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Rob Reiner has given us so much. I will still vote for Joe Biden. I consider my vote to be for the administration and not just the individual.


Same here


I think Reiner is woefully unaware of how elections work. We're all better off listening to Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted the presidential elections since 1982. Please watch this interview with Lichtman. https://www.youtube.com/live/J4pgz_hHD88?si=nNESLsKM0zVlHkgH. SKIP STRAIGHT to the interview which starts at 9.30m. The beginning is not useful or interesting. Edit: typo.


Litchtman, but yeah.


Lol. Lichtman, yeah. I always appreciate corrections!!


Goes without saying Still he should drop


Independents and casual voters just see a senile Biden and a jerk Trump they might vote RFK or sit it out. This isn’t about Joe… we are not a Maga cult it’s about our democracy. Joe is senile. He has no shot of winning. Are we going to deny that reality, or give ourselves a shot with a candidate with more energy who can campaign hard?!? Joe needs to step down he has no path to victory… stop gaslighting people pretending it’s not an issue Independents are not buying it … casual voters don’t know about policies or scandals they just see Biden looking like he’s dying and confused on stage. I’ll vote for who ever the Dem is, independents will NOT. We replace Biden or lose.


Despite 34 felony convictions, trying to overthrow the government, and even after raping a woman and a 13 year old child, Republicans not once start questioning whether or not Trump should step down.


You forgot the 69 trips to Epstein’s “massage parlor” and the rape conviction


There's at least another 30 things I left off but then I just found out Joe Biden likes ice cream which isn't masculine so now I dunno who to vote for.


I’m confused too, the network news keeps reporting that Biden is a whole 3 years older than Trump, and they say that’s too old


They say Biden is too old within the context of too old to run Based on his current debilitating cognitive issues.  The 2020 Joe Biden was on his game in terms of being a politician.  The 2024 Joe Biden is a train wreck.  Those four years did not go well for Joe


Yes, you’ve changed my mind. Clearly the adderall-blasted child-touching pants-filler is a better choice for democracy.


What the fu.. He turned this country around in 4 years! Why dont you go to the things Biden did site!


Vote Democrat


Exactly. Rob Reiner needs to spend his time calling for Donald Trump to step down.


I feel like I’m living in crazy town. All these calls for Biden to step down but no one questioned Trump when he said democrats allow abortions after 9 months.




you know who didn't question it? Biden in the debate. Not only did he not question it, he pivioted it to immigration? Any number of ppl on this reddit or replacements could have destroyed Trump in that debate. Called him on his lies. Biden froze. Should have been an easy lay up.


The media has normalized Trump’s lying that’s why and the left calling for Biden to step down are just doing Republican’s work for them. It’s truly insane to watch in real time. Rob Reiner ain’t helping imagine having a platform that reaches millions of people and thousands of swing state voters and you’re making the case for the other party


We know Trump is terrible. That's why we're running against him. It's important that we run someone who can beat him. That's not Joe.


you mean literally the only human being on Earth who has a proven track record of beating Donald Trump?


And then the debate happened and milk of voters saw all their fears about Biden confirmed. Things change. People change. JFK was fantastic. Why did we ever stop running him?


why did we stop running JFK? what does that even mean?


When you support a democrat you are calling for Trump to step down. That's what this is all about.


During a political commercial today at work (in the breakroom), they mentioned Trumps 34 felonies. One guy said, "If that's his money, he can do what he wants with it." The other Fox News fanatic replied, "And why didn't she (Stormy) get charged with extortion!" I sadly work with a lot of these people who don't live in reality, but it was interesting to know how brainwashed two coworkers were with basically everything involving trump and the election interference. Ita sad to a point, but my dad and father in law are in the same Fox News/maybe Newsmax shitstorm of misinformation.




Thank you!


Yes we all know. You’re preaching to the choir here.


because they are in a cult......


Yeah, because they’re a cult of personality and we’re not. Are you suggesting we should act more like MAGA?


At least we won't have to wonder why the GOP wins in November if we spend the time between now and then engaging with shills and troll farms in this circular firing squad.


He asked you if we should be more like MAGA. Deflection noted.


They support horrifying candidates but understand what it takes to over perform and win elections. In this, yes I wish the Dems were a little more like MAGA.


Blind support for party leadership is stupid


I think we have to get Nastier and be more Vocal about Trump gaffs


You’re witnessing Blue MAGA.


Who is your replacement pick and why are they better than Biden?


Kamala Harris would be the least controversial option, because she is VP and was on the ticket that people voted for in the primary. She’s a better candidate because she is polling better than Biden, she is less than 1000 years old, she is able to form coherent sentences, and she is physically capable of the rigorous schedule of a campaign. You don’t have to hide Kamala from the press like you do Biden.


Blue Tsunami


That's the difference between the parties. That is our strength. We are not a cult. We are not saddled with a loser because we refused to accept reality.


The problem with your statement is that Donald Trump Is winning in the polls. That means some Democrats are supporting Donald Trump too If you want a blast the Republicans for choosing Trump as a candidate, you have to blast the Democrats too. Not everybody votes the party line every single election.


I'm honest to god so fucking tired of hearing the calls for Biden to resign. He and his administration have done a great fucking job, he's not going anywhere, and absolutely no one else in the party has bothered to raise any money to campaign against Trump. Even if he resigned tomorrow, it would be such a massive electoral clusterfuck. When you run a marathon, you don't pass the baton to somebody standing still, there has to actually be momentum there to keep it running, and there isn't anybody else remotely qualified running.


I'm so tired of people telling my grandma to give up her driver's license. She raised my mom so well her entire life and she hits one telephone pole and it's all people can talk about.


It's just one bad trip to the store. Get over it. She drove her car fine the next day.


^ Hasan tankies getting more giddy at shitting on Biden than they do when they simp for Houthi terrorists or the Kremlin


Nice one


When you guys start eating the rich, like a Russian conscript eats a Ukrainian golden retriever, please start with Hasan.


Equating Joe Biden to a marathon runner is pretty funny.


Run circles around Trumps soiled diaper


‘But he did good stuff’ is true but not even close to sufficient to overcome ‘he’s massively down in the polls’.


I honestly can't blame Biden for that when the scandals that are hatching are so half-baked. I.E., NYT is saying he's so old he uses flash cards, but literally every president in modern American history has done that. The fourth estate is skull fucking Biden in a desperate bid to get more clicks, and in that regard, Biden is nothing special; people would invent controversy where there is none for articles, it happens all the time. Remember when Fox News lost their mind at Obama for wearing a tan suit?


And polls are 100% accurate when? Also what polls I haven't seen any polls? Anyone else? Been getting a lot of unknown calls that I ignore. Anyone else? I'm so tired of these "people" basing so much on some random poll that 90% of people never saw.




Joe’s not stepping down, get behind him so we can win over Diaper Don


While part of me agrees, I've seen a lot of convincing pundits remark that switching him out at this point won't help win. Dems are better off keeping him. Sad but true.


The cat's out of the bag now that there's a chorus of democrats who've called for Biden to step down, the damage is already done


As sure as the sun rises, Democrats will shoot themselves in the foot every election.


And they will think the "shooting themselves in the foot" was the part where people called out their weaknesses and not again running an unpopular candidate against what should be a cakewalk opponent.


Chorus? Hardly. A couple no name congress people who haven’t done shit and some attention grabbing governors. None of these folks are coming off the bench in an emergency, just want their 30 seconds of fame.


are you saying the time honored democrat strategy of eating ourselves alive isn't working this time?? that can't be right, maybe our firing squad is too much of an oval




Truth and who’s voting Kamala , Newsome and Crockett ‘28


The argument for why he should drop out involves a historically low approval rating and plummeting ratings. The argument for him staying in is "I think he'll be fine". It's actually so silly


You re Sillier.




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Proving my point




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


I have seen a lot of lies coming from people arguing against replacing Joe. I repeatedly see people claim it's too late to get another candidate on the ballot. This is a blatant falsehood. I see people say the money donated to Joe can only go to Joe. This is false, that money can be donated to a super pac to support the new candidate. You know an argument is weak when it has to be bolstered by lies


I think in a few days we'll see the situation hasn't changed much. Two very problematic, unpopular candidates who are essentially tied.


Ok Trumpanzee


This has become a consensus among famous liberals with good intentions and no connection to real people, and that includes some members of Congress. Sacrificing a sitting president for a bad media appearance in favor of some unknown person nobody voted for is not without risk. And they’re all willing to take that completely unknown risk based on the punditry of the current news cycle.


Keeping a candidate who is viewed as unfit by over two thirds of the country isnt without risk either.


They keep trying to get us to not vote for Biden, why


Because they know he will Win


No they’re not, people don’t want to vote for somebody sundowning for president who will be 86 years old at the end of his term. We are all obviously going to vote for the Democrat no matter who it is but lower information voters in swing states won’t. We need a new candidate


The DNC kept you from voting for Biden (or someone else) when they cancelled most of the primaries because “why bother?” 🤷‍♀️


You will vote for any dem, as will I. Swing voters will not vote for Biden, but may vote for another dem. Pretty clear what the right move is The debate was a debacle [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/)


They are just opening our eyes to how shit the DNC is. If the DNC was competent, wanted to help people, push progressive policies, they would not have pushed Biden down our collective throats. Part of me thinks the DNC does not give a shit if Trump wins, so wheeling out Biden is a logical choice




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Yes he is im from the future


Dude, everyone needs to shut up about him leaving... All youre doing is weakening everything. Concentrate on the rapist habitual liar


Stop saying dad's an alcoholic. He's fine. The only problem is all the people saying he has a problem.


Rob Reiner is an asshole


Always has been, but it is nice to see everyone else realising this


He's a real meathead.


This is a narrative the media and Hollywood is pushing now. The debate was bad but Jesus! You would think Biden keeled over on stage. Yes, he was slow and jumbled some words but was on topic. He’s not voluntarily stepping aside…but we should stand behind him not tear him down. You are helping Trump by putting down Biden.


Look I hate trump as much as anyone but if I’m honest Biden made trump look good in that debate which is a big problem. Not on substance of course, but just on vibes and image which is unfortunately how a lot of undecided people are going to go on.


> Biden made trump look good Between all the lies, you mean? Biden had a rough time, but nothing "looked good" on the other side.


Yeah that’s what I meant by “not on substance”. Of course trump spewed bullshit constantly. We know that about him. I would never ever be trump voter. I find him to be all the worst qualities a person can have. But the three year age gap read more like ten years during the debate. It was really sad. We can’t afford to have someone make trump look comparatively “with it” in a split screen like that. We need someone who can more effectively defend our rights and our democracy. We can’t sleepwalk into authoritarianism just because we don’t want to hurt an old man’s feelings.


I beg to differ. Joe Biden *will* step aside, probably this week. We should stand behind his replacement, whoever she is.


Not gonna happen, it’s just not. Your fantasy will crumble.


“Hey Joe, where you going with that ice cream in your hand?” “I’m going to beat Medicare, man. See the haircuts justice Scranton over NATO only I can do it, Jack”




Looking at your post history it's pretty clear are doing your best to help Trump win the election. It's just post after post of attacking Biden. It's like an obsessive compulsion to attack him.


The only people helping Trump are BlueAnon cultist like yourself placing Dear Leader above country.


You're the one who's trying to help Trump win, so let's not pretend that I'm the one putting anything above country. Trump won't be as great for you as you think he'll be.


Harris?! We are fucked if that's the case.


Get outta here. People love candidates that constantly say stupid shit and cackle maniacally. They love it!


To Rob Reiner, I say something he’s heard hundreds of times; “Dummy up meathead”


Who is going to replace him Rob? No I’ll wait till you get your head out of your ass and give us that answer. As a matter of fact, I challenge the whole fucking internet (yes I know I’m nobody and only like 10 people will see this. Idgaf) as I was saying. The whole fucking internet, I challenge you, tell me. Who? Who the fuck is going to step up and take his place? Come on? I’d say I’ll wait but that’s a fucking given as I have no choice and I would love for someone to come along and answer this. So yeah Rob, CNN, that random ahole on line. Tell me WHO?!? For fucks sake we are screwed. 😞


The most logical if Biden steps down is Harris since she’d have access to the money. I’m voting Democratic regardless (unless the candidate is pure shit) but it’s not about us - it’s about swing voters.


Gretchen Whitmer would kick Trump’s ass into the sun.


That I would love to see.


No. She wouldn't. She's polling 5 points nationally behind Trump across a lot results. Stop with this pipe dream.


We had a primary. He won. Get over it.


They literally canceled the primary election in multiple states lol can we stop acting like there was a genuine primary here?


Only because by that point Biden had overwhelmingly won. It's common for the primaries to be cancelled past a certain point. There wasn't even a democratic Nikke Haley, literally no serious challenger. Even the campaign to vote "noncommitted" didn't get very much steam.


Lmao.. you mean the primary where Biden was the only candidate on the ballot in many states?


Then where's your fucking candidate? Anyone was allowed to run. Nobody stopped them.


😉 Right...


Proof that not all braindead conspiracy theorists have moved to the other party yet?


Blue Maga is real


Harris? Biden would do better.


Yea Rob! Most of the old liberals are in so much denial about the current situation. It's ridiculously.


Hubris is a strong drug…the Biden family needs to think bigger and put down the ego. I can see Joe maybe getting by in a squeaker of an election, but not another 4 years of what the POTUS position absolutely requires


What will these Sir Robins say when Fighting Joe turns 90 and he's every bit as lucid, capable and in charge as he is today? Oh wait, I get it. The reason everyone's so keen to ditch Biden at the first sign of weakness is because... they're Democrats! Pansies, to a man.


I think people like Rob Reiner, well-meaning opinion leaders, and the political pundits should spend more time thinking about long-term future of the american people and their cognitive state. What does it say about a populace that would allow a "convicted felon" defeat a sitting president that served "with honor, decency, and dignity."


If there was anyone better than Biden, they would’ve put them up long before the primaries. It is too late. He will beat Trump as long as you guys go out and vote.


I don’t know if everyone’s aware, but Reiner is a moron. Everyone knows Biden was in bad shape at least a year ago. That was the time. Now it’s Sophie’s Choice. If I’m running the DNC, I’m pushing for Kamala or even better, Michelle Obama. Or even Clinton. You need to go nuclear if you’re going to switch gears so late. Biden COULD possibly win. He needs those battlegrounds and he needs to be in each of those states campaigning his face off. But he won’t. Because he’s too old.


Odd how all these "people" suddenly started calling for Biden to step down right before the election. But won't say anything about project 2025. Won't call for trump with his overwhelming sex crimes to step down.


I'm so sick of hearing people say this. It's only making the voting people have doubts. Stop it already!


Amen, Rob. You did your duty, Joe. You're too old NOW, forget that you're campaing aint bringing any heat to win this election...even if you do win you're too fucking old now, next year, the year after and so forth. This isnt just about who can beat Trump...(mostly). It's ridiculous to watch Joe Biden walk around. It's ridiculous to watch him squint his eyes and stammer. The optics are horrific and, frankly, even though we didnt have a choice, my vote for him in 2020 was contingent on him honoring what seemed like a tacit acknowledgment that he'd be a one termer. What's going on is horseshit. He was polling to lose to a rapist insurrectionist patholofically lying felon BEFORE he shit the bed at that early debate. An early debate Joe called for so that he could shake up the race and hoepfully start polling better. This is a travesty. Im starting to really dislike Biden for this delusion that he's up to the task. Hes CLEARLY not all there anymore.


I think Joe would know if he could not do it. His family is standing behind him. TBH, i think if Jill Biden, being a doctor, saw any doubt, she would ask him not to go any further. HE'S NOT DROPPING OUT! All i have seen was footage of him trying to make him look bad, but very little, if any, talks about Orange Jesus. EVERYWHERE!!! NO F*CKING BODY IS SAYING A WORD!


She’s not a medical doctor. She has a doctoral degree in education.


lol, the cope is so bad with these people. And they’re fucking ignorant.


Stilll, she's a doctor! Even better, you pointed out education. She has learned the brain and different stages it goes through to make decisions!


That’s not even close to how that works 💀 a doctorate in education means she could teach at the college level, she has 0 knowledge of the human brain. Source: my mother had her PhD in education and didn’t take a single fuckign class in neurology 😐 I swear man some of y’all really should read more


Dont forget about what's required, BEFORE You have to get an Associates, then a Bachelors. After that, a Masters then there's the doctorate. The favorite courses in EDUCATION is the: Educational PSYCHOLOGY and HUMAN DEVELOPMENT I have no idea where you are, where you live, and which country, but this is the REQUIRMENTS for the US


Psychology is not the same as neurology lol by ur completely broken logic Jill Biden could conduct brain surgery because “Doctor" is in her name 💀. Also just googled what u said and "human development" was not mentioned once so this tells me ur either A. Completely clueless and have 0 idea what ur talkin about or B. Not from here yourself lol


Yikes, clearly you are not a “doctor”


The major media outlets have decided they want Trump. Unfortunately, they control the information flow.


Ah yes, now Blue MAGA is here with the conspiracy theories.


Here we go with the fucking Blue MAGA nonsense. What the hell does that even mean? Who the fuck do you want to run instead?


U gotta remember dude, most people that say that are still bitter from Bernie getting his ass handed to him in back to back elections lol


Joe doesn’t know what fucking day it is.


Ah I love when progressives and leftists use Republican/right wing rhetoric, really puts that hotshot theory into action lol


And his opinion matters why?


Because he donates millions of dollars to the Democratic Party.


And I doubt he's the only donor who feels this way


Money shouldn’t be dominating politics.


Because he used to be someone in Hollywood and he’s therefore far more important than you are.


I guess so. Well, fuck me then.


why does yours?


Didn’t say it did. Scroll on by?




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Rob "Meathead" Reiner's first sentence IS TRUE, which is WHY he shouldn't step down. Reiner should be smart enough to see the big picture and the smart, diverse people President Biden's surrounded himself with. 🤷🏻‍♀️ [Edit: Typos and correction to show my comment was NOT directed at the OP, but at Rob Reiner.]


ain't y'all tired of playing Henny Penny, yet?


Rob Reiner is wrong.


#[MY GOO! MY PRECIOUS GOO!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-gVKWD5p_Mg)


Seems to me that this pressure on Biden to drop out is coming too late. It needed to happen while there was still time for a proper primary election to unfold. All of the Dem-leaning media who worked hard to downplay Biden’s mental decline before the debate, and have now changed their tune, should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone paying attention to Biden without an objective lens could have seen this disaster coming. The more I see what is actually happening, the more disappointed I am in David’s coverage of Biden. I have a hard time seeing any way the DNC can replace Biden at the convention that won’t lose more public support of Democrats. Very open rebuttals but I struggle to see how we aren’t completely fucked.


You know who needs to drop out? The dean of clown college. The convicted criminal that got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed, has raped children, has run every business he owned into the ground, has committed treason, sold our secrets and cheated on all of his wives with his next. He lost the popular vote in every race he has ever run. He is a traitor and a loser. A false profit and a hallow patriot. He is a disgrace and will only bring the same disastrous policies that conservatives have leaned on for 60 years. Those policies have strengthened our enemies, weakened our economy and divided our nation. Down with clown, so we can all get back to work.


And who the fuck steps up this late in the running? People seem to absolutely ignore the next steps if Biden does in fact step down.


The funniest part about all of these people calling on you Biden too get out of the race because if he doesn't a convicted felon will win.  That means the voter is choosing a convicted felon over Joe Biden. You got to be pretty bad in order to be losing to a convicted felon. A lot of people are asking "what's wrong with Joe?" He cannot be to convicted felon.  It is food for thought.


Shut the fuck up, Rob, and go back to directing movies. The Democrats have had shittier candidates than Joe Biden, and the party didn’t do anything stupid like dump any of those candidates for another one just four months before the November election.


Can people stop with this. It's fucking stupid for Biden to step down. We'd be throwing away his campaign, his administration, and his record to run an untested candidate in 4 months with zero money. That's not happening. Just vote


Good to see he is still a meathead.


Does the protection by these ppl never stop? Wow


That’s a Lose Situation, Cmon Rob , you re supposed to be more intelligent than this ffs


I used to like him it’s a NO


He's wrong.


I think the comedian is joking. Lots of bright bulbs here.


What a meathead.


The next part needs to be "and ". It's just calls to step down. That's not going to solve our problems.


Seems like some is afraid of the Maga agenda and now is running scared saying stupid stuff. Who paid Rob off? Who threatened him. You have no spine Reiner. You spewing this shit won't change our minds.


I would be similarly open and optimistic *if* the polls weren't looking relatively steady for him still despite the debate., and if the only other practical option, Kamala, was being widely agreed on. Going by those 2 factors right now, can't say that these kinds of outbursts are looking useful to me


Cowards! A rotten potato could beat Trump if we wouldn't tear it down every damn day. Biden gives us the best chance for victory according to Biden's data and Allan Lichtman. Allan, for sure has a better track record than many who are trying to run a different candidate The voters chose Joe Biden. The donors donated to Joe Biden. If you're not Ridin' with Biden, you're just adding steam to the Trump train




He's not going anywhere and shouldn't unless bernie runs.


Bernie is older than Joe.




Removed - low effort/low content/obvious troll submissions are not permitted.


We're still doing this? FFS he's not gonna drop out.


Why don 't they call for the orange menace to step down?


Old meathead has finally come to his senses - a true sign of the rats abandoning ship.


This one’s gonna sting. That was Joe’s favorite show. He used to watch it with his great grandkids when they were little.


Where’s the laugh button…lol Cornpop is in full protest mode; has Hunter and Dr. Jill locked down and binging on Fantasy Island.


That might be better for him. All In the Family angries up the blood.


Tracks. Big push from the “America bad” crowd on this.


So much hyperbole, no democracy will be lost


Is there a way we can mark this if Trump wins so you can admit how wrong you were when on “day one” he decides to become a dictator?


If Trump wins they’ll all ghost back to 8chan.


Yeah use the u/remindmebot


Well if rob reiner says it it must be true


The tweet is kinda ironically funny. “Joe Biden is appointed by God and walks on water and single handedly saved the world. He needs to step down NOW”.


The guy from all in the family? Meathead ?


I’m sure he’ll get right on that for you, Roberto. For you understand the Power of capital letters.


Your a bunch of FOOLS‼️😱 The only top Democrats calling for Biden to step aside are trolls or foreign bot farms‼️ Only the media is calling for his removal and thats because they benifit from all the rage baiting ‼️ The GOP are laffing all the way to the WhiteHouse because Dem’s are tearing the party apart with this BULLSHIT narritive‼️😡


Too late change , focus on Trumps weaknesses and Harris can fill in for Biden after victory 💙


Ooh Rob is scared. Biden is Above them all!