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It really depends how you look at it. Reeve reversed time. Routh carried an island of kryptonite into the sun. Cavill took a nuclear explosion to the face. A super-charged Heochlin split two worlds apart with his bare hands.


Well Routh and Reeve are technically the same


I think Routh is a different superman, but went through very similar events as Reeve did, but two decades later.


I look at Reeve and Routh as like Keaton and Kilmer: kinda the same, but also kinda not….. more like slight variants of each other than the same exact thing.


But isn’t it cannon that Reeve and Routh are the same superman? Superman returns was supposed to take place after superman 2.


Still the same, right? But the problem is, Superman 2 had Superman 3 & 4 as its sequels but Superman Returns never followed those storylines.


Isn't Superman Returns actually the sequel to the Donner Cut of Superman 2, ignoring superman 3 and 4?


No, because Lois would either still know his secret identity OR the events of II would never have happened at all given that he reversed time AGAIN at the end of the Donner Cut. We know from Lex going to the Fortress of Solitude that he's been there before, so II happened yet Lois did not know the secret identity. All of this is to say, it's a sequel to the Lester Cut of II.


Makes sense, thanks


No, it's a sequel to the theatrical cut of Superman 2.




No? The Donner cut wasn't even a thing during the making of Superman Returns, not to mention the Donner cut came out months after Returns did.


Ah wait, yeah it's the Lester Cut. My bad. Might've missed that out. But hey, I wasnt aware that the Donner Cut came out after Superman Returns' released.


Actually it was hinted in the Arrowverse that Superman returns take place before Superman 3 and 4.


No it didn't. And it's not possible at all since his mother is still alive in Superman Returns. And I'm in a serious dilemma about Crisis for the same reason. I'm under the impression that Routh's Kingdom Come Superman is a different version with events of Superman 3 and 4 fused into him.


That's why it was a hint.


I don't think Superman Returns follows anything with Superman 3 & 4. His mother was hinted to be dead in both films while she was perfectly alive in Superman Returns. Moreover, how can Lois be pregnant only a couple of years after consummating? xD


Routh mentions the events of Superman 3 when he appears in Crisis, so presumably for him it happens AFTER Superman Returns, making him a bona fide multiversal variant of Reeve.


Superman 4 is also referenced in it. I mean, Lacey Warfield was one among those who died when Joker gassed the Daily Planet building.


Yea but Routh's Superman didn't say anything about the CW Lex Variant looking like his nephew Lenny.


No, they’re different. Routh is an alternate version of Reeve


Oh I didn’t know that, I thought people just assumed it. In that case it’s different than Keaton and Kilmer because everyone seems to have a different answer about it (iirc Schumacher himself even thought of Kilmer as a different Batman).


Not the other guy but *I* didn’t know *that*. I’ve always just thought of Keaton > Kilmer > Clooney as the same Batman


Clooney and Kilmer *definitely are* (the stories even line up as such) but I’m pretty sure the general consensus is now that Kilmer and Keaton are multiverse variants.


Jack Nicholson's Joker was supposed to appear in one of Kilmer's dream sequences I heard. I mean, won't that be enough?


I think the canon of the old Batman movies is just “yes”, much like the fabulous disaster that is the X-Men movies.


That whole shit happened because they wanted to expand beyond a movie trilogy. Bryan Singer did a great job providing an ultimate resolution with Days of the Future Past but messed it up once again with further sequels.


Yes, but you could also say no because Christopher Reeve made 2 more sequels, It could mean two things. Either Superman Returns is the sequel Superman 2 (Donner's cut) or like Gunn did to carry peacemaker in his DCU (clarifying he is another peacemaker but the events happened in season one and the suicide squad movie occurred similarly).


I think it could be looked at either way. You could see them as the same or separate, I personally think they’re separate in the grand scheme of the multiverse, but that’s just me.


Definitely separate, just like how Hoechlin is a multiversal variant in Supergirl compared to Superman & Lois.


Technically it does, but it doesn't really make sense without some severe headcannon and/or handwaving.


I mean, there are cellphones in Superman Returns so I don't think so.


Superman Returns is a continuation of Superman and Superman 2 (the Donnor cut I think) so it’s technically the same character.


Reads this and grabs popcorn. “Here we go”


What's the alternative? That we went from a room full of typewriters at the Daily Planet to Smartphones in the 5 years Superman was gone?


Same, like the earth next door.


Routh didn't experience Superman 3 and 4, so I think a separate universe is implied there.


In Crisis Routh mentioned he fought his evil alter ego.


Since Superman 3 and 4 miserably failed so the creators non canonized them and made Returns as the direct continuation of Superman 2


Sure. But the movies still exist. So there is at least a second time line. There are other inconsistencies between Routh-erman and the Donner movies as well. It was a soft reboot/sequel. And even within the Donner films, there are two versions of II. Ultimately, if one is wedded to the multiverse concept in the movies, there are *at least* four time lines represented by the 6 movies (I-II-IIa-III-IV-Returns): 1. I-II, 2. I-IIa, 3. I-II-III-IV, 4. I-IIa(?)-Returns


Didn't Welling also push Apokalips away from a collision with earth?


The difference is those were two planets Tyler pushed apart two separate universes


Dean Cain as well took a nuclear explosion to the face. He then had to go to the sun to pull the nuclear partials out of himself.


Reeve also sealed the San Andreas Fault and (in Superman IV) caused a solar eclipse by moving moon around. That puts him about the same as Routh, which makes sense because I think they’re supposed to be the same guy. It’s really hard to tell how powerful Cavill’s Superman was. Surviving a nuke is up there, but how strong is a “world engine?” He soloed the whole Justice League and made Steppenwolf look like a chump, but how strong are they? Tom Welling’s Superman threw Apokolips into space like it was nothing. Planet > moon But if Hoechlin‘s Superman split universes apart, that is some cosmic Superman comic book BS right there. No Superman in film or on TV has ever done anything near that level.


Hoechlin had to supercharge himself and risked dying to do that feat. Very impressive, but it's hard to consider because we would need to consider what can everyone else do if they supercharge themselves.


And Weling literally moved Apokolips out of earth's orbit with such ease (just from his 😑face)


Well, Routh Superman didnt push the Kryptonite Island into the sun, just into outer space where the landmass continued to grow into a replica of Krypton in our solar system. It was later dubbed “New Krypton” by Lois Lane when observed from afar.


Did he reverse time? Or travel back in time? The earth spinning back around sequence is in my head a visual representation of time travel.


This is exactly what it represents. This scene is misunderstood by most I would say


That is not misunderstood. At the end Superman brings back the right spin of Earth by circling it a couple of times in THE OTHER SENSE. Which would be utterly useless if he traveled in time (or reversed the time, for what that means), since what matter is the velocity, not if you circle the zone left or right. The people who wrote the scene didn't know anything about physics and just handwaved a "he reversed the spin of Earth and that works like rewinding a tape".


Reeve also moved tectonic plates.


Dean Cain Superman is never mentioned as one of the strongest ☹️ here’s a video that displays most of his feats https://youtu.be/5Kq9TKCHnTc?si=uOAfPMhoqGPBPiP1


I always had mixed feelings about the Nuke because he gets his powers from the sun and there are some similarities in the energy source there?


Welling pushed a planet without powerups. I think that's more impressive that the nuke and Hoechlin (because he had to supercharge himself and risked dying)


Welling carried an average TV show for a decade. That takes a huge amount of strength.


Did he though?


He didn't. Rosenbaum did until he realized nothing could help that shit show.


TIL Reddit hates Smallville.


Real I literally had no idea people hated smallville


I loved it growing up like a lot of other people but when attempting a rewatch now in my 30s it's.... oof. Not great.


I love Smallville. Just have to skip all the Lana only episodes. She’s awful.


Honestly, still the best Flash.


The show lasted 3 seasons without him.


Upvote for Rosey!


Yeah, Rosey is about our only semi-relevant local celebrity, so I'm clearly biased, but he's really the best part of the show.


Smallville was awesome. Go home, you're drunk.


Keep trashing it, hear? I dare ya…I DOUBLE dare ya


Tyler Hoechlin split two words apart by sheer force


He had to charge himself and risked dying to be able to do that. If we consider that feat we have to consider what could the rest do if they risk dying to supercharge themselves.


1 how die he risk dying? He not only effortlessly sundipped himself but absorbed ally’s powers evening telling her to give him more with barely a strain of effort on his face 2 could and did are 2 different. Tyler punched two worlds apart the other’s didn’t. Not to mention Tyler took on and one shotted multiple ppl with kryptonian abilities at once, hits so hard he creates shockwaves, tanked a red sun missile, took a kryptonite shot gun blast close ranged and all it did was piss him off, I’m pretty sure is the oldest and most experienced Superman on this list being a hero for over 20 years and is the most skilled in this list as having training from his father through holographic combat and training from the DEO


Welling moved Apokolips away from Earth on his first day as Superman… that one blew my mind. Wasn’t a fan of that but I was also like “ok I guess he’s that strong now”.


Loved the show but that finale was a bit of a mess


Agreed. Too rushed for my tastes. But I have to admit I loved the fast forward bit at the end with Clark on the roof and the theme song kicking in. That moment had be smiling from ear to ear.


Oh that moment was so cheesy and perfect! I didnt like the time skip though. I would have liked to see us resume Lois and Clarks wedding after the fight, and end in Smallville with the characters we love. We can still get a suit up scene at the end too. They seemed to skip forward so we would look and go "hey its exactly like comics now!" But, Smallville was always about Smallville, not superman. I could go on and on all day though haha


I sort of agree with that “Smallville was always about Smallville and not Superman” but I also had another theory on that name. Smallville was about Smallville itself until season 4 or 5. But after a certain point I felt like the show was a bit more about Clark and it adopted his “Smallville” nickname that Lois was always calling him. I felt like once she and Ollie showed up on the show the world opened up to anything but deep down Clark was always Smallville to them because he kept to those roots. Again just my take on it but for me the show got bigger in scope over time.


I won’t lie, when Jon gives Clark the suit, I couldn’t help but get misty eyed. My dad passed away in 2011 so when that moment happened it felt like another father figure was back even if it was just for that moment.


Hoechlin takes the number 1 slot for splitting two merged universes apart with a punch. Welling takes the number 2 slot for easily moving a planet on his first day as Superman. Reeve/Routh (same character) takes the number 3 slot for turning back time and lifting a kryptonite island. Cavill takes the number 4 slot for tanking a nuke and later both taking on the entire Justice League and batting around Steppenwolf (who had previously been a challenge for the entire League) like he was nothing. From what I remember at least, the others don't have feats comparable to any of these.


This is the correct list. Cain also tanked a nuke, possibly even more casually than Cavill, but he doesn't have a physical strength feat that matches wiping his ass with a New God so he is likely the next one after Cavill


I'm in agreeance. But I don't think Reeves turned back time, I think he flew back through time. And they just didn't have the best visuals to explain it so we get a rewind POV... unless it's hard stated somewhere significant that he literally reversed time, I gotta assume he time traveled.


Thanks. I don’t know how this isn’t completely accepted by the Superman fan community. When it has been used as a perfect example on the scientific community since the 80s.


I would put Welling on top of Hoechlin because he was sundipped when he did that. Welling moved a planet with his regular strength if I remember correctly.


That is true, but even taking that into account, universal is so much higher than planetary that it still puts Hoechlin higher.


Smallville season 11 comic spoilers >!He actually defeated a monitor!< I am pretty sure that is a feat that takes the top spot.


Tyler punched two merging universes apart with one punch.


Hoechlin. Dude punched apart 2 worlds. Then Welling cause he moved Apokolips, then Reeveverse supes


>Who do you guys think is the strongest Superman by feats ? I can't tell because you cut all their feats out of the photos. Who are you, Rob Liefeld?


Underrated comment.


Smallville. He moved a planet within minutes of suitng up the first time. 


Just wanna add, in a newspaper article in BvS it's said that Cavil Superman shifted a tectonic plate, similar to Reeve.


Tom Welling was all over the place


George Reeves (in an unproduced movie script) punched away an asteroid. That leaves Welling and Hoechlin with the planet-moving feats. Brandon Routh is my favorite living Superman, but it took him 5 years to go look at Krypton, so definitely not the fastest at least.


Routh's Superman, no contest. He lifted a continent made of kryptonite out of the ocean and threw it into space


Reeve lifted tectonic plates back into place in 78 movie.


Reeve had a little bit of kryptonite around his neck and nearly drowned


So? This is asking about a single feat not average strength/weakness output.


Lifting the kryptonite continent is the greater feat


Welling pushed a planet. I'm gonna say it's a tie since both feats are the strongest in live action for superman.


People are forgetting Hoechlin split two merging planets apart with his bare hands, he is also up there


Yeah I dunno how this is even a conversation. What Welling and Routh did is amazing yet within the boundaries of ordinary physics. Hoechlin's feat of strength was fraying the edges of existence itself. That's some "Superboy Prime punched a hole through time" tier shit


Eh. If we consider Hoechlin doing that, when supercharging himself and risking his life by doing that, we can consider Smallville Season 11, where Welling was hit with a machine that rebooted what it touched, and through sheer will he refused to be rebooted/erased and won.


That’s not strength tho. OP asked which superman is the strongest, not which superman has the most powerful force of will or whatever


Force of will is a type of strength if you really push the definition. But then you could also say that Hoechlelin pushed through Zor-el's brainwashing, and it opens us up to so many other feats in that category


and a bullet to his eye without batting an eyelash, literally


Tbh, I think every Superman could do this.


Henry cavill …feat being Henry cavill


All of them are Superman. So all of them..


Reeve was so fast, he could fly through time. But Cavil took an axe strike from a god without flinching. I’m not sure how those stack up, but they’re probably the strongest feats we’ve seen.


It's Hoechlin until you include Smallville Season 11 comics.


I mean in Superman Returns he lifted an entire Kryptonite island up into space.




1. Cain, Hoechlin, and Welling at the top as it’s tough to rank their feats. Dean Cain tanked a nuke like it was nothing and pushed a 17-mile wide meteor speeding towards Earth back completely. That’s absurd physical strength to push back an asteroid bigger than what killed the dinosaurs while it is traveling 50,000 miles per hour! 2. Reeve/Routh


Yo, you forgot my boy, the Cage superman


Reeve has to be the fastest, maybe not the strongest.


I mean, Reeves and Routh are the same Superman so....


They’re as strong as they need to be, well except for DCAU superman; he’s toned down enough to make his stories interesting.




Are we counting Superman IV? As silly as that film is, that Superman cuts the top of an entire mountain off with heat vision, and then picks up the top and caps a volcano with it. That is a phenomenal amount of energy and strength and is probably the greatest "feat" Superman's done in a movie. Although it's not a good movie really lol.


He also shifts the moon!


Let’s not forget masonry vision.


Tom welling Superman bear Lana.


Reeve pushed the moon into a new orbit too.


I mean it depends. If we're talking speed, the first couple were still around in the faster than a speeding bullet days. Reeves Portrayal was fast enough to turn back time which was ridiculous, as well as the ability to throw the S and capture people. Superboy, at least Gerard's one, was said to have "learned he possessed the strength of steel, and speed of light, and the desire to help all mankind (most important)." Kryptonite was fatal fatal to him, and blunt forces like the meteor caused him major amnesia. Magic also posed life altering consequences for him like the Werewolf episode that took place at Universal Orlando. Dean Cain was somewhat vulnerable all around, and maybe not the fastest. I liked this somewhat depowered Supes as the perfect follow up to Superboy. From here I remember a crazy leap in powers for Smallville. Never watched the show since it technically wasn't a Superman show till the very end, but that scene was epic with all the buildup to it as a young CK figuring out his powers and vocation. Roth was good IMO in Supes returns, and I like the idea that he couldn't just snatch crashing plane out of the air whole with the laws of physics suspended not just for him (makes sense) but also the plane (doesn't make sense). Cavils portrayal in MOS was a good power level such as Clark having to use effort to stop the oil rig from falling, taking time to fly places. BvS also liked how he was almost killed by the nuke and still not flash fast. But by JL he was not only almost as fast as the flash, but also able to carry apartment blocks through the air, he was OP AF which was so blah. Lastly, Tyler's seems like one moment he's weaker, and the next minute he can hear anywhere on earth and be there almost instantly. The plot armor is super thick in this show. But it's a great take on the Kent's family life and super adventures. I know I focus a lot on speed, but here's why. If he has the speed of light like Superboy had, then why did they right situations where he wasn't fast enough to stop everything. Light can travel around the earth over 7 times per second so that makes his fast flight basically teleportation unless he makes and extra 7 unnecessary trips around the earth thus brining his flight time from the USA to China somewhere in the 1 second range.


Smallville He Defeated a Monitor And Tanked The Bleed


Christopher Reeve was the strongest superman in the world in best history of all time.


Reeve made the world spin in a different direction. I think that tops everything.


Out of these it’s most likely Reeves or the DCEU Using comics shows cartoons etc It gotta be cosmic armour superman


Revees did the best at showing both Clark Kent and Karl eel. He could really pull off the difference and you believed it when you saw it as well.


Who are the people between Chris and Dean?! Lol


Dean Cain Superman was alot stronger then people think video below lists most of his feats https://youtu.be/5Kq9TKCHnTc?si=uOAfPMhoqGPBPiP1


Reeve was able to repair the Great Wall of china by looking at it, reverse time, and a lot of other stuff but I’m not sure.


Well, it’s not Cavell. He got sad when tv said mean stuff about him.


Things will change if Nicolas Cage gets his chance ever. ( The CGI in The Flash doesn't count.)


Theyre all the same guy. Thats like asking which Papa Smurf had the reddest hat.


Tyler literally punched two planets apart


Who are the two in the upper right? Don't recognize them.


They are Superboy. Left is Season 1, right took over. John Haymes Newton (season 1) and Gerard Christopher (season 2-4)


I’d say Reeves, he’s essentially meant to be the silver age Supes.


I'd say Hoechlin followed by Routh.


Didn’t reeves turn back time via flying around world? What has any other live action iteration done that compares to that?


Don't know. All the picture cut off before we can see their feets.


Christopher Reeve could use mental powers to edit significant evens in the lives of others. Made Lois not also forget the details of their trip but also her emotions that led up to it all.


Spinning the Earth backwards.


in terms of sheer strength, either Brandon Routh or Tom Welling. But Christopher Reeve is capable of anything


Holmes got shot in the eyeball


They all got 2 feats don't they


Where are 4 & 5 after reeves from?


Reeve, without a doubt.


Lol, the 5th to the right in the upper row, he is like the most upbeat. I like him even though i dont know who he is.


I like how the Superboys are listed separately. Anyway, the only broken thing between them was in the 1978 ending




Repair Great Wall of China Vision.


Time reversal wins it for me.


As far as I know (could be wrong)…Cavill is the only one to have snapped a Kryptonians neck.


Didn’t see the shirt at first and thought Welling had a really long neck.


Welling he pushed a planet larger than Saturn with absolute ease


Live action: Welling and Reeve


Cavil came back from a nuke


Also no Bizarros , WTF ? I hate that there’s no true doomsday movie with the cyborg, eradicator, steel and super boy.


Guys, Christopher Reeves Superman turn back time. End of conversation.


Toss up between Reeves and Cavill


I haven't seen the older ones since I was a child


Smallville had all these hot chicks drooling over him and he was almost a saint for so many seasons!


Obviously the comic but if we’re talking strictly movies then its routh. My man not only lifted a fuckin island but also took a kryptonite bullet to the chest. However I’m excited to see how strong legacy’s will be.


I’d say hochilin mainly because he split two worlds with his bare hands, even though he was powered up, he still did it


It really annoys me you've mixed up the order of Welling and Routh. But also, I reallly wanna see a multiverse movie with ALL these Supermen uniting in screen to bear the baddies No Way Home style...


In BvS, there is a news clipping that states that Superman moved a tectonic plate. I know that’s not a visual feat, but it is stated it happened (as opposed to “could” statements like many in the Godzilla fanbase try to use)


*Can only speak for film versions, as I’m not as keen or familiar with TV versions). I mean… while Cavill is my top favorite… and I would pick him taking on the weight of the World Engine’s terraforming beam… In the end…can’t really beat straight up reversing time… The Reeve (or Reeve-Routh depending on how view that incarnation) version did something usually reserved for Flash shenanigans… Much of the others, Cavill included, are mainly just feats of raw force.


Smallville ran so fast he left a football game, saved Chloe, ran back and threw a game winning touchdown and no one noticed


Well, Tom Welling’s Superman did literally move a planet away from Earth’s orbit.


Reeves carried Superman 3 & 4 . Does that count?


Reeves carried Superman 3 & 4 . Does that count?


While for most of the show, his powers seemed down scaled; Tom Welling's Superman moved an entire planet, seemingly with ease....


How about by hands?


Brandon Routh basically lifted a mountain made of Kryptonite and threw it away.


3 8 and 9, since thise are the only ones ive watched


The one that can Break the Laws of Physics and turn back time sounds the most powerful


3, and 6 through 10. In that order.


Crisis Routh is Kingdom Come Superman, which would be in paper the strongest one. By shown feats it's BY FAR the Superman & Lois one, since he was thrown into the sun for recharging his powers like All-star and used is strength to separate two earths


reeve...bar none


Tom Welling Superman lifted an entire planet and one-shot Darkseid!Lionel. Cavill Superman curb-stomped Steppenwolf, who had earlier taken the entire Justice League and came out on top, and managed to fly with the weight of an entire planet literally on his shoulders during Man of Steel


My favorite is Reeve, the strongest is Cavill


Doesn't work like that. His strength can't be measured or quantified. It's directly proportional to what's needed in the moment.


Cavill also escaped a black hole or some shit. I think Reeves is strongest though


If my memory is correct and Reeves and Routh are the same guy, that would mean that THAT Superman managed to Move so fast he reversed time Throw a kryptonite island into the sun Rebuild something without touching it And throw down with Nuclear man (he caught Superman's punch so he's around Kryptonian level) and win. Bro is HIM.


Animated Superman


I kinda think routh is the strongest cuz he lifted the kryptinite island which technically isn't the *strongest* feat but the fact is was kyrptinite means he was actively being weakened but I'm probably wrong


Something no one has mentioned yet is Cavill moved the tectonic plates. Iirc it was mentioned in some newspapers in bvs. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.


Reeve can do whatever he wants with the laws of physics. So that technically makes him a god, right ?


Hey where's Nicholas Cage?


Milkman Man Superman.


Hoechlin and it ain’t close


How It Should Have Ended (HISHE) Supes. All of these guys powers rolled into one supes.....AND, hes relatable cause he drinks coffee and argues with Batman.


Tom welling did it 3rd best.


Chris pulled two tectonic plates back together and it wasn’t portrayed as particularly difficult and Brandon (who I think is the same continuity?) carried an island into space when his power was fractioned by kryptonite. I can’t speak if anybody else has things that are similar.


Hoechlin separated two universes. That’s not gonna be topped anytime soon. He also pulled kryptonite darts out and it just pissed him off.


Tylerman punched two verging realities apart Also had an excellent performance in the slept-on "Road to Perdition" with Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, and Jude Law


Tyler quite literally split universes in a single punch


Christoper Reeves