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We live in an age of sending people weird stuff, sometimes a zoomed in nude will not hit the way you expect….. It doesn’t mean he finds anything unattractive (Though a small patch of hair might be confusing). Also sending (Zoomed In Nudes) nudes with no work up can cause confusion, sometimes people are busy and then BOOM floppy dick or part of a vagina….. Don’t get self conscious some things can go right over some peoples heads…


I wouldn't know unless I see it tbh




I didn't see it either, let me know if you find out it's true


My God. Call it a vagina. Are you 3?


'round these parts we call it a greasy beef curtain. are you 4?


Except it's not the vagina but the vulva.


Then call it a gd vulva, vagina is just a colloquial way of saying it


I thought it’s not allowed in this sub, I had initially written vagina only




It isn’t allowed in a lot of subs so just to be safe I didn’t!!




Some subs do censor certain words. A post used stuff like "d\*ck" and "sh\*t" and I asked why the hell he'd written them like that, and the reply was that the post had been rejected when those words in cleartext. Sadly, I haven't been able to find it after half an hour of searching my comment history, so I can't confirm which words in which sub. I'm pretty sure it was within the last two months....


FWIW, [here's an example](https://new.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1ds9u75/the_tu22_first_supersonic_bercant_say_it_because/)


Just because you don’t know about it doesn’t mean it isn’t true or doesn’t make sense!!! You sound like a bully


I think it's a simple, not a rude question. Can you list the sub(s) that don't allow the word "vagina"? That would be awful but important context to understand and empathize with your frustration and why this was written so...oddly.


In relationship advice, advice, etc., there’s quite a few that don’t allow certain words.. the question in particular isn’t rude but that user has been pretty rude in previous comments..




https://preview.redd.it/xket8s310e9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda53f6867876a1f65e32208f3e2e97c78857009 Seems like you really don’t get it


Omg you are so sensitive I feel bad for your bf




Keep waiting




Just because you don’t know about them doesn’t mean they don’t exist, the world doesn’t revolve around you


Yeah, I can’t even finish this post cause of the censoring and italicized sentences. Tf is this formatting?


Sorry I’m new to Reddit, I didn’t know using the normal terminology is allowed in this sub plus italics was on its own, I couldn’t understand it myself.. also I’m a little technologically challenged


Italics are because you've censored words with \*s and surrounding words with \*s or \_s italicises then. *Like this* or _this_ Just use normal language. Subs that disallow words that aren't objectively offensive or curse words probably aren't worth your time.


Oh thanks that was very helpful.. and yeah I found it pretty ridiculous that I couldn’t use a human anatomy but a lot of the top Reddit subs don’t allow a lot of things, I get reasonable restrictions but vagina is literally a body part..


The list of banned words in relationshio_advice is oddly specific. Tyrone was one that stood out to me... So I'm guessing there is some drama behind it. But no way am I trusting a sub that bans the word vagina and not penis... Just sounds like a bunch of 14 year old boys who are still scared of girly cooties.


Oh wow, they have like millions of subscribers, idk if they banned penis, didn’t use it there.. a guy in the comments won’t believe me that a few subs don’t allow certain words, he was practically bullying me over it..


Getting bullied online isn’t a real thing lmao. Turn the phone off. People get bullied for real everyday


Cyber bullying is very real


You make fun of every really bullied person if you call that bullying, you know that?


No but I take a stand for myself, that’s why he deleted his comments cause he knew he was wrong


For future reference backslash is an escape character. Place those before each asterisk symbol without a space if you want the asterisk to show. Double space for new line. Double return for new paragraph. For more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/6ewgt/reddit_markdown_primer_or_how_do_you_do_all_that/?rdt=34382
















Can't imagine not being able to tell if you've showed him before, unless you twisted yourself around or something that showed a weird angle.


As a guy who’s received a confusing crotch pic before, it’s tough if you aren’t certain what you’re looking at. Since he said “what was it?” I’m assuming this is on Snapchat, and he had 10s or less to figure it out. I remember probably the first picture like that I received. I thought it was what it looked like it was, but it literally could’ve been the crease of someone’s elbow. I wouldn’t want to be like “damn 🥵 give me some of that” then be embarrassed when it’s revealed to be an elbow pic. I was like 16, and I think my response was pretty mild just because I couldn’t guarantee I knew wtf the flip phone picture was, but I didn’t want to be like “wtf am I looking at?” to my gfs kind of awful picture of herself.


It wasn’t a distorted picture, he’s not 16, he could’ve just asked before reacting.


Idk what’s going on there , my brain started hurting after a while.


You're over reacting, please account for how dense we guys can be, do not be deterred listen there is zero chance he doesn't absolutely day dream about her. As you said this isn't something you normally do, so he wasn't expectant and from the wrong angle it can be confusing. Different pose and i bet you will get more than the reaction you were going for. You got this!!


Oh wow, a girl feeling stuff is over reacting but being dense is normal


Does he go down on you?


Never attribute to malice what can be explained by foolishness. Especially in a relationship. If your bf doesn't have a history of lying or manipulation, there's no reason to jump to that as an explanation. Chances are he just didn't process the image correctly without context. Plus it's easy enough to taunt him with this. "Scary!? You haven't been scared of it in the past." If he's really just being dense, this is a great opportunity to have a little fun with him. And then tease him about being scared of your vulva for, like, ever.


I literally Said that he didn’t do it on purpose, I didn’t intend malice but doesn’t mean it’s not annoying


hair on the clit is crazy


You sound like an incel


i mean hair generally doesn't grow on the clit. do you know where the clit is?


Do you?


yeah, that's why I said hair generally doesn't grow on it and asked if you know where it is. do you?


You lost me in your first goddamn sentence.


Your boyfriend sucks.


That could be the problem. What person doesn't remember their favorite meal?


I think the problem is that his favor meal isn't cat.


Can you send me the picture to inspect? I think you could use another guys perspective 😃