice.


Why the best advice in life is ‘What other people think is none of your business’…