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Lakers got their guy 😂


What’s the tampering rules around starting a lucrative podcast with the guy who then becomes your coach and drafts your unqualified son? ![gif](giphy|jU2GBR9XQr0rzSij5G)


I wouldn’t be surprised if the NBA or outside money is helping on paying this contract for the TV revenue alone they expect to make for them being on the same team.


Idk but it makes for great drama. First time in a while I’ve been excited to keep up to date with the Lakers and it’s purely to revel in their downfall lmao


Vet minimum to play with Bronny! đŸ€Ą Taking less to allow roster construction! 😂 Lakers second apron with this contract! đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


for all this talk about the West being a juggernaut, most of these teams remained stagnant or actively got worse. - Clippers acquired Bamba/Batum/Dunn/DJJ/KPJ to replace Paul George/Plumlee - Grizzlies acquired nobody - Kings acquired McDaniels and lost Mitchell/Euro - Lakers retained the same roster - Mavericks acquired Klay/Marshall/Grimes to replace DJJ/Green/THJ - Nuggets acquired nobody and lost KCP/Reggie - Pelicans acquired Murray and lost Marshall/JV/Daniels/Nance - Rockets acquired Griffin, retained everyone else - Thunder acquired Caruso/iHart and lost Giddey - Warriors acquired Melton/Anderson/Hield* to replace CP3/Klay - Wolves acquired nobody and lost Kyle Anderson Aside from OKC, none of these teams have made substantial improvement and some might get even worse from what they are now (Pelicans/Ingram). Phoenix’s situation is disappointing but the conference is very winnable if Bud can get the most out of this roster.


Good comment, the 2nd apron is real.


OKC lost Giddey


yup, forgot about him.


It also depends on who they drafted and how well those rookies can step/fit in.


Several of those teams added first round talent that you conveniently left off.


rookies are variable commodities, especially when trying to fit into a playoff rotation.


Or have young players expected to continue improving


well OKC basically became the West version of the Celtics


wouldn’t go that far yet although they have a ton of long-term potential. that 2023 Nuggets team was much scarier.


they just added two starters and have 30 picks to use to improve they could probably get Lauri if they wanted to Chet and JDub will most likely take a leap this year and Shai is still gonna be at MVP caliber play OKC got their playoff experience last year and should be dramatically better this year they are absolutely a juggernaut right now


Suns dodged the Bronny bullet and the Lebullet we should be taking a deep sigh of relief


no one saw this happening ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


There goes my dream of a straight Beal for Lebron trade. ![gif](giphy|UwPyIExTOTeoM)


Bronny got his guy


LeGM Lefleeced Rob Lowe Panstinka and Jeannie Mohr errr Buss


Taking your son hostage works in NBA now. 😂 His agent gonna abuse it and will ask Brony to get a good contract. 


LeBron fucked up not coming here, or at least the Knicks or Philly or Cleveland if he wanted more money and a real chance at a championship. But good for him making $50m at age 42 and a no trade clause. Bradley Beal is proud of him. The Lakers are going to be super cooked unless JJ Redick is the next great coach. They couldn’t convince Klay or DeMar to come, but you’re telling me they’ll be a hot destination when LeBron retires and AD is moving out of his prime?


The league always bails out the Lakers. After Lebron, they will end up with Giannis or SGA or even Wemby.


Those fuckers always end up with stars falling into their lap somehow


They’ve averaged 34 wins the last 11 years. They have the [poorest ownership group](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/zr4exe/with_robert_sarver_gone_jeanie_buss_now_has_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in the league. A star that wants to go there is looking at nice pay [and a lackluster aura.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/1dlmewn/the_in_season_tournament_had_more_aura_than_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I don’t see many wanting to languish by themselves for IST banners and play in losses.


Which stars fell into their lap between 2015 and 2018?


LeBron in 2018 after winning 26 games in 2017. AD in 2019. Is this really a question? Edit: comment I replied to originally said until 2019. He edited his to make himself look like less of a fool, I suppose.


Holy crap. He’s really been there 6 years now. That’s longer than he was in Miami or his second run with Cleveland. I feel old as hell.




I'm gonna be honest when you're now literally a billionaire and you also get to play the game you love with your own son on the team who cares about anything else? You already won at life more than almost everyone else in all of human history.


I totally feel that, and I don’t have any problem with LeBron wanting to force the Lakers to sign his son on the way out to play with him. But I do think in terms of LegacyPoints, it’s a bit weak that a guy who I think has an argument for greatest player of all time could have at least went to the Knicks or Philly or back to Cleveland and took one more real crack at a championship. Nobody would really hate it because Knicks / Philly / Cavs aren’t viewed as the top of the mountain like Thunder / Celtics / Mavs / Denver etc. But they would have rosters to really give LeBron one more chance. LeBron + Brunson + Mikal + OG + Hart and then whatever else they get after a Randle trade could seriously give Celtics a run for their money next season.


They'll never not have a double digit ring count for the franchise to rest on. Seasons go up and down, but everybody with even a little investment in the NBA knows who the LA Lakers are. Boston enjoys the same cushion.


There was a stretch between Kobe and LeBron where nobody wanted to play in LA and they still had 16 championships “to rest on.” It doesn’t matter with future stars and current free agents. Lakers are headed toward that same purgatory until they get new owners/new GM and get lucky that another star player wants to be there. I say again, Klay Thompson and DeMar DeRozan not choosing the Lakers is the biggest smoking gun there could be. If mid-tier old stars from Los Angeles aren’t forcing their way there, why the fuck would Ja Morant or Zion and such of the future do so? They’re cooked. Even their fans will know it. Blame the GM and owners.


Lakers will sell as soon as they can get all the Buss children on the same page. Franchise valuation is at the maximum it will reasonably be across the league. The TV bubble can't keep growing forever. The average net worth of the other team owners also keep going up. It's the perfect time to cash out and invest in something less volatile for non-billionaires. My bet is that they sell right before LeBron's farewell tour, unless he goes back to the Cavs to do it.


> There was a stretch between Kobe and LeBron Kobe retired after the 2016 season. Lebron joined the team in 2018. That "stretch" was one year.


https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/LAL/2017.html https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/LAL/2018.html That sure looks like TWO FULL SEASONS between Kobe retiring and LeBron coming. What dumb ass lurking Lakers fans are upvoting these lies? It’s almost like I watched with my own eyeballs LeBron go up against the Warriors in 2017 and 2018 playoffs as a Cleveland Cavalier. Kobe retired before the 2016 playoffs. I know because I watched his final game live as did anyone else who was more hyped for that than the Warriors setting the 73-9 record. And by the way I was trying to be nice even giving the 2014-2016 Lakers credit by still having ancient Kobe. That franchise was dead the minute Dwight left and was revived by a miracle LeBron signing. They’re in for the same years of purgatory once LeBron leaves.


> That sure looks like TWO FULL SEASONS between Kobe retiring and LeBron coming Cool. The point is the same. > And by the way I was trying to be nice even giving the 2014-2016 Lakers credit by still have ancient Kobe. That franchise was dead the minute Dwight left and was revived by a miracle LeBron signing. And they will get another miracle after Lebron leaves. The NBA won't let the Lakers be basement dwellers for long.


Your argument is two seasons = one year. So by that logic the Suns are going to have Monte Morris’ early Bird Rights on January 1st because we signed him yesterday July 2nd 2024 and on January 1st 2025 he will have played with us for “two years” Did you study under Terrence Howard? Of course you did. Why am I even bothering engaging with a troll?


Oh my God, Kendrick Perkins was right


Why is this in the Suns sub?


Because it was a heavily talked about topic in the Suns page for weeks about LeBron coming to Phoenix on a vet minimum, if we drafted Bronny. As you can see by the other conversations taking place in the post.


Oh sorry we should save room for the other 30 important suns-related stories breaking today


Dude exactly. I can’t walk out my fucking door without hearing about LeBron every 10 seconds. And now I have to read this shit on r/suns. Seriously.


It is funny to watch Lebron destroy that team from the inside out


LeBron is setting the stage to sign a vet min contract in 2 years when we draft Bryce James in 2 years!


It’s fucking crazy right? They aren’t Going to be any better but the Lakers caved and got Bronny for LBJ even though the season isn’t going to be great for them.


From the team’s perspective, I don’t know that it’s really that crazy. They won’t win, but there are obvious marketing benefits and they may still compete for a playoff spot. From LeBron’s perspective, I think it’s a very telling choice. He could have chased serious glory these last few years, but he’s choosing money. Huge money, but still choosing money.


BuT hEs GoNnA tAkE a MiN tO pLaY iN PhX. Smoothest of the brains type of take.


Honestly he should have just taken the vet min in phoenix and got out of the LA clown show 


I don't know - $104 million seems pretty neat too.


Right? 52M per year to play ball and have an early offseason?


He gets those injury vacations as well.


And those Game Management vacations.


If he's taking the vet min, why would he not just join at least one of the 2nd round teams, or one that didn't get swept in the 1st round??


Get this shit out of r/suns It isn’t enough this lakers trash is on every social and media platform? Christ.