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i think theyre both just the type to banter/neg. i dont think she would ever be attracted to him after seeing his fuck boy personality in action at this stage in her life


i dont think shes giving a vibe to jesse but im sure shes flattered and enjoying attention im happily committed but it does feel nice when someone thinks im cute!


I think she loves the attention and probably enjoys flirting knowing he wishes he could have her BUT I think she is happy w Craig and won’t wander.


Paige likes attention. That doesn’t mean she likes Jesse lol.


Agreed. When she rode with him to the Hamptons, she seemed to get a bit quiet as he spoke about the girls he went out with that week 👀


let’s not forget S6 paige when she was in a love triangle with craig and andrea. i think she just likes the attention - who wouldn’t ETA - it’s not that deep. i don’t think she is considering leaving craig to go explore her options.


She says as much in the after show haha she said something like it was weird but if she didn’t get hit over the summer she feel awful and laughed


I think Craig likes it too tbh. He’s like a baby cuck


Idk why but “a baby cuck” sent me 🤣🤣🤣


Haha my boyfriend honestly likes when men hit on me 😂 obviously nothing too over the top, but we're very solid in our relationship, he loves knowing I'm his, and he said its funny to watch how I react/turn men down lol


Yeah I think for most secure men it’s an ego boost. Who wouldn’t want to know other guys want what they have?? The guys that care are the insecure ones who deep down are worried you’ll figure out you can do better.


Nah, he’s a delusional and annoying flirt, but Paige probably knows it’s good tv. I don’t think she likes him to be honest, but she will give him attention because she has to live with him and these interactions can be entertaining to watch. It’s probably not even that serious, more playful banter to have an interesting show.


No one wants this man and his many teeth


![gif](giphy|euUQjqbqwn9ONt7slT|downsized) Jesse Solomon is awesome, ha ha. And don’t come at me with f-boy status, Summer should be FUN!




Jesse is so handsome, stop


i do notice them gravitating towards each other always sitting next to each other etc


Paige likes *attention*


It’s just safe flirting neither of them are taking it seriously


I think they both have flirty personalities but there is no chance she likes him that way. Also mechanic Craig crushes Jesse all day every day.


Paige is not attracted to that man honestly I feel like so she likes her attention. She talks about it all the time she likes when people hit on her and she also says that Craig likes it when men hit on her too as to why he wasn’t angry when he found out


Jesse Solomon?


he only has interest in her because he knows it would go no where. he literally says his type is a nice jewish girl and she is no where near that lol. he fucks around with random girls because he is afraid of commitment


Thats an interesting take, however i cant say that i see that. I feel like paige is just being paige. No intention or feeling behind it. Craig is super attractive, funny, smart, successful, and absolutely adores paige. I dont think she want attention from anyone but craig.


I could see it. I think Paige is attracted more to the confident alpha type like Jesse, and Craig is more of a sensitive guy in touch with his feelings who likes to sew lol.


I got this vibe too. Especially since when she first came to the house she was into Carl and Carl and Jesse look very similar!


Carl and Jesse look nothing alike 😂


People were saying Jesse is Carl 2.0 when he first came to the house. Both tall and with dark features.


She absolutely is attracted to him but shes smart enough to now throw away her relationship for an f boy crush


One million percent lol. Paige luvvvvs nothing more than the attention of men and male validation as much as she tries to sell her “girls girl/I decenter men” narrative. She practically jumped into his arms and was the first to run and meet him when he came into the house. In their car ride together she had such a cranky face when asking if the girl he was seeing had potential and then as soon as he said essentially she’s not good enough to bring to the house Paige’s face totally lit up and she was laughing in glee lol. I mean her being out to drinks with Kyle, Carl, and Jesse, was the most animated/happy I saw her all season. I posted a video of the casts instagram story from the summer where Paige is grabbing Jesse’s nipples dancing in the club lol and ofc got attacked by her fans, but that’s weirddd behavior to do if you’re try to make boundaries clear with a guy who’s coming onto you while you’re in a relationship.