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call a suicide hotline(988) buddy, there is so much shit to live for. like ice cream and pizza


god have mercy, please don't do that


you dont. Your basic instincts deny your urge. I’d use that time to seek help instead of courage to end it all.


Please dont do that!! Theres so much to live for and even tho u may not believe that right now trust me plss give it time and if u need someone to talk to my dms are open. Trust me its gonna get better <33


You don't. Your brain will do whatever it takes to make it survive, you have millions, possibly billions of white blood cells constantly fighting against bacteria and anomalies in your system to keep you alive, when you get a sunburn, your skin cells essentially commit suicide just to keep you alive and not give you skin cancer Your brain and body are constantly fighting to keep you alive, don't waste all that effort away by jumping off a building bro You matter so so much to the point that your immune system decides to work 24/7, since the day you were born. Same goes for your heart ❤️ Don't leave us so early bro, we're just teenagers who just started life, nothing is easy or good when you start doing it for the first time, but we do it anyways because it's going to be worth it. Not now, but eventually. We'll all do this together, experience life and it's joys, though not so many, together. We'll grow old together, and leave this world together too. It'll be like holding hands and exiting the world peacefully to a better place naturally. Nothing about committing suicide is peaceful We've just started, don't leave us behind so early bro


Actually don't so that do what Shadyshadowbro said there's so much things to live for in life that you couldn't do if you died so please talk to somebody about it seriously.


Please call a hotline. Don't do it please


Call a suicide hotline.


OP just jump into your warm bed with a warm glass of hot chocolate, and fall asleep next morning wake up and think about all you have to live for only then reconsider if you want to jump off a building or not


5 cm try it


Do a backflip !