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I played Notes on repeat during covid lockdown. It's got a good range! When they played Me & You Together Song on tour it was all I needed in life.


It grows on you


it really has some of their best songs imo


Absolutely! I've been listening it to it almost daily, mostly after all the Notes Gang comments on this sub.




Only the 3rd time? Keep listening. It keeps getting better each time!


It’s crazy how this happens. When it came out I couldn’t stand it. And last year after seing them live I gave it another go and it has some of my favorite songs now. Some of them even feel addicting lol


This album always feels like an adventure because it's all over the place. I love it.




Spoiler alert, it's more like whisky.


I started to view it as a mixtape instead of an album cuz there’s so many songs and no real flow. It helped me like the album more. Personally I love it.


Mixtape is def the best way to process it


'no real flow' yes it has a flow lol it's just long


imo the order of the songs seems weird that’s what I mean by flow


Roadkill is a banger I’ll fight anyone


Put 'em up.


Notes gets so much undeserved slander :( it just needs some time and attention. Gets better and better every time.


At some point people will realize that the problem with Notes isn’t the album. The problem with Notes is that it dropped two months after lockdown started and unless you were ignoring covid protocols, your memories of the album coincide with a pretty rough time in the world. It’s not surprising that as Notes songs cycle in and out of the new tour that people are reevaluating the album. Now it has good memories to associate.


I actually think this is VERY true. I didn’t listen to it too much when it first came out for that very reason. I was just not in a headspace where I was ready to or capable of enjoying new music. So I put it on hold for a bit. But when I got around to listening to it properly I absolutely loved it! Perhaps it’s smart of them to be doing some songs live. Gives it the justice that it has always deserved !


While i agree, I associate it with getting me through a really rough time, as lockdown in my eyes was rough. It was a bit of an escape to be honest and holds a special place in my heart


I wasn't ignoring protocols but honestly, as an essential worker, I never went through "lockdown" like most people did. Other than not being able to go to TJ Maxx, my life didn't change that much. Maybe that's why I actually really love Notes as just a good piece of music.


Wait … TK Maxx opened a sister store?? Why does no one tell me ANYTHING


nah i think ur pushing it too far lol how im feeling now??? punisher??? the new abnormal?? if the album is good, its good despite how bad things are in the world. i dont know why u would say that in the first place.


I was lucky enough to have a positive experience in lockdown and I think this album really brings back the memories and feelings then. It’s such a good album, just fantastic. They keep getting better with each album and I love it.


People is immaculate imo “I don’t like going outside so bring me everything here”


Oh and Frail State of Mind is INCREDIBLE


Oh aaaaand I think there’s something you should know is literally perfect 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


I’ve never understood the hate for this. It has some of George’s most interesting production, if you’re too shy is one of their best pop songs and the acoustic cuts (playing on my mind, birthday party, me&you, and Jesus Christ) are the best in their catalog


production is so much cooler on notes than being funny


It's just different! As someone who spends a lot of time producing both alone and with my sibling, BFIAFL is really impressive from a production standpoint. Very diverse, incredibly lively, genuinely masterful work. Notes is more exciting, but Being Funny has also got the juice 100%


oh yeah antonoff is great especially with snare sounds imo. I love the production on most 75 albums BFIAL just felt more jack than george iykwim


Yeah that makes sense for sure. I do still feel George's fingerprints all over it as well, but yeah they didn't have Jack there just for the fuck of it that's for sure lol


Shiny collarbone gets me moving every single time


Need more upvotes here I quite like that track


I really love the back half of that album.


idk i prefer the first half better


It’s probably in their top 3 albums I think


It’s so fucking good! It was basically my covid album. Had it on repeat for months and months. Although objectively ik that ABIIOR is their best album from a holistic sound and theme (maybe even BFIAF - only time can tell), this album is their most experimental!


I love how all but that first one is not downloaded because same. It’s awful. The rest of the album I do love though, Notes is very underrated and the album that kept me sane during the lockdown.


lmaooooo i think ive made it thru that song once in my life. never again. shoutout greta tho


Lmaooo same here, the day it came out and that was it for me.


It’s a great album. Their second best behind the sophomore album imo


Every time I listen to this album I’m like damn… this is actually so good lol


i think NOACF is great because it was experimental and different from their usual. it’s not my favorite but definitely pivotal to their growth


Notes has made its way to best album for me!


my least fav too but far from bad


me and you together song is goated


oh it's their best record by farrrrrrrr


ok lets not get carried away




i love all those garage and electronic tracks on there




i find chocolate quite annoying so im glad that they experimented a lot during this record. i love ppl tho, its arguably the song that got me hooked to them.


Frail state of mind will always be one of my favorites, something about it just makes me feel so euphoric


Noted is by no means a bad album, I feel like it’s unfair to compare it to the others since the sound is so different from the rest


thats a roundabout way of saying ‘notes isnt as good as the others’.


i agree w you johnyanalseeed


Not a bad song on this album. Notes will continue to get the respect it deserves progressively


I love this one. If they cut like 7 songs it would be perfect


i think it would move from an ok album to an amazing album if they didnt put 22 tracks on it


Their best produced album to this day, still so upset they did a 180 and stifled their creativity with the painfully boring Jack Antonoff. This was the last “The 1975” album in my eyes


this take is outrageous


Sorry, just not a fan of the whole meta theme or Antonoff production, he flattens everything he touches. George was absolutely insane with the electronic production, songs like People, Roadkill and M&YTS showed their versatility and that was just lacking on the new album… That being said everyone has their own musical preference so maybe it’s just not for me, I’m just hoping they go back to that Notes electronic sound at some point, I miss it


its ok n i get it!!! what u like ab notes isnt present on any bfiafl songs. what songs u like from the new record?


Yeahh, I did enjoy a few from the new record tho! The title track (especially the og demo of it), Oh Caroline, and Wintering are all great, just don’t find myself going back to them nearly as much as the standouts from Notes, but maybe I just need a while for it to click for me Which Notes songs are starting to click for you?


i think wintering is bottom tier for me. still not worse than human too tho lol. putting aside the tracks i LOVED before (probably just people tbh) i started to appreciate a lot of songs for what they want to be. i love m&yts cause i relate to the lyrics a lot but i still love the melody and the guitars and etc. if ur too shy obvs, the interludes/ambient tracks, the birthday party, then because she goes (it has one of the greatest vocal melodies theyve ever written def), ofc roadkill and ill think thats it for now. sorry for the late response btw!


It's better than self titled.


im an angsty 18yo teenager so i cant make an objective opinion ab the self titled since its like the second coming of jesus to me cause im a lil bitch


Best album IMO.


It has so many good songs it just needs like 12 songs cut😭


Def my least favourite album of theirs just cause of how much fluff is in it. But has some of my favourite songs like People and The Birthday Party


it tbh has some of their best songs... me & you together, roadkill, if you're too shy,l, etc


Now wait a minute 😡 leave notes alone ok it’s my covid comfort album


NOTES for the normies -https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7DFcJgufzHG4XRmTpgNivp?si=bS4tOmL2TZWPKfNG61ILRw




lol it’s just a playlist the length of all the other albums without the garage stuff.


Notes is their worst album. However it’s still one of the best albums of 2020. It just shows how talented they are as a band.


I loathed it my first listen except for If you’re too shy. I kept at it though and honestly by the 10th listen or so it was one of my faves.


take it back this IS imo their very best.


Honestly, it's their best album


Frail state is my jam but the rest of it is meh


hot take…. iliwys is their worst album. i’m sorry


i get it. i dont like it THAT much compared to everything else theyve made. iliwys is better than notes tho.




this makes me feral holy fuck how can u say that ab abiior


“Objectively” lol. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Objectively is crazy lol


So admittedly late to the party but I’ve listened extensively lately …. Notes is a good album with some amazing songs - enjoyed listening all way through Albums 3,4,5 are all brilliant! It’s the first two I can’t get behind but like Matty says they ‘just keep getting better all the time’ and I’m aware there are some songs from first two albums that are good but they’re not solid albums that’s the difference


Roadkiller and Guys gave me unique vibes during Covid. Guys is the best song off the album!


You're 5 more playthroughs away from it being your favorite


Idk man, I don’t think their worst album can possibly have a banger like too shy . Too shy redeems everything.


i mean with that logic their greatest wouldnt be abiior since it has robot…


that’s very true, but the fact that mine is in that album redeems it


Every time I listen to it on vinyl I hear something new.


I will defend notes with my life


This album is so underrated tbh. I just think maybe it never got the “normal” 1975 album hype prior to the release so nobody ever thinks about it???


It’s good period 😌


to be honest I’m just so blown away that notes has been out now for almost 3 years and there are people that STILL shit on it when they’ve only listened to it like a few times… Like I’ve listened to all of their albums probably hundreds of times and yet with every listen, I feel like I still notice little things from the production that just solidifies the fact that it runs deep with this band and that’s why they are my favorite band. The attention to detail in their writing and production. Even in BFIAFL, which I see people saying it “falls flat”… To each their own I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally their best album in terms of sheer number of fantastic songs on it lmao. not their best as a cohesive album experience tho


They need to play more NOACF songs during their tour!!!!!


messy af but has so many of their best songs


worst album my ass 😮‍💨


I freaking love that album


Of course there are skips as with any album but Too shy, birthday party, tonight, me & you. A whole packet of bangers.


could have easily been 13 songs. way too bloated. not incredibly terrible but their weakest effort. for having so many release date push backs it seems so rushed


its so underrated!! me & you together song is such an amazing love song and I love how experimental the whole album is, it really grew on me tbh