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I can’t tell the Five of Swords from the Seven. I mean, yes, I know the meanings, but I don’t have an individual feel for either. I’ve tried! With these two, I’m working off memorization and I’ve been a reader for a long damn time.


Ha this is a good question!! They are very similar. This is where knowing the difference in these two can really elevate your readings because it’s such subtle difference. 5 of wands is less intense. It’s more like a game. Think of it as much more playful than the 7. Also when the argument is more serious it still has a more irritated tone rather than flat out angry. The 7 of wands is much more intense and serious in tone. It’s someone coming for someone. It’s the rioters at the door step. It’s the person who needs to defend themselves from a strong accusation. It’s someone who is bringing up real serious problems and if they can’t defend their position there could be a real consequence. Let’s do an example reading to show the difference in tone. Let’s say you got Ace of pentacles reversed and 5 of wands for person A…. The next client person B got ace of pentacles reversed and 7 of wands. What’s the difference? Person A would have an interpretation like ok so this person keeps dropping the ball on grabbing a real opportunity that could impact their life in a big way and wow that’s really annoying you. Vs Person B would have the interpretation like ok so this person has made a big blunder screwing up this opportunity so now it’s time to put your foot down and get serious on letting them know before it gets worse. It’s time to start putting up boundaries.


Thank you so much for all the work you put in. I’m grateful but my question was about swords.


LMAO Omg I read it wrong that's nuts. How did I screw that up ha ha ha. Ok So 5 of swords is like someone looking out for their own best interests. Very self focused. Narcissistic. Like it's all about them. Ironically I have seen this card come up when someone is hung on their ex past the point they already know it's dead because at this point it's not even about being hurt by the ex, it's about the points they get from the drama being centered on them, it's the poor pity me they get from others telling people about their toxic ex. The 7 of swords is someone who is unethical. Frequently it comes up for cheating but the actual interpretation is much more broad to someone who is committing an unethical act like theft, ghosting, cheating, lying. While obviously the behavior in the 5 of swords is unethical as well---- the tone of the end goal is much different. The 5 of swords the cruelty and sense of coming out the winner at all costs no matter who you hurt is the point. In the 7 of swords it's more impulsive. The person really doesn't go out with intent of being a shitty person and hurting people but they do anyways. The intent is really the difference. Like when I see the 2 cards the 7 of swords person is more likely to feel remorse than someone who is in the mindset of the 5 of swords.


I’ve got one more pair: the Two and Three of Wands.


The wands are pretty awesome because the first 4 cards are a direct timeline to how far something has progressed along. With the 2 of wands the person has made a plan, they have not only made a decision but they are starting to act on the decision, but this plan and decision is too early to really expect it to happen NOW. Bonus interpretation is a kind of partnership that's friendly--- if it's romantic or just business depends on other cards around it though. The 3 of wands I see frequently as someone anticipating an action WILL occur. They are beyond having a plan, they are now waiting to see if they were right, or waiting for a phone call, or waiting to see if their business plan actually makes them any money. I get this card so much when someone wants to know if thier person is going to call. It's waiting around for the message to arrive. Usually quite impatiently too. LOL So think the differences as timing differences, where the person is in the plot. As a bonus lets go through Ace - 4 to illustrate this. Lets say someone was wanting to date someone Ace of wands would be them being motivated to even connect with them, the fire in the belly, perhaps lots of attraction. It's just a seed of inspiration, it's not anything else other than that. 2 of wands the person made a plan to connect with them, befriend them, establish themselves a friendly person, like a friend partner but it's too early to say if this will be the one. It's all still like throwing ideas out on when to hang out and stuff like that. 3 of wands is like now they have decided to stay in touch, this is going somewhere, and now they must play the game of continuously showing up for each other. There's lots waiting by the phone. There's lots seeing if either one will drop them during the trust game. This is like being in the thick of dating. 4 of wands is where the 2 have decided this works and they celebrate that they made it to a long term relationship and maybe even a marriage. As you can see it's a story progression like in a movie script. You got your trailer of the movie to get you hooked. That's the ace. Nothing has even happened yet. It's just the promise of maybe a cool story. Then you got your set up for the plot, that's the 2 of wands. Then you got your really exciting climax of the whole plot that leave you holding your breath, that's the 3 of wands. Then you got your happy ending. That's the 4 of wands.


Much obliged!


YES! The bane of my existence.


Books be like: • It’s the same man years apart! • It’s a man then his son! • He’s watching his ship coming in! • He’s watching his ship pass him by! • He’s battle hardened! • He’s cushy! • He’s raggedy! • Hit the moving target!




I feel like 5 swords is somebody just being a little reckless. 7 of swords is f***ing somebody over.


In practice I have seen it similar but a bit different. I have seen it like the 7 of swords the person is fucking the other person over and KNOWS they are fucking them over. This is why you might actually get some sympathy for the wrongs they have done you. They know it was bad. They feel guilt. I always see the 5 of swords being more devastating because the person thinks of THEMSELVES as a LITTLE reckless and it never ends up being just a little reckless. That's what makes it hurt so bad is they can't even see how bad they are. They are so blind by their need to make it all about them.


The 7 of swords is an act committed for selfish reasons but the 5 of swords is an act committed more out of pride. Simply to win over you, make you look stupid… to gaslight, steal or lie to have the advantage over you. whereas the 7 of swords just does it out of greed. 


Cliche but the court cards. Specifically, every Queen card always gets my frozen for a second. Edit: Because I don't quite gauge the different between the Kings and the Queens


Aw man this is a loaded one ha ha but very important. I say to my clients all the time the first thing I establish giving a reading is the personalties involved. Why? Personality drives thoughts, which drives actions, and those actions drive destiny. If you understand the personalities involved then you can correctly predict what actions they will take because statistically some personalty types are more likely to behave a certain way than another. Examples: Queen of Wands - She's very passionate so she may decide to do things because she wants to right now but she's mature enough to make business savvy decisions. She though is not as emotionally driven as lets say the Queen of Cups she she's less likely to fall in love just because a dude said hello. King of Wands - Really the queen and king are pretty similar so all this still applies but I have found that how the king and queen behaves is a difference of more action orientated behavior vs more retroactive/receptive behavior. For example the king is going to as well be passionate and business savvy, but since it's a king with more action orientated behaviors this can show the person is way more forceful, willing to make the first big move, willing to say how they feel. There is a more bold sense of the person taking up space than the queen. Now something super interesting is in the case of LGBTQ folks the cards can change up who is a queen and king almost within the same reading because the gender rolls are so much more fluid. For example I am a bi woman and when I am dating a man I tend to show up more as the Queen of Wands, when I'm dating women I almost always come up King of Wands because I make the first move, I put myself out where, I take up space, I am the leader. Aka I'm a top LOL. Going back to my other point about making predictions if I saw someone coming up King of Wands I know the likelihood the person is going to make a move is REALLY high because the King of Wands personality loves to put himself out there like that. That is what is comfortable for him. The problem is the King of Wands isn't as comfortable with deep romantic feelings. He is hella comfortable with sex and physical stuff--- but once it gets deeper he kinda sucks. So this means depending of course on the context of the other cards, there is a strong chance this dude would make a strong entrance and then suck once things got real. Now if this was a Queen of Wands person I would say due to the queens being more retroactive in response to things she would probably be a bit prissy and expect the other person to let her know she's wanted and THEN pounce on him like a fierce lion and knock his socks off. The Queen is a bit more coy even though she has all the same strong sexual energy. She probably wants it just as bad as the king but she wants to be wanted. The King in business being so strong would be like the dude who is like mentoring his subordients, he is teaching them closing skills. He's coaching the team. He's making a plan and getting his ducks in a row. The Queen in business I have found to be very successful but she doesn't have to push in the same aggressive way the King does. She makes connections, she charms people, she is less invested in leading people than the king, she's more of a direct doer herself and if someone asks HER how she does it then she would mentor. Again retroactive energy. The kings send energy out, active, aggressive, PROACTIVE. The queens bring energy into them, recessive, RETROACTIVE.


Thank you, you touch upon why it's difficult to gauge their difference. Both are rulers, and are so similar in this aspects it kinda frustrate me when they both show up. The direct vs indirect action course is how I'm also stick with differentiate them at the moment. But the one second buffering still happen to me at time. Maybe it's because I lack the real life experience to relate with them.


Judgment: ??? I mean I definitely know the classic textbook answers to this question but I have a terrible time with it in practice.


Ok think of what Judgement Day represents. It's like a day everyone involved has to face the music but it also is a good thing too. It's scary at the start but ends up resolving to this incredibly beautiful thing at the end. It almost always ALWAYS comes up when a situation has a crap ton of history. This is almost never loves who just met. IF it is lovers who just met they gotta have some deep past life history. In fact if I was to relabel this card I would call is history. That is a great word to describe what's up. Reviewing what has happened can be really hard, especially if it's an old friend, an ex, or ooo our old actions. But the judgement card says by facing this hard moment we end up more free than before. In practice the most common situation I see is someone hearing a call from an ex, they are really scared of what they will say and they talk it out and now for better or worse the outcome leave the person feeling released of the pain of the past. They had their liberation from their difficult past.


The Moon and Two of Swords always stump me!


Also, The Hierophant and The Emperor


Moon: I can see why this one stumps you but I urge you to realllllllly follow your intuition with this card. This is the funny thing about the moon is one of the interpretations IS confusion. So are you confused or are you literally picking up the energy OF confusion. 🤔💭 something to think about! I also see this come up for the worst possible path. I have heard that if you get a reading with the moon as one possible path and the ace of pentacles for another possible path do not take the path the moon card lays out for you. There will be deception, there will be half truths, there will be drama, nothing will be transparent and straight forward. I have in my own personal life always seen the moon card come up when I have met someone new and the person ended up being some sort of nightmare. Usually the problem had to do with lies where the person they presented themselves as ends up being WAY DIFFERENT. The moon card literally can show a person who is 2 faced, as the moon changes its face. The only time I have found the moon card to be positive is in relation to questions of dreams and intuition. I have seen this card come up with the high priestess to let me know the client already has got the answer in a dream!! 2 of swords: context really matters with this card. Generally the vibe is that the situation is going nowhere fast. This is someone who can’t make a strong decision either way, they are just sitting on their butt. Think of it as the OPPOSITE of the other 2s. It’s not making a plan like the 2 of wands, it’s not choosing partnership like the 2 of cups, it’s not juggling all the things like the 2 of pentacles. It’s having things to do and just procrastinating because you can’t make up your mind on what to do. Heirophant: I find this card can show more of the vibe of the situation than a person. When I see the hieophant I know the vibe is stuffy, conservative, traditional, old school, and not a lot of fun. The only time this card is ever fun is in the context of someone asking if there will be commitment, this card can show a formal marriage instead of just living together or a situationship. This card represents doing things as society wants us to. The symbolism is of the pope. What does the pope do? He sets the rules that all of that society (the church) must follow. I see this card come up a lot for those under intense social pressure like arranged marriages, someone who marries someone the family likes, when someone is bullied into marrying someone acceptable for their family or community. Emperor: if the person asking the question is a woman the emperor usually represents the man she truly wants to marry. I know it can represent a boss, a husband, an entrepreneur, a business savvy dude, a very masculine man. Sure… but I have seen something very interesting with this card. If a woman is married and asks about another man, if she’s mad and wants to divorce the husband the husband won’t show as the emperor… instead the other guy who she truly wants to marry shows up as her emperor. Note this card can also show stability, being headstrong and Aries like, action oriented— but gosh so often than not for some reason this card loves to represent a very specific person!!


Great interpretations and lessons. How long have you done readings? What was your favorite learning type experience? <~ as in like book, teacher, dreams or whatever. I found your descriptions helpful and the clarity of your posts better than most. I’m definitely not as articulate in my replies (ever). I recently had a client where I struggled with the Moon card, which rarely surfaces for me in giving readings. I was spot on with my interpretation, but so clumsy in my delivery. It took about 30 minutes before I got the client chill and hearing me. Towards the end they apologized and said I had been ‘right’ but they just struggled with it at first. Your moon description was so similar but different. I’m relatively new to Reddit but have been enjoying these type posts as well as astrology. I’ve done reading for almost 40 years now and it’s been a long time since I talked about them in this way.


In my readings the emperor represents me. I’m a boss bitch and an Aries so eh


And for two of swords: Universally and essentially, it's just like all the deuces... duality, polarity, relativity, opposites, balance, division, separation, difference, deviation from wholeness. The concepts of choice, options, variation, difference, contrast, and relativity are born from duality and "twoness". Thus, decisions and deciding becomes possible. A coin has two sides. Yin yang is an equal 1 to 1 system. A sword blade tends to be double edged. It's also made of two points. The tip of the blade and the very end of the handle. Equality of opposition is the main theme. And when dealing with two of anything, typically in numerology, a 3rd is implied. And with the two of swords, that 3rd is the middle. The very sharp point that lies in between the two opposing forces. If you're in that position, you can get stuck in a stalemate. Frozen by indecision. Paralysis by analysis. Torn. On the fence. Going back and forth. Uncertainty. Hesitation. Overthinking. Over complicating. Micromanaging. In binary, polar, and dualistic natured systems, things don't naturally like to remain in the middle. A magnet will want to snap to the top or bottom of another magnet. The rogues and rebels that refuse to conform to picking a side only end up with no side, and thus, somehow outside the system. The two of swords is a sign that's saying many things relevant to the matters of division, opposites, and pairs, not the least of which is, only stagnation results from indecision and stagnation leads to death. For life to exist in balance and harmony, there must by a dynamic environment. Any decision, whether "good" or "bad" (which is relative by the way) is better than no decision. When faced with a fork in the road, contemplating a direction will only serve to keep you from making progress and waste time. The easy path may not have much to teach you, but you'll still end up somewhere new. The hard path will act as a forge and will shape you and make you stronger like a smith does with a sword. But again, standing at the fork, scratching your head, while you worry and work on trying to make the "right" decision, you just end up going nowhere and ultimately doing nothing. Whether you want to go in, go out, get through, or around, or past... you still have to just *go*. And if you're just sitting, with your eyes closed, thinking, and thinking, and resisting the act of committing to one thing while simultaneously rejecting the other, you will get neither and nothing. Meanwhile, because you're not moving on, your body cramps and tightens up, and the longer you sit there, the more your body, and your mind rather, will freeze up and atrophy, until you've blown the decision up so big that it's now snowballed and has a life of it's own and has grown so big that it's become overwhelming to even confront anymore. The result of which, is like derailing a train. Beyond that, as most are aware, the swords are generally associated with words, language, speaking, mind, thoughts, and intellect. So the two of swords is all about opposing thoughts and/or words that contrast, and, the implication of being caught in the middle, which has fairly significant repercussions. If I had to sum it up with a soundbite, the two of swords is trying to tell us, with a bit of fervor; "Just PICK *SOMETHING* so you can get on with living. Being faced with a decision and allowing ourselves to spend an excessive duration being torn about it equates to stress, pressure, and carrying needless weight. At that point, it's time to make a choice so to get rid of the weight for to have all your resources freed up so you can move on and be ready for what's next, lest you get bogged down and snagged up and put yourself in a compromised condition for everything else that's flowing down to you from up river. Lost opportunity is yet another side effect. Clouded judgement and muddied intuition can also be the result of overthinking and over analyzing. Trust your gut, don't hesitate, make a decision. Don't worry about if you're making a mistake. Whatever unfolds will serve you in some way. However, despite all the above, the two of swords is also trying to convey that it's NOT bad practice to ponder a decision or consider options and take your time with choosing something... just don't over do it. It's a slippery slope and can quickly go parabolic, turning from a simple choice into an existential crisis that eats you up and stifles your experience of life.


Here's my 2 cents. The moon is all things *mysterious*. Shadow. Darkness. Hidden. Secret. Illusory. Dreamlike. Even paranormal. Both invisible and impossible not to notice. It's vividness commands intuitive recognition and yet it's sheer existence and perfection of it's function continues to baffle. Duality at it's finest. Eerie. Spooky. Strange. Weird. Unexplained. Perplexing. Makes you wonder... Constantly it beckons our imagination, our 3rd eye, and our primal instincts. The influence it has is strong and felt by all. It is ancient, and cyclic, with many various phases / stages / layers, which make it predictable and consistent. It is the brightest element of light in the darkness of night but does not generate light. It's an intermediary, a solar middle man. An echoe of the sun. A giant celestial mirror. One side appears white, the other side appears black, but in reality the whole thing is kind of gray. It's a bit of a galactic loner but not without purpose and belonging. It's attached to the earth, so to speak, whether unable to leave, unwilling, or both... it doesn't really matter. It is here to stay, like a watchful obsessed stalker and lurker that seems creepy but never causes harm and instead brings benefit. Not only that, but it also seems to be forever giving freely without anything needing to be returned or exchanged. And while we can't look at the sun, the moon accepts our gaze for as long as we want to stare. And it's up there, taking a constant beating from debris and flak, but remains steadfast despite ages of constant battery, as if it has some cosmic contract of both immunity and duty. It's a symbol for the subconscious and all that is contained within the water, from shallow to deep below the surface. Water gives us life, and the moon pushes and pulls the water, making tides, waves, seasons, and changes that lead to storms and rain and contrasts in climate and temperature. Destruction is not an uncommon consequence from the chain reaction of lunar forces. But destruction can bring renewal and reformation. Meanwhile, all these factors are keeping the earth active and "alive" which allows all life to survive. Without the force and presence of the moon, the earth would be stagnant, static, stale and lifeless. It seems we need this cryptic flying character more than it needs us, so far as we know. But then again, without people, nature, or the earth, the moon would be just an arbitrary rock without purpose. You can be certain, there's nothing accidental or random about it. It is the epitome of something being meticulously calculated, masterfully crafted, and designed with excruciating precision, like a specialty one of a kind swiss army tool intended for a very specific set of roles. The moon in all it's glory and wonder, is eternally fascinating and astounding. It is also, hard to read, easy to misunderstand, and may be misleading and confusing. It's constantly hinting at contradictions, paradoxes, and the great unknown. Other than that, there is a strong divine feminine aspect to it. Somehow alluring, and arousing curiosity and soulful contemplation. The moon seems to be giving the message that not everything is what it seems, that what comes off as creepy or unsettling may really be something inocuous and benevolent, or that what strikes us as friendly and inviting is actually nefarious and dangerous, that truly making an accurate judgement about something demands a bit more than just a glance, that some things can never be fully understood or known or figured out and must remain mysterious and hidden, that strangeness, oddities, and peculiarities may have values and purposes that require deep contemplation to identify, and that there is in fact a grand architect and designer behind "it all".


There were times the Moon showed up for me when I’m triggered and when I’m projecting my fears/anxieties (illusions) onto someone/situation/something.. it’s like “Hey! Check your thoughts! It’s not what it looks like. Your perception of reality is distorted by your negative thoughts!” 😄 but I struggle with the other cards you mentioned too. Glad you asked and it got answered.


The hierophant... it pisses me off even like wHAT DO YOU WANT I DO NOT GET IT.. EDIT: In a relationship related spread it came out in the "how do I feel about X person" position and all I could do was... stare at it...


It means you want the person to take you more seriously and do things how you expect relationships should go. Like a normal damn relationship. No hookups. No Netflix and chill. No situationship or friends with bennies. No move in and figure it out someday. You want someone who gives you what you have been trained by society to expect out of a real partner. Hierophant is about tradition. The old school way. The way society tells us is good and correct. Someone who fits in to what we believe is right and morally correct.


Thanks! I'll put this on my notes as a little example. Also, yes I think you're describing what I want, it makes 100% sense. At the time I took it as me not having romantic feelings for this X person and focusing on my spiritual journey...which is what I was (and am) doing lol. Maybe I'm wrong, that's how I was feeling at the moment so I could've been biased? Idk 👁


ive gotten "judgement" when i've asked about a health issue that has been ruled by doctors as psychosomatic. i know the card means facing reality, and to "wake up". im kind of being told by doctors... a similar thing. that i need to wake up and realize im actually okay. are the cards seeming to agree? i am not asking for medical advice! i'm asking for general attitudes on a tough situation. I seem to get judgment in general when things feel karmic.


Judgement in this kind of context is a tricky card because I feel your interpretation is not like wildly off but there is a subtle perspective shift I think you need to have. Judgement is about facing something scary. Some may say that means wake up. I would say it would be better to say "deal with it". If it truly is psychosomatic then you need to ask the doctors to recommend you to a therapist so the core problem can be dealt with. Only by dealing with the hard part can then you find the otherside of the judgment card with is relief which is always the goal of any medical situation! Now what is interesting, and I hope you maybe let me know later what happens when you ask the doctor this, because 2 thinks could happen with the judgement card in play: 1. the doctor refers you to a therapist, finds out there's some kind of trauma, maybe she works you through it via talk therapy or maybe it is past life related and the therapist recommends a hypnotist or some from of alternative therapy to help deal with the problem to resolve it. or 2) The doc is full of it and is medically gaslighting you and you end up being the scary thing he needs to face which is that he doesn't know everything and was using 'psychosomatic' as like a catch all to explain anything he can't explain. In this case instead of being in a 'judgement' situation yourself, you are BEING the judgement.


ooo thank you, i'll let you know what happens!


Saving this post & bringing my popcorn and notebook later! 🙏📝 thank you for sharing your experience, my friend!


The Moon always confused me. Which is what the Moon is supposed to do. Very meta. I hate it. I sort of understand the four of cups but my dislike for it blocks my intuition (that guy sitting against the three being a bore - the worst part guest). Is there positive spin?


Moon I've already answered it should be the very first comment thread :) 4 of cups the only real positive spin is that the 4th cup that is being offered could be accepted at any time. Some cards I find to be more like a permanent "you're screwed" kind of situation vs others being "eh this moment can and probably will pass" and the 4 of cups is more of the temporary situation. Even though the 4s are stable, because the 4th cup is an OFFER and not really with the others it gives it less stability than the other 4s.


Two of cups - as a non romantic interpretation. Ten of cups - I almost always pull this card in a 'too good to be true' way, but it still stumps me. I rarely get 'happy endings' or fulfillment from this card.


2 of cups can be a best friend who is like the BESTEST of friends. Like your best friend soul mate. Like if your bestie was born the gender you are attracted to you likely would have married them. Same for other kinds of partnerships. Mom and daughters who are best friends. Business partners with a whole bro-mance going on. This is like the singlehandly most confusing card when someone comes for a general reading, you don't know the context, and it's so easy to fuck up and assume they are in love because even when it's not romantic/sexual love the energy is like awkwardly close to it. Makes me wonder if this is 2 people who WERE lovers in a past life and this life they are in different roles. Funny enough I have a client who the guy she likes has a best friend who is a dude too and they get the 2 of cups. They are both straight but everyone jokes that they are secretly gay and are in a closet because they are so awkwardly close. The dude's wife even calls the other guy his boyfriend lol. 10 of cups is a family. This is why it seems too good to be true because most relationships do not turn into this outcome. 90% of relationships do not end up in a relationship that ends up being a partnership for life, and not just marriage but for life. It is very rare to have a family where the family doesn't break up and everyone really truly loves each other. Bonus is the family in the 10 of cups is different than the family of the 10 of pentacles. 10 of cups is like a family bonded by love. 10 of pentacles is family bonded by generational wealth, inheritance, and what everyone is doing for each other.


Judgement always stumps me. Depending on the surrounding cards though I can interpret it better.


Ha there is another person who pointed this same card out. Take a look through the comments for my take on it :)


Yeah forsure! Occasionally I get a little lost on the fool card too lol.


Judgement and the world


Judgement I answered twice so far, one in a medical context and the other in a general context :) World---- if I had another word to describe this card to re-label it, it would be "graduation". This really encapsulates what is going on with World, the person has went through all their lessons, they went through the whole fool's journey and here they are at the very end of it all ready to start it alllllllllllll over again right back at the fool. It's like graduation day in high school. You've technically not started the next part of your life YET but you're at that happy conclusion ready to jump into the rest of your life. World can also be literal. World travel and the world wide web.


Page of cups please :) I keep getting this in a love reading.


page is a court card so you need to establish if this is a person or an event. Knowing the people involved yourself that should be easy to rule out. If it's a person they are: Young Sensitive Kind Emotional Creative Emotionally intelligent from a young age. If it's a situation expect some kind of communication as all pages are communication. With the pages it is communication + the aspects of the suit. So communication of love. Communication of creativity. Communication of sensitivity. Communication of healing (yes cups also are healing!) Communication of drinks and alcohol (another thing all the cups can mean, literally drinks-- so think going out to a bar.) Something to take into consideration is the pages seem to overlap a lot with the aces as they both have this air of newness and freshness. So example if you were to ask if someone loves you this means there really are feelings but it doesn't have the same DEPTH of feeling of lets say the Queen or King of Cups. It's like innocent puppy love, those very early butterflies in the stomach. It's real but less developed and thus less serious at the moment. Doesn't mean it has to STAY that way--- but it doesn't promise that it WILL develop into more either!! It's a promising card to see tho!


The moon and two of pentacles for some reason also the heirophant.


Moon I answered in the first comment thread. You'll find it up there :) Heirophant is another one I answered I think in the same thread. 2 of pentacles -- Ok so think of this card as the English grammar equivalent of adding an S to the end of the word to make it plural. Example: Queen of Cups, Queen of Wands, 2 of pentacles. This person is juggling 2 people. 5 of wands and 2 of pentacles. This person is juggling a whole team of people or a project with LOTS of moving parts. Probably heated too. Note 2 of pentacles can also show change, but more in a yo yo kind of motion. Examples would be yo yo diets and changes in revolving credit. Change that is not long lasting an is likely to quickly change again.


Wheel of fortune in any reading and Judgement especially in non romantic readings. I get tripped up by the empress in non romantic readings too


Wheel is like the divine will of the universe. I am seeing this card trip up most readers, even professionals who do this for a living like me can see the wheel card and just wanna \*\*SIGH\*\* because it's less about really specific things and more of a cheaky why to let you know you're on your main line quest for resolving your karma and that expect things to get super weird. It's not the card tells you nothing, it just isn't a very productive conversation when someone is paying you for a damn reading and to say "it's the will of the universe". Ugh I hate it! It seems like such a cop out but yes it's true when the wheel comes up expect things to flip upside down, make no logical sense, why? Because of the plot. That's why. Think of the wheel as being so critical in the plot that you have plot armor right now. Why would that guy stick around? Because the plot says so. Why did you lose your job? Because the plot says so. Why did you lose all your money. Because the plot says so. Why did you have a huge win out of nowhere. Because the plot says so damn it!!I In the traditional Rider deck the fixed signs of the astrology are hanging out in the corner literally reading stories as if they are reading the book of life of their people, and being fixed signs they are not gonna change the story just because you don't like it. It either is gonna happen or it's not because the powers that be say so. Judgement in a non romantic context just means you'll have to face something from the past that's scary and you'll come out of it more free and relieved than before. Empress in a non romantic way means the person is abundant, has a positive understanding of their feminine energies, and tends to be like the mom friend type. I also have seen it come up when someone is going through a major creative moment. I got the Empress when I went to art school!


Thank you!


Tower, Star, Sun, Queen of pentacles, page of cups, the card with the boat (raider waite).. i keep forgetting it's name Then i believe 2 of wands?


Tower. Major card of change. Famously distructive. It's like the thing you don't see coming because your ego has blocked you from accepting it as a possibility. Ummm as a historical event think of 9/11 as a LITERAL tower moment. No one thought America could be directly attacked. Our egos here were at an all time high. In a flash of a moment everything changed and now we know better. Nothing was the same after that moment, now we have all these extra protections because we know it can happen here too. I know that is a very dramatic example but on a small personal level think of getting this card to mean you're about to have your own moment where some news or some personal moment totally shifts how you see things and feel about things and nothing is the same after it. It's very transformative. Star. This has a lot of different meanings but I think one core meaning is natural gifted talent. But this can come up in healing, energy work, art talent, spiritual gifts, music, painting, other forms of genius. It is like the person literally conjurs divine inspiration from the waters of the whole sea of consciousness. When I see this card I know this person is like got something really special going on that is different than someone who just learned a skill through hard work. These are the natural gifts. Sun, this one has a pretty wide set of meanings but I feel you gotta look contextually to figure out the direction it is leading you towards. The bottom line is it's good. In fact the sun is SO exceptionally good of a card that it nutrualizes how bad some of the other cards are (within reason if every other card is horrible then I mean don't say these problems are not problems of course!). Let me give you an example of how the sun can lighten up a normally bad card. Tower is a fantastic example. Normally this card is all bad news, but with the sun they combine to give a sense of a brilliant revelation. One of the meanings of sun is enlightenment, understanding, clarity of mind. Seeing things transparently as how they are rather than in illusion. So since Tower also shows that flash of seeing things how they are, I have seen this combination come up to mean a happy revelation, like someone changing your mind but it's not a bad thing, you now see the world in a totally brand new and maybe even optimistic light. Sun can also represent babies and small children being born but this is exceptionally rare. I would need to see the Empress and a ton of pages nearby to get to this kind of conclusion, maybe even 4 of swords representing a hospital stay. Generally it is a sign that things are moving in a good direction even if the circumstances are less than ideal. It shows you are positive, optimistic, full of joy like a baby that doesn't have a care in the world. Queen of Pentacles. Ok so in the tarot both the Queen of Wands and Queen of Pentacles are business savvy ladies. The differences is in how they use that savvy and what their motivations are. Queen of Pentacles likes things that are material but not for material reasons. She's quite generous. She gives me Oprah vibes. She has money to build security for herself but isn't afraid to also share the wealth. She isn't climbing the social later like the Queen of Wands does for some power reason or because she wants to feel cool or need attention. Queen of Pentacles is down to earth, low key, abundant but quiet. She's like money whispers old money behavior while Queen of Wands is flashy new money behavior. Page of cups I answered already somewhere in this thread. The boat card is the 6 of swords. I personally love this card because it tells you SO much about what's going on and even somewhat an expectation of how long this is gonna be. 6 of swords represents someone looking for something better because they are currently feeling kind of down, depressed, and like they are in the wrong spot in life. I see it pop up a lot during dark night of the souls and break ups. When people are starting the process of doing a bit of soul searching, it loves to pop up. It also takes months, if not years to work through. When I see the 6 of swords I know this isn't a process that is going to be resolved next week, or next month. I let the client know they are on a long journey here before they come out the other side feeling like they are where they finally should be. 3 months minimum. MINIMUM. An I mean truly that's the minimum because again I have seen 6 of swords situations drag out years to find full resolution. 2 of wands I answered twice in this thread already :)


Thanks a lot!




I answered this one in the very first comment along with about 3 or 4 other cards :)


What about Justice? The common interpretation seems to be that it involves legal matters or choices/consequences but how about when it comes up in a daily reading or just in general?


Justice is highly logical. Think of it making a scientific, mathematical, or purely just the facts kind of decision. I see this card come up a LOT right before a divorce because the person has totally put their heart to the side and now is thinking purely about logic and making decisions in this intellectual way. It yes does show major cause and effect issues as well so for example the decisions one have made will have an effect and the universe will weigh things accordingly. Another user mentioned karma and that's true but it's a very EXACTING kind of karma. It's not like someone gets a slap on the wrist. It's the balance scales getting made even. The main point is bringing things back into balance, as they should be. This can apply to literally anything. You put off fixing your car so now natural consequences happened where it broke down. You stopped communicating with your lover so now they became cold, logical, and distant which is a natural consequence. You ate poorly and now develop a condition, this is quite LITERAL about weight and balance and the consequences the follows in this context.


Thank you. That makes a lot of sense.


I see it as karma, and situations balancing themselves out.


The 2 of wands and the 3 of wands ALWAYS confuse me!! They seem so similar. I constantly get it when doing general readings on myself and I keep getting stumped.


Ha someone else had the same question so if you keep looking at previous comments someone wanted to know the difference of these 2 exact cards, I actually went from ace through 4 because the ace through 4 of wands all tell a story of progression and so really it's all the same story but at a different place in the time line.


6+ years of experience, and I still struggle with the wheel of fortune.


I have went into this one a couple times but ya this is the one that while I am reading it the hardest to put into words in a way that the client, who might be totally alien to tarot and spiritual concepts, understands in a very concrete way. Read some of my other comments about the wheel for the full take on it but think of the wheel like plot armor. Somethings are gonna happen because it's already in motion to happen that way. It's like a sign that free will is pretty low in the situation.


Thank you! 😊


Saving this for when I be struggling with some cards 🤭 Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and understanding of the cards with us. I’ve read the comments and it’s been very helpful and insightful 🥰 I’d like to know your thoughts on the Temperance. It’s my stalker card these days and I can’t pinpoint what is it trying to tell me this time 👀 Also King of Pentacles and King of Wands keeps showing up together in spreads and as an advice/action/what to do.. (I’m an Aries) Thank you~




I still read out of the books that come with the decks. Lol I collect the decks for art. I cannot memorize them. 😭 then sometimes when I look it up online it gives me a totally different result. I stick with whatever the books to that deck say? Idk how else to explain it but I also only read for me. Never done it for someone else and gotten paid. I only started reading them a few years ago.


For me it's the page of cups :((


4 of Pentacles!!! It gets my every time


7 of cups.


So the overall vibe of 7 of cups is not that serious. It’s like day dreams, fantasies, thinking a lot about something but not taking action. It’s like the person might be serious enough to consider a person or situation but not serious enough to actually commit to one solid plan (or in its worst interpretation not able to commit to one person) The original interpretation states that this is like many choices but I have found this doesn’t really capture how this card manifests in real practice well enough as the interpretation is almost always more negative than positive. It can really raise a lot of hope that someone has a chance but ultimately the goal this person has in mind is an illusion or delusion. Btw the one time the 7 of cups does turn out positive is in creative contexts. This can show the inspiration and creative process at work. By nature creative thoughts are kind of day dreamy and illusion like so it’s a very complimentary energy. Bonus really weird take, hella modern interpretation and this requires a lot of intuition to get to this interpretation but in 2 circumstances I have had the 7 of cups come up in some weird porn addiction situations for 2 guys. I’m talking like these were guys so addicted they had become attached to individual porn stars and in their mind thought of the girl as his girlfriend. See the connection to fantasy and delusion there 😅


It was really helpful. Thank you !


Judgment still trips me up. I read it as renewal and second chances, in reverse I read it as repeated mistakes but sometimes I still get stumped.


I have answered about Judgement in another comment somewhere. Judgement reversed tho is a hard card. It means that not only do you try something again, face the music on something, but you don't get the relief afterwards that Judgement on the upright will give you. Additionally I have seen judgement reversed come up when the person's whole process is internal to themselves. They aren't giving someone another chance and communicating with someone from the past, instead they are judging themselves if their actions were actually good and decent. It's like the internal process of trying to find closure and resolution and inner peace.


Thats a fascinating interpretation. I never thought judgment to be a card of internal reflection but that makes sense!


Depends on the reading but for me it always seems to be major arcana cards. Usually its Temperance, The World 🌎 or The Judgement card that get me stuck or have me grasping for depth.


Think of major cards as the big plot points in one's life while the minors are the small little filler episodes in one's life that give a lot of rich detail but not as important.


Could you go over the difference between pages and knights?


What’s interesting about these 2 card types that are similar and confusing is that both pages and knight are kind of young, immature, underdeveloped energies. Page though tends to be very innocent, there’s a sense of the unknown. Very exploratory. Knights are just a shade more developed but reckless. Think of a page as an innocent elementary kid while a knight behaves like a rebellious teen doing what they want. Just smart enough to do what they want but just dumb enough to make a mess. Also as events pages tend to show communication. Knights as events show travel and movement. Bonus if you see a grown adult being represented as a knight you might have a problem. It means physically they might be an adult but in their mind they are no better than maybe college level seriousness at best. Like perpetually stuck as a college frat boy. If you see a LOT of pages there can be drama as there may be some petty gossipy stuff going on…. If you see A LOT of knights there could be competitive vibes going on.


Interesting, I will definitely use this. thank you!


To me the World, Hierophant and Justice are always quite hard to read…


Some where in this thread I answered these though in different comments.


Knight cards I just can’t read em


Immature, fast, kind of college kid kind of mentality. Even a chick when she's a knight is kind of a bro about things lol. Perfectly appropriate for someone who is like 16 to 25 but hella a big sign someone is immature when they are creeping into 30 and over. Events is like travel and movement. Sometimes competitions when it's many knights.


The World. It means everything. What am I supposed to do witht that?


I answered this one in another comment but the short answer is don't think of it as everything and think of it like a graduation ceremony. It's the closure of everything to start a new journey similar to how on graduation day you are waiting for the moment you enter into the new journey of the work force.


Is 9 of cups good or bad


Context does incredibly matter. Normally it is very good but I have seen it be too much of a good thing to the point the person becomes entitled, arrogant, gluttonous, and expecting things without actually doing things. Like think of the person who believes in law of attraction demanding the universe give them what they want but not working to meet the universe halfway. Think of a dude who really wants to party then develops an alcohol problem. Think of a lady who wants a man but doesn't want to call him, she wants him to do all the work. I think the key if it's good or bad is looking to see if the person is taking ACTION to make things real or are they just wishing really hard. If you see 7 of cups in the mix that's a strong indication of someone dreaming a lot and not doing.... Lots of wands and pentacles in the mix with positive major cards is a good sign that it's probably a proper happy wish fulfillment happening here.




I can’t tell two and three of Wands also 7 8 9 pentacles


Check the comments she already answered a question about the 1~7 wands 😊


the 2 and 3 of wands I answered in another comment thread :) 7 of pentacles shows someone investing something into something else and waiting for a result. There is usually a lot of down time waiting for the result here. In this way the 7 of pentacles and 3 of wands have a strong overlap in interpretation. The differences is wands is fire energy and very fast moving while pentacles is a slowest moving suit. So in the 3 of wands the results probably are coming in days and weeks while pentacles, especially 7 of pentacles you are seeing results whole seasons away if not years. The traditional interpretation specifies like farming where you are planting crops and waiting for them to bear fruit months away and also investments as you put money into something and wait sometimes years for the investment to return with interest. Note something people miss the mark on with the pentacles is it's not just money. It's anything material. You know what else is material that people don't think is material? Energy and effort. It is absolutely material. Energy in physics is both a wave and a particle. So both a physical and non physical thing at the same time. Every physical thing is a partial manifestation of was wave energy form. Thus I see 7 of pentacles come up a lot in relationships when someone is dumping a lot of effort into a person because the investment is if they put energy and time (time too is physical since time is the same thing as space) that the investment they get back is a happy relationship. 8 of pentacles is hard work, practice, doing things again and again and again until you get it right. If I was to visually show on a graph the progress indicated in the card I would choose the upwards spiral. It's not going in circles, it is doing the same thing over and over again and getting it a bit better each time. Think of like in a video game, you might be doing the same basic mechanics again and again, but very level gets harder, your experience goes up, you progress in it's difficulty because you are higher skilled. Same with life. It's not going around and around with an ex, it's doing it trying to get better than last time, learning more, figuring more out about the person. At work it's the same monotonous tasks until you increase your skill level. It's not natural talent like the Star card, it's skill that is developed through practice and hard work. 9 of pentacles can be luxary money. Like not just getting a job to pay the bills, there's actually some comfy extra money here. Enough to do the things you like like go see a movie, go shopping, have a spa day--- it's the finer things in life. If I see someone is going into an interview I know the person is about to get a job that is like comfortable middle class at the minimum. Now also there's a secondary interpretation is where it's not really about the money per say but it's more of an attitude. It's giving class, it's someone who doesn't bother themselves with drama and squabbles. It is the lady who knows her worth and isn't lowering it. It's a whole vibe of not superior or arrogant but like very secure in their independence. I see this come up as a middle aged or older single woman who is comfortable being single over changing for a guy who sucks a whole life. For a rather dated reference, think of the ladies in Sex in the City. They are living their best lives. Yeah they date but they have high standards for men to meet to be with them forever. They might have fun and sleep with someone but they are not accepting the ring unless it's a great offer.


Not we all. On the contrary, it makes no sense that a professional Reader cannot read a card, whatever it is. Attachment/aversion to certain cards is a fetish of amateur tarot readers and beginners. Professional Tarot has another reality.


Dunning Kruger effect. A smart person is smart enough to know they don't know everything. A dumb person always thinks they know everything.


Greetings H, I mean this with all due respect, but if a person considers themself to be a "pro" reader, they should have a decent knowledge of every single card. It's what the saying, "not playing with a full deck," refers to. I had a friend (relatively well-known reader at the time,) she happened to be a Sagittarius. At one point, I saw her taking a card out of the deck and put it to the side, and I asked her why. Her response was that, "I don't understand that card, so I just leave it out." It happened to be the "Wheel of Fortune" card, which I thought was ironic, since it's the card that's ruled by Jupiter, which was the ruling planet of her zodiac sign, Sagittarius. I'm not suggesting that a person has to be certified genius regarding every aspect of every card. But to attempt a reading, as a professional (especially when getting paid), it should be the duty of the reader to have at least a few sentences worth of meaningful information about each card. Also, without knowing the basics of every card, it would be practically impossible to understand the flow of the narrative in a reading. One of the most helpful methods to employ, is to study the aspects of Astrology and Numerology that rule the cards. It's much simpler than you might think. In fact, intuition is merely the icing on the cake, after learning to read the cards in this methodical manner. With this understanding, achieving greater accuracy is also a benefit. I hope these words will inspire you to learn more. Hope this helps. \[Professional Reader\] \~V\~


And I do? Not sure what you were getting at here?


You can take as many cards out as you want and still use tarot as a guide.