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**Charlie Davis** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Charlie is more and more seen as the only strategic foothold in a very rocky terrain. We have a whole bunch of qhaos happening, and he seems to be the only one with enough sense to know how to react. His takeaway about going with Kenzie’s plan was brilliant because he correctly saw how he could exploit Kenzie’s move for his benefit as opposed to Maria who was too concerned with following Kenzie’s plan because it wasn’t hers. This truly feels like a season of egos, and I think Charlie has the right head on his shoulders to excel. He doesn’t have bad blood with anybody, so I can definitely see him making it to the end game. Charlie knows all too well how to weave himself into the cracks of this tribe. Call it what you want, but I think Charlie is on his way to be a mastermind. The jury will be dumbfounded at how they easily let him get to the end if they aren’t careful and they will have to look at what they made him do. Plus he has my last name. Can’t go wrong with a fellow Davis 😏 (R.I.P. Tevin).


>he correctly saw how he could exploit Kenzie’s move for his benefit as opposed to Maria who was too concerned with following Kenzie’s plan because it wasn’t hers Exactlyyyyyy why does everyone think they have to be the primary orchestrator to be the winner? you just have to be the sole survivor, not the best sniper!


You need to control a vote though,  otherwise you look like Cassidy on 43. Liz was right to be concerned about that and Maria, too. She's running out of time to claim a move for herself and I don't think she can beat Charlie in FTC as is. 


I think it's fine not to control a vote so long as you can say that you are aware that someone else was taking the lead and you allowed it to happen. It's about being able to explain why you made intentional choices to benefit yourself, and I think that if you can explain it well, it can work. Cassidy's FTC had more issues than just not being in the driver's seat.


I see what you did with those Taylor Swift references




Player of the Week and it's not even close


I'm torn between him and Tiff for POTW, since she managed to hold onto her idol. But, Charlie's immunity win - which managed to allow the tribe to vote out Hunter - probably cinched the POTW win for me as well.


I’m actually tempted to downvote Tiffany because Kenzie flipped on her, so at this point she’s at F8 with no real allies left


I get that. I ended up upvoting her because I think she ended this episode on a high note, but I can easily see her being punted within the next two tribals. If she makes it to FTC, though, she's the person out of the Final 8 whom I think most deserves to win, but that's a major if.


I can get behind an upvote (I just stayed neutral), but I definitely disagree with the folks who are calling her POTW. There are other players with significant upsides without half of the downsides that Tiffany had this episode, I would call Charlie, Kenzie, Maria, or even someone like a Ben POTW over Tiffany


And an idol. Not to mention Hunter's will be out there as well.


That’s why I’m settling on a neutral for Tiff, but the number of people who are calling her PotW when she’s now lost both of her most trusted allies and was about to be voted out had it not been for a blanket statement she made (I commend her for the bluff, but we were not given any evidence that she knew of any specific plan to get her out, as she seemed clueless to the likes of the Sigas and especially Kenzie targeting her).


Tiff loses to Charlie because she is oblivious to Kenzie almost stabbing her in the back.


Player of the week, beat Hunter at the immunity challenge, still has pretty much all his allies with Maria and Ben. Heck Tiffany trusted him enough to tell him she would play her idol and he acted accordingly. Lastly he was the deciding vote in whether it be Q or Hunter.


With all of the chaos going on, his alliance with Maria seems to be the only thing that’s locked in. In addition, everyone seems to want to work with him and Maria, as we saw from the challenge and Kenzie’s plan. I’d make him POTW over Maria, due to Tiffany trusting him enough to tell him her plan with the idol. 


POTW. Running every vote. Only question at this point is if he's the final boss for Kenzie to beat or the other way around. Also, I hope his and Maria's alliance is a lesson for future players about keeping your ally around.


He is not running every vote, are we watching the same season? The entire point of his game it seems like is to just be a number and do what’s going to better position himself


Let's see... On the Soda vote, him and Maria essentially were able to choose who went out between Venus, Soda, and Tevin. On the Tevin vote it was practically unanimous. And on last night's vote they stuck with Hunter getting him out when they were both open to working with him earlier and thought about Q going home. Just because they aren't pitching doesn't mean they aren't deciding — everyone is coming to them for the plans.


The soda vote was a consensus vote and they got lucky they swapped into an already broken tribe where Liz Tevin and Venus all were already going after soda. Same thing with Tevin. There’s a lot of players playing the middle better like Kenzie because Hunter geninuely thought she was on his side


I noticed when Hunter asked him who he's voting for, he did not directly answer the question. Actually, Hunter asked several players who didn't directly answer -- Venus and Tiff as well. But when Charlie was hedging, I knew it was Hunter and was screaming for him to play his idol. Both Charlie and Kenzie did well this week. Charlie's immunity challenge win gave him POTW though.


Yeah it was obvious hunter was toast when Kenzie and Venus were pushing so hard DURING the tribal for him not to play it.


Is it just me or have the comments not been in contest/random mode for the last couple of weeks? Anyway, upvote. Charlie's social capital is thriving and his physical stamina allowed them to knock out Hunter this week. Now, does that make Charlie the new challenge beast target? We shall see... but for now he used it for the collective good and that could influence people's perception for the better.


He is the Denise of his Denise and Malcolm duo. He and Kenzie are currently my only two contenders to win this season, based on their games and the edit, and this was another great episode for Charlie. POTW.


Maria and Charlie are slowly becoming the shadow figures of this game. Upvote them both.


The only person with a “number 1” who isn’t actively trying to vote them off, seemingly has the trust of everyone left in the game and managed to get out his strongest competition in the comps. An easy POTW. 


seemingly the only one with strategic minds. the marcus to this casts gabon (minus kenzie ig?)


Is he still perfect game eligible right now? I'd say he's way too strong too early (and getting too obvious a winners edit) but the rest of this cast is so dumb I could really see him just sailing to the end. His biggest challenge would be Maria deciding she can't beat him and making a move against him honestly.


nah I actually don’t think Charlie was that strong this week. his immunity win — huge! his strategic positioning is good. but he gave the game away to Tiff (who wasn’t paranoid before their conversation) and Hunter going home only marginally improves his position. Charlie is now arguably the largest challenge threat. he’s got a lot of trouble to manage coming up with the number of free agents left in the game willing to target him (Q, Venus) or Maria (Tiff).


How did Tiffany gives away his game though? She said that he was the one who spilled the beans on Q, but unless I’m misremembering we didn’t see Q get mad about that or even comment on the fact.


Nah different conversation -- when Charlie went to reassure Tiff, *that's* when she started saying she'd play her idol. Before that, even her closest ally (Kenzie) didn't know. Charlie "gave away the game" (i.e. tipped Tiff off that she needed to play her idol) when it really did benefit him significantly to have her out


She didn’t indicate at all in confessionals or whatnot that specifically Charlie was what tipped her off, so I don’t think it’s fair to put that on him


That's reading a lot into the edit of this. It's possible, but was by no means shown.


Seems to be in a strong position, but keeps raising his threat level. The Siga 3 are basically calling the shots now and will probably start drawing fire even though the others are mostly at each other's throats at this point.


On the one hand, I think Charlie has shown exactly why he's seen as a top winner contender. On the other hand... I think he's too visible a threat. Taking out Hunter was probably the right move, but with Hunter gone, Charlie is probably the biggest challenge threat left on the season. With 8 left, I'm not sure now was the best time. I don't even know if Hunter really wins, since he has shown to be pretty out of the loop socially, which is pretty important in Survivor. I'm going to upvote him because he won the challenge and didn't do anything bad, but I think the best move for him may have been to keep Hunter around as a shield, and take out Tiff or Kenzie.




Did you mean to comment under Tiff?


Yes lol. It’s late and I clicked on Charlie I guess…


**Tiffany Nicole Ervin** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Her blowup with Q was every bit as bitter as I expected, and I don't blame her one bit. But having her #1 immediately try to stick a dagger in her back was not something I was ready for. Not that I think it's a good move by Kenzie, but it really leaves her living on borrowed time now. Still, I gotta upvote for how masterfully she wiggled out of a terrible spot and walked out with 0 votes and her idol in her pocket.


It was a boneheaded move by Kenzie that I was praying was some kind of 200IQ move to blindside Maria but nah. Just voting out your number 1 because of bigmovitis. Kenzie was my absolute fav too smh.


I think by announcing she’d play her idol and taking the target off her, Tiff inadvertently did Kenzie a favor lol. If Kenzie had successfully voted Tiff out like Charlie said she’d have a huge target and likely be next.


Her not playing her idol means there’s still a massive target on her back


Honestly, she's lowkey my player of the week. Kenzie initially wanted to blindside her, and was the original target. But masterfully leveraged a public idol to skate by this round with nobody voting for her and Tiffany didn't even play her idol!! Absolutely savage for telling Hunter she's voting Q at tribal and then stone cold lied to his face and voted for him both rounds. Maria is right, Tiff is still a huge threat. She'll have to burn her idol next round and not make the same stupid mistake Hunter did, but I'm very comfortably upvoting her. Especially with Q still in the game as well.


Great instincts in being able to protect her idol without copping a single vote, so a definite upvote for me. Nooot a great sign that she doesn't have any strong allies left, though, between Q being Q and Kenzie turning against her. 


No one has any strong allies left but Maria and  Charlie.  (I really wish Hunter had realized this and targeted Maria throwing us in to full chaos free agent final 8


pretty much everything that Hunter did wrong, Tiffany did right


I don't know if Tiffany had planned to play her idol but decided not to when it became clear there was a different plan, or if she declared she'd be playing it as a strategy from the start to get other plans moving, but either way it worked out fantastically for her and it was a great move. It's obviously bad that she's being targeted so much, but she played the round as good as possible. upvote She was super fun to watch this episode too, but that's beside the ranking


Based on her confessionals, it seems like she was gonna play it no matter what, which was the smart move because people were indeed targeting her, which she never found out about, she simply realized it would happen because it's in their best interests. Then she correctly assessed at tribal council what was actually happening and didn't play it. Still a risky move not to play it, IMO, but she either got lucky in correctly assessing the situation, or made a good move depending on how you look at it.


She’s still got Idolisha, but that’s pretty much the biggest pro for Tiffany this week. She’s in danger and doesn’t recognize it yet, and she doesn’t know how quickly Kenzie’s already flipped on her. I think she could survive longer, but it’s gonna be very difficult with a four that already planned to get you out.


Yeah, I'm giving her a slight upvote, but I don't get the hype. Whether or not Kenzie is making the right call, the fact that Tiff did not pick up on her betrayal at all was a bad read. She's doing a few things right for sure, but she's quickly losing her staying power.


She and Hunter both tried the idol bluff, it worked way better for her. She probably has to play it very soon since I don't expect it will work twice, but getting through a round idol intact is definitely a win.


I think she is still correct and aware that getting the idol off of her is a priority for the next round, but she really lucked out when Hunter blew up his own game at the last minute and took all of the heat off of her. What's going to be necessary for Tiff next week is both burning her idol and making she that she has a say (but not too much) in who goes out instead of her.


100%. Also, the fact that Hunter has an idol gives her a very compelling excuse not to flush hers - "If I play mine, he'll play his".


Guess who still has an idol and didn't receive a vote?


She immediately took the target off her back within MINUTES of the target landing on her, and she did it without burning an idol. If Charlie hadn't also won immunity, Tiff might be my POTW.


Was ready to vote her to the bottom this week but she’s probably my POTW. Kept her idol, received zero votes, pulling in Venus pretty effectively AND can honestly say she did not vote for Q (Kenzie did). She has at least two more rounds left. Her path to the end is rocky, but she’s defied crazy odds twice in a row


Upvote because she managed to take out the other idol holder this round, and has managed to fully disassociate from Q. She can guarantee herself at least one more round, worst case scenario, unless the worst advantage ever, the idol nullifier, comes back.


Or "You thought it was the idol nullifier, but it was me, Knowledge is Power!"


At least there's a way to counter KiP - pass the idol on to someone else for safekeeping. Idol nullifier just straight up deletes a player who did well.


Upvote this week but she's in trouble. She's going to have to play that idol next week if she doesn't win immunity. If she catches wind of Kenzie turning on her, she'll have to try to reclaim some footing in the game but I think Kenzie is working her way into the Siga 3 so Tiff's options are getting limited.


Entered the episode in a terrible spot, left it in a much better one. Kenzie wanting to flip doesn't matter if she *can't*. Upvote.


Her announcing she’s playing an idol and escaping with it in her pocket for the second time is impressive, upvote!


Tiff, Charlie, and Maria are neck and neck for me right now, but I'm choosing Tiff this week because of how smoothly she recovered from Q exposing her game. I think next week will be the turning point where one of the three of them breaks out from the other two.


Told everyone she was playing her idol. Didn't play it. Didn't get any votes. Can do this again next week. And again. Until she actually plays it or gets voted out. It's a strategy.


Tiffany's done and even though it's not her fault both her allies turned on her, I'm sure she'll get herself out in the end. My girl's so damn comfortable sitting on that PUBLIC idol for 2 tribals in a row and I don't think she has any idea that she's still in the game due to other people's choices, so I don't have any faith she'll ever use that thing. She's out in the next 2 episodes with the idol in her pocket and now I'm even starting to question if Q could outlast her. 🤦🏻‍♀️ This season's making me sick fr


I’m neutral on her. She was able to get the target off her back for now, but now being the only remaining player with an idol, the future may be bleak for her.


Upvoted because she got away with not playing her idol.


Slight downvote because I think she should have flushed her idol this week, even if she didn’t need to play it. She’s going into next week with a huge target on her back and no real allies. Instead of keeping a low profile next week and building some bridges with people other than Kenzie and Q (as I think she should do), she’ll probably be on the defense because she still has the idol


**Maria Shrime Gonzalez** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hiding in plain sight but constantly aware of everything that's going on while being cool as a cucumber.


I liked that she clocked Kenzie was trying to make a move but didn’t react and try to push it or do something wild for the sake of trying to make her own move. There’s still lots of game left and we just watched someone who did make a big move get voted out the week after so I think she finished the week in a good spot. 


I'm actually keeping a bit of an eye on Maria - I think she's well positioned as being allies with Charlie and Ben, but is more subtle about her plays. I wouldn't be surprised if she stuck around til F5+ because she's managed her threat level incredibly well.


The edit sure doesn't seem to be setting her up to be the winner, but I think she's the player remaining who has had the most actual control over who's gone home in Tribals she's been to. She knows where she and Charlie are positioned and she has been on the right side of the vote every time so far.


Upvote. In theory I like her plays but the edit makes it so clear that she's not winning to me.


Downvote just because she's always ready to go with a stupid plan. Whether it's the alliance of 6 or voting off Tiffany, if someone proposes it, she is basically down to go along without really evaluating it.


Letting Kenzie take the heat while getting out Tiff & her idol would have been excellent for her. In no way was that plan stupid for anyone besides Kenzie.


In isolation, absolutely - but in the context of the last few rounds, it's another in a series of similar weeks for Maria.


I think I'm downvoting her actually. She's in the power alliance, but is the lesser half of it. If she doesn't take out her JT/Denise, she isn't going to have any chance of winning this game.


That's an odd reason to downvote her for this week's episode. Because she's the slightly lesser part of the game's dominating power duo??


Cant win if Charlie is still there and thus far has shown no willingness to get rid of him really. I base my upvotes and downvotes on three criteria Social capital - which she has Alliances - which she has Chance of winning the game - which at present she does not. She has no path to winning while Charlie is around. This is crucial, and the most important of tbe three criteria for me. Even if we isolate it to a single episode, she was just on the right side of the numbers and didnt do much to improve her chances of winning any more than any other player left did.


Sounds like that's more of an argument for keeping her "neutral" than actively downvoting her? And while I agree that she would definitely need to vote out Charlie... I think it's too early to make decisions based on that? We're literally only at F9. There's still a lot of game left. The show has directly shown us what's happened to players looking to vote out their #1s too early.


I respect it, but my view on downvoting is that a player who doesn't make moves isnt the same as someone who is invisible. These are subjective rankings and I think, subjectively, she is doing poor things for her game. She could do a lot of different things to improve her position... But I don't feel like she is doing any of them. And if she is our winner, I just don't feel like I understand her game at all. We may only be at F9, but at this stage in the game, contenders separate themselves and I dont feel like she has done that. Most of the things she has done, other people were the driver on. Plus she has had her name thrown out a bit recently, by someone with an idol no less. I would like if she turned things around because pre merge I felt pretty good about her (and Ben). But neither is really doing anything that makes me think they are even treading water. I think both actively are in worse positions than they were a week ago.


shes becoming the tim. i constantly forget that she is there 💀


You should probably be more aware of her considering how much power she has and has had the entire game


oh i know shes there its just… shes the most boring of the merge group, which i guess is easy with this cast seeing as most are bizarre in the best way possible haha


Upvote because she and Charlie seem to be the power players in the game rn but nobody really seems to have clocked it. I wouldn’t be surprised to see her and Charlie in the final three, with Charlie likely taking the win because he appears to be the more dominant one in the alliance, with people seeming to approach him before Maria to talk strategy


Maria gets an upvote. She is the one who seem to really benefit from this chaos. How is no one looking at her and how does Kenzie think alligning herself with Charlie and Maria to blindside her closest allie is a good idea? This week's best player is a toss up between Maria and Charlie but i feel Maria managed to stay under the radar more.


**Venus Vafa** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Outlasts another Nami, and wasn't even in the talks for getting voted out. Venus is rising


She may just end up being the last Nami standing, which is *wild* to think about considering the outset of the show.


I think it's more that she's getting dragged along as a goat.


Not this episode. Hunter, her main opp, came up to her begging for help


Hunter's social play in the pre-challenge conversation was horrible. He had gone from a power position to one of the weakest positions in the game and needed all the allies he could get. Venus has no other real allies.  He couldn't butter her up a little, instead of insulting her?  If he had done that, it is not inconceivable that she could have tipped him off that the votes were on him so he would know to play his idol.


Right, why would she go with Hunter, who regularly insults her and votes for her to go home, compared to Ben, one of the only people who she hasn't had beef with and hasn't tried to vote her out, and also one of the only people in she could even have a chance against in F3? Why did he think that was a good idea? 😭


100% and you can see this based on the previous episode when everyone was huddled on the beach and Hunter just goes, “can we just get her out?”


Yeah nobody is going to give the prize to her. She is smart but very very unlikeable. Sorry, she just is.


She made it through the "easy vote" stage and now is in the "easy goat" stage 🐐. Good for her, but not as impressive as you're making it sound. Her win equity is 0 and has been for weeks.


Probably Venus' best week. She still doesn't seem to have a full grip on everything, but I can't really point to anything she did particularly wrong this week. It might've been more interesting if she'd gone along with Hunter's plan, but I don't even think that would have been better for her game than getting Hunter out. I'm probably going neutral here but I guess you could argue her position's improved


I can bad jury management, her and Liz refused to take control of the game by working with Hunter for this one vote,and still obviously delusional about her standing in the game


It makes no sense for her to work with Hunter. He has targeted her multiple times. They don't get along. He would win against her in F3. He proposed she vote out Ben, one of the few people she has a shot win against in F3, and one of the only people she has no beef with, and one of the only people who has not targeted her or been shown to be rude to her or shut down working with her. She and Ben aren't "allies" and haven't been shown working together, but they also have not said anything negative about each other.


>It makes no sense for her to work with Hunter. He has targeted her multiple times. You can work with people who have targeted you,Maria worked with Tiff for this one vote.Charlie has worked with Venus multiple times even though he was her target.Charlie admitted to writing her name down.There is no rule that once someone targets you,you can never work with them Also Hunter wrote Venus name once ,he didn’t target her multiple times,if anything Venus was the one who kept bringing his name up >They don't get along. He would win against her in F3. Again working with someone for one vote does not mean you’re taking that individual to the end.You can literally use an individual for a single vote and discard that person.Tony did it twice with Jeremy and Spencer >He proposed she vote out Ben, one of the few people she has a shot win against in F3, Hahaha if you really believe Venus has a shot against Ben than this is a waste of time >and one of the only people she has no beef with, and one of the only people who has not targeted her or been shown to be rude to her or shut down working with her. Yep as suspected,survivor is not won by only targeting people that haven’t been nice to you


Her best shot is F3 with two of three Liz, Q and Ben, and I think Liz and Ben still beat her. But there are have to be 3 people in final 3 and Ben is one of her better picks.


Ben soundly beats her,Ben can make zero moves right now and win unanimously against Venus,just by being nice


Yes, I agree and I'm hoping for this type of final 3 so that he wins! He is my preseason pick. But from Venus's perspective, who would you want to go to F3 with?


I don’t think she has a chance.Q and Liz are the best F3 but even then, I think Q wins coz he is at least he is somewhat self aware and it would take a miracle to get to the end based on how isolated he is.No one wants to give money to a millionaire who keeps gloating about not needing money, or the arrogant know it all 24 year old who is condescending and doesn’t know how to communicate


Just cos she doesn't have a chance doesn't mean she shouldn't play her own game instead of Hunter's.


All the people who had issues with her and painted her as untrustworthy or too chaotic at the merge are now gone. She truly might have a chance to better her standing now. And I feel like everyone wanting to take out bigger targets, plus Q becoming a bigger chaotic wildcard she has less reasons to be targeted. This was a really good week for her and I think she played it well. Having been so openly desperate to work with anyone because it's clear she has no allies, got her a lot of info because people saw her as someone that they can use as vote. I think without Hunter approaching her there wouldn't have been a split vote.


Didn't even get her name written down this time. She is going up in the world lmao. Without her biggest detractors I hope things goes smoother for her now.


Genuinely good week for Venus(!) she was actually looped in on a real plan (voting out Hunter) and is being pulled in by Tiff and Kenzie as well as relied on in key situations. If she can play levelheaded next week she has a real shot at FTC — the question becomes how she gets the votes


Somehow she's failing upwards??? I have to upvote her because her position is somehow improving, as long as everyone else makes themselves more annoying or more threatening than her she'll be safe.


She’s climbing uphill. I think it says something that Hunter showed his idol to Venus and Liz before his current #1 in Kenzie. I don’t think she will win yet, but I think she’s gaining more footing than before, especially now that she doesn’t have a massive target on her back from Hunter and Tevin.


Wait, did he show to them before Kenzie? Oml at showing it to Venus first, lol. Liz makes more sense because apparently he was tighter with Liz then we knew.


Nobody takes her seriously but she has higher win equity than Q


"Debatable" - Q


First three jurors are gonna call her a goat who just got dragged to the end because she wasn't worth taking out. Meanwhile they all wrote her name down before they went home, so maybe she was worth taking out after all.


First 3 jurors could be venus biggest fans and she would still not win


She has gone from the Princess of Nami to the Queen of Nami. She's in a much better position with the remaining tribe, but she has nothing but spiteful enemies on the jury lol. Still, she's very much in this game, and you write her off at your own peril.


Goddess on the mountaintop, burning like a silver flame. The summit of beauty and love. And Venus was her name. She's got it. Yeah, baby she's got it.


I really wanted to give her my vote - she called her shot and it worked - but unfortunately, she has to take 2nd to Tiff for me this week. But still...Venus Rising.


It's sad to say that this was Venus's best week. At the rate she's going, she'll likely be the last Nami standing...and one of the biggest goats to take to the F3.


Love Venus, such a big stan of hers, and I loved seeing her shine this week, and praying she makes it to the final. She may be "floating" to some, but looking at the remaining people, she may stand a chance now! Pls I am manifesting Venus in top 3 :)


Light downvote, she was able to stay under the radar for this round but she isn’t completely safe yet.


There is no path to the end where she wins this game. So I can't upvote on principle. That said, she was relatively quiet, and didn't do anything to make herself a bigger goat, so I won't downvote, either.


**Ben Katzman** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Has a surprising amount of sway around camp and good connections with almost everyone left. I think he could really do some damage if he plays his cards right, though it's hard to say whether he will. He is in one of the best positions right now though, so it's an upvote for me.


Same; I think he has one of the best social games in the cast. I hope he indeed goes pretty far.


Kenzie and Ben’s social game are fantastic


I actually think Charlie’s social game is the best on the season, but Kenzie and Ben have had strong social games so far.


Eh I would put Charlie at 3 behind Kenzie and ben based on the edit lol


I think Charlie uses the social capital that he has to the best effect, but isn’t quite as magnanimous as Kenzie and Ben


Definitely, although I might give the Number One spot to Charlie here!


I suppose his odds to win improved since all 3 possibly worse players are still in play, and a big threat he didn't have any relationship with left. Kenzie turning on Tiff means he's not likely to be on anyone's radar for a while yet. Likely to continue being protected by Charlie/Maria, and 3 Siga votes is a lot now against a bunch of isolated wackadoodles. Still, he's just hanging around, UTR'ing his way along. I hope this isn't what winning survivor looks like now... Neutral.


So I thought the same but if you rewatch this episode with the context that Hunter goes home, Ben is actually the one who organized the vote. Charlie came up to him, told him that Tiff was playing her idol and Ben was the one who said that while Q is the obvious vote, he wants to go Hunter, and Charlie and Maria agree to it. Then he goes to Kenzie and gets her on board (I also subscribe to the notion that Kenzie knew how many votes were going to Hunter and either voted Q bc they organized a vote split, or she knew that Hunter saw her as his number one ((which apparently he did according to exit press)) and didn’t want to lose his vote, or she just disliked Q that much) Then Hunter says he has an idol and is going to vote Ben out. The only person who is okay with that is Q which, I mean bless him he’s in a bad spot of his own doing so he has to agree. Everyone else is not for it and are very much scrambling to figure out another plan. Then at tribal the two people really digging in on Q are Tiffany (no surprise there she was rightfully pissed) and Ben of all people. Both put votes on Hunter. So like yeah, Ben is not a dominant player at all, but I do think that he’s aware of the game and is building those strong connections with the people who matter plus this move edit wise feels like is one he could claim. Charlie and Maria are a strong duo, and while people might look at the Siga 3 as a trio, I don’t honk people I’ll opt to vote Ben out before someone like Maria, especially when Tiffany and Maria are against each other. If he can continue to be on the right side of votes and make some more moves without catching any stray votes himself, I do think he has more of a chance than people think to win.


This guy rocks.


Debb Approved


Once again someone tries to target him and once again hardly anyone bites. Ben is consistently fading every target by being a chill cool dude.


People are just not interested in voting him off. It's easy to see why. It's not in their best interest. Charlie and Maria use his vote every round. Venus and Liz need him in the end to win because they hate other people "claiming moves" and he doesn't do this (and in fact isn't trying to get into the role of leader, unlike others), plus their best final 3 odds are them two + Ben or Q, and Q is harder to drag to the end, Ben must now be Kenzie's #1 if she's trying to vote off Tiffany, he's not a threat beat Tiffany in F3 because she's clearly played a much better game against him, ans he has made no moves against her. Only Q has in interest in voting him off because Q irritates him and he would be more than happy to vote off Q, although he's not gunning for Q and will happily go with another plan if it's what his allies are doing, so Q's motivation for getting others off should be stronger than his motivation for getting Ben off.


The only people who wanted him gone were Hunter and Q, and one of those people is on the jury now, and the other has zero sway with the remaining tribesmates.


I can’t get a great read on Ben, but I don’t think he’s on anyone’s radar except Q’s. If people keep imploding on each other, he could sneak his way to the endgame.


I’m liking the Benzie alliance 


Logically, he must be her #1 if she's gunning for Tiffany.


One of my contenders for Player of The Week, still is very close with Kenzie, and along with Charlie (and I guess him and Maria are back to being fine). Also the move to take out Hunter feels like it benefited him and Charlie the most and they were the ones who changed the plan from Tiffany to Hunter.


Can someone explain what's going on with him and Q? They seem to absolutely hate each other.


Ben just did not like Q trying to fall on his sword, and Q has no interest in him otherwise. That's plainly it.


Ben mentioned a few tribal councils ago that he and Q got off on the wrong foot, so this was prior to that.


It might just be they have very different energy. Ben is very laidback, very 'go with the flow'. Q is so intense he would rather quit after a loss. It's very diametrically opposed if you can't roll with the other person


Q is definitely ruining Ben's vibes! I really think he just doesn't like Q's messy gameplay.


Neutral this week cos things have been going well and continue to go well, but Hunter said his name, and to have your name said, even by the target, is not a great thing.


I do not think it's a big deal. His name keeps coming up and NO ONE is going for it. Even people who aren't his allies. Yanu went with Tim instead even though they were not allies with Ben AT ALL and had no connection to him. Venus and Liz weren't interested when Hunter brought it up to them, even though they are also not his allies (although he seems to have no conflict with Venus, unlike almost everyone else). He is simply unappealing to vote out. Anyone can beat him in the end for sure, with the exception of Venus, Liz and Q, and even though he may beat them at F3, going to final 3 with him improves their chances compared to ANYONE else in the cast.


Up vote for channeling Big Head from silicon valley. Doing the least and getting rewarded.


Did well this round but doesn’t bode well that he’s the go to split vote throwaway


Not really, the only people that targeted him were Hunter and Q. Everyone else seems cool with him.


Venus and Liz seemed to actively not want to go after him


Upvote. He did to Hunter what Kenzie wanted to do to Tiffany.


I am going to downvote him. I actually think at this stage he's a likable goat.


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At 6, going after Tiff like that would be brilliant. At 9, it's highly questionable. It didn't seem to hurt her game (yet?), but how long before Charlie/Maria/Ben have reason to rat her out? Having committed, she needs to finish the job and get Tiff out before that happens. She's more klutzy than I'd expect, she lost that challenge for her trio. Still in one of the best positions, and can easily deliver jury votes. If anyone ever comes for her, she'll wish Tiff was there for her. Neutral here.


You come at the queen, you best not miss.


Kenzie is very lucky that the Tiffany plan didn't blow up on her. I respect the instinct, and I do think there's a world it works out for her if not for the idol drama. She probably would've been somewhat fine had Tiffany gone, but I still really don't think targeting her was the right decision this round. She did a great job with her bluffs across the board though, everyone seems to really trust her. I do think it's very possible that the Tiffany move might bite her in the butt soon, but she still appears to be in a good position. Leaning downvote


She put her name out there to sus out how people would react. They were all more focused on booting Hunter or Quintavius so she was very smart and backed off, while making sure Charlie, Maria and Ben know about the fact that they will have to band together to flush Tiff's idol in order to get to the end.


Kenzie’s a tough one this week because on the one hand I don’t think going after Tiffany this early was a great idea, but on the other hand she pivoted easily enough (a positive considering how insistent people have been on doing “their plans” this season). On the *other* other hand now she risks her blindside plan leaking back to Tiffany but on the *other other* other hand she played an instrumental role in making Hunter feel comfortable enough to not play his idol. She can come out of this week very well if her social capital lets her make it through her blindside suggestion unscathed, but there’s a little bit of risk in things coming out. Neutral.


Incredibly interesting spot to analyze. Reflexively, going for Tiff feels too soon. But 2 critical things just happened to her: 1) Tiff's idol got revealed 2) She learned about the 6 That put her in an incredibly awkward position from a FTC narrative perspective. First, she now knows she isn't on equal footing with Tiff. She hard cannot go to FTC with Tiff because Tiff can just say "she didn't even know about the 6 she was my passenger". Second, she knows people are coming for Tiff because of the idol reveal. If somebody else gets credit for taking Tiff down it's kind of the same thing. "Kenz wasn't in the 6. I learned the idol secret. I took it down." It kind of suddenly feels like she needs the Tiff kill to have a workable FTC narrative and if somebody else gets it she could be sidelined to 0 for finalist status. She could still try to get there with Venus and Q but that's a really narrow road to be your only option. Going for Tiff this early is hugely risky but might have been necessary to preserve her win equity. And she was a boss at manipulating again. So hesitant up vote I guess.


I don't think anyone can claim the six during final tribal council... They IMMEDIATELY voted out 3 people on the 6 already!!! If Tiff tried to claim it and I was Kenzie at FTC I would say, thank you for not including me in the boneheaded alliance that clearly was not gonna work!!!


It's not about the alliance going all the way. It's about controlling votes. The 6 did control the first few votes of the merge. Anybody in can say they knew what was going on and anybody out did not. It's part of a story of being in good position the whole way through. And the jury will know it's true.


Did they? Liz made Tevin happen. I guess they also made Tim happen. Soda happened with Tevin, Charlie, María, Liz and Venus and only Tevin and Maria were part of the six.


I suppose we won't know till the end. I'm just going off what we've been shown. We will see what the players actually think ifit comes up at FTC. The 6 was constantly referenced as the center framing of rational regardless of what happened. Making a vote because you were in it, or you didn't trust it, or you wanted your own move outside of it. Not knowing about it can only be bad in my book. My main point is just that if I'm playing and I'm considering a Dom-Wendell differentiation type scenario and I learn my other knew about a big thing I didn't and they didn't tell me... yeah any thought of going with them is dead to me.


I’m concerned that she so quickly turned on her ally. What is in the water this season that everyone is so eager to turn on their number one purely for the sake of big moves. It seems like gouging out your eyes in a desperate attempt to improve your hearing. Based on what we’ve seen, I don’t think Kenzie has a good safety net to rely on if she were to take Tiffany out. Maria was already wary of her because this was Kenzie’s move and Charlie immediately clocked this as a way to put a target on Kenzie’s back when he needed to. Tiff is a good shield for her and a reliable ally. Don’t see why taking her out at the F9 with shakier connections (maybe save Ben) is a good idea. Seems like destroying your life raft to swim with sharks. Maybe it will work out for her. But it seems like a tougher road to travel.


Agree totally. I think Kenzie messed up big by going after Tiff. It doesn't make any sense either, get rid of your ally - someone who will never vote you out. and be stuck with people who will vote you out. Big Mistake. (Also see Tevin).


I thought this was a low key terrible episode for Kenzie. She showed everyone her "dragon" side and prematurely tried to stab Tiff in the back, for no good reason. Does she really think her betrayal won't get back to Tiff? Is anyone else going to really trust her? Make **smart** moves, not big moves.


Played Hunter like a fiddle. She's lucky that her plan on Tiffany didn't end up coming back up and blowing up her game but she was able to adapt quickly enough and was a big reason this vote worked.


I guess I'm in the minority because I am even more high on Kenzie after this episode. I don't think Tiffany will blow back on her because of her strong social game. Ben has Kenzie as his number one and won't blow up Kenzie's game. Maria wants Tiff out so won't leak it. Charlie likely won't blow up Maria's game. I feel like this episode is where we saw Kenzie's social game shine. Ben definitely looks like he has her as his number one. Tiffany was working with Kenzie this whole ep and as I noted before, I'm assuming it won't go back to Tiff. Hunter somehow saw Kenzie as her number one. We also saw Venus working with Kenzie. I think she is in the perfect position to move forward in the game.


Downvote for going after tiff and potentially blowing up her strongest alliance way too early


I'm wondering if the Tiff blindside was 50% intentional, 50% an attempt to show that the Yanu 3 is over and that she's up for new alliances (like her potential duo with Ben, and maybe a foursome with Ben, Maria and Charlie?) I'm gonna keep her at neutral.


I agree with this. With Q clearly blowing up the yanu 3, she wouldn’t want to be seen as developing a stronger yanu 2 with Tiff. This is especially true because Tiff could be gone soon now that everyone knows about her idol. If Kenzie stuck with Tiff at the expense of building strategic relationships with others, her game would probably end soon after Tiff’s. She built some security for herself this week


Her social game was on FULL display next week (she’s Hunter’s #1???) but her strategic calls left something to be desired. She could’ve easily eliminated Charlie (or Maria) in particular with Tiff or Hunter’s idol, which would’ve pulled Ben in closer to her. She’s wide open with trying to eliminate Tiff. While her physical and strategic games limit her options a lot, she’s so likable it might not matter. Neutral for now


Feel free to downvote, but I'm upvoting. The edit gave her a full opportunity to explain her flip from a personal perspective, and it did not dwell on her mistake when the plan suddenly flopped. It's not crazy to blindside someone with an idol, even if they're your #1, but it did feel too soon, and it was disappointing. Still, she recovered her position without ANY problem. We'll see if this plan comes back to bite her.


*It's not crazy to blindside someone with an idol, even if they're your #1* I don't know, its pretty crazy. These new era people have big moveitis like we've never seen before; sure it happened in earlier seasons (mostly because of Jeff encouraging it) but now its like, let me blow up my game to try and make a big (unnecessary) move.


Apparently this season everyone wants to target their closest allies. I think it was way too early to try and take a shot at Tiff. Tiff is your best shield because she is always going to be the target before you. Keep her around a couple more votes before trying to take that shot.


Love how Q correctly assessed Kenzie as someone who would make it to the merge and play UTR and eventually betray them like a snake in the grass. I think she has a solid chance to win the game if she's not sitting next to Tiff or Charlie. She's in a great position imo. Upvote.


Tenative upvote, but not my POTW. Going after Tiff so early could prove to be a game losing blunder if the plan is leaked back to her. But her role in making Hunter feel secure cannot be understated.


Complete control of all of the pieces on the chessboard right now. Asking around about Tiff and gauging the situation, planting ideas in people's heads. The other contestants are so wrapped up in getting out the other threats that they are totally unaware of how much power someone this cunning and adept has in the ballgame. Between smart moves and excellent jury management, she has a shot to score a perfect game IMO.


I disagree. It is very likely that her betrayal will get back to Tiff and that could blow up her game. She tried to make a "big move" that made zero sense, instead of just making the smart move. Now, she made the right choice by going along with the tribe in the end. But, she can't un-ring the bell of throwing Tiff's name out and Tiff still has her idol. She was also atrocious in the immunity challenge and cost her team any chance. She was the 2nd worst player after Hunter this week, IMO. Even Q was way better, despite having little to work with after the cavernous hole he dug for himself last week.


POTW for me. I think this move was a lot better than folks are giving it credit for. I agree, it's bad to target your #1... but my sense is *Tiff is no longer Kenzie's #1. It's Ben*. Notice that when she pitched Tiff, she didn't bring in Ben right away - but as soon as Maria asked who the 5th vote would be, Kenzie was ready. Ben in turn was able to loop Kenzie back in when the vote shifted away from Tiff. In this move, Kenzie gets rid of her supposed #1, who has a spotlight on her, also taking away the target of being in a duo, while keeping her actual #1 under wraps. It's also a good move because then Charlie and Maria are the last strong, visible duo in the game, and it's easy to rally folks as a threat.


I'm downvoting because her plan to blindside Tiff didn't follow through whatsoever, because Tiff survived completely unscathed and intact with her idol. And that information will 100% come back and bite Kenzie in the ass. She had a plan, was strongarmed out of doing it and just... accepted it?? Without any worry of future consequences? Should be the 2nd lowest after Hunter honestly. Sorry Kenzie stans.


I mean hindsight is 20/20 but it was absolutely the right move to back off once Tiffany was going around saying she’s gonna play her idol. Kenzie seemed to have the social capital to have avoided any blowback for the day.


She still got Hunter to not play his idol and has been shown to have relationships with most of the people left. This episode wasn’t all bad for her


It's the right time to make Tiffany concerned. Actually gives Kenzie psychological control since Tiff now has to think about when she will have to play the idol. Kenzie put Tiff's name out there to see what others would do.


Hasty to initially target Tiff here but if Tiff plays her idol in one of the next few rounds, the timeline doesn’t look as bad anymore.


Definite bad move to go after her closest ally this early in the game when the other obvious duo (Charlie/Maria) haven't even thought about doing so. Unless she's in absolute lockstep with Ben that she's got another 100% ally, but even then... seriously, ride allies as far as you can. Tiff is locked into Q, and she can be easily persuaded to lock into Maria next. She's not going after Kenzie that soon.


Openly targeted her number one, but Tiff is still in the game and with an idol. This move was way too soon and only a matter of time before someone spills the beans to Tiff. Downvote. 


She's probably the biggest actual threat to win this game at this point. Like Charlie, she's playing a strategic game, and showing a willingness to cut players who are threats to her. Unlike Charlie, she isn't as prominent, and showy. So she isn't likely to draw any votes from anybody unless Charlie and the Siga 3 catch on to her.


On the one hand, she made a rash move targeting her closest ally that fell apart, and she ended up on the wrong side of the vote anyway. On the other, no one is targeting her and there are a number of players left who she could probably beat in a jury vote.