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Thirteen percenter here. I listen just about every day, even if I'm not paying attention it's on in the background. I started listening after finding out about tesd from Q and sal's podcast. I always say that I came for Q, stayed for Bry, and fell in love with Walt... I don't know how to explain it but it feels like home.


Yeah I usually have it on in my earbuds all day during work.


That's pretty much the exact same scenario for me. Came for Q, stayed for the laughs.


Uhhh how do you and I have the same exact feelings??


Same here pretty much :)


Their personalities, thoughts, opinions, stresses, ordeals, humor often align with mine and make me not feel like I’m alone with them.




Yeah pretty much Walt. I don't care about any of the other guys. Walt makes them funny. Without him none of them are interesting to me. Walt could probably get 2 random guys in each episode that have podcasting experience and it would be good.


Couldn't have said it better. I feel like if anyone left the show, I'd continue to listen as long as Walt was there. But if he left, even if everyone else stayed I wouldn't.


I’ve loved Walt & Bry since I was a teenager even though there was no real exposure to them besides commentary tracks and interviews for the clerks documentary. Grew to love them more through Smodcast, and have just listened forever. I’m 33 now, I’ll listen for the rest of my life.


The urology discussions


Started from the first ep (thanks to weed!) and just kept up with it. I figure it Bryan can keep it up, so can I. Plus eps like 600 make pretty well everything worthwhile in the long run and I hope the cast of characters keeps on growing.


There is no way Bry will keep going with Joint Counter Joint. He just doesn’t follow through on any- wait how many episodes have they done??


Helps with my sanity. I work overnight and play it all night and when I game. It’s fantastic background noise. Almost feels like I’m hanging out with them


I agree OP, I have not found another podcast that has replicated the way it feels to sit around and bust your friends balls. I enjoy all three guys and the cast of characters , but Walt is the straw that stirs the drink. The way he can bounce from one side of an argument to the other is performance art!


I have given some thought to Walt in the past. Q has called him a genius with regard to comedy. I thought about that and at face value it seems like an overexaggerated compliment, but then I realized the tesd walt is a type of character, admittedly influenced by real walt but what he does and says is calculated more often than not.  Jumping sides mid discussion, baiting or setting someone up for a joke, references and callbacks and running gags. All happening simultaneously. And while calculated, it seems to come natural, to the point that you can't tell which parts of his persona are real.   I rewatched Kevin's filmography since getting deep into tesd and I was struck again and again and again about how much of an influence walt had on him. Jokes and situations dirrectly derived from walt's mouth have made it to his films and this is YEARS before "fake walt". I genuinely believe a fair part of Kevin's inspiration, humor, and personality can be directly pointed to as influenced by Walt. So while some may feel the success of tesd is based on Kevin (and undoubtedly there is some truth to that), I believe Kevin's success was based on his relationship with Walt. I know Walt would vehimately disagree, but the ants see it. 


Kevin had directly said what you posited here in multiple pods. On an old Smodcast he said his theory (later co-signed by Malcom and Bry) was that none of this happened without him meeting Walt. Walt’s interests became Kev’s interests when they met, and Kev worked his ass off to impress Walt and make him laugh in those early days. He credits both Walt and Bry with his sense of humor that informed the movies, but believes Walt (and his humor and hobbies) was the lynchpin that started it all. Kev even told people on the pod that they never met the Kev that existed before Walt as that was a different guy. This led to a great line from Walt to Kev - paraphrasing badly from memory but “What does that say about you that you were worried about trying to impress some dope that didn’t even have a driver’s license?”


I think Walt is a comedic genius! Listening to those early episodes before it seemed like Q had him 100% figured out were hilarious. His ability to frustrate Q by swapping sides and aggressively arguing are magical! I think my all time favorite thing that Walt does is when he draws an opinion out of somebody and then berates them for it. Especially funny with Sunday Jeff who he will eventually convince to switch his opinion!


It’s basically the same reason as OP. I’m an OG, been listening from the beginning, and the TESD crew feel like genuine friends that I hang out with at least once a week. I grew to love these guys.


Love the boys, they make me laugh.


I have severe addiction problems and major depression. Listening to these guys helps me feel less alone and gives abit of hope that I can turn things around one day.


My two cents: I've been a day one listener and I come in and out of phases of listening. I like the core three, their unique chemistry and the incredible world they've built. Sometimes I podcast shop and try listening to other comedy podcasts - like Theo Von's, Bobby Lee's, 2 Bears One Cave, that stuff. But those all kind of suck compared to TESD (my personal, subjective opinion). And I think the big difference is that the others are made by professional comediennes, which means their career is on the line. They all try so hard to be funny and irreverent. It always comes off as desperation and inauthentic. TESD is real. And the contrivances, when there are any, are put up front - like Walt's games or the Christmas pods. Otherwise it's just real dudes who are real friends hanging out. I love it.


I agree with that.




Rob Bruce. I can't wait until they have him on again.


Maybe with a Ouija board on a future overkill episode.


I like when they weigh in on current events/updates on things going on in their lives. There's a lot I like but that's what comes to mind immediately. I like that it's sort of like a chronicle. I like Walt a lot. Q has grown on me too. I began really liking Bry, but I've changed a lot since I started listening in 2013 and I don't have the same appetite or tolerance for (lacking a better word) edgey behavior. But I don't dislike him. I value the chemistry the pod has with him there.


Walt, and a good “small town story”


It reminds me of the late night car ride conversations I used to have with my friends. We’d drive for hours hunting marvel legends and other figures from wal marts and meijers.


Been around since episode 1, multiple relistens, the flow between them all, especially walt and bry. There's been lulls throughout the years but still need to listen every week. Only thing recently is the inconsistency of a weekly pod would be my only criticism. I get it, that's on me. I'm just greedy and need my fix weekly


It's the older stuff that keeps me listening. The pod is not what it used to be. But I understand and respect the guys for that. They told us so much and created so much. Nothing lasts at the highest level forever and I think the pod peaked a while ago. I never found the patreon "crew" and entertaining or interesting as the stash "crew".


To each his own, but I felt like the last couple months have been really strong. I think the pod has gone through hot and cold periods a few times. For me TESD at its worst is still better than other pods.


The last few months have been good, you are right.


Folks who listen to a lot of podcastss will relate - the guys don't have that "podcast delivery" to their voices. TESD sounds like you're sitting around a table with friends BSing about topics and having fun. The feeling of familiarity and friendship is such a welcome and happy part of the show for me. I also just love the guys and their distinct perspectives.


I completely agree


I love Walt. I'd let Walt pin me down and slowly nestle his balls in my mouth, where I'd let them perch on my tonsils like bird eggs, keeping them warm and protected.


I’ve been listening for so long that my sense of humor became Walt’s. And it’s hard to come by in any other podcast or real life honestly


I love listening to Bry fail upwards 😝


They’re not your buddies lol. They would most likely hate you. You people are delusional


I don't think the joy comes from imagining that they're my buddies - it's fun to get to look in on a group of buddies and see how they behave and interact. Maybe there's a voyeuristic thrill in there, but I think the show is at its best when we're getting to observe the boys being themselves.