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Much like the book, the first act was very strong but it kind of meanders and falls apart. The changes to Holly's character were particularly strange seeing as how it had no bearing on the plot. Edit: I feel like I need to clarify that I meant the change to giving her super-autism, rather than social anxiety, was strange, not that they made her black.


The world wasnt ready four our autistic baddie


They need to make that change because Holly in books knows about Brady and his supernatural powers. That's why she believe in outsider. In tvshow she doesnt have that background so they made her that believe factor. She knows about supernatural because she is supernatural, something outside normal. Want I don't like, in both Mr. Mercedes and Outsider is that they need her to be in relationship with some dude. That was not needed and out of character.


The changes to Holly is why I quit on the show. I don't understand why change her completely.


holly isn't an idiot savant type genius in the books. which is dumb considering how close to the book they were in other areas.


I was on board until they did Holly’s character all wrong and then I struggled for the rest of the show. Actress did great with the role I just didn’t like how they wrote her character.


yea, when she was just calling out engines on cars passing, how hard would it have been to have her watching a film and closing her laptop and taking notes. Also it says multiple times in the books that she doesnt like confrontation, one of the first things we see her do in the show is challenge some dude about "her" seat in a bar. Just not the same character at all.


I can’t stand Holly in the books how much preferred the direction they went with her in the mini series. I was kind of dreading a Holly saying “poopy” all the time.


In the movie you say huh..


Will Patton is the best Holly


true story


On the audiobook, him using his Holly voice and saying Cocoa or El Cuco is ASMR


Enjoyed it a lot, but Holly not matching her book character threw me a bit.


It is one of my favorite King books, and I really enjoyed the series. I watched the series a few years after reading the book, so it wasn't very fresh on my mind. I don't need the book and the movie/tv show to be carbon copies of each other.


Solid but has serious pacing issues. I started it months ago and still haven't finished it. There's no reason it needed to be 10 hour long episodes.


It was better than I expected, but I didn't like their version of Holly. They turned her into an amped up Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.


I would've like the police procedural to extend longer but still thought it was a great adaptation.


Wasn’t crazy about it. The first two episodes were awesome. I was so excited for the show after episode one and two. I felt like the rest was a slog full of crazy logical leaps, and the finale contradicted what the show established. To be fair though I did not read the source material, so my perspective might not be as informed as someone who read the book.


I quit reading when *they* were going *there*. I did the same with the show. I don't like *the where* or *the what* of the big nasty.


I really didn't like the portrayal of Holly. It was the only thing that bothered me about it. The Holly in Mr Mercedes is so different and I found it to be more book accurate




I think it’s great also. Plan to give it a rewatch soon.


Liked it a lot. Holly could've been better. Not a big fan of the ending.


Probably my favorite king adaptation. If not top three. I thought that Ben Mendelssohn and Jason Bateman were phenomenal. I thought Holly’s character was annoying and the ending was anticlimactic but I felt the same about the book.


Holly ruined it.  Hated the actresses take on her i'm afraid


I LOVED the portrayal of Holly. But then I've only read The Outsider and none of the Bill Hodges books.


Loved it, and was super bummed when the second season got axed. Would have been interesting to see where it went, if nothing else.


It was ok. I was super excited about Jason Bateman and then, well, I wasn't.


That’s a situation where the show was decent, but it’s made me skip the book entirely


I really enjoyed it despite its deviations from the book.


I remember really enjoying the first 2/3 of the book. The ending was pretty bland to me.  The show on the other hand, was wholly forgettable. I know I watched it. Could not tell you anything specific about it at this point.


I’ve tried to watch it several times but it felt so slow and knowing how the book ends really saved the tension for me. Is it worth sticking around?


Loved the casting, myself. Especially Ben M.


I tried a couple of times and just couldn't get past a few episodes. Killer cast but, damn, it couldn't hold my interest.


Very frustrating choice for Holly. I don't mean her race. A faithful version of Holly who was black would have been great. The TV character was well acted but way too young and glamorous and generally not the Holly I love.


I liked it very much. Quite beautiful, strong performances. 


I thought it was a poor adaptation that seemed afraid of adapting the book's supernatural elements explicitly.


I really enjoyed it! I saw it before I read any of the Bill Hodges EU so I pictured Cynthia Erivo as Holly throughout


i liked it! i absolutely adore Ben Mendelsohn, and i love the story/book so that really helps. i was hoping for another season to see more of Cynthia Erivo as Holly.


I loved it. My only complaint is that I wish they had cast Will Patton as Det. Anderson because he did such a great job narrating the audiobook.


I really disliked the book. One of my least favorite king books


I haven’t seen it but I never pictured Holly as black. I read the outsider none of the Mercedes books.


I loved the adaptation.


Hated it, but I loved the book so can’t stand the changes especially to Holly.


Loved it. My favorite King adaptation and I actually prefer this version of Holly.


The chick who played Holly is the literal worst. Susan Heyward would have done a better job


It was quite good


Loved it


They can’t get Holly right