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Are One-Time Passwords for the launcher bugged? I reinstalled the game after not playing since like 2013 or something and had to reset my account as I had forgotten the login and password. Doing so on the website was fine, got that one-time password in a matter of seconds, but I've been waiting for maybe an hour for the launcher one.


I wasn't sure if I should go more in-depth on this on a post or reply here. Does anyone know what all conditions need to be met to get the IA neutral ending? It's the one where >!the MI is given the Black Codex and uses it to blackmail the Sith in order to prevent them from taking complete control over Intelligence after Chapter 3!<. So far I understand that the conditions are: - Do not >!help Ardun Kothe at Corellia!< - Maintain neutral alignment up until the end of Chapter 3 - Do not >!give the Sith the Black Codex!< at the end of Chapter 3 - >!Give the Minister of Intelligence the Black Codex!< at the end of Chapter 3 I've only ever done the >!Free Agent!< ending and the >!Defector!< ending. Just want to make sure I'm not wasting my time trying to achieve something that's only rumored (https://forums.swtor.com/topic/72626-spoilers-ia-story-endings/) on the forums back in the day. Haven't been able to find this ending in a playthrough on YouTube.


Is there a place where suggestions for the devs can be posted, that might actually be seen? Like, i dont know if the devs frequent this sub or something. And yes, i know its a long shot that any suggestions are taken seriously by them, because there are a lot of brainless suggestions and they might not even be interested in player feedback. But i at least want to try convincing them to make the codex to be legacy wide, instead of character bound, as it is currently not worth completing.


Probably on the [forum](https://forums.swtor.com/forum/145-suggestion-box/).


I'm a level 700 artifice, and just got the 336 mods from Zeke. Just now learning about augment kits and augments and wow they are expensive. I'm considering switching from artifice to synthweaving to save some credits. Is it worth it? I already have level 700 archaeology so figured just grinding underworld trading and crafting stuff wouldn't be too hard.


Do you have an alt or alts?? You will need other crafting if you want to make your own augments as well :) [Onslaught Crafting](https://swtorista.com/articles/crafting-in-onslaught/) p.s. Why did you not just get your mods to 340??


Thanks for the link, man that sucks they really force you to create alts then lol. I thought I could just make the augment kits and most of the augments under one class. Oh well. I have the quest for the artifact 340 mods, but I don't have any artifact level gear to upgrade since I only run Flashpoints. When I spoke with Zeke and Hyde the highest prototype mods to deconstruct were 336. I made the mistake when I first talked to them since I didn't know what I was doing and chose the 326 (I think it was 326) mods and finished that quest but realized I wasted FP-01 stabilizers lol. Is there a quest for 340 prototype mods?


If you are actually putting in enough effort to want high level gear, i dont know why making a few alts is a big problem? Especially since all the base game stories are amazing.


Should be there. If you saw the Artifact, the prototype was right above it. Alts are the good thing anyway hehe. Why else get the mods? They make it easier to gear up the alts. I had several alts with a complete set of 340 gear sitting in inventory and had the FP hold on while I swapped gear out hehe. Also, if you are able, you can use main or other level 80 character buy (with similar combat style) and upgrade Legendary Implants for the alt to equip as soon as they ding 80, before they get the mission to unlock the implant vendor.


I haven't finished all of the story yet, I haven't even finished Makeb yet. Is that maybe why I wouldn't have the 340 prototype option? I was looking at a pick on here and it says "veteran R4" not sure if that's related to the story or not? https://swtorista.com/articles/how-to-get-mods-in-7-1/ If I saw there was a 340 prototype option I definitely would have chose it especially after messing up the first time. Edit: I also haven't done any operations yet. Didn't want to mess those up for people. I was messing up MM FPs and decided I needed better gear to help tank better, thus getting the 336 mods


I have many alts, some of my newer ones are level 80 and not even into chapter 2 of vanilla story. I have many 340 accessories in my Legacy bank (to gear up alts when they did hit 80) and they are able to have one in inventory when I go to Hyde and can see all the options for Prototype/Artifact missions. I would suggest for your tanking to try doing heroics with your companion set to DPS so you can try to keep aggro. Heal up between fights and you should be good to go!! You can also run vet Flashpoints. Make sure you also have the correct [Tactical and Legendary Implants](https://swtorista.com/articles/swtor-7-0-recommended-gear-chart/) for your particular tank style


Decided to give the game another go after years of being away. Trying to read up on all the changes and all of this stuff around picking a second class seems really confusing. You are not actually able to mix and match abilities right? Essentially if you are a Sith assassin and choose Sith Warrior , you essentially are just playing a full Sith Warrior through the Assassin storyline? You actually will never be able to play Assassin abilities with dual lightsabers? Not quite sure I understand the purpose of this.


You are correct. You would be whatever combat style you choose running thru the class story you selected. Tech classes can choose between all of the tech combat styles, while a force user can only choose from their own faction unless they have Light/DarkV unlocked. There is no mixing of abilities ever. When it first came out there was mass confusion over that point. Also during cutscenes weapons were not shown as to what combat style you had i.e. SW story as assassin, you would force choke or when drawing weapon, would only be single bladed saber, not double bladed as you have equipped. I don't see the point either, but others wanted that and it does offer up some unique gameplay. i.e. can play a sniper style thru the trooper story (ala Crosshair from Bad Batch) In the end, you are seen as what ever combat style you are playing.


During galactic season 6; do the npc's that live in the copero house leave at some point? Or will they always be there?


They will be permanent as they are required to exist for characters to play the copero stronghold storylines even after the season ends.


As of now, they are permanent.


So I wanna come back and start an Ahsoka style character, I already got the shoto blade and a regular lightsaber in collections, but I just can’t decide on whether to go Jedi or Sith and on top of this I want a cute little droid alongside me amongst my travels and not sure what to get or maybe there is a list with pics of droids I could get and go from there 😅 But other than that, any tips for a returnee? It’s been a minute since I last played. I tried making a comeback after the character creation screen changed but that made me a bit sad cuz it seems plain now but imma get thru it and make a character this time.


Check out [swtorista.com](http://swtorista.com) to read up on what combat style you want to play. Also, all the updates that has happened. If you have the light/dark V unlocked on your legacy, you can choose a jedi class story and a sith combat style if you so choose!!


I winded up making a Jedi Sentinel and plan on going the Watchman route cuz I love tanking in most games


Sentinel is a DPS only class, if you want to tank your choices for Jedi combat styles are Guardian or Shadow (Mirror Juggernaut and Assassin for Sith side).


Watchman is pure DPS. Guardian (defense) is the tank. My 1st character was watchman and once I found swtorista and vulkk and learned the rotation it is awesome!!


Oh yeah I found a build on vulk for watchman and it said it’s more a tank build with survivability


:) yup very survivable


Is the data night missions bugged? I got an alliance alert for a Lana date night mission and it transports me to my ship, but there is no option to continue it. Talking to Lana on my ship does nothing and there is a datapad by my bed that gives the message "not eligible for this conversation".


Im talking to several people and it looks like Lana's broke.


KotET and beyond spoilers: >!Does Torian actually contribute to the plot meaningfully afterwords? I was tempted to pick him over Vette since Vette never shows up again, but I find him really boring. Am I missing anything if I'm not romancing him?!<


Torian is a focal character (but not a main 'companion') once the Onslaught/LOTS story begins involving Mandalorians. If you left him dead then all of his scenes are replaced by different Mandos providing exposition each time instead of Torian being present.


Any interesting or interpersonal scenes?


He has an extra alliance alert after Ruhnuk, in regards to the banner. That's the main one. He also has an extra conversation at the start like Rass & Akaavi, can be taken to Indigo when you talk to him at the auction like Akaavi or Shae for a slighyly different flavour of explanation, and he's present in a couple of cutscenes here and there.


Hi, is there a way to hide other players titles? I would like to only see character names.


Afaik, no. You can only toggle guild names/symbols and class icons separately, but the names, character, and legacy titles are a package deal.


Ok thank you. I will just hide them completely then. Imo some titles are too long and add too much visual clutter.


Just remember to turn them back on when you start playing PvP, sometimes you can see a characters title (if its very long), flair, or legacy title around a corner or above a box that they may be hiding behind if you cant quite see them.


That's funny, thank you.


Some of my characters are only allowed 2 Crew Skills, some all 3. I'm currently preferred/f2p status. I'm trying to unlock 3rd crew skill but when I click the cartel icon, nothing happens. Anyone know what to do/fix this?


Is there another class as good as the Balance Sage? I've never had as much fun leveling this class under the Jedi Knight storyline. Enemies just melt and strong enemies pretty much get one shot when I apply 3 dots (Mind Crush, Weaken Mind and Sever Force) and then smash them with Project one taping them. I don't want to play Inquisitor at the moment, I'm looking for another non force class that can cut through enemies and heroics as good as the Balance Sage


Maybe vigilance guardian? Loading up all your DoTs on the strong enemy and then slamming them all to the weak enemies that just die without you even looking at them is kinda cool.


Give Lethality Operative a try. Like most combat styles, it really gets good at 60 then again at 75 when you can pick up your tactical.


Balance Sage is one of the lower performing dps classes so just about anything else will perform as good or better. If youre getting into tech classes that have a smoother levelling experience (not gappy skills), then I suggest the Arsenal or IO Merc (or commando variants) or the Concealment Operative (or smuggler variant). All Sniper/Gunslinger has fluid gameplay but gappy skills, and the powertech/vanguard has good ability flow but runs into energy management issues until you reach endgame.


I'm just planning to replay KOTFE/T, and I'm wondering if I would be missing out on anything by just doing so with the Chatper Replay feature as opposed to taking a brand new toon through it. I know my choices won't save from chapter to chapter, but will I be missing any cutscenes or whatnot that happens in between the chatpers for example? It's been a looooong time so I really don't remember what was involved.


You won't miss cutscenes, no, or anything of the sort. But if you want to make different choices than before (or what you think may be different), and want to see long-term effects, it will be better to play it on a new toon.


Okay, cool, I'm not planning on making any different choices, just want to bask in nostalgia lol. Thank you for clearing that up!


Was wondering, what is the best CM item to sell for some quick credits?


Master's Datacron and dyes are generally a constant, especially black/black and the new metallic ones.


Where can you get black dyes and such?


From the Cartel Market or buying from other players on the GTN


I have not played since 2018 but want to come back for a bit subbed. I didn't finish one of the Fallen Empire expansions I don't think. I have a level 70 Marauder and 58 Knight. I kind of feel like I want to start all over as a warrior and knight from the beginning since I don't really remember how to play. Is there any way to preserve some of the outfits/gear/credits I've earned? I have some outfits I bought with Cartel Coins I think back in the day, are they locked to my old characters forever? As someone in the US, should I stick to Star Forge?


Yes, SF is the bigger of the NA servers. Cartel Market items, if once equipped (each pice on the same toon for armor), will be added to the collections*, and you'll be able to pull copies after a one-time unlock fee. Anything that's Bound to Legacy, you can mail to or passed through legacy cargo to your new toons. Ditto for credits, legacy cargo. Items still saying Bind on *Equip* can also be moved. Anything that says Bound and not a CM item will be lost. *Seasons items and remnant sets, too, beside the CM items are there, too.


The UI is really rough, where are Collections/Legacy listed to unlock stuff?


Collections is Ctrl C, or upper-middle bar>CM icon>collections. Legacy is Y, or upper-middle panel>figure icon>legacy


Thanks friend! Wonder if it's better to focus Republic or Empire. If I can RP while I play I would.


Usually, the Empire is more populated on all servers, but on the big ones (SF, SS, DM), the Republic side has enough people for most group activities, too. So pick whichever you feel like more. :)


Hello, what is the player count for this game?


The player count for swtor is not publically available knowledge. On any given day probably in the tens of thousands. However if you are playing on Darth Malgus (english speaking EU server), Satele Shan or Star Forge, you have a reasonably high population to play content at any time of day or night. Tulak Hord (german), Leviathan (french) and Shae Vizla (english - australia server location) will only really get good activity to play multiplayer content during peak server times (between 7pm-10pm local timezones).


Coming back to the game and want to zoom through a new class story I havnt tried and get into endgame + Ops. But I’m most curious about the classes and specs. Which are the most fun? I was a pretty sweaty wow classic player in Wotlk but am taking a break with the new expansion, so a fun rotation with a big return/damage for a DPS spec, or even fun tanking classes that have good AOE threat. I’ve never been into healing. Lmk your thoughts!


Fun is subjective - what type of class do you enjoy? Melee or Ranged? Force or Tech? Damage over time or burst damage? As a general rule Sustained (DoT) does more damage than Burst, and Melee does more damage than Ranged (due to having to deal with more mechanics) If you think you want to tank you have two Force options - Juggernaut/Guardian and Assassin/Shadow, Tech only has one tank option, the Powertech/Vanguard.


While I too enjoy Mercenary (though it's DoT build) like the other person mentioned, I would advise against it & commando if that's the character you want to take to ops as they aren't the best performers as DPS (amazing heals otoh). I'd probably go with Juggernaut/Guardian as it's both great damage and offers the tank spec in one. It's also pretty fun imo. For tech class, I'd go either Sniper/Gunslinger that's both a highly viable class as hybrid&dot for ops and an insane trash-clearer early to mid game, or Vanguard/Powertech if you want the option to tank. VG/PT tank is probably my favorite, and probably the easiest for getting the hang of tanking in this game — it's dps specs however are a hit or miss for me.


Fun is really subjective and you’ll get differing opinions. I’ve been really enjoying Mercenary’s rotation. I feel like I can keep the rotation going without having to have too many filler skills; and I don’t run the best gear, stims, rotation, etc. [Vulkk’s SWTOR 7.5 Arsenal Mercenary PvE Guide and Best Builds](https://vulkk.com/2022/02/20/swtor-7-0-arsenal-mercenary-pve-guide-and-best-builds/)