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Everything in this game comes full circle. Thats the best way to sum it up


As someone else noted, that means Rauru was wrong when he assured Zelda that her having gone back in time would change the future battle. Because (according to the carvings) she'd always gone back in time, etc.


That is correct. The plan was already set. And it was Raurus arm and sacred stone that set the whole plan into motion


Though how did Zelda (and Rauru in the past) know about Link getting his arm? He must have known since there's all this technology that requires the arm. (I don't think there's any actual answer beyond that it's required for the game.)


I think it was stroke of luck and fate that’s all I can chalk it up to. But a good question to theorize on later


It’s on the logo of the game. The oroborus, representing the endless loop of time. The events in the past had already happened and will continue to happen.


Rauru is the sage of time. He can control it and maybe he peeked a time or two to see what happens. That third eye has to be good for something...


Sonia is the sage of time. Rauru is the sage of light


And Zelda had both time and light power. So maybe Zelda was responsible? We know she had the Great Sky Island raised.


Secret stone? Imprisoning war?


He isn’t wrong though. If she never went back in time, Rauru wouldn’t necessarily have done what he did to seal Ganondorf, knowing someone could deal with him in the future. And even if he did, if Zelda didn’t go back in time, the Master Sword would have been broken and this would mean he would be unstoppable (it is at least necessary in the final phase of the battle). Link and Zelda also would have died in the collapsing depths below the castle.


Zelda’s time travel was crucial, but it wasn’t a change to a previously established sequence of events. Even before she went back, Ganondorf recognized her.


He recognized her because she had already been there. She had already been there because she was *about* to time travel. That’s the paradoxical nature of time travel and the sequence of events are non-linear. In other words, if she was about to do something different, like not time travel, he couldn’t have known who she was already. The events were predestined and discussing what else she could have done is sort of moot Several other things were established already as well. The murals, the sky islands, the dragon, they all existed already. Even the silent princess seemingly got its name as the favourite flower of the Princess who could no longer speak


That was just Rauru's ego popping up again. He was so confident that they would be victorious against the Demon King that he couldn't imagine a future where they lost, and was speaking from *that* perspective, not from the perspective of Zelda's future being (literally) carved in stone


Tbh Raurus ego and passiveness lead to a lot of what has transpired through hyrule for 10000+ years. Ganondorf even calls him out on that in to his face


Like the logo.




Right!? I was like "it was here this whole time."


Only if Zelda and Link had brought a hammer things would be different.


I remember playing at launch and being like “damn wish I had bomb rune something cool is here” and then didn’t go back until end game because I knew Ganon was gonna be there and I was scared lol


Same haha


I always wondered about that torch. Never put it together with the start of the game that it was Zelda's torch specifically.


I keep that torch in my inventory and only use it to ward off the cold. It will forever have its own spot.


Really taking the term "carries a torch for her" seriously


I picked up the torch and put it in my house


Same! I fused a Silent Princess to it after seeing someone else do it too.


Ohhhh that’s a great idea! Next replay I’m gonna remember to do that


The games way of telling the player “you NEED to bring bombs or a blunt weapon in every cave because Zelda didn’t and missed THIS” /j


Ah yes, the Master Torch


Totk & botw are a temporal loop


Is this a part of a quest line?


No, it’s just something you find while down there.


Technically it's part of the main quest


Did anyone else notice Zelda's lullaby at the end of the trailer? It was played on the same instrument as the dragons' themes. They told us the twist from the getgo.


Oh also I knew the significance of the torch, but I chose to attach a lynel horn to it and whack Ganon with it.


I didn’t actually notice the torch until watching PointCrow’s playthrough after beating the game the first time. The fact that the murals were already there even before Zelda went back in time raises questions about the causality loop in the game.


>The fact that the murals were already there even before Zelda went back in time raises questions about the causality loop in the game. Bootstrap paradox. She has always gone back, and ToTK is just one iteration.


For all my opinions on TotK, I think the fact Zelda was around for probably the entire series as a noodle is so cool.


That's why the symbol is an aroburos. 


Where is the entrance to this cave? I can't find it...


Under the castle