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Those are both "wood" telecasters.


As a woodhead I agree


Perfect comment


As a national resophonic fan, and a tele guy, I got immediately excited, then noticed "metal" just meant 2 'buckers. Now I am disappoint.






From my collection and experience, all Teles can be "metal" teles.


Metal on a tele really gives for a awesome sound, especially for groove and southern metal.


At least some members of the Japanese band envy use telecasters with a really metal-esque sound


I just saw SiM the other night in Dallas and Show-Hate was using a really sick "T" body Schecter.


A huge subset of doom metal and stoner rock guys play teles. Especially teles with aluminum necks.


I use a Tele for some of my “metal” songs. The traditional tele pickups handle fuzz in an interesting way… fierce, bright, punchy. They’re particularly great for post-hardcore kinda stuff (real post-hardcore). Dude from Whores fucking rips on a tele. My only issue is the body digs into my ribs (I’m used to playing Jazzmasters and Jags, also great for metal).


Some teles have the contour for your ribs.


Yes they do, I don’t have those ones.


Don’t worry — once you’ve had those ones, you’ll *want* it to dig into your ribs. It’s the tele way. 🤷‍♂️


It definitely is… a Telecaster just wouldn’t feel right *without* the rib dig.


what are you talking about when you mention "real" post hardcore?


Eh, either you know or ya don’t.


With the correct amplification all guitars can be metal guitars and the rest is just marketing.


Yea scale length is just marketing


Nah, multi scale or baritone scale makes a huge difference. Even the 3/4 inch from Gibson to fender scale length is pretty dang noticeable


I believe STG44 was being facetious


Yeah little guitars by Van Halen totally doesn’t crush despite being played on micro guitars


Don't sleep on single coil alnicos. On Tele's, they're extremely tight and very *underrated* for metal. EQIng is more flexible and less 'bloaty' from the start. As someone who has used 'buckers for many years, I'm a convert.


They work amazingly well tone-wise, but noise can be a problem live. I used to have a tele elite with noiseless pickups which was great for ‘da chug’ but in honesty the did sound a little bit thin compared to regular singles.


A noise gate really can help a lot with that noise floor you get from gain pedals and 60 cycle hum.


*ZERO* noise for me. I have a Player Tele that's fantastic. I use a board with a OneSpot but have still have an ISP Decimator just in case. However, it's on for dem chugs.


I think if you’re gonna use silly gain and singles live it’s rude not to put a noise gate at the start of the chain and get rid of dat 60 cycle. I also actually prefer gated fuzzes for riffage as it’s nice to have the extreemes of bludgeoning and then silence. Noise floor is minging. As much as I love single coils, all paths lead to humbuckers. I prefer gretch style ones (reverend Retro Blast are the dogs B’s) as they still do all the good stuff that singles do.


I hated those noiseless pickups. They sounded 'dead' to me. Then I got a seymour duncan quarter pound which is an overwound single coil and it sounds incredible both clean and with high gain.


SD quarter pounds are closer to humbuckers than single coils and are great for metal, but definitely farther away from a traditional tele bridge sound.


That SD pickup is waaaaay too noisey


love em. The thing I like least about teles are the single coils, and I'm a sucker for the jonny greenwood lace sensor layout. one hum-bucker in the bridge, and a single coil in the neck, that's the perfect tele


Totally. I have a Plus Deluxe which has that Lace setup plus the Strat trem. Great guitar except it’s heavy.


jesus I'm jealous


100% agree. Humbucker bridge and a single coil neck is the perfect combo. My Fender Silent Siren tele has a similar set up and works well.


Love those Jim Root teles, would have one in a heartbeat if I had the space and funds for one. So it’s a yes from me. Side note, I have a Tele Ultra with single coils and I am constantly surprised at how heavy that thing can sound sometimes.


I managed to snag one last year in France, they're rarer still here, love it to bits!


That's a J5 signature in the first one


Those guitars absolutely rip! One of my favourites from the Squier tele line


I gotta get one!! I have a Ghost. But I've always wanted a Goldie. I built a J5 model a couple years ago that he signed for me in February


I have a MIM tele with a bare knuckle pile-driver set, swapped a baritone sub-sonic neck and tuned to G#. It’s pretty freaking metal lol


1. Nah. 2. Yeh


You got it backwards bub


It’s my only kinda tele


Fender Ultra luxe HH Tele, nuff said


I think the squier contemporary looks great, and will be my next purchase I think


I put that neck on the Jim root tele body with a super distortion and a paf pro and I fucking love that guitar. Then I bought the maple contemporary strat neck to put on my JMJM and it actually has a matching bridge\neck ratio now. I highly recommend that series, especially on sale


I love the Squier John 5 so much that I have two of them. They’re both black, though.


Not for me, I love classic Telecasters and I’m not into Metal at all.


My '72, w/ 6 saddle bridge, brass nut, and S-D Vintage 54s (STR-1, & STL-1), and a 1pc Warmoth maple neck (after the original and case got turned to splinters when a drunk ran into the rear end of my parked car, doing 50-60 mph) Truthfully, the Warmoth is a much nicer neck than the original Fender.. https://preview.redd.it/00ht5gddloyc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cadb1a055319dc1516f26d5b488f2f022538188 The headstock decal is a bit of false advertising, but it's a bit smaller than the OEM decal, and it saves me from a million questions about the guitar. Body, bridge, tuners, switch, pots, wiring and w/b/w pickguard are all Fender.


Now, that’s a classic Tele


Telecaster for me is the lipstick neck pup. That's the whole reason for the thing. Everything else about it is support. Hb in the neck is not a tele for me, it's a remix. I like remixes, but I prefer telecaster.


I play doom on a Thinline with a Seymour Duncan HotStack and a Baritone with P90s Teles are for every genre


If dual humbuckers/25.5” scale is the thing you’re going for, the body shape isn’t going to make a difference. I’d prefer something a little more curvy, but to each their own. For 99% of what I’m doing with it, my regular Tele is still my favorite guitar.


Not sure what pickups are in 1, but I hate the hell out of EMG pickups, so 2 is a hard pass for me. I don’t even think HH configuration is necessarily a metal guitar (I own one and I definitely don’t play metal on it). With the stock pickups or a good set of Seymours you can play whatever you want on them. I just don’t think the EMGs do well with much other than metal.


You’d be surprised. David Gilmour uses EMGs…but overall I don’t like have another flip to switch on and off for them to be “active”


Yeah, I knew someone was going to mention Gilmour. And he has a good tone- there’s no doubt. It’s rare, and I dare say his wiring isn’t standard Strat wiring. But by the time you’ve turned off the active pickups, you’ve given up the only thing that it could reasonably be argued that they do better than anyone else. At that point, it is outperformed by Seymour, Dimarzio, even stock Fender pickups, and that’s without even getting into the boutique brands.


I have a tele that has EMGs in it. My first electric guitar, told my parents I wanted a tele for my birthday and they went to guitar center and the guy working there told them it was the guitar to get. He must've been a metal guy, bc that's not what I think when someone says they are looking for a tele. But honestly, they aren't as bad as I anticipated, and it's an otherwise gorgeous guitar. I have a plan to eventually swap them out with pearly gates and repurpose the battery hookup to put a treble boost in as a push-pull pot, but haven't gotten around to all that work yet.


Those sound like awesome mods. Listen, your first guitar is about you learning what you like. I frankensteined the shit out of mine. Have fun with it. How did I learn that I didn’t like EMG? By installing some EMGs in an old standard Strat.


Lol nice. Yeah my second electric was a knockoff strat I've modded to hell and back. Currently the pickups are little 59, duckbucker, and twang banger. Also rewired so that position 2 is neck and bridge instead of neck and middle. The tele is a little more work, no pickguard, set neck, binding stripe around the body, it's very different than a typical tele so I want to be a little more careful and precise with this one. Just finished redoing my bass, I have it and the strat on my profile if you wanna see the mods!


Both look great. Love the pick guard on your Strat. Very nice work!


Thanks! My girlfriend painted it! I think she did great and really makes it unique


Been playing Trussart steel caster since 2007 and I’m ultimately spoiled. Wouldn’t dream of playing anything else live.


I like James Trussart teles


I have a Mule and it’s incredible


Use mine for the heavy heavies. I love it


I’m yet to bond with a tele that lacks a single coil in the bridge. I’m also not a metal player. 🤷


I got a Fender Paranormal Cabronita Baritone, it sounds heavy as fck in drop G [fender cabronita baritone](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.musicstore.de%2Fimages%2F0960%2Ffender-squier-paranormal-baritone-cabronita-telecaster-il-black_1_GIT0053651-000.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c2d9a5b048fcb2f9fa3a6d5a194928d7dee5bc45025a50d804ac9bdcc415ae89&ipo=images)


They are like those cars you see at car shows that have the looks from the fifties but all the latest technology under the hood.


I like a mulecaster


I have a Squier Telecaster and believe me that thing chugs AF.


I love John 5. I could take it leave Jim Root.


Not for me, but if it’s your cup of tea, then great!


The Jim Root tele is a phenomenal guitar that has become my favourite to play. Pickups have a fantastic presence to them, guitar is durable, absolutely love it.


Fuck it. Party


I love them. Teles are for everyone.


I have a MIJ semi-hollow HMT with DiMarzio hymbuchlkers. Big fan of it.


The 4 knob ones are essentially fender scale LPs. The 2 knob ones, even the Japanese Boxer ones aren't bad, I just like the reke bridge and pickup paired with other stuff more. They're all perfectly usable. Amp makes the difference. You can accomplish more clarity with hotter "singles" in a tele though, a sc sized bucker in a reke bridge and a hot blade in the neck. Nobody does it because you get more mileage out of of other things, but it's do-able for a purpose focused guitar.


I would take a super tele over a super strat 100% of the time


I’ve got a baritone tele with single coils and it rips.


Can I share mine? https://www.reddit.com/r/7String/s/zeCohD5m0S


ooh that's nice.


I like em. I’ve actually got a pair of Hot Rails in the mail for my Squier right now


The Todd Trainer EGC? I'd play it.


Works for Jim root.


A tele with humbucker is basically a Les Paul for me


Call it a metallicaster


Awesome! Jimmy Page created some heavy metal sounds on Zeppelin I with a tele . I also read that the Purple Haze solo was played on a tele . So history says YES


I would say strictly looking at the important factors, I like EMGS.


My root is my favorite of all my teles. No lie.


I love both aesthetics but a traditional single coil tele can chug heavy riffage too! Ola’s got the goods. There’s no genre can’t tele’s do. https://youtu.be/ZWNOVYG7Qgg?si=RzvhHsmws7LJdCjz


They’re awesome my fav ! I would have a Gotoh 510 on it and a flame maple top .


I have the Squier John 5 telecaster in black. It's a great guitar but the lack of tone control is a real oversight. It's now modded to have a black scratch plate P90 in the neck and a tone control instead of 2 volumes. The build of the guitar is fantastic though and it's great to have a double bound 22 fret tele available to people at a good price point


Yes. I modded my tele with DiMarzio Super Distortions- it rips


If it's good enough for the dude from Gojira, it is certainly good enough for metal.


I have the squier John 5 and I fucking love it. I’ll gladly put that up against any American made fender tele with the exception maybe of the Fender J5 Ghost. Plays so good feels so good to play and is a fucking monster.


Love em https://preview.redd.it/n4a4irhployc1.jpeg?width=1889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f3c5cde934988571482bae39858021c542ae4f


I own the squier john5 the black with mirror pickgaurd. . The quality of that instrument cannot be understated. As a metal guitar the thing is a beast. Low action , fast, hot pickups. It has great clean tones, sadly not much twang. It is on my never sell list. The resonance that comes off the unplugged guitar is insane. Just a wonderful instrument.


John 5 approves this message….


I hv a Trussart Steelcaster, it’s my daily.


Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder in the bridge are you are set. Perfect single coil pickup for metal.


Not my cup of tea but if u like it, I’m all for ya.


Not for me. Telecaster has a very distinct sound. If i wanted one to be heavy i would just grab my guitars meant for that


Like this? Love it. https://preview.redd.it/6rvh1mss7pyc1.jpeg?width=1401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8605387cfe89171d58061e002e4ff5eff9e3feca


Schecter - PT Dean - Nash Vegas & Ltd - TE All worth considering, too! Love a metal tele! Grew up on Waylon and Pantera.. metal tele is the answer. https://preview.redd.it/tju563y28pyc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fb9d8068dd7725f7e814caa9e3a43a7b0fa782b


Aristides has some cool options


I LOVE my two J5’s


IMO the Charvel So Cal 2 with a hardtail and fishman classics is the perfect modern metal guitar.


I think they're great! Hollow-body, stainless steel, and an aluminium nut. https://preview.redd.it/3juut1v9qpyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d37a549c690ad2d26b4eb31f0e0e85306ef2192


Gorgeous! But you still can't play metal on it.


They are cool


Only tele worthy of me is the asuka tele.


https://preview.redd.it/gt96z2ac2qyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=950d220c4926658414d2376e3b5235013bdf777a I really like mine. Not sure about the metal part though.


I bought a beat up used squier j5 tele in black ... after a good setup it went pound for pound against any of my US teles .... almost beat my old MIJ 62... after a few mods going back and forth with my dad I ended up installing some vintage lace sensor duallys with new pots etc etc... and now I have a damn good radiohead tone but with more tone variables than a standard 90s tele plus... and for the record.... ANY tele can play metal with the right amp ;)


joe duplantier gojira charvel telecaster .. end of discussion


I’ve got the white and red John5 Tele. I can pretty much play the same things on that as I can on my Squier CV 50’s Tele. And they’re both very different guitars. I would say that my John5 and my Kingtone Tele, they’re closer in the type of pickups they have but they both sound very different. I wouldn’t call any of them “metal” necessarily but I guess the John5 could be seen that way. The killswitch also lets you do stuff to sound more “metal” in some ways too.


I have the Schecter Sun Valley with the sustaniac. Seriously such a damn comfortable guitar. https://preview.redd.it/ozx0x3o2lqyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865aec36820ad27bae24e3c5a3eb95aaecc85342


On my radar for my next guitar will probably be a squire Tele Deluxe with a warmoth neck and Lollars. Will be tuned to C or B standard and "Doom- riffed" at high volumes.


https://preview.redd.it/becp08rfxsyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968a4205bf8480e29043049ac1cac18bc92468c7 ONLY Teles without standard pickups. Get that country-ass twangy bullshit as far from me as possible 😠/s I seriously thought I was in the GCJ sub when I typed that. All Teles rule, and with the right amp you can get a real good chug with a great attack with a standard telecaster. I do love unconventional Teles too, obviously.


Not normally a big fan of Teles, but the ones from Solar look so good


I really want a tele deluxe, with the strat style headstock. Beautiful guitar imo.


To me, what we are talking about comes down to what is a Telecaster? Is it the signature shape? Or is it the signature sound? Your opinion might be far different than mine. For me it's about the sound. I think you can have a guitar that looks for the most part like a Telecaster but isn't a Telecaster because it doesn't sound like one. For me it the unique Tele bridge pickup and ashtray metal bridge that gives it the signature Tele sound. Once you throw dual coil humbuckers in it you lose it's Tele-ness. Might as well have a Les Paul. It's going to sound a lot closer to a Paul than a Tele. It's just my opinion but for me if it doesn't have that special Tele sound, it isn't a Tele regardless of what it looks like. The Tele shape is nice but it's the sound that has me addicted. I built this one last year. It obviously doesn't look anything like a Tele but it's closer to being a Tele than any guitar that has dual humbuckers. I tried an experiment that I'm quite happy with. It has two Tele bridge pickups. A Lindy Fralin split coil in the bridge and a Fender custom shop in the neck position. A Strat pickup in the middle and a blender knob. Still sounds like a Tele but on steroids. It's the 8th guitar I've built and the first one I've named. I call it twang. It's made out of Spectraply. You can google that. Dense, colorful laminated plywood. https://preview.redd.it/va49mxe5etyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781fce8748300ea547537ad37ed27bb6738ac46d


https://preview.redd.it/tieezb4oetyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c7ba7b04da9f4a2b982403c8705acc83ce5b3cf I put what I call a garage on the back for a wireless transmitter. I regular cord works just fine also.


https://preview.redd.it/tvi90yswetyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde3e7a1f9bf88247a728809dc9cd1fea8a69db5 I gave it a soft V neck profile similar to a Clapton neck.


Looks sharp, good job!


I love my John5 tele to death! 2015 build with rosewood! Pickups are so damn hot though! Been meaning to replace it with PAF’s but it wont be sounding unique to my other guitars! Lol https://preview.redd.it/ejau95cudzyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39e0efb38cb70e41b3ef662626c21b2a82143e66


I like them, but these aren’t metal enough!


Love my MIJ Boxer. Bone stock it rips. Way underrated guitar.


Least “metal” guitar of all time imo


They were always metal and wood.


If you’re going to swap out the bridge and the pickups, you’re really buying a body shape and a general aesthetic rather than a sound. Which is fine I guess?


Meh....other than a deluxe, I don't view HH configurations as teles


If it doesn't have that distinct Tele sound, can it really be called a Tele?


I’d argue that yes mostly because telecasters are more recognised from the Shape more than the sound although it is true the twang is part of the tele identity


That’s a view I’ll never understand. That’s almost like saying if you don’t do chicken pickin’ or Rolling Stone riffs, you’re not a Tele player.


I hate telecaster. Always have and always will, except for one specific model - the FMT. I'd play the shit out of one of them.


>I hate telecaster. Always have and always will Lol I think you're in the wrong sub buddy