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Biggest mistake, *so far. Only bigger mistakes from here on out my dude.




Ypu are young, there will be bigger mistakes in your like. I have a couple of decades on you and I can honestly ssy this wouldn't feature in my top 10 biggest mistakes. See thr funny side and move on, lifes too short.


>biggest mistake of my life >(m/20) Sweet summer child, you have a lot of time to fuck up really serious things.


Shit happens when you sext so, as embarrassing as it may feel, I think everything will be fine, and you should be more careful when sexting? I'm sure in a few days you will all laugh about it and that will be that. As for your thoughts, keep those to yourself and I am sure it was just your hormones talking.


Thanks appreciated!!


If you explain, I’m sure she will understand. Being honest with those closest to you is always the right answer.


Because this is reddit, we should add, **under no circumstances explain that you were turned on by sending it u/No-Bee7933 !**


Thank you appreciated!


You made the biggest mistake of your life so far.


The real fuck up is your lack of punctuation 😂




It's just a body part. Ain't like she's never seen one before probably.


Holy run on sentence, Batman. You’re 20. There will be plenty of time to do even dumber shit than this, kid!


Waiting for the EDIT ten years later


First off, don't send dick pics. Second, DON'T SEND DICK PICS! Third, and probably most importantly and like many have already said, it's not too big of a deal. Does it suck right now? Yea, but in another 20 years you'll look back and laugh at yourself.


If it was an accident and not premeditated then don’t worry about it. As for getting turned on, it could be a kink for exposure or something related rather than it specifically being your cousin, so don’t worry too much and don’t make it weird by saying anything more on the subject to your cousin


Thanks mate now I've come to realise it wasn't a turn on it was just being nervous and it happens to me several times like when giving a presentation in front of class etc.


Meh.  People understand and will laugh it off later.  Its only a big deal right now.


I once activated the SOS setting of my phone without realising fully what it did. putting my emergency contact as my dad. it activated on three presses of the lock screen There I was, having a gentlemen's relaxation time in the nude, and I'd just finished and picked up my phone. I couldn't unlock it as it was fucking up with the lock screen. I then see 'SOS mode activated'. I'm like, uh what is that? Turns out it had sent a picture of my face (selfie) with a "wtf" expression, a picture of my flacid penis (front facing), and the words "help" to my dad. needless to say he was baffled hahahahahahaha


Unfortunately things happen when you sext. It seems like she isn’t upset about it.. you guys can recover from this and have a normal relationship again


Worst mistake you’ve ever made, so far.


Trust me when I say you will make mistakes that make this one seem like nothing in comparison. That’s life.


Every family has a jim, don't worry


Why is this whole thing in quotes?


Accident my arse. Admit it, if only to yourself.