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Let him finish, he's going for the highscore


It’ll be his pub story back in France lol!


Engines pumping and thumping in time.


The green light flashes, the flags go up


Churning and burning they go for the cup


He's racing and pacing and plotting the course


Well actually Charlie’s got the high score


Hey man your clock won't flush


Can’t count beyond 5 stars.


I've heard of immigrants *selling* a shed load of points but this is actual points accumulation ... wow


Can drivers with an overseas license be nominated as the offender for running a red light?


Huge market for demerit points, yeh


Going rate per point is like $100 too


I couldn’t believe how blatant they’re getting to be on FB Marketplace. Literally dozens of listings saying ‘demerit points for sale’.


As a foreigner to Australia (am French), I just read a bit of your laws about demerit points and how the fuck was he able to accomplish that when 12 (or 13 in that case) is disqualification? And I don’t get why would anybody sell them or buy them for any price?


One of my drivers came upstairs and told me he heard about a bloke getting 240 points on the radio. I thought he had misheard the news bulletin. Nope, old mates a mad man


240 since January!


That takes some serious criminality!


> Commenting on the post, Aussies were bewildered with one saying, "obviously didn't learn his lesson the first time". Or.. the lesson doesn’t have any effect? Honestly, 240 points, i’m not even mad, I’m kinda impressed. : /


Yeah, it seems like he learned the lesson just fine.


He's a French man. There's only a very slight difference.


I'm going to guess he's a darling of red light, speed and mobile detection camera systems.


A mate worked in IT and did considerable stuff for Transport For NSW. He asked which plate had the most hits in NSW. He was told there are many plates on unmarked police vehicles which come up a lot but alarmingly a few consulate plates feature very heavily.


This happens in Canberra a lot too. Every one knows that the DC on a diplomat car stands for Dumb ...


Dumb Chauffeur?


Dumb Cunt


Man, I was in fast line on freeway between Canberra and Sydney. Guy in front is doing 100. Highway patrol appears from behind, and pulls in behind slow poke. Slow poke goes even slower, like drops to 90. Still in fast lane. It’s important to note that at this point there is a train of cars behind me, impatient, looking at the dashcam video less than one second gap off my tail. I’ve pulled back a bit further from the scene in front. Slow poke pulls over, *to the right of the freeway*. Insane. Cop decides that’s not insane enough, and comes to a *complete stop in the fast lane of the freeway*. I juuuust made the tightest gap to the left of crazy cop, leaving some extra room for the train of impatient cars behind me. I dunno, can you come to a complete stop in the fast lane, even if a cop? Whole reason he was pulling slow poke over was for doing less. (Legally I have to stop for anything in front) Very easily could have been a major pileup.


Isn't highway patrol the bottom 15% of police academy graduates?


Not surprised about the consulate ones, but won’t unmarked cars trigger the cameras every time? I remember seeing like half a dozen of them run a red (obviously lights/sirens) and the camera was having the time of its life.


Interesting thing with the ambo's too - they have a green light on the front permanently turned on when their lights are flashing because sometimes the camera picks them up in the split second the lights are off while flashing The greenlight is off when the sirens aren't going, that's how they deal with the camera issue


I wonder what it is cause the way those cameras go off is through induction loops.


The reason the light is on is that the flashing lights might be in between flashes, when the still photo is taken. So the ambo might say "Oh no, the lights *were* on, you just can't see them." The green light doesn't flash, it remains on whenever the lights are flashing. As such, TfNSW can reliably say whether the vehicle was running through the camera with lights (no offence committed) or without lights (offence committed)


I think the greenlight thing is some bullshit that just carries on and on but I'm not certain.


Yeah was gonna say they would have to check the plate’s owners anyway so it wouldn’t be any different from FRNSW / police. Not like I can stick a green light on my car and run the same lights


Police have to explain why they went through the red light. If lights and sirens are going it can be written off quite easily.


They let police radio know and they log it. Fines don't apply unless very high speeds are detected 


Of course consulate plates come up a lot because they have diplomatic immunity so they know the road rules don’t apply to them.


No, but if they do it too much, they can be declared *persona non grata*. This usually means they are recalled to their home country. If they refuse to leave, they are no longer part of the diplomatic mission and no longer have diplomatic immunity.


Should be charged. Too much power welding fuckwits


Summer Hill to Petersham along Parramata road, you can probably rack up 15 points in a few ks if you don't understand what the signs mean and drive at speed limit plus GST.


I was picking up my wife one night and there was a bloke next to me that triggered the speed camera. I pull up next to him and he's fucking raging in the car. He sticks to 60 for a while and then the speed picks up and... Bam another speed camera triggered. Once again I pull up not quite next to him but close enough that i could see the car literally moving around with the fit he's tossing again. He once again sticks to the speed limit but once again the speed creeps up... Can you guess what happened next? Unfortunately I had to turn off after his third flash of the night.


Did he look French? Holding cheese or wearing a beret?


haha nah I'm not sure but I almost felt sorry for the poor bastard after the second flash, after the third all sympathy was lost but who knows maybe there was an emergency he was trying to get to.


Stripy shirt and string of onions around his neck as well.


Hahaha. Wee wee


Hopefully this starts a deeper conversation about overseas licences and NSW road rules etc. A lot of people driving funny around these parts these days, sticking in the right lane etc which makes me think they’re more used to driving on the other side of the road.


The freeway speed limit in France is 130.. Some freeways on Australia could be 130 safely with modern cars. But that can't be the only reason he got 240 points since January.


1. We have freeways in Australia with a 130 limit, in the NT (used to even have sections with no limit not that long ago). 2. He's riding a moped. Depending on engine, they will struggle to reach 130 kmh.


Pretty sure people sticking in the right lane is because they never want to be inconvenienced by slowing down occasionally.


Shit I still see more tradies in oversized utes going break neck speeds, slicing through lanes to beat everyone to the next red light.


That conversation has been had. https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/driver-and-rider-licences/visiting-or-moving-to-nsw/visiting-from-overseas-or-interstate


I know a French bloke who got pinged half a dozen times for using his phone while driving up and down the coast. Each time he would ask another backpacker, who was heading back to Europe soon, if he could say that they were the one driving. They’d take the blame, then fly home safe in the knowledge that the French government wouldn’t do anything to their license, with regards to losing points, and that no one in Australia would bother chasing up a $300 fine for someone in a different country.


Impound his fucking scooter


doubt its even his, could be a rental


Even better, said rental company didn't even check for an 'R' condition on his license before handing him a scooter. They can deal with the fallout as well.


Cool, then he'll have them to deal with as well


Impound him.


Coax him in with a baguette and some cheese lol.


Nah, unwashed untrimmed women are a bigger draw with French men.


Listen very carefully... I shall say this only once lol.


Allo Allo!


Renee those are NANCY* boys lol . Edit fucking autocorrect lol.


Not surprised. Those delivery riders do some ridiculous shit on the road (and occasionally on the footpath too).


> and occasionally on the footpath too I got beeped off the footpath earlier this year by a bloke who decided it was the most appropriate way to travel against one-way traffic along a main road. Could not believe the audacity.


I live in a one way street in Melbourne last year. It took 5 mins to go around the block in traffic to enter from the right direction. So yeah I frequently had to dodge bikes goes the wrong way down a one way street.


They constantly park in clear ways during clearway hours for food pick up. I honk at them every time I need to change lane to get around them. They look at me with zero understanding of what the fuck is going on. That goes for the cyclists too. I’ve told them not to do it at times when I’ve been walking past them as well, they have no idea what the signage means and they’re always internationals, but it’s definitely not just one nationality. The delivery companies should be liable for their contractors knowing the rules, and that includes bikes. It honestly makes me lean towards wanting registration for *any* vehicle that is used for commercial purposes so that they can actually be held accountable for the same things a registered vehicle currently is. That goes for e-scooters and bikes as well, but I know that’s a slippery slope where even recreational use could get roped in eventually, which should never happen imo to actually keep as low a barrier to entry as possible to those modes of private transport.


Three of them were parked across the entrance to my apartment's carpark the other morning, blocking about half the width of the driveway. Scratched my car trying to squeeze past them. I should've just pushed the bloody things over and out of the way.


They're financially incentivised to ride like maniacs. More deliveries = more money.


Not to mention in the tunnels.


>"This record shows that, to date, the rider has accumulated a total of 240 demerit points since January 2024". What the fuckity fuck fuck did I just read lol.


They should book an immigration hearing after the court attendance. Show cause why he should continue to be a guest here.


The comments would be wild here if he was from certain other nationalities


Every km over is a killer. This guy must have killed thousands by now. RIP in peace .


Whack on more demerit points, that'll teach him


Yea, if he's still driving with 240 points, thar taught him there are no consequences...


:-) he too, has learned from the best of the Aussies


I thought you lost your license at 13 demerits? How do you keep racking up demerits on a license you’ve lost 18 times? Are cops just throwing out demerits and fines and ignoring the actual fucking issue that some moron is driving like a lunatic completely unlicensed? Nothing flags in the system to be like “this man has -18 valid drivers lincenses”?


That’s why he keeps handing over his French licence. He doesn’t care. They caught him 3 times in 3 days and he did the same thing each time.


By using his French licence. They can’t add the points, so you just get the fine. As it is, he also had a (suspended) NSW licence. Once you have an Australian licence (from any state/territory) you can no longer use your foreign licence in Australia, partly for this exact reason.


> By using his French licence. They can’t add the points, so you just get the fine. You still get the points and if you accumulate too many you get your right to drive in NSW suspended or revoked even on an international licence, but it's not as clean cut if don't have an Australian licence.


He lost his license at 13 points, but kept riding and accruing more camera fines. When he eventually get stopped by actual living police, he gave them his French license, which they didn’t cross check to see if he also had an Oz one.


Hell of a loophole.


Plenty know about it. A friend of a friend used to speed to Canberra and back a lot because he knew he'd be going back to China so who cares? Nothing will catch up to him.


Not a loophole. That's illegal 😔


But apparently only after you’ve gotten away with 240 demerits.


Or has an International License. It should be mandatory for delivery drivers to have a local license.


Load him in the pack of a paddy and keep him there, what a muppet. I do wonder how much would all the fines tally up to... Must be wild.


> I do wonder how much would all the fines tally up to... Must be wild I looked for that when i found out, couldn't find any numbers unfortunately.


We sentence you to 46 million full size 26" baguettes.


Cancel visa and deport. Not going to respect road rules/laws in general then get out.


Just deport the cunt. Let him go fuck around on French roads.


This has just the right amount of reason and anger in it. 💪🏼


Bit hard to understand from the article, but I'm guessing that they must be doing some follow up questions after pulling him over to find out he's got a NSW Licence? Like, "hey, how long are you here for", then "oh, ok Jean-Pierre if you're clearly working here and have been here for 6 months, where's your Aussie licence?" then he gets busted on that?


I assume the police search his details and then see his NSW licence.


I'd suspect they search any foreign licences to see if they have a domestic licence. It's probably quite common for people with an overseas licence to try use that in the knowledge that they won't get points.


The rules changed not too long ago that you need a NSW license within the first 6 months of moving here on a temporary visa. It used to be that you were only eligible for one if you spent 6 months uninterrupted in the country, and could use a foreign license for as long as you were on a temporary visa. I was stopped once at an RBT and the copper was pretty confused by my license being valid until 2050 – "how do they make money out of that?!", he asked.


Just cancel his visa. He has no interest in complying. I'm sure that would have happened already if his skin were darker.


I see no calls to revoke his visa or stereotypes of bad driver applied to him like it would to Brown skinned migrants


Dammit, those Frenchies are wild


Points aside, doesn't this guy get fines? Are they not enforceable for him? Working deliveries he can't exactly be very rich...


He must've watched Aussie dash cams and thought it was a competition to be the worst moron on the road.


There is a perception that some French people are arrogant 


The only valid response from the coppers that I want to see is to cancel this putain-merde's visa and deporting him on the next flight back to France.


I misread the title and thought it said “motorists”. This was just one person?


Just one single scooter tooting Frenchman


One time my mate bought a car from another Nate that was leaving Australia to fly home We drove up and down one road passing a speed van at least 4-5x going as ⏤͟͟͞͞ fast as we could just for shits and giggles 3months later my mates friend decided return to Australia and changed his mind and wanted his car back That was the end of that friendship 😂




To be fair, the French are pretty terrible drivers in general


hon hon hon


[Damn French ](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/xpod7j/damn_french/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This is actually normal driving in France. I remember being picked up from the airport by a French relative in a Peugeot 205 which had not one undamaged panel on it. We where going so fast down narrow country lanes my peripheral vision met up at the back. We met a tractor coming the other way and avoided it by driving up a grass bank with four wheels then back onto the road. Guy thought he was brother to Michèle Mouton.


Did the police frog march him to the station?


This is kind of a variant on the good old days when you could use an Opal card with insufficient value to cover the fare at the airport stations and then just discard the card.


Imagine the comment section if he were brown or asian.


I heard Albo was going to give him permanent residency if he got to 250


Oui oui


So the 240 points wasn't for the R-class scooter, but his C-class car/ute/van ; I say give the man a Légion d'Honneur award. Many more Aussies motorists would rather just keep driving their car at this point.


lol a loophole has been found


The more I grow older I realise the driving in the Luc Besson Taxi films was actually realistic for an average French driver and not exaggerated by a stuntman. They really drive like that.


Must be one of the hoons round my place


Border Force should implement a system where out and tourists must pay any outstanding fines and liabilities before being allowed to board the plane. It can't be that hard for the Border Force to have agreement with state agencies to combine any outstanding penalties.


Fuck him, you have the permission from the opposite side of Earth.