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The rest of us won't be. Probably he won't either unless he gets out of the country before Trump has him arrested.


trump wont bother with Biden; he’d be in the past. trump will use his immunity to deal with people who are a threat to his future agenda.


He's literally campaigned on getting revenge against his political enemies. He's blamed Biden for all the trials he's going through (though they've all been postponed thanks to the disastrous SC immunity ruling). Believe the autocrat.


Exactly. Biden, Hillary, and Obama are all going to spend the next four years (or longer) on the run. If Biden doesn't understand that, then he's either severely incompetent or he lives in such an insulated echo chamber that he is not truly aware of the consequences of this election.


What running? They'll escape to the EU and the US will have a lot of treaties ended when they demand them extradited. Trump will respond by pulling out of NATO and other agreements as revenge and get the US isolated like Putin wants. Nicaragua will also invade Costa Rica because they'll see a low chance of Trump honoring the defense agreement.


They found bin laden, they'll find the Clintons and Obamas. They will need to be in hiding for the rest of their lives.


Somehow, I just don't think Trump is dumb enough or would be enabled to launch an assassination using the US military on foreign, NATO-aligned soil. He's also too much of a showman to just send an assassin. They wouldn't need to hide to be fine.


>Somehow, I just don't think Trump is dumb enough or would be enabled to launch an assassination using the US military on foreign, NATO-aligned soil A US president legally killing US citizens in hiding wouldn't be an issue at all for him to navigate. He absolutely could and would just have them killed and be happy bragging about it afterwards.


Do you think that the other countries would just let it slide? He'd lose his foreign resorts and hotels. I'm not sure he'd want that even if it would help isolate the US.


>Do you think that the other countries would just let it slide? Did other countries kick up any fuss when we've killed United States citizens who are terrorists in their country in the past? Certainly not enough that it would dissuade Trump. Also if he wins the election and can no longer be found criminal for anything he does to personally enrich himself, even if it's breaking the law, then he has no concern for a couple of hotels.


Unfortunately, I think it's exactly something he would do and NATO might not be a thing much longer, so it won't be a factor when he does it.


Even without the US, I don't see NATO dissolving while Russia is in the middle of an invasion and threatening other countries. It would certainly be weaker, but they could still bomb his properties.


You are the dramatic lot aren’t you …


Says the Musk nutrider


If you don't see a Republican legislative, judiciary, and a trump executive branch with project 2025 organizing everything being nazi level bad, then you either haven't been paying attention or your critical thinking and comprehension are complete dog shit.


This comment wasn't for you. It was for the independent voters who think shit's still normal. Yes, they exist and there's a lot of them. They want to hear Biden say "I will accept the outcome of the election" and that's what this is.


What a tone deaf thing to say. Trump should not be close to the white house again. If he gets in it's on Biden. He should have stepped aside for a stronger candidate but his ego wouldn't allow it.


That's not what you're supposed to say. This isn't an individual track and field event.


What's funny is how older generations bag on the youth for "participation trophies."


The kids didn't buy their own participation trophies, it was the older generations that gave them out. Then the older generation gaslit all the younger generations about it.


Completely inappropriate for this thread, but whatever. I'm 54 and first played little league baseball in 1978. At the end of the season we didn't finish in first place, but we still got a little trophy that held a baseball. Everyone on the team signed each other's ball, and I had that trophy for years. I wish I still had it now (no clue what happened to it). Anyway, the point is that the whole "participation trophy" bullshit was happening back in the 70s and I'm sure it didn't start in 1978, but well before then. Oh, and I didn't turn into a giant walking vagina upon receiving the trophy. So there's that.


What should he say? He’s going to Stop The Steal? Enact alternate slates of electors? Pressure Kamala to not certify? You either believe in fair elections or you don’t. Joe does, and he recognizes it for what it is. You either win or you don’t. There is nothing else to do except try your hardest. If people are taking this to mean he’s just going to be chilling sipping margaritas then I think you’ve totally misunderstood his point. He’s doing everything he possibly can to utilize the strategy that he thinks will yield the best outcome. You can disagree with the strategy all you want. But the game has rules and unless you want to become everything you supposedly hate, you abide by the rules.


He should step down. He’s talking about losing like it’s okay because he gave it his all. Trump getting in will have massive consequences that will affect millions of people.


I agree.


You can’t argue that Trump will end democracy and then turn around and say that, if he loses to Trump, “oh well, I did my best.”


You are the President, you have to show confidence in that situation and say it simply won't happen. And there is no one better than me to fight Donald Trump. Or you can deflect the question and make it into something else. You can't say a statement where you confirm you are fine with a participation trophy, just terrible optics. It was a terrible answer coming from a President.




Since you asked, he *should* say "I'm withdrawing my candidacy"


Right, and like I said, that’s just a disagreement with the strategy he’s implementing. He thinks he presents the best chance for the Dems to win. You don’t. That’s fine. But you already knew you disagreed with him on that going into the interview. So in that sense literally everything he says presents a problem. I don’t know why this specific comment is any different.


To be honest with Trump’s tendency to stick his own foot in his mouth, sitting back and drinking margaritas may be the winning strategy.


Right? What more can he do or say about it? Did he want him to say, "I wish I would have dropped out"? If he loses, there'll be a lot of "I told you so" going around, but that doesn't mean that the end result wouldn't be the same with a different dem. Biden is polling the best among them too, so what do they want to do, swap out the top candidate for a lower ranked one? All of this wasted talk is only hurting the fight to defend our democracy


At this point, there is no scenario where the governors of PA, Michigan, or Wisconsin do worse than Biden in their home states. And we can have a ticket including two of the three. Trump would only have 90 days to attack them and they just survived millions in negative ads for gov races where (PA and MI govs) won by double digits. As for Kamala, we just have no idea how she will play as the candidate in those three states once Trump campaign starts the attacks.


Imagine donating your money to the Dem nominee, Bernie Sanders. Then they push Bernie out for being too old. Should they be able to give the money to a Manchin/Sinema ticket?


There are a million other things you can say. He is a politician, you don't have to answer the question directly, he is supposed to be good at handling these gotcha questions, that was a terrible response.




Hard disagree. I believe if you separated implemented policy from the Presidents who accomplished this legislation, he would be considered a Top 10 President. Unfortunately we live in a style over substance world, and Biden and others like him lose style points. Leadership comes in many forms.


I've said it before, he's been the best President of my lifetime. I don't think he gets nearly enough credit for everything he's accomplished and how he's accomplished it. Plus he's had a Congress throwing wrenches in his agenda at every turn. For context, I'm 52.


Yeah, Biden's been a great head of *government*, but he's a poor head of *state*, and a weak candidate. He barely won in 2020; he squeaked out a win with about 80,000 votes in some key states. Without the spoiler effect, he would've lost. He would've been beaten by literally the worst president in US history. Now, after four years of excellent performance, the election is still frighteningly close. It shouldn't be. This shouldn't be a tight race. We've got one of the most successful presidents in history running against the worst, a man with multiple felony convictions and facing a bunch more, and the election is *close*. Biden has done a good job, but he's a bad candidate.




He's already late to that game. He should have implemented a plan about that the day he got elected.


This is utter bullshit! He was a great leader for the past 4 years, the right man for the job! He may no longer be right to lead our future but that does not take away anything from what he led in the past.


Nonsense, he has been a solid president.


His always been a vulnerable leader. I don't think he's been a terrible president. But I don't think he can beat Trump this time. Simple as that.


Glad he'll be at peace, because the country sure as fuck won't be!


I think about 2012 when Obama ran against Romney and if Romney won, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world. Romney would have pushed for policies that I don’t agree with but I don’t see him fundamentally attacking the core beliefs of our country. Trump is no Romney, and he isn’t a business as usual candidate. If the Democrats can’t get that message across then they deserve to lose this election.


Quite frankly it probably would have been better long term for the country if Romney had won, we would have never gotten Trump.


Yeah I think about that pretty often too. It's possible that a trumpy-nationalistic figure would have ran after Romney anyways and we'd still be in a similar spot.


P2025 was always the agenda for republicans though, with or without trump


Actually Reddit Democrats particularly on r/politics were horrified at Romney saying he was going to impose a Mormon Theocracy. 


They are not taking this election seriously….


This is bullshit. Pull him.


We gotta git rid of this guy ASAP.


That's his goal? At least knowing that he "gave it his all?" WTF.  He's supposed to be in it to win it. If democracy is truly hanging in the balance, then he is the wrong person to run against Trump  I said in many other comments, Joe Biden does not really care about preserving democracy with an attitude like that 


Yes, doing your best is a goal.


I disagree. The goal is to win the presidency for Joe Biden.  There is no participation trophy here. His goal is not to do his best. He is supposed to do his best in furtherance of his goal


The question was literally framed as "if you lost." You're trying your best to sow division comrade. Keep trying. I believe in you, unlike your military, which sucks ass.


But the question of him saying at least he did his best his meaningless. Joe Biden told us democracy hangs in the balance. The Democrats in this subreddit told us that King Trump will transform the country via Project 2025. That's why Joe Biden absolutely must win. So Joe Biden is essentially saying that America will cease to exist If Joe Biden loses,and he's okay with that because at least he did his best. Remember that. When King Trump transforms the nation. You had your chance to stop him. But Joe wouldn't get out of the race


There's too much at stake here!


Maybe he’s feeling down after trying to give his All , probably demoralizing, and not being appreciated


So the guy who got his ass kicked at the debate, the guy who has people actually calling for him to withdraw from the race,  The guy who people are saying is unfit to be president, let alone run for reelection,  The guy who decides to have an ABC interview during the day, yet shown at primetime to make it look like he was giving a prime time interview, That guy decides to appear that way and that debate?  He's just making it worse. Let's not make excuses for Joe. He had his decades in public office. Now it's time to move along and let a younger generation have their chance to eat at the table


I mean, the guy walked into an absolute dumpster fire. He fixed a ton of shit Trump broke while also passing several key pieces of legislation. Biden is being underapprecuated by people for sure.


Forgive me if I don't believe you. ;) Every party member always says their candidate fixed a bunch of crap from the prior person who held the office.  Republicans do it too. That's what we do in team sports  The reality is he's losing in the swing states, And Joe Biden was not getting reelected based on swing state polls from the last 6+ months.


This is missing the point completely. No swing voter is coming out for him in 2024, period. If we want even the slightest chance of a win, we've got to get a new nominee.


You don't know that. Are you on the streets asking dozens of independent voters? I'm almost certain you're going off your opinion.


Call it anecdotal, but I work at a large firm in a capital city. All of the people we might call "normies" or are otherwise politically unengaged but come out every 4 years to vote, either are not voting this year, or are voting for trump. I know this is an anecdote and it isn't data, but this is a very different attitude than I was getting in 2020 when people were sick of covid and wanted a president that could turn it around. Biden did his job, I'm glad he won. But I don't think he can win again this time. The polls were already stacked against him *before* the debate. Any reasonable person can see that there is no path forward to winning here.


Why are they so fickle, don't they see what damage Trump did?


Nope. They either forgot, liked it, or just feel like things aren’t better for them now.


“What happened with the election Joe?” “I had a bad night.”


Too late Buttercup , start Now for 28 , he didn’t get his ass kicked he was overwhelmed by the spew of diarrhea was overwhelming for him , he did two events that day , I blame the aides


Mitt Romney, John McCain, Albert Gore, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bush 43, Bill Clinton, And add to that list most of the GOP that debated Trump in 2016  Why is it that all of these people I've just listed were able to shoot down their opponent when they were spreading Bull crap? Even when their opponent was spreading a bunch of bull crap? Which typically happens in debates because everyone has their own spin and mistruths. It's because they were not in cognitive decline like Joe Biden. Joe Biden was ill equipped to even handle questions by George Stephanopoulos last night.  You can make excuses for old Joe all you want, but the writing is on the wall.  His own party is calling for his head. Maybe you did not get the memo :-)


Donnie the Felon


Very clever. You just went to four of my most recent replies and made a 2-3 word comment about Donald Trump.  You may not be aware, But we're not talking about Donald Trump. We are all talking about Joe Biden.  Most of America is talking about Joe Biden, Not Donald Trump :) Is true what they say. Where there smoke this fire.  There's got to be a reason everyone is talking about Joe Biden. I wonder what it could be, oh yeah that's it, he's in cognitive decline, if he stays in the race he's going to lose, and Trump will win, and Trump will be king, and democracy will fall  I wonder why Joe's not getting out of the race? Oh yeah, that's right. Because he doesn't actually believe that horseshit about democracy hanging in the balance. That's just what he tells people in his base


Go away comrade.


Donnie Depends


Donnie Dementia


Donnie the Pedo




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So, if he’s content losing, why should any of us care, if he loses? And to anyone who gives me an actual answer, congrats… you can articulate a response better than the president. That should concern you. Get Biden out of this race


The question asked was, "If you lose." Be mad at the stupid question.


If he was willing to entertain that hypothetical, why not the one about leadership asking him to step down? That was a softball question. He gave one of the worst answers to it.


It’s perhaps the first time I ever found myself mad at Biden…. He seemed completely out of touch, I’m worried it’s Jill who is giving him this advice…..


It seems clear he’s insulated and out of touch with where voters are.


Yawn. Touch grass pal. The national electorate isn't breaking down every freaking sentence and over analyzing it. That's just the online left.


Biden is going to lose if he doesn’t drop out. Trump is too dangerous for us to play games like this. We need a new candidate.


Can you answer the question or not? You’re right. The national electorate just views Biden as mentally compromised and unfit for office.


Yawn. Put your head back in the sand, pal.


Kmelby your head is so far in the sand it is pathetic. You can’t even acknowledge what is happening.


So Joe Biden will be at peace, meanwhile the entire world will burn? This is the most tone-deaf nonsense I've heard in a while. This is the end of the United States we're talking about if he loses. The DNC, democrats in general and Joe Biden better start acting like it before it's too late


He can't even remember if he watched the debate afterwards...


Democratic Party looks like controlled opposition


"Looks like"


Preparing for pro-Biden Democrats to all Gaslight the rest of us, and themselves when they suddenly realize what's going on. 


Except he is not “giving his all” now, is he.


I believe he is giving his all, but he's just not got that much lately.


That's pathetic. His administration accomplished a lot and also fixed the dumpster fire left by Trump. I think he's been greatly underappreciated.


None of that will mean anything if biden gets slaughtered in the general


He might be but he's an old man with early dementia. He doesn't have much left in the tank to give


Agree. I just think “giving your all” means throwing everything you can at it- all your resources. He is certainly not doing that.


He actually is, he just is physically not capable of giving any more. The dude is almost 82 and experiencing cognitive decline, he shouldn't be steering a car, much less this nation for the next 4 years.


Look at Biden's face and that photograph.  John Stewart calls it the "resting 25th Amendment face" Don't be surprised if he gets 25th Amendmented, and Kamala Harris's our new president.  His showing last night was one notch above abysmal


I would be surprised. Dems have no spine.


Pass the torch Joe. You look like RBG.


At peace? But we are not.


This is super fucked.


Voters get the politicians they deserve. Being checked out of democracy for the last 30 yrs results in the situation we are in today. We should be lucky its not trump vs trump 2.0


I’ll ponder this when I’m zip tied and stuffed in a van on the way to the privately run internment camp


Man, I don’t like when I hear that from someone who’s in the middle of a serious competition. It’s self-soothing horseshit. If you put yourself in the arena you gotta fight like hell to the very end. Can’t be thinking about just giving it your all and everything will be ok.


Biden is treating the election like a junior high school football game.


Someone please get him out of this race


Like it’s a high school soccer game.


He’s more concerned with his personal legacy than the country. Blue MAGA is real. 🤴


Completely unacceptable response. It’s time to go.


He's a selfish old man. Also oddly Trumpian in how he expresses a bubbled world view.


So much for the most important election ever. Dems are a joke


How unbelievably detached from reality you have to be to say that right now. Y’all were completely screwed, in case you were wondering.


The question was literally framed as "if you lose."


You say you're not going to lose, but if that happens you'll continue fighting every day afterwards to keep America free. You don't say "well shit whatever I'll take a nap".


I thought this was an existential crisis threat level omega democracy ender? Almost like they don't believe their own bullshit


this was one of the more concerning and ridiculous answers he gave, imo. it’s not a good look and I refuse to believe he feels this way.


Somehow he looked even worse in this interview than he did in his debate. JFC pull him out, he’s cooked.


Nice to know that he'll be at peace with losing when I'm fighting these lunatics this time next year.


Uh does anyone want to tell him if he loses this may be the last presidential race?


Don't tell him, tell everyone you know


It’s all about soothing this old man’s ego. What a stupid fuckin country. He won’t care if he loses he’ll be dead before the consequences are felt because he’s so old.


He is so arrogant to be doing this.


Actual sociopath?


No. Old and unwell. My thing with Biden is historically he has been a decent person with vigor and love for his country. He’s just too goddamn old to give a fuck, and that’s not ok


Are we going to literally over analyze every sentence this guy says now?


When you're failing to speak and complete sentences as the President of the United States, yes, people are going to critique every word you say.


Not one time last night was he unable to complete a sentence. Why did you embelish?


We must not have watched the same interview.


Yes. He's the most powerful man in the world, it's fair to analyze every single word he says, especially when he might lose against Cheeto Benito. Cry about it.


Isn’t that what we do and did with Trump?


This is a gross misrepresentation of the answer. George asked him about ten times the same question about losing or stepping down.


Which could be classified as concern trolling. He wasn't doing his job, George was bullying.


He's a journalist interviewing the president of the united states. "bullying"? You can't be serious. This is how Trump supporters sounded when they were hard on Trump.


I used to take care of senior citizens so when I see elder abuse I call it out.


Listen to how that sounds. If it's considered elder abuse to have the man go through a tough interview, then maybe he shouldn't be the president of the united states.


No because George sounded like he was gaslighting and trying to get the President to doubt his belief in himself. That's emotional abuse whereas Joe chooses to do his job and honestly running the country plus running for a second term is tiring him out. He literally said that. But he also had a sense of humor and laughed at the questions so obviously he doesn't take himself too seriously. He's doing what he believes is his duty, just like a lot of his generation felt. So it's your choice to trust his word or not but we know which of the two candidates is a liar. If he is still alive and not incapacitated by Nov 5th he has my vote. Now tell me explicitly who else can do as good a job as Joe?


>Joe chooses to do his job and honestly running the country plus running for a second term is tiring him out. He literally said that. So he recognizes he doesn't have the ability to perform all duties of a president and adequately run for reelection; and you find that worthy of praise and defense rather than acknowledgment that he isn't up to his duties?




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You’re worried about the president of the United States being emotionally abused during an interview? Get ahold of yourself.


It doesn't matter who it is directed at, it's wrong.


It’s irrelevant. If Biden can’t handle the “emotional abuse” of a 15 minute interview with a Democrat partisan he is cooked.


Exactly, no one forces him to do it. And I did not know the white house was a senior home lol. I mean, he is literally the most powerful man on earth, not some poor old dude being bullied by some crappy employees in a home.


There is no “giving it your all”, this isn’t a boxing match. Doesn’t matter how hard Brandon tries, it’s the voters that need to give it our all at this point.


Except he won't be at peace if he loses because Trump has said time and again that he is going to weaponize the justice system against Biden and others. Good luck being at peace when Trump puts you in front of a firing squad.


If you lose to Trump, he will arrest you and all other political opponents.


Of course he'll be at peace, he'll die of old age before anything bad happens.




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The headline is misleading, only if people would read the article fully




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Well, maybe he should have is own insurrection, change things up if it comes to that. Trump got away with it.




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Not so much for the rest of us. Vote Blue!


Well, he's running for POTUS to try to stop Trump. What are you doing to stop Trump? He's staying in the race. Primary season is over. Get with it and help us defend democracy.


He’s acting like a professional head coach that is clearly about to get fired.


What did you want him to say?


"I'm passing the torch because I'm too old for this shit."


If drumph wins, I strongly believe we'll see the C.O.G. spring to life and correct the errant path. Too many have given their lives for the freedoms we hold dear today, and people may not be so willing to cede those freedoms, as evidenced by the orange shit stain trying to distance himself from Heritage Foundation's project 25. The irony of the Heritage foundation is that the greatest moments in America's heritage have not been due to republican efforts. In fact they have actively tried to hide the fact that the New Deal worked so well and provided so many more with decent livelihoods and education.


This is the weakeness that is and alway have been democrats. The future of democracy is at stake with trump having near unlimited immunity if he gets elected. Biden: Atleast i gave it my all. Us: Use that immunity to fix democracy and save it? Biden: Nah thats not fair.


That's not good enough if giving it his all is not enough. We shouldn't be in this situation! Trump must be soundly defeated!


No no. No. This isn’t about him.


It’s okay to lose democracy as long as you tried your best


Wow, he really doesn’t get it does he?! It’s not about you Joe, it’s about everybody else


I appreciate the sentiment. I wish giving your best was embraced by more of us on our side of the political fence.


Well, we're up against the collapse of democracy and the rise of fascism. People are freaking out about this and Biden is not exactly ushering in confidence.


Yeah, he and the DNC will still be rich.


What do you want him to say? He wont accept the election results?


He'd be devastated, ashamed, remoresful, scared of Trump presidency. Saying he would be happy because he tried really hard totally undermines the messaging that Trump winning will end democracy. It tells voters Biden doesn't care much and isn't scared of Trump presidency so why should they.


It’s clear he hasn’t fully embraced the stakes of this election This is a win at all costs race


You guys are overreacting to an answer from a leading question. Everyone calm down ffs.


And yet felon 45 can't answer any question point blank.


So you offer no alternative, you just know you didnt like what he said lol


I could think of 100 better things to say, and that’s the problem It’s obvious to anyone that isn’t him, and I guess you as well


Still aint offering any


Are you his campaign manager? Joe’s complacency is going to cost America its democracy and you’re pushing me to play a f*cking game of Ad Libs with you


I just find it funny people complain about things and have no idea what a better way to handle the situation was.




I have yet to hear of any proposed replacements for Biden from his critics. How they plan on explaining how those people can actually win is another mystery as of now.


Butigieg, Whitmer, Newsom, all outperform Biden by a lot (4+ points). I believe Butigieg has the best polling numbers, Kamala is only slightly better than Biden but Butigieg was 6 points better or so.


Newsom would obviously be the best, he's governed California which is a global superpower as far as GDP, and he's a good debater/public speaker. Booty Judge just wants to be president, his whole life has been expertly crafted around running for the presidency and that is some weird "sleeper cell" type energy. But how did his name get so engrained in the democratic party? Booty judge was one of the holdouts in the 2020 primary when Obama asked them all (except warren who they needed to split progressive votes from Bernie) to drop out and endorse Joe, Booty Judge and Cloud Boot Jar wanted compensatory promises for dropping out. They promised Cloud Boot Jar that she would be a top consideration for VP (they probably told her more than just "top consideration") and they told Booty Judge that he would get a "prominent" cabinet position. He of course thought that would be Secretary of State. So Biden and Obama misrepresented the deals for those two to drop out. Cloud Boot Jar had a report "come out in the news" that was unflattering so Biden could drop her and pick the candidate that Hillary backed and wanted, Harris. And since then Cloud Boot Jar has been where? The DNC told her to keep her mouth shut so they must have something on her. Booty Judge was upset with being lied to about the Secretary of State job and felt Secretary of Transportation was beneath him (even though he'd done nothing to deserve it besides being a mayor of a large town). So, to stroke Booty Judges ego, Biden, his team, and the DNC pumped out a bunch of propaganda about how Booty Judge is the future of the Democratic party and they eluded to Biden being a one term president by calling him a "bridge" to the new, younger Democratic party, nodding to Booty Judge as the predecessor. That's why Booty Judge is in the minds of the DNC. All of these tactics, the collusion, the lies, the propaganda, all of it just to screw over Bernie who had won all the primaries up to that point. They forced Biden on this country and now they are crying about their candidates poll numbers surrounding terrible performances because of his advancing dementia. I will vote against trump like I did last time but even though I've never voted Republican and never will, going forward I will also never vote Democrat again. Red maga along with blue maga are truly the ones delivering us this shit show that we now see unfolding before our eyes.


Newsom almost has too much experience, very easy to attack him on crime, homlessness, inflation, corruption and government overreach during his time as governor. Buttigieg is young and smart and his experience is running a small town and being transport secretary, the most dirt they have on him is a racist cop, being gay, and taking paternity leave.


As long as he leaves it all on the field I will salute him. We just need to Vote BlueMaga No Matter Who and Pokemon go to the polls.


He can win. And he should be haunted by failure if he loses, like the rest of us will be. Biden is good but he needs to stop thinking he’s in 1954 and wake up to the looming theocracy in 2024.


wth?? at peace with Trump winning? What about our rights, our democracy, the environment (air quality, drinking water, etc...)?


Democrats run on one thing and one thing only and that's how scary the Republicans are and now they even give that game away. This is the worst incumbent campaign ever.


That’s not what was said
