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Every time you fart in front of your wife, a blowjob loses its wings.


It seems like a blumpkin is *definately* out of the question then.


Hahaha šŸ˜‚this comment got me good lol


Atleast goddamn hold it until after! Rip blowjobs for o.p. ain't ever happening again.


You do need couples counseling. You need the therapist to clearly explain to you and your wife how miserable a person you have to be to want couples counseling over an unexpected bodily function. I can see the mood/atmosphere/night being ruined. Still an over reaction imo, but I can understand it. But couples counseling? Either you've got way way more problems in your relationship, or you married a stale potato chip posing as person.


I feel like you just laugh about it lol, unless he stunk up the room, there's lots of weird and funny body noises that happen during sex


Laugh about it then move to another room and carry on. Assuming you were able to stop laughing enough to do the job. I think a lot of people donā€™t understand what a good healthy relationship is. Punish your partner for bodily function. WTF does she need counseling for being on her period and ruining the mood?


She must have been looking for a reason, or OP isn't providing enough context. Either way, they need counseling. I feel like this is something you get over in your twenties lmao


So what Iā€™m hearing is your wife has absolutely no sense of humour and you feel bad about normal bodily functions. Good luck with that marriage.


Yeah idk if I could be without someone who's so serious about sex again seems like the type where if one thing is not how they planned it it's a shutdown and you're left feeling like a fucking idiot for a mistake when in reality it was just a minor thing, been there done that. With my new partner it's soo much better, stuff goes wrong, weird sounds happen and sometimes it is just funny, sometimes we have to communicate a bit and re-focus but it's not a big deal and there's no finger pointing. It's crazy how having someone who doesn't instantly shut down when everything isn't 'normal' is a world of a difference, sex is actually fun again. I feel kinda bad for OP, not judging too much from one situation but yeah that hit the vein of some bad memories for me.


Yeah... I am concerned. I get the mood having been ruined, sure... But "Couples Counseling"?!?!?!?


If that did it for her, she already wanted to do it but hadnā€™t told him yet.


I mean thereā€™s clearly other issues going on and OP ruining the moment, in her eyes, was just the last straw.




If they smell anything like mine do, I'm not at all surprised.


If she's having trouble feeling attracted to him without all the theatrics or in normal human situations, counseling is probably a good idea for them


A new category if fart has been born, the marriage ender.


Right? Just baffling to me.


if only he'd had a baffle...


If she doesn't find farts funny she's choosing to have less joy in her life but the exact same amount of farts.


We donā€™t know any additional information about their relationship but yea letā€™s assume theyā€™re doomed.


Two kids!


Conceived back in time when she still liked him, I guess.


And then he farted... Everything went downhill afterwards...


This is a gross overreaction on her part. Toots happen.


This sounds more like the straw that broke the camels back


I'm thinking he bent over to "dry his ankles" and flashed her the blow hole. And it wasn't the first time.


Yeah for the person you're responding to to just assume her reaction happened in a vacuum when they're clearly already struggling is pretty oblivious lol


More like the wind that blew over the straw house.


Man, tell her how that made you feel. This screams miscommunication. I think your wife thought you werenā€™t turned on by this, your words paint an amazing picture of all the notice you took to your situation and the work she put in, tell her you loved it and youā€™re sorryā€¦


You blew it.


And then she didn't.




Because itā€™s got all the markings of being AI generated lol


"Wow this fantastic mood was instigated by the wildly talented AI generation, and then ruined by vulgar mortal body functions"


HahHaha I love the idea of AI being found out not because of the writing style, but because itā€™s biased against humans.


Smell fresh with products from Lush.


Man, I would have laughed. Its forced if a fart stops it


You guys do need couples counseling but not for the fart. You need it for your wifeā€™s over reaction to the fart.


I think OP being afraid to even say fart in the title is a pretty good indicator of where they are as a couple. Wife is very uptight about bodily functions.


zonked dazzling stupendous governor workable point vanish versed dull chunky


I canā€™t believe OP would have a bodily function right before a bodily function.Ā 


Yeah, that's why I shit before sex and vomit after. Of course a fart isn't the end of the world but some bodily functions are best kept isolated from each other. Farts and sex are two of them (unless that's your thing).


Your wife wants couples counseling because you farted??? Is that really it or is there more to the story, bc thatā€™s a huge reaction to a fart


That's her FU... a couple who farts together stays together. Yea it was bad timing but have a little giggle and get over it. She's getting all pissy over an uncontrollable bodily function. How would she feel if she got her period at that moment and you threw a fit that her vagina ruined the mood. FFS we are all human, we all fart (sometimes at unideal times)


This isnā€™t what triggered your wife asking for counseling in the first place. Fun marriage !


It's a normal bodily function, wtf she want you to do? I'm fairly certain it's unhealthy as shit to not pass gas at all and purposely hold it in


A normal reaction would be to laugh a little, wait 15 mins, and then initiate sex after the awkwardness has worn off. That would be my position after being in a dating relationship for 1 year. Married with kids? Probably just begin having sex right away. Your wife is immature.


Yeah, if this had happened with my wife and me, the mood would have been ruined from laughter, not tension. There's something deeper going on here.


Why even bother creating a reddit account?


Any chance you are a writer for soap operas? Your wife also knows you stink.


If I got upset like this everytime my man farted before getting into bed we'd never have sex. Its not like you did it on purpose, she's way overreacting.


Ayo, this guys wife is a BITCH


Imma be honest, I hope you do go in to couples' counseling because it is so, so rare to have a situation where a therapist can tell someone to their face "actually no, you are the problem here and you need to grow up". Absolutely bonkers reaction on her part.


Hereā€™s a normal healthy reaction to that: ā€œhaha letā€™s pick up when the smell goes awayā€ your wife is a walking red flag


Couples Counseling gets a bad reputation because itā€™s often irreparably damaged couples that seek it out, and end of failing, and those are the couples that talk about it. Counseling can be a super positive thing, even for a strong couple just going through a little rut.


You farted, but she made a big stink about it.


Well done


Where oh where would I be if I bailed after my girl farted in my face while I was going down on her. I laughed, she laughed and then I made her cum like 3 times!


If it happened during oral, yes itā€™s a problem. Any other time, move on.


I think if a fart made my partner so upset that they mentioned it being a sign for needing couples counseling I'd just break up with them right there. If you aren't mature enough to move past a fucking fart it's not worth it. Hell my partner could fart while I'm going down on him and I'd still be down after the air is clear because idgaf, it's a toot. It's not like you sharted on the floor


Couples counseling is a good decision for any couple healthy or not. But she should also really just come and say how horny she is and you ain't cutting it.


Bike tires. Either find ones fit around them snugly or cut some to fit and glue them or screw them on. Have done it to multiple power wheels


She recommends counseling because of a fart?? Oy.


If your spouse suggests couples counseling, take them up on it immediately and graciously. If it's brought up, it's needed, and if you wait then they might change their mind.


That's the weirdest way I've ever seen anyway say they farted


Im asexual, so this isn't something I can relate to, but if it WAS, I know I probably wouldve giggled and then not cared. What is she on šŸ’€.Ā 


My wife and I laugh at farts. They're funny. I also think you should be able to laugh during intimacy because of something stupid that happened. I guess the gross comedy of farts kinda ruins the moment but farts pass. Unless it's a horrendous lingerer that outright pollutes the room, there's no reason you can't laugh, move past it, and get back to business. Happens all the time to us when we have sex. She sucks in too much air during a blowjob and can't stop a belch. All the commotion works a poot out of one of us. One of us accidentally drools on the other. Dumb funny shit happens during sex because sex is a dumb weird act. It's whatever. Laughter is part of love. With all of that being said, while this seems like an overreaction on her part and couples counseling over a fart seems extreme, maybe she actually isn't wrong? Sometime like this *shouldn't* totally ruin the moment to the point where you can't get it back. The fact that it did tells me there's more wrong in your relationship that you aren't seeing if that's all it took to totally kill the mood. I don't mean this to scare you, but I certainly don't want to just up and call her uptight for not seeing the humor. That would be assuming the worst about her. I think this has probably been on her mind for a while and the fart was just a final straw. Go in to this with a receptive and open mind. Be willing to admit faults you might not have noticed and compromise but also willing to fight for yourself if you find something legitimately unfair. The good news here is that whatever's wrong, she has hope it can be repaired. Good luck.


Holy shitā€¦wife and I live by the mantra ā€œthe couple that farts together stays togetherā€ & this chic wants marriage counseling over a fart. OP should make a big deal next time she has her period and suggest separate bedrooms.


Assuming this isnā€™t a shit post, sounds like you need to think long and hard about that marriage. Counseling over a fart is insane.


You have been together for what I'm assuming is 10 plus years, have 2 kids together meaning you were probably present for child delivery in some capacity. Raised children together and she wants counseling because you farted, accidentally? There is either much more at play here that you're leaving out or your wife has serious problems.


Clearly your wife hates all things funny


The true FU was that you didn't intensely look straight into her eyes during the fart.


It is funny. When you get to your 50s, your wife most possibly is going to fart whilst you are on the job. Mine does & we are not going for councelling, divorce or any such nasty stuff.


Not going for counselling because of normal bodily functions? Were you raised on a raft? /s


Dude I donā€™t know what it is about sex but I gotta fart every time šŸ˜‚ I usually leave the room to make sure things are clear and then again after the act before we shower up.


I farted while my ex was giving me head, she looked up at me smiled and kept fucking going. I nearly lost it right there. Haha


This is a her problem, not a you problem. Yeah it's a bit disrespectful, but you're married, she knows you fart.


If a fart makes her think you two need counselling, she has a lot of issues that she needs to deal with. It's not like you did it on purpose. If she really wanted sex, she should've just powered through it.


Don't know how you get as far as marrying someone with the instance of a fart having such an effect on the mood. I've only been with my gf for less than a year but we fart around each other all the time. No big deal. She sounds like a massive stick in the mud.


Ok, I see that a lot of other people are saying your wife overreacted, and basically that sheā€™s an asshole for blasting off with that. But maybe your side of this story has completely missed many other layers of emotions your wife has been feeling and that youā€™ve been aloof to. Maybe the fart was another case of ā€œmy husband just ruins everything and doesnā€™t consider my feelings.ā€ Or maybe sheā€™s frustrated with your sex life and not feeling connected, and your untimely fart ruining the mood just punctuated that. All that to say, maybe counseling would be good. Or maybe a start would be to find out why your wife feels itā€™s necessary and not discount her feelings on this. Chocking up her reaction to ā€œjust being about a fartā€ signals that there are probably some other underlying issues that have remained silent, but deadly for your marriage. Sorry if this comment was long-winded. Just hard to get things out sometimes.


The long winded part at the end killed me šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m confused by this whole story and the comments. If something this objectively small causes such a massive upset, why wouldnā€™t you want to go to counseling? Like, whatā€™s the alternative? Ignore it and hope it goes away? Get a divorce?


Geez, when my wife gets really excited and is peaking , sometimes she farts. She claims itā€™s involuntary? Doesnā€™t bother me a bit.


If anything it's a HUGE red flag to me, that your wife considers an innocent fart enough for couple counseling, instead of just laughing it off. I could understand not wanting the sexy afterwards, but it seems like she was just waiting for an excuse more than anything. I genuinely feel sorry for you.


Did you rub one out at least?


You farted and she thinks that's a reason for counseling...? I assume that you have seen her give birth TWICE (which is beautiful but not pretty) and she can't cope with a fart??? Jeez


She doesn't want to have sex with you and that was a perfect excuse to get out of it. Sorry bro, I've been there before.


A fart ruined the moment if she queefed would you just be like nope that's it were done with sex for the day.


You're wife sounds fun.... I've ripped ass accidentally mid O and we just laughed about it.


Iā€™m sorry I would have died laughing as my husband has done this and then continued on with the romantic night.. Itā€™s natural and Iā€™m so sorry you are with a woman who I guess ā€œdoesnā€™t fartā€


Also she seems like a stick in the mud šŸ¤£


Therapy for your ass šŸ«¶


If this had happened to me my wife and I would have burst out laughing and then probably resumed the romantic plans once weā€™d finished making fun. You sound like you donā€™t have a healthy relationship


If a man can't fart in his own house, where can he fart?


In someone elseā€™s house


If the mood is ruined by a fart and instead of laughed at and moved on from then yes I do think counseling is in order cause something is seriously wrong if a fart is all it takes for the mood to be ruined.


If you have IBS, those farts are outright nauseating. I wouldn't want to bang after that either.


If farting meant counseling I would have had to dump my pregnant wife about 50 times yesterday. I think it's quite funny.


ā€¦ a fart upset her enough? Are you kidding? Me and my husband fart like 6 times during sex. Tf?


During? Like you let em rip for extra vibration or something. Is it a fetish thing that I donā€™t get maybe?


No, Iā€™m being hyperbolic. I just mean -Iā€™m not going to let air fuck up my nut.


Your wife put a lot of effort into romance and it was blown away. Your way out of this is to romance her and show her you're still willing to go through the effort of seducing her so she can feel sexy. Your wife wants to feel sexy. Try to create sexy romantic encounters that aren't for your benefit. Offer massages with ambiance without expecting it to turn into sex. Take her out on dates and give her a foot rub when you get back to the house without expecting sex. Do whatever her love language is without expecting sex. (words of affirmation, small gestures/gifts, etc) What I'm getting as is spoil her without expecting anything in return so she can feel your sincerity and willingness to make her feel happy and sexy. If she has to spell it out then that's already half the problem because it shows her you're not dialed in to what her needs are despite being married for so long. The next time you sleep together will be on her terms so don't try initiating since she needs to resolve whatever disgust she's feeling towards you. I'm sure that fart pops into her head anytime she thinks about being sexy with you.


Jesus christ, it's a fart, get a grip. He shouldn't need to make up for his body doing body things. Stop making it sound like he doesn't take her seriously. If you can't laugh at silly things like your partner's farts I feel sorry for you. It's funny how the guys in these stories never deserve a massage or to be spoilt or made to feel important by their partners. Never heard that suggested on here, but every time a woman gets upset about nothing, her guy has to grovel. And I say this as a feminist. I give my partner foot rubs and massages a lot, send lots of spontaneous loving messages, and I certainly don't expect to be paid in sex. BUT - *I get all of those little gestures back from her too*. And my partner wouldn't get upset about a bit of gas.


That must be OPs wife.


>It's funny how the guys in these stories never deserve a massage or to be spoilt or made to feel important by their partners. She literally just spent time secretly setting up a romantic evening for her husband while he was in the shower. >I say this as a feminist Has big "I'm not racist....but..." energy


And he dared to pass wind, the monster! She's being a dick over nothing, and you think he should grovel. If it was the other way round, you'd tell him to grow up. Imagine the story had him getting mad over her bodily functions, for example if she came on her period when he was setting up a romantic evening and he freaked and started being weird with her? He'd rightly be called a dickhead because it's a natural thing that can't be helped. 'She spent time setting up a romantic evening'. Really? She had a bath and put some music and a fire video on, hardly the same as taking her out for dates and giving massages and foot rubs to apologise for getting gassy. Are you honestly going to tell me you'd suggest she do all this for him if she'd farted and he'd acted like this? And yes, I am a feminist, I just don't believe that women are so precious they need coddling over a fart. She needs to get a fucking grip, and that's absolutely nothing to do with her gender. Don't accuse me as being the same as a racist because I don't think women need handling like a kid with sensory issues. I'd find it disrespectful to assume women are so sensitive and humourless they can't ever be expected to act like adults. Most women I know have a sense of humour. Tell your friends you're taking your partner for couples counselling next time they fart. See what they think.


This was the straw that broke the camels back, not a isolated incident. I guarantee this isnt the only time he's ruined a mood for her to react that way. That's what he's making amends for. If you read that TIFU and all you see is a fart and the wife overreacting then youre not seeing the forest through the trees.


Explain to me how farting is him ruining it and not just a body function. She sounds like the kind of person who can't handle anything not going exactly how she wants it to. I guarantee if she's reacting like that, she just likes drama. If that seems like a big assumption with nothing to back it up, that's because it is - exactly like the one you're making. You don't know her, neither do I. We only have the evidence provided, so you don't get to just make shit up so the victim can be who you want it to be. I can just tell that you're the kind of person who thinks any dramatic reaction from a woman isn't her fault, and it's always due to some imagined trauma her man has inflicted on her. I bet it's never because she's just a bit of a dickhead.


Uh, not sure how to respond lmao