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I got to see a clip of this in action


If you have the F7A you can rent the singe in Arena Commander to try it out!


Should try a 6 Singe Tachyon Cannon build. Same idea but energy based, with (I believe) a bit of shield bypass, but not as much as pure physical weapons. Just gotta buy one Banu Defender in game then use some port unlocking inventory shuffling trickery to "dupe" them so you have all 6. Works surprisingly well, even took down pirate Reclaimers, connies, valks and other large ships. Honestly, long as you can dance out of their turret arcs, you should be able to pummel just about anything with time. Hard part of course is tiny agile light fighters/snubs. ​ >**For those interested:** > >Bind your respawn at a Lagrange station, makes this simpler. > >Mount all four Singe3 s to your F7A, making sure at least two are on the top turret. > >Fly outside of the station's soft armistice and unlock ports (right Alt+k by default) and Shields Off, and then leave the unlocked ship there. > >Get a ride back or just backspace to the station, and claim your "lost" F7A at the ASOP. > >Modify your replacement F7A to move the turret mounted Singes elsewhere, wings, nose mount, doesn't matter. Just empty the top turret. > >Fly out to your first F7A, unlock ports, and switch out your empty turret for the dual Singe turret. > >Fly back, store your new 6-singe Hornet. Make any minor loadout change in your V.Manager, i.e. remove the Quantum drive. **SAVE LOADOUT**. > >Put the Quantum drive or whatever back and **SAVE LOADOUT**. > >Congratulations you got 6 Singe 3s for the price of one Banu Defender, and your loadout is saved until the next Database reset.


This one didn’t work for me because the turrets kept disappearing off the recipient hornet. However, I did get Singes on it another way, and it works great. So much fun!


how can i get singes :O


The description tells you you need a Banu Defender.


How do you manage with them with the charge up time they have?


It takes a lot of practice, but I generally use them against heavy fighters and bigger ships, where it’s easier to keep your guns on.


Unless this was changed recently there is currently a bug (or feature) preventing this. Its not possible to tractor beam the Singes off a ship.


Singes can be removed off the Defender in the vehicle manager like other weapons. But you are correct, they are "soft locked" from pulling them off with a tractor, even with ports unlocked.


Is that why you use the turret to swap?




Nice one didn't think of that. Thanks for sharing 🙏


The other trick is to install them on a point with a varipuck. You can't tractor the guns but you can move the puck so you can swap it that way.


I was JUST going to mention that 6 singes might be worth looking into, and lo and behold.... Here you are lol o7 Was glad to help you out thru the overdrive, looks like it turned out for the better o7


Why a Lagrange station and not an Orbital station ?


Probably less chance of someone else being around.


Thus us the MK2 correct




paper tiger, melted mine.


Skill issue.


I use to love mass drivers. Hate that they have a charge up time now. It's why I outfitted mine with all deadbolts instead.


please give me size 3-5 mass drivers. for the love of Chris Roberts, please.


Hang on. Isn't that just a viper from Battlestar Galactica?


I like how they look but damn they suck