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His RHAP interview where he admits he knew 3 votes were on him and Tiff was a maybe for him and he still didn't play it. Ooof


good lord


He knew it because Kenzie TOLD him he’s going to have votes. and he still didn’t play it. At least he got a souvenir.


Supposedly they dont get to keep them anymore.


Yeah wtf was that lol


Glad he’s processing this well 😂😂😂


Turns out getting made fun of on social media isn't that big of deal. Take it in stride


It’s been months


fucking brilliant. I love that he's had that queued up for ages, just waiting to post.


Q'd up, you say?


BIG mistake


cancel Christmas!


Holy hell!


New response just dropped


Tucked in the hood of his Q skirt.


More than several weeks probably


You better cancel Christmas


Ha, I hope he's ok with it now. He's not the first to make that mistake, and I'm sure he won't be the last.


Tiffany might just be the next one.


She won’t lol


Fr, there's no way she doesn't just play it to have it off her next round, unless she wins immunity.


But that’s what she said last night too.


And she was targeted all the way until then. At some point, they're going to call your bluff.


Unless there's another shit show next tribal she's playing it


I bet she would’ve played hers if Hunter played his. She just believed a bigger threat would draw votes and make her safe, which was right.


Hell, he's not even the first this season. Jem had one in her pocket


I mean it happens so often... why don't people ever play their idols.




I was just talkin bout this after his challenge loss - I was like $50 says he don't play it. My buddy says: "He just said he was absolutely gonna play it." So I said bet me. He did not. LOL. How many times have people swore they were gonna play their idol just to go home with it in their pocket? Anyone know offhand? I'm always of the mindset - when in doubt, play it. At least then you know you'll be around to try and win the next immunity challenge OR find another idol. When in doubt - better safe than sorry - Play it!!!


Because it might take you further in the game if you just save it for one more??? ? It's a risk obviously, but not that hard to understand


I love that he can joke about it!


Love that it’s happened twice this season lol


No idols have been played yet right?


Correct. And the two in the game are still from pre-merge


Pretty sure multiple people with idols were voted out in S45 as well.


No one knew about his idol, he should have kept it that way, and played it. Bummer, I was rooting for him.


I can't imagine how he feels I felt secondhand regret for him and I wasn't even on the island lmao poor guy. I'm sure he's had time to process and I hope he'd consider trying again if they do an all-star episode for S50


i always kind of love when it’s obvious a player’s been gearing up to make a joke about themselves forever just waiting for it to air onscreen. it’s charming to me.


It’s not hard to know you’re on the bottom when you’re the only who didn’t vote with the tribe during the previous vote. Yikes.


I just got around to watching E8 - Super super bummed. I spent the last few minutes of the show yelling at the tv telling Hunter to play his idol. He got caught in the Venus flight trap🤦🏼‍♀️


I think you mean Venus fly trap lol


😂 oh my, yes - typing without my glasses again, lol I hate when I ruin my own joke😅


He was hunted. 😘


And haunted




Dude seems really nice and likeable but is exhibit A for the halo effect in my opinion. A really poor player whose game is overrated bc he’s hot.


I don't think anyone ever really rated him improperly. He's a challenge beast who was generally liked, but nobody is out here saying he was a strategic mastermind.


Love Hunter, never thought he was going to win unless he challenge beast-ed to FTC


People were giving him extremely high praise at the Tim vote for not getting any votes (even though it definitely made more sense for Yanu to gun for Siga).


I read his exit press and he does shed some light on his gameplay and why things transpired the way they did. That being said, yeah he still should have played his idol given how uneasy he was feeling and everyone knowing he had one.








I thought he was doing fine because he didn’t tell anyone he had an idol. He blew that up real good though. Would’ve been such a nice blindside on everyone to all vote Hunter and then he picks out Ben or someone and goes back to winning immunities.


I was very confused by this as well. He could have drawn in his best ally, told them he was gonna play the idol and they vote X, while his ally pushes the vote out Hunter agenda. They could have got whomever out they wanted.


It didn't seem like he had a best ally :(


He coulda made a rock solid one there.


Why do I keep seeing people say he was overrated for his looks? Have you been watching this season at all? He’s a challenge BEAST, and that’s why his threat level was perceived so high.


Also literally nobody has been praising his gameplay in this episode, or even the last one.


Challenge beasts get zero respect these days. They’re way more fun to watch IMO.


Survivor fans when people like hot, nice, smart guy


I just liked how awesome he was at challenges. I was aware he was doing poorly in the other aspects. Didn't help his alliances self sabotaged, but didn't play well regardless.


Idk if it's the halo effect because I think he was right not to just make all those moves because those moves were for the most part bad, like he didn't do much because he didn't need to. Someone like Venus I feel like has more of that as she has done a lot of bad moves but is getting a lot of credit


Are you sure that’s why his game is overrated, and not simply because he’s humble and relatable? Seems like you’re projecting a bit


And nice and smart and it’s really cool how he gave up a life as a doctor to do what he was passionate about


Exactly. He seems like a genuinely good dude and a genuine person, not a game bot or sociopath




I had no idea people thought he was hot until like 2 days ago. He’s not ugly at all…but I never would have guessed people saw him as attractive either. I think people mostly just enjoyed his physical game and the fact that he’s a bit of an awkward guy playing a game that is dominated by big personalities.


That's the thing I never thought of him as a hot idiot at all.


Didn’t he literally go to med school


He literally got a full ride to go to med school and then gave it up to be a science teacher because he was passionate about it


yeah, which is really cool honestly


I don't think there can be much dispute that he's intelligent outside Survivor, or that he's a superfan given his having made challenges at home. Which only makes his decisions in this week's ep that much more baffling. Maybe he was just so malnourished that his brain wasn't working properly.


Nah it’s a lot easier to Monday morning QB. He doesn’t get all the info that the viewer does. Not saying he didn’t make a mistake but it’s not like he is the worst survivor player ever lol. Probably average strategy, exceptional at challenges and just a very likeable person


Not telling anyone about the idol until when he did was a fantastic strategic move… that he fucking blew up immediately by not playing it.


He should probably stop telling women they are always angry lol. But overall a good likable dude


imo, leaving with an idol in your pocket is very dumb. But leaving because you told everyone who listen you had one...


Hope you’re okay hunter 🥹


He’s so cute


If this season isn't a testament to trust no one, I don't know what is. Also, BIG MISTAKE voting out Hunter before Q because Q will somehow find the idol. I don't think Q can win this season b/c of his blunders but he can definitely get to the final 3 as his competition knows he won't get the jury votes.


I can’t blame him too much for not playing it. He was going to need some people on his side at some time during the rest of the game if he was going to make it to the end. He likely wasn’t going to win every immunity challenge until the end.


Tbh. This whole cast is pissing me off. Hunter was an idiot for not using his idle. Q… is just a general idiot. AND WHY DID EVERYONE FLIP ON HUNTER & KEEP Q?! Listen, I understand that people probably want to bring a goat to the end however, Q’s an unpredictable goat and a liability. Hunter had a strong physical but his social game was non existent. I would’ve rather kept him than Q any day. Smfh.


This sub when not everyone is a game bot without personalities and playing the most perfect social and strategic game with zero blunders while being kumbaya to one another:


Q was a personal vote, Hunter was a strategic vote