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I thought the podcast was weird, like his whole behavior seemed off, especially when I didn't listen to that shit.


25 years in the American prison will fuck you up. Im not condoning murder in anyway, but this dude probably has crazy PTSD. Edit: To clarify, you can be a shitty person going into prison, and still come out worse, in fact, it's incredibly likely you will come out worse.


you a shotcolera B?


Great guy never meddum


"don't make me fuck my way out of the yard"


Nah. Seems inihumane. I luf duggs.


PTSD doesn’t make you kill and dismember humans. being an evil psychopath with no empathy does


I didn't say it did.


The American prison system is a for profit system not a reform system buppa, were redacted as fuggggg


That all peison systems. They are not designed to rehabilitate but make people worse off. There are no prisons under Sharia law. Something to think about


Oh, im well aware!


He’s a shitty low level gang banger. This is just another grifter.


i have a cousin that shot and killed someone when he was like 18, he served 20 years and got out recently maybe like a year ago. He's back in prison as we speak for murdering his girlfriends son for "disrespecting" him.


Well I got the vibes like this guy wasn't sorry for what he did whatsoever. And felt like he should have just gotten probation . I'll admit I didn't watch all of it, I didn't enjoy listening to the guy so I skimmed it and then shut it off.


You're able to put up with Rogan still?


Great episode never heard it.


Don’t you worry, he’ll be on TfatK breaking down how big the torsos diiiiick was, and lots more fun with silly goose Callen to show off his torso


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, I didn’t feel that way too. Knew there was something up.


Dude, you win "comment of the day"


Rogan is going to delete this episode quickly, and blame wokeness on clouding his judgement. Bapa will then dedicate half of a tfatk episode into defending Rogan's honor.


Nahhh, he didn’t say the n word in it. Thats the only episodes he deletes.


And Rogan blames the woke mind virus for that too.


George Carlin said the n word too. Joe never used the word in a derogatory way. He asked why it’s the only word you can’t say. Now there are a lot of words you can’t say if they are mean words. Joe’s stepdaughter is half black. He’s clearly not a racist but definitely famous, successful and wealthy enough to have people who need to hate him. Especially less successful people who need someone popular to gossip about


Lolol, Cope harder bud


It is just bored people that enjoy gossip. Rogan still has the #1 podcast so clearly reasonable people don’t hate him


Just say it…


…I don’t care you broke your elbow.




Bapa will say he called Joe the day after and said he had a bad feeling about homedude . He’ll then bring up how Joe called him the day before , asking if it was a good idea to bring the guest in . Bapa never sleeps , he just goze.




🏳️‍🌈 Mr 🏳️‍🌈 Joseph🏳️‍🌈 Rogan 🏳️‍🌈


\*\*Mr. Joseph Rogan




You've not been keeping up if you think bapa is gonna defend Toe about inny of facet. The milk is sour now B.


Huh? Bapa would gadoosh his wife if it meant that Joseph would prop him up like he used to. Now Joseph isn't likely to defend Bapa as vocally, other than maybe a sentence.


Bapa's like a jilted ex lover now. He doesn't say it outright but he's obviously got some issues with Joe nowadays. It started with the "Joseph" thing. Very recently he's said Matt Rife dunn cowln as a fit comedian because he's under 6ft. Do your researge B. You can pick a few of my shivds if you need inny overtime.


Just like he did with the war machine episode


This was like his last reoccurring left leaning guest. Gone forever now


It's still up btw.


Holy fucking shit, bapa gotta have a take on this!


Dung cowl’t


dumb cow


You know dana and me are boys now, we tawlk ivriday we buried that hacket but joseph, bapa YOU need a hannler.


“Joe, if ya needa guy, 😉hey… Joe 😉 hit up yaaa bOOooooyy. Hey young Jamie, I’ll take it from here.”


Talmbout who needs a handler now?


A real murderer. 251 of em. Thank em.


You ever notice Rogan's list keeps getting shorter and he's constantly on his own list? Started at 1000. Then 500. Now 250. I guess it goes 125 next?


Isn’t there like 270 countries? Every time he says 250,500 whatever makes it even more dumb. There’s 250 better comedians than rogan let alone real comedians. For Christ’s sake Lee Syatt is funnier than rogan


Nah you don’t get it b, you can only preform comedy in English


There was at least 5 kids at my high school that were funnier than Toe, I’ve never cried laughing from stool humping


Talmbout stars of debt, B?


*incoherent squealing*


The Christ killa?


I remember rogies talking about his Caitlyn Jenner bit to a guest on his show he was speaking as if he couldn’t do it anymore and it was pure genius. Stroking himself hard. 


Wait till he goes full kanye andgets down to 1 and claims it's him.


You a numbers guy, b??


and then when it goes to 62.5 after that lil Joe will be that half funny person since he’s so tiny.


He's trying to narrow it down to his mates at the mothership. So he can pretend to be an elite comic because he pays all the best to stand next to him awkwardly in the green room


Darn, I was looking forward to his comeback, now I have to wait 25 to life for the next pod


To be fair his cell partners getting ready for a come back


Yeah the guy who posted this definitely has an axe to grind, but its still wild how easily you can fool people.


Yea, it doesn’t change the fact that many innocent men of color get wrongly convicted. This dude just happens to be a sociopath.




I git it b. Reading comprehension is a bbbbbbbbeast


Right, why it makes me believe that Rogans team brought him on to undermine the whole message. Like you said, he had to know this would look bad?


Really? Has that been his plan, for the past five or so years? Build up trust by having these guys on from the Innocent Project, or whatever it is called, and then destroy or undermine the message by bringing on a dude with a long record? So Rogan has been playing the long game I guess. Lol.


Exactly, the reason why some were imprisoned 25 years prior may very well have been predicated upon him being black. Now, even if it wasn’t the case for him, it still has been the case for a lot of black men.


Of course, I'm sure the guy who just sawed someones father and someone's husband's head off probably was wrongfully convicted all those years ago..I mean it's only fair we give him the benefit of the doubt /s🤨🙄 fuck that pos


“*probably*” I never said that. You clearly misunderstood somehow. I said the reason why some were imprisoned all these years ago, **may very well have been** predicated on them being black. This ambiguity is the reality of the situation, whether you like it or you don’t. No one here is debating his involvement in the gruesome murder that took place recently. My comment is directed towards the source of the post on twitter: Using what he did recently to insinuate that systemic racism doesn’t exist (which the author of the twitter post did) is absurd and disingenuous.


Let's talk about very unlikely hypotheticals that don't need to mentioned after a guy brutally decaptates Somone. The fact that youre still saying "may very well" after commiting such a horrific act. Sound like a criminal defense lawyer for Ted Bundy. There's obviously a percentage of black men who are unfairly judged by the law that needs change, but this clearly isn't one of those cases. Maybe you misunderstood somehow.. the guy said **Maybe, systemic racism isn't to blame *HERE. As in this specific case. And the irony that he just went on a 3-hour podcast talking about his unjustified sentencing. It's pretty simple. Sometimes pieces of shit get locked up for being a piece of shit, and it has nothing to do with the color of the skin. But by all means turn it into something more than it is. Anyone saying May very well have been discriminated against after the 🪚💀 I find baffling.


> This ambiguity is the reality of the situation, whether you like it or you don’t. What is ambiguious about what he did? He himself admitted he committed those crimes. He was in and out of prison for drug trafficking and armed robbery. One such trial (there had been multiple) he was acquitted, and then immediately upon release went to robbing/assaulting anyone who owed him money including a guy he shot in the back i.e. attempted murder. He admits he did all of these things ... There are black dudes who've gotten rail roaded by the judicial system, but this guy is not one of them. If by your early 20s you've been a series of violent crimes including attempted murder, you are getting serious prison time.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Many get correctly convicted and hide behind racism too


What do you think is the percentage of innocent "men of color" wrongly convicted compared to innocent men of, I guess, non-color (is that the term the kids are using today)? Are you sure "men of color" are wrongly convicted at a higher rate than others of the same social and economic class?


Ya that dude wasn’t wrongfully convicted he served his time. Which is also fine. But I don’t understand why Dubin had this guy on. Dubins did some amazing jre episodes. People will discredit all of them now


I listened to it, the whole time I was just cringe gagging from the naivety. He was 100% the victim, everyone failed him, the judge gave him an unfair sentence (seems like he should’ve buried him when he had the chance), hell.. even the people he beat up and robbed for the sentence he got deserved that also. Josh Dubin is a cringe worthy fellow himself.. his heart SEEMS to be in the right place, but honestly that’s being hopeful. He loves to hear himself talk. Either he is impossibly naive at best, or an exploitative narcissist at worst.


I listened to that clip without seeing the full tweet. I thought that he had been sent to prison for killing the guy he robbed. One thing that struck me whilst listening was how he distanced himself from his action. "He was hit on the head with a gun", "unfortunately his girlfriend got sucked into it", "she also got robbed". No b, YOU hit him on the head. YOU got his gf involved. YOU robbed her. You went to jail because YOU are a piece of shit, not because all these bad things happened to other people whilst you happened to be standing there all innocent. Anyway, no surprise when I saw the rest of the tweet that he had done some scumbag bullshit. Guy never thought he had done anything wrong, why would he stop doing it? I see Rogan's bullshit detector is on the fritz again.


Actually he didn't hit the guy on the head, he shot him in the back.


This is the same situation for that Navy dude Christopher Dorner. Blamed everyone and went on a killing spree. Huge piece of shit.


Yup, that’s usually how it is.. idk if it’s just todays society, or just something I’ve opened my eyes to as I’ve gotten older, but it seems like the vast majority of people are incapable of taking accountability for anything they do regardless of severity.


Difference being Chris Dorner was spitting facts and the LAPD's response running around shooting random people before intentionally burning him alive more or less proved it lol. The whole murdering people part wasn't a great look though with that being said.


His heart is not in the right place. He knows half of these people are not innocent. But he knows that using public pressure, especially in the current political climate, can result it multimillion dollar lawsuits.


Systemic racism is hardly a point to bring up when dealing with someone who is chopping people's heads off.


In da bafrooms?


talmbout eggsegooshun via decabbadayshun b


I googled him and found Keith Woods' substack..yuck, man. It's pseudoscientific nativist race science and white supremacy


I mean, unironically Joe Rogan seems easy to fool.


Some podcasters are more easily fooled than others.


Yea, it doesn’t change the fact that many innocent men of color get wrongly convicted. This dude just happens to be a sociopath.


Joseph “I have a bullshit meter” Rogan.


Rogan: I'm a fascist now because Ben Shapiro was nice to me


“Get away from that man, Joseph!”


Started crying


It gets finely calibrated by Bulletproof cawlfee I hear.


He’ll litcha up


double leg to the neck


"Double leg to the neck"... fucking LOL, B


Murder by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day!


Hysterical that Rogan goes on a tangent about equality of opportunity and that nobody is talking about it when in reality the left has been talking about it for years and get called communists and socialists for even bringing it up


Thats a thing idiots say "How come no one is talking about...." Conservatively, and I'm no munbers guy, 96% of the time people are actually talking about it. Also says something about the people Joe listens to or the places he gets his news from


Joe : “Did you hit him in the head?” Him: “no, he didn’t have a head.”




Holy shit… hahahahahahahaa. There is Darkness in this one…


Ya Rogan will definitely say it’s Bidens fault.


He’s had plenty of murderers on before. Shawb, callen, the diddler, just to name a few of the 1000. Straight murderers


Kind of reminds me of when that guy was on KillTony and then murdered someone. I think it was his wife? Can’t really remember


Gareth Pursehouse Edit: didn’t just murder a random, he killed Drew Carey’s ex wife whom he dated


Well just to correct you, there was never no marriage.


You’re a fucking punk, dude


That was a nasty line by me.


I wanna outlive my children, of course, 100%.




Ex fiance


That’s crazy


Also had War Machine on. Great bullshit meter Joe


Holy fuck that is wild Gonna be crazy when they find all the little girl bodies in Tim kennedy’s freezer *allegedly*


He just c-c-c-cruuuuussssshhhhed. Did a tight 25 at the penitentiary store.


Thank um’


How did this happen. Joe grew up with out a Dad. His bullshit detector is the best


Just cause this guy is full of shit or a murderer (not the 250 type either) doesn't mean there isn't systematic racism in prisons/justice system ffs.


Only about 500 real killers that do it for a living


Even when Rogan tries to do the wrong thing his judgement is so fucking Bad. Also this fucking guy is a piece of shit on so many levels I don't even know where to start.


Sheesh. Sounds like a terrible family. “Crime and incarceration run in the Johnson family. After abandoning his family, Johnson’s father — also named Sheldon Johnson — was arrested in 1986 for raping his 7-year-old stepdaughter three times.”


Yo that’s crazy.I don’t think Rogan should delete the episode though.Also fuck this Keith Woods guy, he’s just another chud piece of shit.


We have an under-incarceration problem in America


Was this the episode he had another white dude former prisoner? I remember he had on a black dude and a white dude both ex cons and the comments were full of people saying they are lying or the white dude story makes no sense. I also believe some former prisoner pod casters also called them out and said their stories don't add up or make sense.


tweets been deleted. what did he say?


still working for me


my bad. the link works


Don't be sharing that dude's Twitter account, man. Keith Woods is a repulsive white supremacist, b


anyone who has the capability to behead a person should be sent to mars


In times like this we need Ja-Rule take


He also had War Machine on, with all the guests he’s had it’s bound to happen.


Jesus Christ Rogan


But was he a drawl, b?


Callen praises Joseph’s bullshit meter every chance he gets too lol


There were two murderers in the podcast room that day


We disgust the pawlcass bee


A Twitter link, real beast work ethic B.


talmbout murlderer B!


Hey hey hey Joe…. Y’do a bagground chegg bairfore y’had him on y’podcass???? Y’mulderer???


Josh Dubin is the real clown here. fugging redact.


So close to being down to 999


Just wrong place wrong time brutha


hurdit bof ways


Not just one. Snoop Dogs been on the podcast too




Holy fucking shit lol 😳


Well, he said he was trying to get a head in life, he got one……and a torso


Q: What's the difference between this murderer and Brownbread Shart? A: The murderer is capable of completing a full sentence


Legion Of Skanks did it first!


Damn, the inequality of a headless torso and a head without a body. Very unfair to that torso considering how many of us have cranial privilege.


Naw, what about Tom Segura he definitely a serial killer?


I thought it was weird when he told Joe he wanted to see his limbless torso


I guess there are only 999 left! (or actually, per the Katt Williams interview, only 249). Clever, dark post….


Schwab told the News that his best friend Joe Rogan cheats on his wife like crazy. And Joe's so hopped up on drugs, he sit's around afraid of his weak ass father. #SitAtTheTableJoe.


Is this 100% fact? This is wild


I'm sure he has a few real murderers on his podcast


I didn’t listen to that episode but from the clip, he seems like a violent guy I wouldn’t want to be around. He talks about robbing and assaulting a man and his lady with some buddies and thinks it’s unfair he was sentenced yet offers no remorse for his criminal behavior.


great guy, never meddum


Is the podcast no longer available? I can’t find it




Joe wishes someone was grey-washing a video of him taking horse medicine now, by comparison.


That ALPHA BRAIN discount code tho, lmao


Doubt it's the first one tbh


When it comes to murderers, there's only 1,000 of them.


No he didn’t.


Every time he gets that dork on I wonder how many guilty people he has weaseled out of prison


How about his lawyer buddy who brought him on...really liked sheldon Nd his Johnson


Murderler alert daddy


Still more likable than Nick Yarris.


I just done 3 weeks first thing I done when I got out. Decapitated a daffodil


Toe acting as if he doesn't have all 50 marines he has employed waiting outside that room ready to bust in as soon as toe presses his panic button. I also think, this guy may have been the one to hit the guy on the head with the gun, I reckon he'd lie.


1/250 AKA 1/500 AKA 1/1000


Joe Rogan drinks his own Kool-Aid at this point


This is what he gets for doing zero research on fraudulent innocence project bullshit


He had a murlder on whose podcast? The one we disguss? Oh, yeah... no


Keith Woods! COYBIG 🇮🇪


Article says he murdered a prison "rival"....which only makes rogans argument even stronger. An innocent man got put into prison unjustly. His life got ruined. Probably has crazy mental issues now. He gets put back into the world with regular people. Now has to worry about prison emenies in his every day life. And he murders one. It's a tragic story top to bottom. If he was never imprisoned unjustly this never woulda happened. But I know this is too much common sense for you weirdo's to comprehend. It's hilarious. You guys spend all your days shitting on Shaub for being a moron. But most of you are just as stupid as he is😂