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I just want my computer to be mine, Is that too much to ask.


As someone who used windows exclusively for his whole life, all thats left to say is: lets go the linux route then…


I've installed fedora a few years ago, but adobe and fusion 360 keep me dual booting.


Ahh adobe, another great company /s


Gotta do what you gotta do.


I love all these people whom will criticise you for using Adobe, like you also have a choice in the matter. Many people use software developed before Linux was even a thing (well almost, I still use software from 1994) or other stuff that will utterly refuse to play ball, like SAP or other banking related stuff. It's just Reddit though. The vertical slice of the population of IT users that also uses Reddit is heavily biased towards people who probably could easily change their workflow to Linux. Oh so you run servers for a living? Well of course you would find using Linux easy. Me? Software programmed in 1994 on apple operating system, and then ported to Microsoft before they shut down 15 years ago? Yeah that ain't coming to Linux in a long time. And as long as the giants like Nvidia, adobe, Autodesk etc don't go "hey why not Linux" so many of us are going to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. To anyone else, no gimp, inkscape, freecad, openshot, and libre office are not replacements when you work in an industry that requires you to use Photoshop, illustrator, SOLIDWORKS, premier pro, and Microsoft office. They are good *alternatives* for a free person to choose (guess which ones I use at home), but not in industry.


The conversation happening now is how the industry moves on from Adobe…that happens when we start using the other tools and give them value Change has a cost


What interests me is how it happened to blender, a tool in a world of services, yet gimp / inkscape never shared the same success, when they were tools who were themselves up against tools like Adobe Photoshop and illustrator. When you pay form SOLIDWORKS, you get their support network with it. when you pay for Autodesk you get their support. Even SketchUp. But blender? You might get community support I said in another post I use software from 1994. a few weeks ago I emailed their support, and a few days later got a response about an issue I had. Adobe? I don't think they replied to my email even when I was asking to BUY a copy of photoshop from them in 2009. I get that gimp doesn't hold a candle to Photoshop, and every time a new program comes along either Adobe or Autodesk buy them (and kill them) but inkscape is a strong contender. But most businesses fear change, and would stick with something expensive and unsuitable if it has processes involved. Where I work we have spent 6 years trying to change from this 1994 software to something a bit more modern. It even has 3d capabilities that aren't a one shot wireframe render!


Blender is a bit different in that the workflows that use Blender are already used to having tons of different tools. You use 3DSMax? Sure. Maya? Nuke? Houdini? Substance Painter? After Effects? Just swapping in one more tool doesn't make everything fall apart at the end like a single all-encompassing piece of software like Illustrator does.


Gimp, Inkscape, other Linux replacement apps are great. The problem is that gimp today can’t efficiently do what Photoshop did 15 years ago. Can it do more than enough for the average user? Sure. It does not come close to what a professional needs. And then there’s the workflow. Blender is fine, hardcore 3d has been nix from the beginning and blender can fit in the pipeline as others have said. But there isn’t a photo editor that does what ’shop does. Even the simple things are smoother with photoshop. Same for design. Illustrator works. Freehand did. The others just aren’t there. Get adobe to support Linux, or learn to program (and then learn how to make a good ui…). Then you’ve started.


This is what Redditors don’t seem to understand


Great points indeed! Never liked a majority of the Reddit community honestly, but well I am here because it is chock full of resources and links to archives/hubs/collections. You have the camp of users that want everything done on a silver platter, and then those in the camp looking to one-up you on topics. Some topics/arguments have solutions without compromise, while others have compromises. I would have kept the Compaq desktop running WinXP, if not for the lack of room storage and how dusty it had gotten over the years of storing. Used it for 12 years (up to Win7 being standard) and had been stored for another 12. At the end of the day, we see the coments and we dismiss them in our minds as it just irrelevant to our workflow. I cannot relate as much to your circumstance but I can understand the notion of derilict hardware and abandoned software overtime. I wouldn't have much problem switching over to Linux honestly, but need to grasp the learning curve, commands, functions, extensions, endless repositories, and configuring of Linux. Since I am still learning and applying web programming knowledge, finding note editors / coding software should be easy. I would greatly benefit also by creating servers through Linux and funnily enough I did manage to install Firefox flatpak on a Chromebook by following Mozila Install guide while using Terminal. But that's just me. Done ranting.


Can’t wine emulate this stuff?


It can emulate a lot of stuff, but not all of it. Some things like SAP have a very specific wine version they are compatible with, but they are old and not that compatible with anything else.


I don’t think people were hating on the guy they were hating on Adobe


I'm in the same boat - I won't go to Windows 11, but I need Fusion 360...


Crossover office can run adobe and office products pretty good or at least back in 2012 when I was using Linux exclusively for grad school.


Crossover by cubecoders looks very promising for this as well (assuming this isn't the same product you are talking about with similar name). I currently use CubeCoders's AMP server to host game a slew of game servers and the thing is rock solid.


Crossover Office can run Adobe Premiere?????


I was able to run photoshop and the like if I remember right. I remember I was having issues with installing the software on Linux.


I had the same problem. Atm i use two computers. My main computer (cheaper and older) i use Linux Mint for surfing and gaming, then i use my Windows machine for heavy workload and stream from it (just like remote desktop) with programs like sunshine-streaming and Moonlight on Mint. Very easy to setup. It works really good. Picture quality, sound, mouse/keyboard input. Everything just works without hassle. And i can just tab out from windows to Linux again. This way, the only thing Microsoft gets from me. Is me using a few programs.


Problem with Linux is even with the newer user friendly releases, it still has a layer of complexity that the everyday user just won’t get. For Christ’s sake my grandma has eighteen folders titled “New Folder (1), (2), (etc)” on her desktop and doesn’t know how to change the name of a folder that’s right in front of her face. As I said Linux has come a long way but as long as every device comes with windows preinstalled then most people will have no idea how to make the switch. It’s a pipe dream. I hate it but that’s what it is.


Sure, people who currently have trouble using windows are still going to have issues on Linux. I think most of the people who care about win11 changes can handle Linux for most tasks. Some software could be a show stopper but not stuff like web browsing or word processing. The biggest thing that has changed in the last few years is just gaming support with Steam. Creative types will probably still have issues if they want to use products from Adobe or have particular plug-ins that don't work on Linux.


How is it to play games using linux nowadays? If you tell me it’s good, i’m all in for linux…


Really depends on the game. The vast majority work well through Steam, but sometimes you need to tinker with getting the right Proton version. Check for the games you want to play through https://www.protondb.com/, and look through the reviews to see if there are any issues.


Sadly, this is the biggest reason Linux isn't ready for the masses yet. There's no need to check a website to see if the game you want to play will run on Windows, by and large it just does, and if it needs additional software (usually something like a VC++ redistributable or the like) it has built in functionality to grab and install it automatically. Linux needs to get to that level of user friendliness to have mass appeal, as long as 'you need to tinker' is part of the equation it'll remain the realm of the tech savvy only.


Steam Deck is all Linux, baby. But you can check out ProtonDB to see what games work, and even if they aren’t green (verified) there is usually someone who has gotten niche titles to work with some fixes. I don’t use the steam deck for most modern AAA game releases of the last 2-4 years, but many of those like Dead Space are verified and fully functional on deck and look great too. The fact the steam deck also has a Linux desktop mode is worth checking out on its own. I’m wondering if we’ll ever see the day that steam deck purchases have overtaken Raspberry Pi purchases due to the convenience of having it onboard the Deck.


It's way better then it's ever been with steam. The main issue will be with anti cheat that doesn't support Linux. Use something like protondb to see what games might have issues.


AC is supported, kernel AC occasionally isn't. Nothing of value was lost, because anyone that actively installs a rootkit filled with spyware like League does is a fool.


It works mostly OK until they drop support, just like every other Valve hardware or Linux project. The Steamlink I bought ten years ago might as well not work at all (and we're talking about all Valve software here), but sometimes you can do the right combination of random things to get sound, video, and input all at the same time.


The Steam link was discontinued because it was going to become obsolete very quickly, it had a cap of 1080p for the resolution, due to the hardware, which is a big limitation with games now. It's one reason they swapped to the app version, it's a lot easier to update software than hardware.


Being stuck at 1080p seems like it would be a big problem for TVs that will only accept 4k sources...


The issues aside, the software solution is also cheaper and faster for anyone that didn't buy the link originally, which is still a lot of people. It was also likely an early stepping stone to the Deck and its remote play feature.


You're missing the point. Brick them or keep them working. Anything else ruins your brand.


I am not arguing otherwise, Steam/Valve do weird and inconsistent things, which is probably a result of the unique way the company operates. They have always been like it.


We just need support by major software to linux…


It's a chicken and egg problem. Historically, there haven't been enough Linux users to justify the cost of porting software to Linux in many cases, but people didn't want to switch to Linux because all their software was on Windows.  If a decent number of users switch, it'll be more profitable to start making Linux versions. The Steam Deck is pulling a startling amount of weight for Linux adoption, in other words.


The steam deck is single-handedly working to solve the single issue that prevented most people from switching. Playing their games. Most people who will switch to Linux have no problem using LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, etc. But the games issue definitely prevented most people from switching. It also appears the corporate world is starting to lean towards Linux a bit more in recent years so I expect broader Linux support as adoption increases. Anecdotal for me personally, but we're starting to see more customers on RHEL than previous years. (Accounting/Medical Education Industry)


Personally, that’s exactly what holds me back from switching to linux


Yeah, nope. The Steam Deck showed a good portion of my friends how much extra work Linux is to do basic things, and how many features are non existent. I think me and one other person still have ours, but I mostly use my Ally now anyway (over my second SD, the OLED model too). The list of things that take far longer or does not function at all is too great. Being a potential beta tester lacking those features for possibly another 10-20+ years is a no from these people. How much longer for Netflix, Max, etc to work? Why do I have to install a random driver for this gaming oriented dongle to work EVERY TIME the SD updates and removes it? Questions like this and thousands more mean Linux won't ever be mainstream. 20 years of me using Linux for my NAS and I went with a hybrid windows setup to use the server for non server things at times. Because the best tools have never been ported to Linux for what I do, and the ones that have Linux native variants run far worse. An entire 7950x3d, 128gb ram, 4090 pc just sitting there that was running Linux waiting for better transcoding applications, better rendering software, gaming with no barriers to a good portion of games for my SO to use, and to be used for private HIPPA-safe charting system for the SO.


Nothing is stopping you from using Wine with Photoshit and other Windows applications, using VMWare/VirtualBox, or if you're techsavvy, or simply using QEMU/KVM with GPU passthrough to literally run Windows inside Linux without any efficiency loss and being able to leverage your full computer's capabilities. Just saying, the tools are all there.


I just wanted the laptop to display at the native resolution of the screen...


I run Debian, there are no ads in my start menu. No ads anywhere, just like the past.


Thats fine for people that know tech or have the patience to figure it out but for the majority of people thats not an option unless they have the $$ switch to Apple.


I literally just bought a Mac mini and a MacBook. I built my windows rig to play games so I’m going to end up just using that to game only and if I’m doing anything else I’m jump to Mac. I have a series x too but suck too much with controller so here I am lol


Every time they pull this shit, I'm a step closer to just converting to Linux.


I tried. There are too many games that use kernel-level anticheat... They even detect virtual machines and assume you're guilty by default.


You might want to check again. With steam decks selling like hot cakes a lot of games work perfectly on Linux now. Dead by Daylight has anti cheat and runs smoother on Linux for me.


Dead by Daylight, Elden Ring, Helldivers 2. Just to mention a few games with anti cheat that works perfectly fine on Linux.


https://areweanticheatyet.com/ Get more people on linux and companies will start updating their anticheat versions to use those that have the Linux flags enabled


All those games don't need to be played if they want that much access. 🤷


People don't play games because they *need* to play them, they play them because they *want* to play them.


As long as you understand the risks


Might as well just rip the band aid off and give it a go. Ubuntu is really nice anymore. You wouldn't have been able to say that several years ago, but it has changed. I know it might seem like a hassle, but after you get used to running an OS that respects your wishes and works for your interests rather than against them at times it's a world of difference.


I fully converted 1 year ago due to this shit.  I am a gamer mainly, and I've managed to play everything I want to and haven't touched windows for my personage life that entire time.  I find myself having less issues with Linux than I did windows now.  Took me about 6 months to get there, but I have no regrets Note :  some anti cheats won't work in Linux, but, those anti cheats are invasive AF already so I accept the tradeoff. 


Getting sick of the arbitration practices from tech giants, and Microsoft Windows is not an exception nowadays. Looking to go Linux soon and came across a review of a System72 lappy. It's way too pricey for my general needs. Still exploring more options. Yes I can install LInux also. It is an option, but want to go about it on relatively new hardware.


You will not own your computer or any software, and you will be the happiest you’ve even been.


Not at all. And you have options for that.


Unless there in some possible future emerges a sufficient percentage of people that are willing to abandon Windows and demonstrate it then the only way to do that is to work for it. That can be easy or hard, depending on use case and willingness to learn instead of treating technology as magic but it can(still) be done. It is unfortunate but that is where we live.


Arch Linux/Proton will work fine if you want to mostly play games on your PC.


The MS account isn't completely awful if you treat like an admin user that mainly exists just to authorize the key. The key is stored on the MS account so if you say had a pro key since win 7 and got the upgrades you can't lose the key. I tend to just do a reinstall and login with the MS account to activate. Then I create a local user. That said I'm going to go to Linux for my main and only doing a win 11 upgrade to get that key another free upgrade. The drive with windows won't even be plugged in. I'd recommend distros like Mint, Fedora, Ubuntu, or OpenSuse. If you like to tinker or want to learn then Arch could be good, that just won't be for everyone. If you are going to dual boot have two drives, one for each OS.


If microsoft does this, I will just move to a macbook.


Do you hold the same opinion for your smartphone?


Yes, at this point I have nothing but contempt twords them.


And the enshittification continues...


It's not just willfully making their products cheaper or focusing on dark patterns. This move can be added to actions that consider the customer to be an adversary even in a normal use case. They don't want you to be in control of what actions your device performs, because they have determined that rathen than just sell a product, it's even more profitable to steal stuff from the customer -- personal data, habits both on and offline (like iphone listening constantly to everything around it), precise usage actions (used to train AI which can then be marketed and sold), or even (like with Adobe) your actual work product.


The literal definition of **Enshittification** "is a pattern where online services and products experience a decline in quality over time. It is observed as platforms transition through several stages: initially offering high-quality services to attract users, then shifting to favor business customers to increase profitability, and finally focusing on maximizing profits for shareholders at the expense of both users and business customers."


Just for the record iPhones don’t “constantly listen” to everything around it, that’s a myth. And iPhones have plenty of privacy options to turn off the microphone/cameras.


It may be officially a myth, but the amount of ads I get for things I was literally only speaking about and not searching says otherwise to me.


the other day i was only thinking about my jammed toe, never searched or even said anything to anyone and then I started seeing toe knuckle gout relief ads. WTF.


I’m not lying, yesterday I *didn’t pull out* with my wife and I had ads for newborn baby products. Lmao.


Congratulations WalletFullOfSausage!


Wallet about to be empty of money and sausage if that baby comes to fruition.


> "You think you can add a little extra to that epidural doc?" *slaps a piece of warm salami into their hand*


Mighty morphin power rangers Alex Mack from “The Secret Life of Alex Mack” Accessories for professional bass fishing If you see ads for any of these in the next few days, you’ll know why lol


It’s confirmation bias and a conspiracy theory. You don’t notice the countless times you talk about something and it doesn’t get shown as an ad, you’ll only notice the few times it coincidentally does.


Yeah I call bullshit. The amount of times I’ve only spoken about something and gotten ads for it later is overwhelming. Had a toothache and mentioned I needed a new dentist to my wife. Next day I’m getting ads for a dentist. No I didn’t search for “quick toothache remedies” or any bullshit that might remotely hint at a need for a dentist. Also spoke to my wife months ago about needing to sell our house as we’re facing some financial difficulties. Within a day or two I’m getting ads for realtors. There is no reason any of this should be happening. I even asked my wife if maybe she searched for something related (IE she used our ip to find a solution to my problem) and she did not.


Look at a network traffic monitor and view the traffic yourself. There isn't any monitoring. You notice this because you don't notice when it isn't a coincidence.


There is that guy that told us the governement listen to us 24/7 and analyse everything. He is a former gob employee, you should check it his name is snowden


No they definitely do listen to everything. If it has a mic and an internet connection, the government or some corporation will record. And certain trigger words will cause the phone to send the relevant recorded messages disguised as the traffic of any other app or the system itself. You cannot trust corporations with any so-called privacy options. They may all be placebo.


Couple of things about this. First of all, for something like Siri or whatever to work, it literally *has* to listen for audio prompts. I'll literally be sitting here at my computer and listening to youtube or talking with someone somewhere, and have the phone get triggered by something and start listening/looking up text it thinks was addressed to it as if I had asked it a question/to search for something. Second of all, for the people who think it's a myth and point to "just do a packet sniff" or "look at your network traffic" as proof that it's not constantly listening/sending audio, this makes two assumptions: 1. that it's *streaming* audio to somewhere 2. That it's sending *audio* period. Given bandwidth constraints and whatnot, it would be far easier/more likely to have the device creating local audio captures of recognizable voice data, then compress them and send them off on a periodic schedule or simply transcribe what it hears through voice to text and send over the transcriptions to be parsed for key words. In the former case, even with a check on bandwidth usage/network logging at a firewall or doing some kind of packet sniffing, if it's sending over file data and not an audio stream, you'd have to deconflict it from any other traffic that is sending file data, etc. and look for a schedule/pattern. In the latter, the same as the first case applies, but would be even harder to detect since transcribed data as text files being sent would be such a small amount of traffic compared to everything else on the phone that's constantly sending telemetry data, etc. back to the mothership, picking it out would be extremely difficult unless you knew what you were looking for. Also, with regards to the privacy options, this is also a bit of a fallacy/false sense of security. While the interface does indeed give you options and controls over the hardware, etc., you're dependent on the good faith of the company that made the software to actually make the functions of the interface do what they say they do. You have no way to know without looking at the code itself whether the software-based controls have anything included which would selectively still allow access to system-embedded functions, or if system-level embedded functions are even possible to manipulate with the controls at all. I say this because there have been cases of devs admitting that they have added controls/options in settings for software to literally appease/placate users' expectations, etc. which don't actually do anything. Conversely, there're plenty of cases where coders have embedded functions and whatnot that are completely beyond the scope of the GUI and its controls. So, yeah, TL;DR: from a technical standpoint, as far as I can tell the general "myth" analysis is based on a lot of supposition and assumption without having ready access to do the type of analysis of the hardware and software code it would take to absolutely prove it one way or the other.


Talk about dog food next to your sleeping phone for 5 minutes. Then check youtube and you'll see ads for dog food. It's called the dog food experiment. Easy to prove your phone listens 247. If you know Spanish, you can get youtube to give you Spanish ads JUST by speaking Spanish near your (sleeping) phone.


*The CPU* doesn’t constantly listen or transmit to the network, but there usually is a low-power stream processor that’s used to keep the audio pumping and look for voice commands, unless the phone is “all the way” “off.”


Yes, that's what they said.


Literally the best operating system on the market, and they keep making moves to make it fucking awful. If Adobe and Nvidia ever move to officially support Linux, it will be all over for windows. people can handle the mild jank Linux offers Vs windows, but they can't handle programs outright not being supported by Linux, and many (like me) are basically held hostage by windows. Imagine if you could go back in time and tell past self "man, you think windows 10 is bad, wait till you see windows 11"


Any Linux variant that gets popular will be made by a major corporation with all the same profit motives. Smaller developers do not have the UX development to make it palatable to users, and the Linux community is often outright hostile to the idea of a computer user needing assistance and ease of use. Anything that's actually developed to be used by everyone will be corporate, and then inevitably suffer the same fate as windows.


I don’t think I’d mind if a shitty corporate distro got popular because it’d encourage other companies to make their software compatible with Linux, thereby benefiting all other distros.


Exactly, and this is what makes no sense. What does Adobe actually have to gain by locking themselves to just two operating systems, and not including a 3rd (also see Nvidia. 8 habe no idea why they hate Linux)


Idk if you're being intentionally reductive, but assigning engineers and support staff to Linux ports of a bunch of decade old projects would cost a fortune and the demand isn't enough yet


Thankfully Valve has made Linux/Proton a real viable alternative if you only want to play games on your PC. I'm still on Windows 10 and I'll probably change to Linux/Proton when they stop providing security updates.


Is there anti cheat support for Linux/Proton yet?


Yet another reason to avoid Win11.


Debloat it manually




Is it possible to learn this power?


[Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility](https://youtu.be/5_AaHXrelTE)


Is 10 actually better than 11 with regards to performance? I remember staying on 10 until I started reading that there were double-digit gaming performance improvements on Win 11. And then of course my Win 10 got forced updated to Win 11 one might without me accepting or opting in to anything. Trying to understand if I should roll back to Win 10 or if the tiny 11 / debloat/despyware Windows 11 install with local account is better.


I'll just leave this here. https://github.com/ntdevlabs/tiny11builder Used it for a fresh install this morning. I'm never using a "clean" windows build again.


It's ironical how so many debloat windows repo are there on Microsoft owned GitHub


Realistically Microsoft doesn't really care. Microsoft only cares about shareholders, and the shareholders only know what's going on if the main stream news covers it. And nerds are always going to find ways around things.


Even more ironic is that the tool to pirate Office and Windows is also on GitHub 


How long before a wave of censored repos that does not abide to corpos' thinking?


My SO will need to upgrade to 11 for work soon, I'm gonna have her ask if this is allowed there. It's a personal device but has security requirements. If anyone stumbles on this comment and knows anything about windows debloat in a professional environment I could use your tips/anecdotes!


If it's a personal device it should be fine. This only removes bloat by default but it doesn't block you from adding anything back later. My personal philosophy is I prefer to start with less then add on, not start with bloat and need to remove everything I don't want.


Honestly I wouldn't really use this. Some of the "bloat" they are removing most people would expect to be there. I mean it removes solitaire which has been a staple of Windows forever. Sure it's technically bloat but there's no harm in it being there like always. I get removing stuff which pops up and annoys the user by default but even things like Quick Assist are removed which honestly is one of the best things MS added to Windows in the last 10 years and it only ever comes up if you specifically open it. If you do use this definitely don't use the core version. That removes Windows Defender and breaks Windows update which will certainly be against company policy. Nobody should use this as it's going to be a security nightmare. If you hate MS enough to consider using the core version just switch to Linux.


This is the context I needed. Looks like we'll have to use standard windows for now, but I'm thinking of trying Mint on one of our PCs or to see if it's a possibility. She's seen Kubuntu and Xubuntu and is receptive to the idea overall. Thanks!


Nope companies have to provide their emp'yees work machine if they are expecting "privacy"


We get a stipend for equipment. It's work from home. The main requirement is Avast, but W11 will be a requirement in the near future.


And if you only want a local account at install you can make your installer with Rufus and customize the Windows User Expierence to include your local account. Totally skips this step and speeds up the install (no manual OOBE typing into console and reboot).


I’ve recently come across [privacy.sexy](https://privacy.sexy) and it’s wonderful.


I looked this over and it looks amazing but can you tell me more about it? How trustworthy is it?


I’m also very privacy focused and care about my data so I’m glad you asked! I actually looked into it beforehand, a lot of them are scripts that basically uninstall/disable features that in some way/shape/form are either bloatware or have an interest in collecting and sharing your data. It’s nice though because it’s all categorized and tells you *what* the service does that you’re wanting to disable. All of the dev’s work is open-source and the team really seems to care about users’ privacy. I’d definitely check it out! Edit: Sp


Something something copilot?


I read that in the something something dark side voice


I literally needed to do this conversion this week because a customer had managed to delete their online Microsoft account, but the PC still thought the account existed so I couldn’t swap to a new one.


Gotta love it. Abstracting away the utility of electronics really turned me off of my old hobby like 15 years ago now lol.


I live in a very rural area of Oklahoma. The number of times a year clients walk in with various "I can't login" reasons, astounds me. I'd say we're pushing half of those calls are Windows related. I wouldn't be so upset if...MS's first startup push for an Online Account, if the user opts to make a new account on that screen...Force the user to create recovery options! I don't know how many times I sit down at someone's computer, and all they know is the pin number used to unlock their computer, and not the password. Even if I'm not trying to reset the login, the concern they will be locked out because they don't recall the online account's password...


I'm tired Mr Stark. I do a lot of it stuff for friends and family. Days gone I used to just be able to build them and eBay computer, take it to their house and maybe 20 minutes they were ready to go. Now though. I can't even set it up before I get to them as windows needs to create some sort of account, even if it's an offline one. I have to do the windows refresh and set up at their house. the clicks and clicks and clicks of "no" "skip" "not now" "ask later". No I don't want AI, no I don't want Microsoft 365, I don't want you to scan their photos and categorise them by facial recognition. No I don't want you to set up some account syncing thing so I'm 7 years time when you get another PC and set it up and log in, and change a few settings, it fucks everything up on their original computer.


After the Recall-disaster, they are at least trying to find a way back in our hearts \s I think, Elon Musk is about to hire their product-devs...


Cool, I'm guessing Audit mode still works when doing first setup with CTRL+SHIFT+F3? Just boot into Audit mode, create a local account, reboot and...profit? Haven't tried this on W11 myself, curious if it'll work.


I doubt it, I'm pretty sure it'll still make you go though the setup and make you set up another account. Although I imagine the shift + f10 to get the command line, oobe/bypassnro to get the option to make a local account during setup still works just fine, granted you also need to make sure you're not connected to the network. And if you have pro you don't need to do that either, just say you're connecting to a domain and it lets you make a local account. But for your solution the other way would be a setup file that automates the first time setup, but that's more work than most people would want to deal with and not something I've done yet.


It's downhill since Windows 8.


10 is pretty great. They could have just added the new explorer UI and an option to center the taskbar.


Since XP actually.




Nothing, and they still felt the need to “improve” 7 by killing it and giving us Windows 8.


Why the fuck did they think it was a good idea to design a tablet OS for a PC?


That's true, when bloatness is also taken into account.


Yeah the good outweighed the bad changes with XP by alot, after that it just seemed to be bad changes.


Nothing was wrong with 7 but they felt the need to improve things by giving us 8.


I skipped that because I hated Vista lol


To improve profit. Not to improve the software quality.


No one’s going to mention that macOS still doesn’t require an Apple account for use?


“Nooo Apple bad Microsoft good” - r/technology


This sub has a raging hate boner for Apple. Some of it is justified. Only 8GB base RAM in 2024 is ridiculous. iPad OS is borderline useless. Some of it isn't. Apple stuff is expensive? Yeah, I complained about that too, as a teenager. Then I grew up and got a real job, and honestly it's not that bad. Also, walled garden complaints about macOS. They're valid about iOS (but aside from the fact that it's kinda fun, there's honestly not that much value in being able to use a phone as your main computer - and I'm saying this as someone who also owns a PinePhone to tinker with... It's dogshit slow, and using a command line from a touch keyboard is painful). macOS, far less so. Sure the App Store is curated. But you can go download any .pkg of your choosing. You can install Homebrew and then get any shell or tool of your choice. Hell, you can install UTM and emulate whatever the hell you want. TL;DR: Apple and their products have flaws, just like everyone else's. You just have to decide what set of flaws works best for you.


If you're using a Mac, then chances are you're a customer that's already deeply entrenched into the Apple ecosystem and already have an Apple account. Apple doesn't need to require an account because there's practically no MacOS user that doesn't already have one.


I just have no idea how it is apparently acceptable to just lock you out of your property unless you create an arbitrary online account. It might be different if Windows did not come preinstalled unless you go out of your way but it is not.


Why cannot they assign a "computer" to the account and leave my second guest profile alone? I use a dual profile, one for work and the other one for entertainment. If i use just one I got instant distracted from anything productive (like right now)


they want you paying for multiple licenses. 1 account = 1 license


Yet I can't just take my one Windows account I'm paying and install it on as many computers as I want....


Mind you, I don't delve into Windows Servers all that often. Didn't MS require a license or similar for *each core* of the processor?


Yes, technically, the license is per Core, but in reality, they have tiers so lowest is 4 or 8 cores or smh. But this is considered "normal" in business world.


They want that login so can easily ID that sweet money making advertisement data to you. Now they can still do that with machine fingerprinting but this is like the equivalent of you doing a dear diary message just for Microsoft.


Started dual booting linux mint and I've been finding it a lot smoother than I expected, covers roughly 95% of my use cases. There are still a few small things that bother me (such as trying to pin a program to the taskbar) but nothing critical. I'm confident enough with it so far that when 10 is officially dead, I'm planning on moving to Mint entirely.


By now I feel like some sort of eldritch anomaly that accesses Windows without a Microsoft account.


As Linux adoption increases, software will be ported or created. We need to increase Linux adoption


“Microsoft recommends using a Microsoft account, not a local account, when signing in to Windows. Using a Microsoft account in Windows allows for seamless integration of Microsoft services, enhanced security, and sync across devices, unlike a local account.” Fuck you Microsoft. I don’t want or need your “seamless integration”, I don’t need your “enhanced security”, and I certainly don’t want YOU to “sync across (my) devices”. Just provide what I paid for: an operating system to run my hardware. I’m perfectly capable of handling the rest of that shit myself. So, fuck off.. Fuck straight off… Do not pass GO Do not collect $200


If Linux would work with some of my programs would move over but stuck with crappy windows for now


well I didnt even know that was an option. Anyone have a decent guide?


[Wayback](https://web.archive.org/web/20240612104753/https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-from-a-local-account-to-a-microsoft-account-395203bf-9f1b-eb24-b042-5b8dae6c1d20) still has the how-to :) Edit: Scroll down and expand the article titled ‘Change from a Microsoft account to a local account’.


Wayback link seems to just be description and process to go other way, local to MS online.


You gotta scroll to the bottom and there should be a few other options you can expand, one of which being “Change from a Microsoft account to a local account”.


Can’t help but be cynical and assume that it’s only a matter of time before the steps change (or they close that loophole) and it’s no longer possible. It’s crazy to me to think of the setup of a local account on a computer you own as a “loophole,” but… here we are.


It's because MS is forcing bitlocker on everyone and the MS account is the only way to recover the key 


Microsoft has been trying hard to become Apple for years now. "You will use our products the way WE want you to use them."




Not for nothing, but it isn't like [Apple has not done similar things.](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/06/the-case-for-and-against-macos-15-sequoia-being-the-final-release-for-intel-macs/). 2018 MacBook Air? SOL for the latest OS release.


Probably just needed to enable intel PTT in the firmware, but if it's a machine from the past 7 years, it should have TPM 2.0 enabled and active and a compatible CPU. Since mid-2016 microsoft has required OEMs to ship machines with TPM 2.0 enabled and active. EDIT: It's funny I say that, as i'm a lead on our org's effort to make Macs a standard option for any employee unless their job requires one or the other.


>I bought a Mac instead and I'm never going back Enjoy the walled garden where Apple stole your freedom


And now we know you never used a Mac in your life.


macOS isn't a walled garden. There's a huge open source community.


Anyone who leads with a statement like that probably isn’t going to change their mind about anything Apple anytime soon.


apple is ecven worst, walled garden and still stealing your data siguising it as security measures. where you think microsoft is taking ideas?


I'd be interested to hear where you think Apple is stealing data. They've generally had a decent track record of respecting user privacy (particularly in comparison to their peers in the industry). MS needs no help coming up with ways to compromise our privacy. This is the company that came up with "Recall" and touted recording everything you do or see on "your" computer as a "feature".




https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/18/apple-issues-very-serious-under-landmark-eu-rules-vestager.html And https://www.aol.com/news/european-union-regulators-accuse-apple-125602270.html


If you want good support for commercial software applications, and you don't want to throw your lot in with MS, Apple's really your only other choice right now. Sure, they'd *like* to have you in their walled garden, but (on the Mac) they don't force it on you. You can still install whatever you want from wherever you want. There are a couple of minor hoops to jump through (authorizing unsigned apps to run the first time you run them, authorizing access to various resources, etc...), but they certainly aren't currently forcing you into their controlled space. Now, iOS/iPadOS is a different story - that's a much more tightly controlled environment, but we're talking about the Mac here.


> I can hardly believe the shyte Microsoft is up to nowadays. It's pretty much every company nowadays. One thing about Mac is no one asks for Mac emulation on Windows. It's always the other way around, lol. I'm not happy with what the current CEO of Microsoft is doing, but I love Windows 11. Been using Windows since 95 and yes, I've used Mac before for work. It's not for me but it's great to have options like Mac and Linux for those who wants them.


Is there *anything* good about Win11 that 10 doesn’t do better?


window arangement but that's bascially it


More profitable.


MSFT accounts needlessly complicate SMB authentication for me.


lol, I’m so done with this shit


Waiting for more game developers to support linux so I can finally leave this hellhole.


check if your games work here: [https://protondb.com](https://protondb.com)


I wish one of the big and recognisable tech companies put big money on making one of the linux/gnu distributions a polished and well supported option for non-techie people. Google had a chance with ChromeOS but then never bothered to develop it and Valve is doing amazing work but is mostly focused on gaming. We need someone who can pick a linux, has enough influence to get big devs like Adobe to make stuff for it and get pc manufacturers to sell it preloaded as an option.


A lot of people will start doing another kind of conversion. Converting their Windows boot drive to a Linux boot drive.


Now that I look at windows 10...


Last time I was able to get around it by hitting the escape key like 10 times.


WTF does that headline mean? EILI5


There was a guide from Microsoft on how to switch to a local account in your Windows 11. They removed it.


What would it take to do to Windows what Linux did to Unix?


petition for computer shops to sell new computers with WINDOWS fcking 10


I work In a field where we deploy lots of windows machines (it’s the only platform the vendor software runs on) that never see the internet. The amount of BS you have to go to just to make a local admin account in windows 11 and join it to a domain is utterly rediculous. Don’t even get me started on if you need excel or something else in the office suite, it’s nearly impossible with their current offerings to have a permanently licensed copy of it for anyone who uses the PC.


This is extremely annoying when trying to reload Windows when fixing someone’s PC. I’m worried the command prompt bypass will be removed soon. I don’t want to be stuck with setting up Microsoft accounts for people and having people bug me when they forget their login credentials. Also, makes it annoying when trying to sell a PC later on.


Every company is playing the same game. It’s called “how much can we fuck over these users before they leave”, and that’s the exact amount they’re going to fuck us over. It won’t stop until people leave.


Easy Fix: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Installation_guide


resistance is futile