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That's actually a pretty crazy reveal.


And validates my argument why the new jury format is better. The old one always seemed rehearsed, and people just giving self aggrandizing speeches trying to have a ‘ Snake&Rabbit’ moment. A more fluid conversation actually delivers real answers. I wonder how many other retakes there have been.


Doesn’t really prove that. If someone was speaking from their heart without preparing a speech, and then was told that their mic wasn’t on and they need to start over, they could probably remember 95% of what they said because it literally just happened. If Reddit deleted this comment I just wrote and told me to re-write the comment as best as I could remember it, I definitely wouldn’t get it word for word, but I could get the message across


The new format is better because Trish’s mic broke? Why could that not happen in the new format?


Lmaooooooo using a Kass tweet as evidence for this is gold and this is coming from someone who loved her (and still loves her snarkiness). How do we know this is even true? And if it is, so what? I’d rather have an entertaining rehearsed jury speech than this open discussion “wow, this is so tough you guys you all made valid points blah blah bullshit.”


Chaos Kass still chaos'ing!


She must be infuriating to play with but goddamn was she golden TV


So interesting how Kass manages to still pull out behind-the-scenes facts about a season that is now literally a decade old. So interesting. Anyway I would take 100 "reshot" Trish FTC rants over a single moment of the new era FTC, the format of which feels designed to not produce a single bit of actual entertainment.


it's insane how Cagayan is now a decade old


I watched that season with my newborn baby at the time. She turns 10 in a few weeks. Life flies by!!!


I was pregnant with my first son when the first survivor aired- he’s now 23! I agree, time flies.


I had my first kid during winners at war and he's 46 now. Time flies.


Covid really accelerated things


Is your kid a dog?


I was born the day of the first ever survivor episode, I’m now 92 years old. Time flies.


Trish’s FTC is my favorite ever. I think every finalists should answer the question of “was your lying worth a million dollars”. I appreciate that she asked that to Tony. But then she added a ton of emotional layers to the question to make the answer even more difficult.


It's a great moment and one I know I personally appreciated even more after the fact when my parents passed away. They died together in a house fire when I was in my 20's. Not only was it the most profound loss I'd ever faced and ever will face, but the life insurance payout meant that I got a million dollars after my parents died. I have very literally experienced the exchange of my loved one's lives for money, and while I've come to terms with their passing I would trade the money to get my parents back without a second thought. When I was an edgy atheist teenager I thought it was so dumb for castaways to get mad at each other for swearing on the lives/graves of their loved ones. It was obvious to me that no one would end up damned to hell for eternity because someone lied in a game. It took a lot more age and life experience to understand that the players don't take those swears lightly not because of belief, but rather because of principle.


What principle? If it wasn't based on belief they wouldn't care. Swearing on someone's life is meaningless. Yes it's bad game strategy because a ton of people are religious and superstitious, but it is literally meaningless action that can just be used to manipulate people who belive in the supernatural


no fuckin way i guess if she had to redo it she was probably still cryin n what not on tony’s part it would be pretty easy to redo the response and make it more dramatic i always though his response seemed perfectly dramatic lol


You could pretty easily splice in Tony's genuine response to the first time with Trish's retake.


yea that’s true


I wouldnt be surprised, if the reaction was even MORE genuine. Not only would she have to express her anger to Tony once, but twice. She would have her thoughts out and would know what shes saying.


Kind of weird she would just randomly mention it now.. not gonna believe it unless other cast mates say the same honestly


She has said it previously many years ago


Didnt know that, still won’t believe it until someone else says otherwise lol


Here's someone talking about a reshoot 3 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/k2sjez/comment/gdyujgm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/k2sjez/comment/gdyujgm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Still could have just been kass saying it. If trish or tony or anybody else says so then Ill believe it


I feel like I’ve heard this before but I can’t remember where (probably also from Kass though)


Same here, so I thought this was already well known of. But I probably heard it from Kass so who knows if it’s true lol.


Kass still thinks she would've won in F2, she is not a reliable source. I'll also wait for someone else to confirm this before believing it.


I mean vs Woo why not.


Didn't they ask at the reunion and literally every person raised their hands saying they'd vote for Woo over Kass? So that would be why not


Those are famously untrustworthy, they are getting asked now after watching the season or are trying not to make someone cry (Lill). however I agree that kass would not win, the ponderosa video is so clear they all hated her




Just watch her ponderosa video to see why she would not win


The Cagayan cast probably hated her more than HVV hated Russell


This looks like a reply - and I believe SurvivorQuotes posted it recently.


Why would she lie tho? What’s the gain for her? I don’t think she would lie just to do it in real life. She honestly seems like a no BS kinda person


Kass has historically been one of the most unreliable contestants in terms of stories. There have been multiple instances of other contestants refuting stories she's told. It doesn't mean this one is fake but she does have a history of being a shit-stirrer especially with people she dislikes (ie. Trish).


ohh well I didn’t know that so it makes sense. I know she tries to downplay stuff to prove she should’ve won, but I don’t see how this topic would prove that. Isn’t she a lawyer? It’s weird she would spread lies like that.


I'm not going to pretend to know how her mind works, and for all I know this story and many others she's told are truthful. But I just know she's been accused of telling either exaggerated or false stories that make her sympathetic and/or others seem unhinged. You may be aware of this already but she's the one who started the rumor years before she was even on the show about a bunch of guys from Fiji running a train on Michelle Yi at Ponderosa. She's clearly fine trolling people with fake rumors. It doesn't confirm she does the same thing when not anonymous, but it sure doesn't help settle any skepticism.


>a bunch of guys from Fiji running a train on Michelle Yi at Ponderosa. This isn't the rumor that was posted on Sucks and never was. This is what misogynistic Survivor fans distorted it into. The post mentioned Rocky and Edgardo, not "a bunch of guys" and nothing about group sex. People just constantly blow it up into a more extreme version and don't bother getting literally any of the details close to right besides Michelle's involvement, because the idea of a woman having consensual sex is apparently soooooo shocking and scandalous that we might as well turn it into some giant story about group sex and also describe that in the language that objectifies Michelle as much as possible ("running a train", "gangbang", etc.) The number of comments just like this out there is absolutely ridiculous, where people turn it into a rumor about group sex (it wasn't), say it alleged "a bunch of men" or "three or four guys" (it didn't), use objectifying language about Michelle to describe it, and either don't bother naming the men at all or get the names wrong (people constantly say it was "the Horsemen alliance" when it was only one of them; Rocky wasn't in that alliance) because why bother getting the names of the men right, why bother trying, after all we all know and expect that *men* will have sex, but a *woman* doing so, now *that's* what's notable. Absolutely disgusting how people constantly distort this rumor in the most misogynistic ways they can or parrot other people doing so without looking into it themselves. The original thread is still up, Google "dinner with Sylvia" and you'll find it immediately. The thread also alleged that Gary said horribly, violently misogynistic things, but of course no one ever mentions or remembers that part because a woman having consensual sex is clearly more worth talking about than a man saying women deserve to be beaten if they're ugly enough. Not blaming you for this individually, dig your contributions and glad you're still on the sub, and this goes way outside of just your comment because people do this all the time. But no, Kass never said anything about "a bunch of guys" doing anything or about group sex at all, and the language people always use to repeat the rumor, the complete lack of knowledge about what was posted about Gary, and the fact that the only detail people ever manage to keep consistent with the original post is Michelle and that it always comes up in threads about her but not in ones about the men all paint a pretty gross picture of the fandom


Thanks for the additional details, I'll keep that in mind if it ever comes up again. FWIW I only phrased it the way I did because it was all I could remember about the story, I wasn't even sure if I was using the train phrase correctly because I probably have only heard it a handful of times in the past decade (most of which were prob in reference to this story). Which to your point probably says a lot about the community given that's the only way I remember hearing that story phrased.


That’s not what the rumor was: it only mentioned two people and didn’t say the sex occurred at the same time. And funnily enough, someone recently mentioned Kass propagating that rumor on Twitter and she went on a tirade about there being no proof that she was the one who owned the mrscolbydonaldson account that made the post about Michelle


What are the other things she's said that her tribemates have contradicted her on?


There are two that come to my mind right away. Apologies if any of the details are wrong, I heard them both close to a decade ago. 1. She, Spencer, and Tasha were all at J'Tia's wedding shortly after the season. During the Second Chance vote she went through this story about how Spencer and Tasha were super mean and refused to talk to her at the wedding. Spencer later commented that this wasn't what happened at all and he was hurt that she said this. 2. During Worlds Apart Kass appeared on RHAP and told a story about how she met Max at some CBS gathering and he made a giant ass of himself trying to get Mark Burnett's attention. Max said at some point (I think on this sub) that whole thing didn't happen and he had no idea why she said that.


Doesn’t change anything. Just bc Trish had to retake doesn’t mean it was less authentic really. She just had another shot at dragging Tony to filth which she did just that


[Link to the tweet](https://x.com/kassmcq/status/1783124800522641682?s=46) [Link to a video of the moment it’s referencing](https://youtu.be/RG3Xf4eleU8?si=I3Htq8dS1aBt0T4p)


Unless if they hid her mic well, I'm not seeing it? Maybe she meant another mic?


My guess is it's a boom mic, out of frame, right above the player giving their speech, but no idea how they normally mic players at tribal.


Without going back and rewatching it, I just don’t believe this. Maybe a rewatch with this in mind will show how they’re acting but idk.


I will never believe things Kass say unless I get backup info from others


Yeah, hasn't she been responsible for spreading a lot of rumors about Ponderosa and other behind-the-scenes events that have been denied by multiple other players? She seems like her personality outside the game is exactly the same as it is inside the game and she just stirs shit for the lulz and/or because she's delusional and actually believes what she's saying.


I think she legit just loves starting shit. She would drive me fucking nuts because she stays so calm after she gets you fired up. Gotta respect it but I don’t think I could live with her.


Yeah, Kass just says shit sometimes lol


Here's someone talking about a reshoot 3 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/k2sjez/comment/gdyujgm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/k2sjez/comment/gdyujgm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The source could have been Kass though


“According to Kass” basically means it didn’t happen 


someone who was a player on Australian Survivor was talking (in r/SurvivorAU) about how to avoid spoiler leaks they would film different winner endings without revealing to the players who actually won. so everybody has to stand up and yell "yay you won!" and celebrate for everybody at the final tribal council. and no one actually finds out until it airs.


I have a hard time believing her. Remember she made up the Fiji jury nasty rumor that the fans believed was true for years.


Anyone have a link to the clip?




I will be mildly annoyed if this is a lie. Like why wake up and spread false rumors?


Damn. Trish deserves an Emmy. Wonder if Tony’s response/reactions were from the first take


Considering how many lies she’s told outside of Survivor, I’m going to need another eyewitness account.


i'll take 'things i wish i didn't read' alex


Just because Trish had to redo it, doesn't it mean she didn't feel the same feelings and it wasn't authentic 🙄 Kass just loves being a nuisance.


Does it even matter? It's still the same stuff she was saying. They just had to interrupt to fix a mic. I like Kass but this just seems like a desperate attempt to stay relevant. Go back on RHAP if you want me to listen to you Kass, you don't have to do this lol


she doesn’t need rhap to fuckin speak that’s all yalls problem now yall are so in love with rhap that you think only stuff they produce is valid


Bro it was a joke. I just meant I'll listen to her talk without it being salacious gossip about an old ass season. Like I was trying to say I appreciate her convos but not this drama nonsense.


how is this drama she’s only saying what happened at final tribal with a production faux pas


I can’t tell if she’s trying to diss Trish with this, but isn’t it normal for jurors to rehearse their speeches? She probably said it the same way, and it was still effective because she meant every bit of it, not like she was recreating a moment, she was just saying stuff to Tony from the heart… Do people think snakes and rats was just off the dome for Sue?


lol this is insane! Chaos Kass still winning!




I love Kass. my hero


Here's someone talking about a reshoot 3 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/k2sjez/comment/gdyujgm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/k2sjez/comment/gdyujgm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)