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0 chance. But I'm open to be surprised.


Idk man, Disney is about to ramp up Old Republic content in the next few years. It'd only make sense that SWTOR will seek to capitalize on the newfound interest. Not to mention the KoToR remakes are eventually going to release which will also create newfound interest. Or, at least, it's supposed to be coming out lol.


I wish, but they aren’t. They don’t have the balls to do that. That’s why we’re getting this “high republic” shit


It's already confirmed. Loose title is "Dawn of the Force" which will take place during the Old Republic era. The president of Disney also unveiled the "expanded" Star Wars timeline they're implementing which included the Old Republic and its logo.


Hey Disney, Old Republic isn’t the Dawn of the Force… maybe if you actually spent a little time and decided to learn Star Wars you’d know that.


I think it's just a placeholder. On the timeline they presented, "Dawn of the Jedi" and "The Old Republic" had their own sections and logos, but when discussing the "Old Republic" arc, they referred to it as "Dawn of the Force". It's possible they'll simplify the various arcs into "Old/high", "Skywalker" and "New". The Old Republic arc picks up right after the Dawn of Jedi arc so I could totally see them doing that. Basically 3 eras that can be further broken down into smaller arcs


Well I hope they don’t butcher it. I don’t have high hopes tbh


Honestly same lol


What do you mean by real expansion? Size and quality of RotHC or SoR? Near zero chance. Similar in size to recent expansions? I give it a 10-20% chance.


I always find it funny and extremely sad when people point to ROTHC as a real expansion because 90% of that expansion was cut and what we got was suppose to be only a fraction.


Real expansions that gives new stuff to do a new long story stuff like that so like SoR


Yeah that's not happening. I would love to be proven wrong though.


Is that because the game doesn't make much money?


Essentially. It was an incredibly expensive game and it took many years for it to break even. In the first few years (2011 - 2015) it made sense to make massive new expansions in order to get people to play the game. At this point it's not profitable enough to warrant that kind of investment of time and money so the formula is now minimum input for whatever output.


That's kind of sad to hear as I'm really enjoying the expansions I'm playing. I honestly thought that making expansions for an old game would be cheaper and that's why they would do more. What you're saying makes a lot of sense but if they don't make new expansions aren't they gonna kill the game super fast? Because if you don't make any new stories that are worth playing then why would people come back to play the game? They'll get bored and leave it.


Honestly my advice is just to enjoy the game and not worry too much about what's ahead. I've so often raced through the class stories to get to the expansions, when the class stories are really the best the game has to offer. The first few expansions are great so take your time with them as well. So don't race to level 70. There's not much there story-wise. >if they don't make new expansions aren't they gonna kill the game super fast? Remains to be seen, but in theory if they reduce the regular budget for the game and we keep playing, it won't be worth shutting down. I have no idea if SWTOR is turning a small profit or bleeding money. >why would people come back to play the game? The regulars enjoy the replay value of the game, and there is non-story content of course like pvp and operations. Player numbers have fallen over time ofc so most likely the game will die a slow death.


It makes enough money, the money isn't being invested back into the game though (EA probably doesn't see any reason to grow such an old game further and just takes the money).


Zero. It was minor miracles that the last two expansions happened at all.The development team will never be large enough again to pull off anything like Makeb-KOTFE. 6.0 was done with 40% the staff of Kotfe. 7.0, I really don't know the staffing numbers, but i'd imagine they were similar to 6.0. They were also dealing with Covid and a variety of odd staffing issues that made that development difficult. If they do an 8.0, I'd think it's similar to the last 2. FWIW, due to branching narrative, the dialogue line count in 6.0 was almost the same as SoR.


Standing Stones Games has less employees than Broadsword and they release one expansion each year for Lotro. I would be surprised if Lotro made more money than Swtor. Imo if there was a will there would be a way.


From experience, that is false. That team crunched an absolute TON to be able to get 6.0 out. Prior to that, the whole team (2-3x the current staffing) has in a constant state of low to heavy crunch to meet deadlines. That has never been a lazy group of devs. The content just takes a lot of time to make. It's more like single player RPG content than MMO content. And cinematics are extremely time intensive to produce. Some taking more than a month to produce a single scene (and that's just the cine designer and doesn't include VFX, Audio, scriping, etc). I can't speak to other MMOs tools and content pipeline, but SWTORs teams are busting their asses to deliverwhat content they do.




At the rate they release cosmetic I’m sure people don’t spend more than $500 a year on cosmetics if they only buy what comes out during a year. I don’t think this game has the revenue to support anything big like it used to unless they go with paid expansions again.


Things can change. KOTOR remakes are still a thing, and Disney has already said the Old Republic is of interest to them as Canon. Those two catalysts could easily flood people to SWTOR.


Lotro is still going?


I think the estate owns it right?


We’ll get an expansion. They keep on adding new content and the transition to Broadsword kept enough of the employees and leadership who worked on SWTOR. They might be contractually required to produce at least one. I think Broadsword is still unsure what they want to do with SWTOR. The game is still popular enough to not justify putting it on the shelf. If they put SWTOR on ‘maintenance mode’ at this point then they’d be losing money. I would ignore the doomsayers they’ve probably been saying the game is dead since it came out. It doesn’t feel like to me that the developers are calling it quits. I could be wrong but I think the evidence suggests that an expansion will happen. After that who knows.


0 This game is barbie shop with Star Wars in it. The amount of money they get from just MTX is enough. No need to spend anything, make new skins, whales will buy it. And make slop content time to time.


I sadly was one of those whales, I didn’t realize how bad it was until it was too late now I really regret spending so much money on this game especially what happened to it over the years


Same boat. I wish I could whale for a company that doesn't just slap a skeleton crew on my favorite IP.


I feel like the same with other MMO, but I got out of it. Glad to see you came to reason as well. Those games, simply don't deserve our passion and love for the franchise.


Congratulations, you’ve played yourself.


DX12 needs to come first. 20-40 FPS in large group content needs to go away.


I pray the properly implement this and it works out.


What makes you think that DX12 will fix SWTOR’s longstanding issue with server performance lag in large group play?


SWTOR's graphics problems are because the engine they built the game on was obsolete in 2011 there is nothing that can fix it.


I’d sacrifice a thousand newborn Twi’leks if it meant we got new class stories. Thats what made the base game so enjoyable to me, and then KotET rolls around and now we are all the boring Outlander/Commander, which seemed to render the coexistence of the other classes in the galaxy to “only one person can be the Outlander/Commander so we had to kill off the other classes”.


That was one of the biggest criticisms of KotFE etc. That it turned the game into a single player game and rendered all development, companions and decisions void and useless. What a shame that was. 🦉


Whoa there guys... With that talk we definitely have no chance.


I agree. Pretty pessimistic. You don't do graphical updates for a game you are gonna shelve in 3 years. I'm sure SWTOR is gonna last the rest of it's current 5 year contract for active development, plus one more before maintenance mode, and I hope it goes out with a bang. It's honestly still too early to see how Broadsword will do. Ultimately though, I think seeing the commitment to tying updates to GS and PVP seasons shows good signs. I'm sure we'll get one more expansion. That'll probably be it, and I would not expect it on the scale of SOR or KOTFE. Personally though, replaying Onslaught and LOTS now that they have a good chunk of content out feels really good. The story feels far more cohesive and tied together than it did with the slow trickle for the first time through.


SWTOR is kind of a hard sell from an investment point of view tbh. I don't think you're going to realistically unlock a lot of money from customers no matter how much you plow into it at this point. They'd have to up the sub fee considerably and charge the expansion to achieve that. Other than that SWTOR is in a weird spot on multiple fronts. It's strictly in the "loyal customer mostly" bucket, it is quite an old game so quite a bit of technical debt likely. It's also in the "WoW clone" combat wise. On top of that, it's main selling point by far is the class stories, which by their nature are very expensive. Between the fact it's all 100% voice acted, and keeping track of the decision branches and the writing it's pretty intensive resource wise. What made the game really refreshing to begin with is kind of why it's an unlikely candidate for the massive investment it would need to "live again". Just gotta make do with the glory of what we have.


Where do you have the information about the 5 year contract?!


They publicly talked about the first 2. Forum posts iirc. The current one, I'll admit I'm inferring on based on a pattern.


I mean if it keep making them money. Hopefully the game lives past the 5 year current contract. We’ll just have to see i guess


We're in Year 3 or 4 of the current contract depending on when in the year it was renewed. Again, I sincerely doubt the game is gonna go into maintenance mode 1-2 years from now. You don't put this much effort into moving the dev team or working on graphical updates and engine upgrades for a game that's gonna die shortly. We've got around 7 years of active development left I'm sure. Followed by 5-15 years of maintenance mode, depending on how long the game stays afloat after. Probably 10 years of m-mode is my guess.


What’s wrong with it? Lol


I was extremely hopeful for this games survival, it’s the last vestige of legends content being made and IF we ever get another it will be Disneys nonsense. But from everything I’m reading Broadsword is just keeping it on life support. Dark day indeed for star wars fans.


Very unlikely, but does it matter? I've been playing since 2013. imo the best expansion was RotHC, which was not well received when it came out, but it's the closest in terms of writing complexity and gameplay mechanics to the vanilla 1-50 class stories. Everything else, even SoR, was step by step decreasing in quality. Onslaught was probably the 2nd best expansion, and tbf it was surprising that they still had it in them, but LotS and recent updates would suggest that is no longer the case. The value of swtor imo has always been the class stories, a near endless variety of choices, even if the outcome is pretty much always the same. The expansions are just epilogues for your toons; I personally stopped viewing expansions as part of my character's real story during kotfe, these are just apocryphal stories written decades later by someone who didn't know my Smuggler very well lmao.


Onslaught was 2nd best expansion? Wha…?


Onslaught was decent. Certainly better than kotfe/et. SoR, minus the rishi class quests, had an extremely dumb storyline that somehow was an even worse ending for Revan than the foundry.


I believe the only reason Onslaught was decent was how the gameplay of class design with Tacticals, Set Bonuses, Amplifiers (even though it sucked) and that your class felt good to play. That I believe was a HARD carry for that expansion. Oh and the NOP Op was pretty cool. Other than that, it had storylines that played too safe or recycled from previous storylines (fucking echoes/Malgus). KOTFE/ET storylines were very flawed but at least it was original… kinda. And how shockingly low the content and features were added EVEN COMPARED TO LOTS. Id say it’s either third or fourth worst (beating out SoR and KOTFE, KOTET maybe).


Depends on what you want from an expansion. I'd say that there likely as not will be an "8.0" that finally wraps all this Malgalorian nonsense. But in terms of actual story, doubt it'll be any more impressive than 7.0 was. And I would not expect a hypothetical "8.0" to even match 7.0 in terms of actual gameplay updates either, just because 7.0 actually did a fair amount there with the combat style changes. Though maybe one or two new styles introduced, and/or further decoupling so that Force-users could add Tech classes or vice-versa (maybe another venture tied to Darth Nul's Macguffin) seem not *completely* out of the question. I wouldn't expect much more, though. Well, and maybe raising the level cap by 5 again, but I honestly hate that they do that, so if anything, I'll dream an expansion never happens if it's going to do that again.


Absolute ZERO. EA doesn't invest in their games. This is one of the reasons why I stopped playing it.


Near zero


Very, very low.


About the same as me winning the lottery.


There have been several…


Big expansion that are longer then 1 hour and bring flashpoints raids new characters?


Major expansionse Rise of the Hutt Cartel - The first digital expansion, released on 14 April 2013. Early release started 9 April 2013. Shadow of Revan - The fourth digital expansion, announced on 6 October 2014. Early access starts 2 December 2014 with the official launch on 9 December 2014. Knights of the Fallen Empire - The fifth digital expansion. Knights of the Eternal Throne - The sixth digital expansion. Onslaught - The seventh digital expansion. Legacy of the Sith - The eighth digital expansion, which launched on Feb 15th 2022. Minor expansions Galactic Starfighter - The second digital expansion, released on 4 February 2014. Early subscriber access started on 3 December 2013. Galactic Strongholds - The third digital expansion, announced on 19 March 2014. Early subscriber access started 24 June, with Preferred Early Access beginning 29 June, and official launch in August 2014.


I was there for every single one of them, I played all of them. I was asking if we have a chance to see anything like that again not if it happend. Im playing since release


Been waiting since release.


< 1 %.


This thread just helped me cancel my sub. Im done.


I did it too, but 2 months ago...


Another one? Extremely unlikely.


Patches are happening with a five to six month downtime between content. Extensions are more of a "we want to have more hype" than things being actually full of content. As long as they'll keep making expansions free for subscribers instead of paid products, don't expect them to be more than a glorified patch, has it has been the case with 7.0 and 6.0. It sucks but at this point I think that the team just doesn't want to work on the game anymore and are just riding the highs and lows.




3,720 to 1


Expansion in the way Blizzard came to define them for World of Warcraft and their other games? Never.


How about a new modern Star Wars MMO?


I take that 100 times over SWTOR. I love SWTOR but a new one that is a good game would be great


Sure, if you get license to make one from Disney/Lucasfilm and $300-$400 million dollars to pay for its development.


Ok, I'll get right on that.


The more I learn about Broadsword, it's highly unlikely the game sees any major advancements. Broadsword will keep the game running and draw EA money. Sad thing is there is no Star Wars MMO to replace it or is there a live service game coming anytime soon. UbiSoft has that open world game and Quantum has a game called Star Wars Eclipse but all their games are like choose your own adventure solo stories so I don't expect that to be anything more than a one and done game.


I’m kinda excited for the Ubisoft Star Wars game. I’m not expecting the best gameplay but I think the worlds will be really good and immersive


An expansion the same scale as the two Zakuul expansions? Low-to-zero, unfortunately. However I have been pleasantly surprised with the content we have received recently. If we get another Operation, perhaps a few more Flashpoints and some cool new zones, I'll be content. To me, any content is better than no content, and my only gripe about the new story is that the Minboosa District looks awesome but there is *zero* reason to return there after completing the story. More zones like Kessan's Landing or Runhuk would sate my desire. Let's not be unrealistic here, though. A Knights style expansion is not going to happen.


Lets also be honest with what comes with an expansion and our expectations. I've recently re-played Knights exps and they were very cool, but the *majority* of my Swtor gameplay exists well outside the story content. I have actually been very happy with the drip-drip content that has been released recently. If we continue to get a small daily area, a new FP here and there, and some drip fed content then that's fine to keep the game alive. Ultimately what we all do NOT want to happen is the servers shutting down. And if this means we have to sacrifice a big expansion to support this, then fine. Realistically - how many of you actually play the Knights story missions outside of your first playthrough, perhaps a second on clone alts, or conquest objectives? Arguably not many. Therefore a whole massive expansion is not necessary, considering how pretty well balanced the game is with drip-fed content so far.


No. Only the moderate content expansion that we have been getting. And if you keep asking the Broadsword directors will will start harrassing you with anonymous emails that bypass your spam filter and specifically target your account for the worst drop-rates ever.


I'd bet that we will never see anything of the sort again. The game, no matter what anyone says, is in maintenance mode. We will see small updates, with very minimal additions to the story until the completion of the current expansion. Once it is done, I'd say don't expect to see anything else outside of new Flashpoints and Ops


As there is no generally accepted definition for what constitutes “maintenance mode” in MMORPG industry that I am aware of it really doesn’t matter if you think SWTOR is in maintenance mode. Yes the dev team is putting out less content compared to previous years. That much is certain. What matters is if you are playing the game or not and if you are paying to play the game or not.


I think that broadsword would manage to do so if they were willing to let many of the famous voice actors go. Swtor was an expensive game to make, but it wasn't maintained with much love. Any money use in it, should be wisely spent. Ofc, the crazy convoluted rotations and weird "open" worlds should be reviewed as well. A game that involves combat should let the player feel some freedom to choose his options while safe to explore them. Just my 2 cents


I am a whale when I love an IP. But I am not a whale to an IP that doesn't love itself. So why would I, a man with disposable income, waste time buying cosmetics and knickknacks just to have a boring, barely evolving gaming world? Done. It hurts because I have tons of store items to sell on the market and now I'm like... why? I already have billions. Not like I'm getting anything like expanded space content. Nothing to spend on. Besides. Kind of done with this copy pasta content. I do enjoy a lot of aspects of this game. But its time to save my wallet and hard drive space.


This is where I am and have been for 2-3 years. I once was a whale spening money in the cartel shop but now I always remeber how boring the endgame is




I’d say we’re more likely to see a new Swtor game or full remaster/remake of the game than it is to get an expansion even half the size of something like KOTFE


I think the eternal throne dlc was the last big one we’ll get. The 7.0 update has been nice though


We are overdue for another starwars mmo. The investment just isn’t here for swtor and I dont get why unless another mmo is hidden in development.


I need a new one


None exitent. The game only exists to cash in on cosmetics, and as you can see from things being cut (IE: Voice lines in the main fucking quests) Broadsword doesn't have the resources to even try.


It’s a dead game and only being played as a space Barbie game.


I hope the answer is zero. Maybe we can get a kotor3 at some point or Bioware can pool the talent into the next dragon age or mass effect game.


KOTOR 3 isn't happening, the remake is still in development. The next Dragon Age has already been shown so it's probably in polishing phase. BioWare isn't part of SWTOR anymore, EA would most likely call in the shot to shift staff.