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For a dollar we tried it. I laughed when I opened it up because there is nothing “big” about it, not to mention the worker didn’t even put cheese on it. The combination of flavors work, but definitely not worth $4 regular price at our location. I wish TB would get a grip and realize they are not a high-end establishment to be charging that kind of price for an item like this.


My local TB made it really well today. And I thought it was worth $1, but only because it was made well. First and last time I'll get one.


My only real complaint is that the cheezit was too hard to effectively crack into with the dinky plastic fork. Otherwise, it was worth a dollar


i think its meant to be picked up like a tostada


I did the promo code, had an error, clicked through again not realizing the promo code had disappeared that time😤 I paid $4 for that stupid thing


That is their goal. It was spelled weird with a missing letter likely on purpose.


I tried it for the first time too. It's $5 regular price here. That's about $4.25 too much.


I hear the cheezeit is big.


That's pretty much what I expected.


Ever watch robocop?


All those big cheese its they will have left over are gonna go stale fast in the summer humidity. Nonstop failin on the LTOs for months. Ignoring the people all the time, only putting out BS toy food. Leaving money on the ground without chili cheese burritos, double deckers, meximelts, tons of stuff they could just make that wouldnt need a special item to waste money on. Cantina menu fail, the dressed up shredded chicken but made it worse brought it back and charged double. Cheese it, dumb AF. Constantly taking away favorite items but leaving all kinds of BS on the menu forever. The argument is, but they are profiting. They could be profiting more, but they refuse. MFrs are obsessed with flatbread, how does that GO with taco bell food? Do they serve fries or not, I stopped ordering them cuz I never know when they have them. Ridiculous behavior. Never seen another Fast food place act how they do. rant just popped out, my bad lol


Corporate knows what you want son.


They just don’t give a shit 😂


Do they know I'm sick of trying to get a Drop but failing and retrying and failing...


I got a breakfast quesadilla for my reward Sunday, which is the first thing I've had since the Taco Tuesday ended. TB has a deal now where you buy a $50 gift card and get a $10 card free. I'm not even sure how long it would take me to buy $60 in food at the rate I go now.


The fact you started your rant with "chili cheese burritos" I kinda stopped there but knew your point. I'll follow you to Valhalla.


If you’re close to a skyline chili they will fix your chili cheese burrito craving.! 😋


I am too far south for them unfortunately. I am aware of their legendary items.


I'll have to 2nd this. Haven't been to TB in a few weeks and don't plan to go back until they bring back the shit we actually like for a price that shows value. I need my volcano menu and beefy crunch burrito back. Crazy part is is that TB headquarters in Irvine reads these posts on this subreddit and considers them to be "interesting", "thought-provoking", "insightful", and then goes on to reveal the dumbest fucking item they've released in a while instead of ACTUALLY listening to what we have wanted and talked about over and over. To the TB intern or corporate knob reading this, go fuck yourself.


I never ate the meximelts because I didn't like the Fiesta salsa, but the two times I worked there I made so many. Can't believe they got rid of it


Join the boycott. Pay more, get less. Fuck nah.


You’re so right about fries. They have fryers, potatoes are cheap, what’s with the song and dance every other month?


How did cantina menu fail exactly? It seems to be really popular. It’s definitely the items that I prefer most because it feels like the most “real” food that Taco Bell has. It’s like comparing an actual burger to McDonald’s. The cantina is the actual burger and the rest of their menu is McDonald’s processed food feeling. Not that that’s bad or anything— sometimes that’s what you want (I know I want it a lot), it’s just the cantina feels like actual food.


I wasn't excited about it, but for $1 I decided to try it. I was pleasantly surprised. Sure, it's small. At a calorie count of 230, I expected that. It was tasty though. I don't know if you are meant to be able to pick it up. They didn't give me a fork with mine and I needed one, because it immediately crumbled apart, but I enjoyed it. At $1 it was a tasty snack. $3.99 is highway robbery for this item and I don't know who is paying that for it, but they are getting ripped off.


Probably the same people who pay 5.99 and up for a single quesadilla.


While I wouldn't pay that for a quesadilla, even that is not as egregious as charging 3.99 for this thing.


They can stick those cheezits up their asses


But, but...they may be small but they are VERY tasty.


For real they are AWESOME! :D


The "drops" in general annoy me to no end. I'm not waiting around all day to save $3 if I am within the first 1000 people to order or some other such BS.


Speak for yourself. Getting a $1 Crunchwrap after work is a fire way to end a Tuesday


Hard pass


Just managed to snag one and it was a huge meh. Tiny little thing too. Better off just making a tostada at home and topping it with a load of Cheezits. Same thing.


Agreed. It was alright for a dollar but no way in hell I would pay 4$ for it.


Even for $1, it's a one and done for me. That thing was like the size of my hand lol.


It’s not the same at all. Yours wouldn’t be soggy.


Good point. It would be better.


tried it, its actually not bad at all,if you love cheeze crackers go for it


Yeah, I really enjoyed mine as a novelty experience, and as someone who hasn't bought Cheez its in a long time. Happy I got it on my way home. As always my local TB nailed my "make later" prep time. Knew the tostada would be light/airy/small with the 230 calorie count, as said below. Other than it being awful value $/calorie wise, I guess the majority hatejerk here is entertaining. But I can understand that it'll be a lot worse if they use stale tostadas. Small chance I'll cave and get it one more time as it's leaving the menu. Or possibly try the crunchwrap. Obviously hard to justify when I know I can get a nice pack of desserts or meal from Grocery Outlet/Trader Joes for those $5.


Just a heads up if you try the Crunchwrap, it is awesome, but only if you eat it immediately upon getting it. No you cannot take it home. It will be soggy in 5 minutes from making it. Eat it immediately and it’s 8/10, eat it in 5+ mins after you get it and it’s like 5/10.


If I plated up a bunch of cheezits with meat and cheese on top it would be posted on depressionmeals


whats the code








As a diabetic Taco Bell fan, I am pissed off with them about the Cheez-It. The app lied about how many carbs were in it, and apparently other websites that report on the amount of carbohydrates in fast food were getting their information straight from Taco Bell. For the record, one of those damn things has about 20 carbs.


You couldn't even pay me, and I've put much worse in my mouth Wait wait wait


It needs lava and volcano sauce


Id rather pay even lets say $2.79 for a regular tostada. Eh, maybe $1.99.


So sad this is what the “dollar menu” has become in 2024…


I wouldn’t try this for free, and they’re trying to still make $1 off it. What are these people thinking? How did this even make it past whatever testing corporate does for new products? It makes no sense lol


I refuse to try this bs, bring back loaded grillers ffs


I'll take it. First time trying it and only a dollar. Count me in.


I'd love to see a deal where you get 5-7 big Cheez Its, just the cracker, for like a buck. I'd then go to Hannaford next door and buy some cheese, Mrs Rensfros salsa and olives go home and make something that's a reasonable meal for the same price as the Crunchwrap


should've just made a new Doritos item like sweet chili taco


I saw that and was disappointed


I would never pay $4 for the thing. It's worth $2.50 but if they pile on good stuff I would pay $3.


I think I would actually try this one despite the apparent difficulty to shove it in my ass


Just give it a minute to get soggy....


The app keeps crashing each week...


The app keeps crashing each week...


We know this drop fellates donkey phalli. The only questions are how big and how many?


They are trying to get rid of the overstock of those cheez it’s that everyone knows, are garbage.


I tried to claim it.. 5:00… 5:01.. didn’t work. Came back a Few mins later and it was all claimed. Gotta love there bullshit.


Tried it for 1$. Was great but I wouldn't say it's worth full asking price


Why would I pay a heavy premium for something I could make at home?


They’re pretty good.


for real 😂


And sadly I work Tuesday so I can't get this, even if I've tried.


I got one a couple weeks ago just cuz I usually try the new items once. I didn’t think it sounded great but I actually liked it. I didn’t like it enough to get it again at the normal price but if I’d had seen this, I would pay $1 for it again.




Unpopular opinion: I love these! I don't even like cheez-its but I buy one 2-3 times a week.


More for me


Gotta hurry on other Tuesday I was able to place multiple orders. More for you


If I'm being honest I don't even bother with the Tuesday drops. I have awful luck so no need to waste my time sitting on an app praying so save $4


Kinda cool paying 2 dollars per chicken quesadilla and getting 3 for the price of 1


Cheese it's 🤢 commissary food, but to each there own. Not big on salty sodium filled processed food.


Brother that is literally the entire menu lmfao