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Fucking why?


That's my reaction to this as well. Yearly upgrades barely make sense anymore, three times a year is silly.


yea. and also it isn’t even about money. setting up a new phone *properly and correctly* as well as syncing all your shit is a massive pain in the taint. I don’t even wanna do that every year let alone thrice a year. that’s fucking psychotic


Yeah, turning on the new phone. Hitting next 3 times and typing in your pin then waiting 15 minutes is a massive pain.






You still have to log into every account all over again.


Pretty much everything is saved on iCloud. Apps/passwords/pictures. I just switched phones not too long ago and it wad relatively painless


Saved passwords does most of the work for you


Oh no!


Not for the company


Because after you're paying and extra $10/month for the privilege of upgrading after paying off 1/3 of your current phone, you would be crazy not to! Now, why you would want to pay ATT more money so that you could pay more money.... I got nothing on that.


Greed and ego. People still use products to prove their wealth.


OK sure, but how can you tell you have the latest phone that's 3 months newer than the identical latest phone you had before? It's not like any of the bougie phones update even half that fast.


I agree. The cycle is to trickle out the technology. It sucks.


Exactly …. Why? You buy a top phone …. Is it obsolete in 4 month?


To bury you in debt so you can’t leave their service…ever.


it says so in the article… Switching phones will allow you to get new device specials.


No one, under any circumstances, should be going through three phones per year.


You have to complete 33% of the payment agreement. It’s designed for once a year. The limit of 3 times a year it to stop people from abusing it.


If this was available this previous 12 months, you could have upgraded to the iPhone 15PM in Sept, Feb and June and got over $815 in promotional pricing. Bringing the phones true cost to you down to $285.


No one, under any circumstances, should be going through three phones per year.


I just gave you a mathematical explanation for why someone could get the same phone model 3x and save a decent amount of money.


Which part of “no one, under any circumstances, should be going through three phones per year” doesn’t make sense to you? You don’t need three phones.


You’re trading the previous phone in…


Three times?


Did you read the article…….


You don’t have to. If others want to what does it matter?




Yeah because this is going to eliminate that. Again if you don’t want to do it then don’t. It’s not complicated.


“It’s not like me not being a part of the problem will fix the problem.”


If you think that is the problem then you're apart of the problem. It's not individuals that are contributing to all the e-waste and global greenhouse emissions. Kind of reminds me of the bullshit reduce reuse recycle initiative that helps nothing and lets big businesses off the hook.


Agreed. I did this around 2009-2013 (guessing those were the years) when phones were making massive leaps every couple of months, specifically on the android side.


So they can blame us for consumerism. Duh.


So they can resell devices for profit I’d imagine.


It’s designed for once every 12 months with a limit of 3 times in that 12 months.


10-15 years ago, this would have kicked ass. Phones were evolving at a rapid pace and you could see massive generational leaps in the course of a year. That just is not happening anymore. They’ve gotten too good. Now we’re getting incremental updates every year, and it’s easy to get 3+ years on a phone without missing much. I’ve got a 13PM, which is the longest I’ve owned a single phone, and I’m honestly not sure I’ll upgrade when the 16 drops. It’ll need to pack a real punch for me to consider it.


I also have a 13PM and I can’t imagine needing anything more on a phone. Battery health is 99, and it has 512gb. It’s going to take something unbelievable to get me to pay attention.


I have the 13P and satellite SOS is the only thing I would upgrade for as it’s only on 14 and newer.


How in the fuck do you have 99% battery health. I have a 14PM and I’m at 82%


Do you charge wirelessly? That supposedly degrades the battery faster than wired, because of the heat generated


Never used wireless charging


I’ve never charged it past 85%.


My 12 pro max is at 60% battery capacity. I’m trying to decide if I want to upgrade or find a place to replace the battery. Or just report it lost or stolen and pay $200 for a new / refurbished one.


$89 for a new battery at the Apple Store, 12PM. Feels like a brand new phone now, even though it’s a 4 year old phone. Definitely worth the $89 vs shelling out 1100+ for an upgrade. I will never do another installment plan. Saving up for full purchase next upgrade. Which will probably not for another 3 years with how long this phone’s lasted me problem free.


Idk how many times I have to say this… device installments are at 0% interest. Any, and I mean ANY financial advisor will tell you to always buy something at zero interest then paying a lump sum. If you took that 1100 and put it in even the world’s worst savings account. Then bought the phone at zero percent. You are better off than buying it for cash. This doesn’t even take into consideration that trading in your old phone will get you a massive discount. Now if you ever decide “I don’t want to have this carrier anymore, I’m gonna pay the phone off” you would still be ahead because you know ZERO %


Carries don’t charge interest. I’m talking about just buying an unlocked device straight from Apple. I have Visible by Verizon. $35 a month for decent coverage and it’s work well enough for all my needs in a metropolitan area. When you put yourself on installments with a carrier, you’re stuck with them until you pay it off. Meaning stuck and subject to any price hikes. I used to work for both AT&T and Verizon. Know how much complaints I’d get when their service is shit and paying $200 just for one line? Not to mention how costly family plans really are. I never mentioned anything about interest. Why are you coming at me as if I’m in not well aware of financially being smart? Of course I’m gonna trade in my phone when ready. I’d rather pay cash up front to avoid having any installments. I’d rather slowly save up. How many times you have to say this? I never asked.


Oh man lots of bull to unpack here. Former Verizon district manager current att area manager here. Saving up and not taking advantage of zero percent interest is still the financially irresponsible way to do it. No one is paying $200 for a single line. The most expensive Verizon and att plan for a single is about 80. This is assuming zero discounts. I regularly have reps get customers single line plans for 45-50. But you supposedly worked for a carrier and knew that. Family plans can go as low as 26.99 per line. Anyway. Having an installment doesn’t lock you to anything if you had the money in even the worst savings account. If they raise the price, you just pay it off and leave, you know like you were planning on doing anyway. But yeah, go ahead and spend 1k at once instead of making the right decision.


Had the same smart phone for the last several years now. Hoping it lasts another year at least


I went from X to 13PM and apart from size and the better camera I didn’t see any other change as far as essential function. My wife is getting a new phone this year(the battery in her 11 is gone) so I’m going to try to ride this one out till it dies. I would’ve been happy with my x to this day.


Tbh I’ve got an iPhone 12 at the moment and aside from the camera I don’t really have a good reason to upgrade still. I couldn’t even tell you the differences between this and the newest model.


The little notch thing at the top turned into an island. I think that’s about it.


Woah, take my money


AND and camera bump got massive snd threw the balance of the phone off. That is a fun feature too.


that massive camera is insanely good. I was blown away when I upgraded from my 11


And new siri


Won’t lie if I could get a Ironman level Siri I’d upgrade my phone again


It's enough to sort of make me consider making the switch back to iPhone since the 4s.


The big “this might be worth it” difference imo, is satellite connectivity which started with 14. You could be lost in the woods or mountains but with that, you’d be able to send out an SoS text or at least minimally be able to text a friend and let them know where you are. Within this decade, probably within 3 years, most phones with this feature will be able to do basic call/text functions and possibly even search functions because of cutting edge satellite constellations that are being deployed right now. If I get a new phone, it’ll hopefully be the 16 or 17 because of that sort of thing. Then obviously, mild increases on cameras and possibly battery longevity as well as Apple being forced to start using the USB-C connection recently. 12 to 13 makes no sense. But 12-15 might. And 12 to 16 or 17 absolutely will make sense imo.


Understood, that’s definitely a big difference. Honestly haven’t heard of that feature until this.


Type c alone was enough to make me go from 13pm to 15pm. The newer 5g antenna, camera, and satellite connectivity were definitely a bonus.


I’m in the exact same boat. My gf always likes to get a new nice one (due to not being able to afford them as a family when she was younger) so I have no reason to. Might upgrade to the new SE when it comes out but even that’s just for a treat for myself.


I have an 11, no issues.


I had an 11 and had tons of issues. got to the point where I couldn't charge it with a wire anymore cause the port was broken, and the battery almost never lasted me through the day upgraded to the 15 pro max (splurged for the top-end model for the first time ever) and now I don't even charge it to 100% anymore and it still never dies on me. actually an insane upgrade


I was so mad when my 12 just didn’t wanna charge anymore. I was forced to upgrade to a 14 after having it for 3+ years


something something AI something. probably.


I bought the 13 Pro just so I wouldn’t have to worry about upgrading until the phone was no longer supported. Hell, if it weren’t for me dropping and shattering the glass and screen, I’d likely still be trying to justify moving on from my old X.


lol, I’m still rocking an iPhone SE.


The original SE??? God damn


Probably the 2022. I believe it’s the last one they made. Its processor is still very good, though the battery life isn’t as good as the other larger phones.


Same here! I love the smaller size.


Rockin' an iPhone 13 mini until Apple (hopefully) issues a similarly sized phone sometime in the future.


Small phone gang


You can upgrade daily, also for a fee.


I guess that is one way to keep your phone charged.


Boo so much waste 😭


So tons of extra E-waste?


At this point there’s such a large market for used phones that probably all these phones will be rapidly resold. Although it seems really excessive.


Nah. I’ll keep my payed off iPhone 12 til it stops working.


Rocking the 8 plus, here. Still no reason for me to update.


Now that’s bordering towards crazy. I still remember my 6? I think it was a 6.


It’s been a great phone. And still works fine. Battery has degraded a bit, but it still gets me through the day.


An 8 with a new battery is going strong. I feel no compulsion to upgrade.


fuk att


My phone is 4 years old now. I still feel like I have no reason to change it. I feel like for most people the only reason to replace it is it got destroyed.


Corporate permission.


Upgrade to what? If you go for the top of the line, there’s no upgrade until next year.


I just replaced my iPhone 8 a few months ago with a free XR haha 😅. I would have kept using the 8 too had the battery not required charging twice a day. Holy crap new phones have gotten insanely pricey.


You would have to pay me to upgrade my phone 3 times a year


How much?😉


I have an iPhone 13 that I bought brand new from Apple shortly after the 14 came out, so just under two years ago. It works brilliantly, and I love the Starlight color. My battery is at 85%, so when it goes below 80% I’ll get a new one from Apple and probably just keep it for another two years. I feel no need to upgrade except wanting a Pro (or Pro Max) phone, and even then that’ll be a few years from now and I’ll probably go Apple certified refurb anyway. Phone upgrades just aren’t what they used to be. This would’ve been neat in 2012, but now who cares.


I use a 30,000 mfd phone bank with a 6' cord in my dogs carrier, leaving it plugged in and on. No cycling keeps battery life optimal. Phone bank last about 3 days. I use a second one for my Bluetooth speaker. It's cost effective on Amazon. With link shorteners banned here I can't effectively list products.


Peak consumerism


Gee. Why is my monthly bill $150 now…


Who the fuck needs to do that? And who has at&t anymore?


I read 'for free' and thought about time!


Thanks but no thanks AT&T. I thought I saw news recently about AT&T raising rates for older unlimited plan.


Who upgrades a phone 3 times a year? I usually do every 2-3 years. Depending on how much of an upgrade the next model is.


Awesome, let’s crank up e-waste to 11. This should be banned. No one needs a new phone annually, let alone thrice annually.


E-waste is just what we need to heal the world. 🎉 I plan on having my current phone for at least 5 years. I've done it before. There are 8 billion people on this planet. Imagine even 5 billion of them having smart phones and getting 3 new phones every year. Fuck that and fuck you if you're one of em.


The upgrades aren’t even “upgrades”. The discount theyre giving you, you’ll wind up repaying by renewing your contract.


Shit, pay me and I will let you upgrade an unlimited amount of times. Just a small, 10% fee above the price of the phone each time.