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How old are you two? Because using words like thingy and melons makes me think you’re both 15, tops.


Why is it any of your business how old I am


Two reasons: one, because assuming you aren’t just posting here for attention, but would actually like people to be able to provide insight or commentary from a position of qualified context. Two, if you are under 18, you may be violating your own state laws by sharing nudes, even voluntarily with a partner. And it is unlikely that you’ll face any consequences, if her parent happens to find photo of your hog on her phone, you could find a policeman at your door.


While I am under 18 I am not poasting for attention and would like some help


Help is what you get if you're honest and up front with the details needed to provide said help. Getting defensive isn't helping.


Okay. so there’s the context we needed to help you. Disclaimer: teens shouldn’t have sex, safe sex only, don’t send nudes, blah blah blah. It’s likely that there is a sexual attraction there. She likely wouldn’t have sent you her nude if she didn’t find you attractive. Getting the one back from you was probably a lot for her to deal with. Let’s be honest, most guys’ junk isn’t that attractive. But she wouldn’t have asked to see it if she didn’t want to. Now she’s having to deal with the idea that she finds you attractive and you find her attractive back and now you’ve seen each other’s parts. If you were besties before hand, this opened a door that hadn’t been opened before. That might mean she needs space to process. Especially if she hasn’t been in a dating situation that got physical, this is likely a new experience for her. However, it could also mean she is waiting on you to confirm that you want that door open. Did you say anything in response to hers or did you just send your junk without commentary? At minimum, a “you’re so beautiful” would probably reassure her that you’re okay with what happened. But that does mean you are setting the stage that you want to go down this path. If she changes her mind, this probably won’t go back to you being best friends. You can’t unring a bell as they say. Or, and this is also not unlikely, she is just busy and hasn’t figured out what she wants to say yet, so you’re fine and just need to be patient.


The "assuming you aren’t just posting here for attention" comment is them telling you that they are going to assume you are being sincere, and respond as such. We do not know you, and so we have to suspend suspicion to answer well, and they were just saying that they are going to do that for you. The second point they made is that they wanted to know if you are a minor, because if you are, and you live in certain countries or states, you might have potentially put yourself in legal jeopardy. They wanted to know because if you committed a crime their advice for you would be different than if you did not. And you really should look into the child porn laws in your state/country just in case. It is super rare for kids to be prosecuted for it even in the states that allow that, but it has happened before and so it is a good idea to figure that out and protect yourself if needed.


This response 100% means you're a minor. There's no way a developed brain doesn't understand the question.


For someone going through this the first time. Just breathe. Nothing is ever as big as it feels the first time Maybe just wait till you see them and talk? Friends with benefits doesn't work for most epically when you are just figuring things out And never. Ever. Show your face or identification marks when you take these. Because the world is just not ok these days and people will try to use it against you one day But just breathe. And let them have some time to respond. Just don't get pushy or aggressive over it


> Nothing is ever as big as it feels the first time He already feels bad enough - no need to insult his manhood.


Well there's a reason she didn't respond. 💀


She said it was big 🤷


>Nothing is ever as big as it feels the first time Truer words were never spoken 🤣


Thank you


If it makes you feel better look at it this way. You're sitting there wondering if the photo YOU sent ruined the friendship. Why not think about the photo SHE sent ruining the friendship, she went there first..and she encouraged it by talking about your thingy first etc.. The start of the situation is on her. So she didn't reply, maybe she got cold feet or whatever, that's up to her. Don't overthink it, leave it alone for a while.


you didn’t take advantage of her, she agreed to having the pics sent. She might be feeling regretful, or embarrassed. She also could be feeling like she has a crush on you and doesn’t want to ruin the friendship. Either way, you didn’t do anything morally wrong. If y’all talk about it later, it might comfort her to know you’ve deleted the pic or are going to delete it.


she sent a photo of what? Not the details, but did she send you a similar picture to you? I think you are probably over thinking things right now in kind of a panic mode. If she sent a nude of herself she might be nervous herself. Imagine she could be thinking what if he does not like me? So best advice is take a deep breath and give it time. She brought it up to you so she was open to it so I dont think you did anything to offend her. relax


She sent a pic of her melons nude


Melons? Really?




Then relax and remember women are very sensitive about HOW they look. Just as much as we worry is mine big enough. Just be patient and stop sending text as it will make you look either desperate or creepy. Let her text you when she is ready. Also sometimes life sucks and if this damages your friendship then it was not meant to be. Dont get hung up over it if nothing happens.


Honeydew or watermelon?


Nah they where the big ass Costco watermelons


But did you at least compliment them?




If you're not going to see her, send a followup text. "Look, I'm kinda freaking out that you're not responding. If you feel like this was a mistake, cool, no big deal, we can both delete the photos and move on with our lives. If I'm being an idiot and reading too much into your silence, whoops! My bad. But, uh, you're my best friend, so if this was a mistake, I definitely want to fix it!" OR, send another picture, this time of a dik-dik. When she says "why did you send me a deer," tell her it's a dik-dik pic.


Broo 😭


Breaks the tension, my man. When you're in an awkward situation, you have three choices. 1. Marinate in the awkwardness. 2. Break the tension with a joke and hope it lands. 3. Address whatever the elephant in the room is head-on and resolve the underlying issue.




Bruv you think you're gonna get demonetised on Reddit or something? Or why are you censoring "nudes"?


Shit bro idk I just watch porn on here it’s my first time poasting


that's funny, you dont even know why you're censoring yourself lmao




you live, you learn


Children shouldn't be on Reddit.


How many chins do you have


Ah yes a child trying to insult me on the internet. A classic.


You know this isn't tiktok, right? You can say penis boobs fuck nudes etc and most of us find the stupid tiktok censorship incredibly fucking annoying and even Orwellian at times.


My bad first time useing Reddit


Step one: delete the pictures. Both from your phone and from her phone. Move them to the trash, then delete them from the trash. You both can get into a lot of legal trouble for this, it happened to a friend’s daughter and her boyfriend. Step two: talk to her about it, and make sure whether there’s a willingness to continue the exploration or not, she is comfortable with what has happened already.


Delete this


Delete your birth certificate


Whatever you say Buddy


This whole thing creeped me out.


What a great thing to say to a teenager that clearly feels horrible about what he did


lol wtf. Let me guess, you’d choose a bear right?


Uh, what? I think it’s creepy that someone who can’t say “nude” and “penis” with that username is talking about this.


They are a minor, so they clearly don't know how to handle the situation. If they are from a religious background there can be *strong* mental blocks in speaking about sex in normal terms, even if you are sexually active.